Chapter 11: Reactions

Seohyun's Butler

Well, finally another update!

Seohyun's POV

Before I could even have a look at the pictures taken, Changmin-ssi has urged me to head back home since it's already 6 and appa should be waiting for me to join him for dinner. I follow him reluctantly because I was really eager to see how the photoshoot turned out.

"Don't worry, Hyunnie! I'll make sure the editors choose only the best photos to be printed!" Taeyeon unnie says as she pinched my cheeks. 

"Really?" I ask, I'm too glad to bother about the pain she has caused me.

"Of course, my little dongsaeng. I'm sure that even if they did not choose the best, you would still look good!"

I blush slightly at the compliment since I'm not used to flattery at all. My schoolmates and teachers back in US never bothered to notice me, as if I were transparent all along. I was lucky to be ignored rather than to be bullied.

"You're just so adorable!! Don't you agree, Changminnie?"

I turn to look at my butler but his back faces me and I've no way of telling his reactions for he did not bother to even speak.

"Aish! Always so cold!!" Unnie practically yells at him but he does not flinch the least bit. "Just ignore him! I'll make sure you get the first copy of our catalogue as soon as it's published. Should be ready in a week or so!"

At this moment, our ride arrives and I give unnie a hug before getting on the car. I wave her goodbye as the chaffeur drives us back to the mansion.


"Had a fun day?" Appa asks as soon as I walk in the door.

"Deh! But appa! You should have told me beforehand! I could have prepared myself mentally!" I scrunch my nose at him as I sit next to him at the dining table.

"But then it wouldn't be a surprise!! Not to mention you're young! As much as I admire your seriousness and dedication to your work, you should really try to live in the moment and stop worrying! Okay?" He replies with a smile.

I grin at him and nod. His words do make sense though it'll be more difficult for me to achieve than it sounds.

"Ms. Kim reported to me as soon as the shoot ended. She sounded quite excited and could not stop complimenting you. She seems to be particularly impressed with the last two shots. I imagine those were the two with Changmin joining?" 

"Deh..." is my simple reply. I do not want to give out more than necessary in case appa decided to grill me and accuse me of anything (I know you know what I mean by that XP).

Luckily, he drops the topic and I am able to return to my room as soon as dinner was finished.

As I prepare for bed, I am conscious that neither Changmin-ssi nor I bother to speak a single word or make conversation. To be honest, it is kind of normal since every day has been like this ever since I arrived at Seoul, but today, the silence is especially loud. Every shuffling of the slippers on the floor or the rustling of folding clothes seem to echo throughout the room. Even as I turn off the light to sleep, I can't bring myself to wish him good night for fear that he might not say it back. Then again, it's his usual practice to be quiet and cold, though I feel strangely obssessed with this matter only today. I decide to brush my worries off and go to sleep, it's quite late anyways.

As I close my eyes, I suddenly hear something and for a moment, I wonder if I was hallucinating.

"Sweet dreams. my lady." His voice was calm and clear.

I do not know what to response and opt to keep my eyes shut as if I were long asleep. Maybe my silence worried him or he thougt I had sneaked out without him noticing, I could hear him turn on the lights and his soft footsteps coming towards me. Before I can make out what he's trying to do, I feel a pair of gloved hands tucking the blanket snugly below my chin to keep me warm. For a second, I wondered if I should open my eyes all of a sudden to scare him but decided that I should just hold my tongue. Another click turns the lights off and I am once again left alone in my room. As I place my palm against my chest, feeling every thud of my heartbeat, I am reminded of how Changmin-ssi's heart had raced earlier this afternoon. I'm keen to know what has caused it but there're a lot of things about him that I'm still clueless about.

No one's POV

For the whole of the week, nothing special happened to Joohyun except for her getting closer with her college friends. Her commitments to her father's company seemed to have stopped for the moment and the girl had more time to spend on studies and buddies. Yet, her relationship with her butler came to a standstill and they did not exchange a word more than necessary. He continued his duties as a butler, very well, Joohyun might add, but he seemed quite reluctant to open up to her. She would not force him to do so if he felt uncomfortable in any respect.

Meanwhile, the other schoolmates at the school had lost their interests in the young socialite, no longer finding her amusing as before. They were probably quite familiar with having celebrities studying at the university that one new addition was simply not enough to entertain them for long. Not to mention Joohyun was quite the model student, with no boyfriends, perfect As, good discipline and impeccable conduct , that there was never any gossip to say about her. The murmuring during classes began to die down and the girl was able to enjoy all her lessons equally. Nonetheless, piano lessons were still the dearest to her for her favorite teacher and classmates were all there.

However, despite her self-control, trouble always finds its way to anyone's doorsteps and she was no exception. Her pretty face, innocent character, wealthy background and lack of beau made her the dream girl for any boy that her fanboys began to grow in numbers. In two weeks time, she was beginning to receive presents from schoolmates, all social rankings alike. Not wanting to disappoint them, she would receive their gifts with a small smile and a nod of thanks. By the end of each day, her locker would be piled with letters and gifts. She did take the time to read and open every one of them because she knew that effort and time have been spent on each one of them.

So, even when the media had stopped their harassment towards her, she was still surrounded by boys the moment she stepped on campus. Luckily, she had Minho and Jonghyun to fend them off with their death galres and empty threats, which were taken seriously by the fanboys much to their humor. Sometimes, the tanner boy would get so protective that he would not let Joohyun out of his sight, skipping all his lessons just to follow her around. She was obviouly grateful for his dedication but saw it only as an act of good friendship much to Minho's disappointment and would try to talk him out of ditching classes. In the end, Jonghyun would be responsible for pulling away his friend for fear that it might get to Mr Choi's ears and earn him a lot of scolding.

As promised, Taeyeon had the catalogue sent to Joohyun on one Friday night. Since it was not to be published until after the weekend and the girl was trying her best to complete her assignments before the Birthday party/sleepover at Tiffany's house the next day, she put it aside and fhad the issue completely dropped out of her mind until her girlfriends mentioned it during their preparation and dressing up time on Saturday.

Seohyun's POV

"Hey Hyo! Did you see maknae's photos? She looks gorge!" Tiffany suddenly blurts out as she tries to curl her firey red locks.

I look up immediately at the mentioning of myself. "What photos?" Hyo unnie helps raise the question in my mind.

I turn to stare at the others but neither of them have a clue.

"Not even you know about this?" The birthday girl scoffs with surprise as she waves a magazine in one hand while the other holds the curling iron that is slowly burning her hair.

"Watch out!" Yuri exclaims, "Your hair is in smokes!!"

At that, Tiffany lets out a yelp and drops the hot tool, causing all of us to burst into giggles.

Her face turns red and cheeks puff up. "What's so funny? Anyways, give this a look! You should spot Hyunnie in no time." 

Sooyoung unnie catches the magazine that is flying across the room and all the other unnies have leant forward to get a good look at it. Seeing that there is no space left for me to squeeze in, I decide to wait for my turn whilst arranging Fany unnie's wardrobe that is completely disordered. I'm surprised that she takes so little care of her clothing organization when she always looks so neat and tidy in front of everybody. 

As I arrange her range of clothes according to types and color, I can hear the giggling, gasping, clapping and murmuring of my unnies. They seem quite excited about the book, or was it a magazine. Wait! Magazine? Photo? Maknae? Fany unnie couldn't possiblby mean the catalogue for the photoshoot, right? 

The revelation shocks me and I rush to the bed and snatch the catalogue from my friends before they could react. 

As I flip through the pages, trying to find my spread, Yoona unnie butts in. 

"Our maknae sure looks beautiful in the first few shots, but the 'wow' factor is in the last two." I know mischief when I hear it and that's exactly how Yoona unnie sounds like as she speaks those words.

"You can't possibly mean those with Shi---" I murmur quietly but Yuri has heard it loud and clear.

"Yes we do! We would not have hesitated to think you and your charming butler were a couple if we did not know you better. Or are you?" 

Now, every unnie has their eyes on me and I try to avoid eye contact with them by looking at the one of the photos. My vision rests on a man sitting elegantly in front of a piano, his eyes gazing at a red-dressed girl. For a moment, I am oblivious to who exactly the characters were but can only feel the strong yet moving emotions the man's eyes were giving off. My mind clears up a bit at my unnies' loud noises and bickering.

This can't be real?! Changmin-ssi's the one looking at me with such a deep look? I'm sure I'm just thinking too much... Mr. Song had probably requested him to do so. 

I flip to the next page and drop the magazine as soon as I saw the photo. If I did not know better, I would have thought my butler and I were indeed a couple. My expression in the picture was practically screaming with longing, as if I was struggling to hold onto him or avoid him. In fact, my facial expression does seem to look a lot like that of Changmin-ssi's in the previous photo. We can't possibly be thinking the same thing, right? No, he can't be-----

"Well, we were just trying to . But from her reaction, it seems that things are not that simple and innocent after all. Maknae, it's time for you to spill." Sooyoung unnie states boldly as she takes a bite of her apple, the crunching sound of it echoing in my empty brain.

I hope you liked it!

Show me your love by showering me with comments! I'll try to keep up with the update :D 

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diamondsnow #1
One of the best changseo story! I'm expecting another changseo fic from you #changseoftw♡
Thank you authornim
Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
theresia #3
Chapter 27: Ah forgot to tell you,,

God bless you too,,Saeng
theresia #4
Chapter 27: I'm gonna miss your story:'(

Cool,,you're in college now hahaha
I think i'm 1year older than u in university kkk~
Enjoy your university life,,saeng
It's gonna be fun..but always remember that your parents expect nothing but the best from you
I think i'm going to be hiatus for several months bcause my 3rd has already begun
Chapter 26: so this is the end... *sobs* this was a really fulfilling story and i loved it from beginning to end! i hope luhan finds his own happy ending, because joohyun and changmin have found theirs...
phew. this was wonderful. i'm looking out for your stories, authornim...
Chapter 26: Last but definitely not the least, our very own ChangSeo! Who says that a prim and proper socialite like Seohyun and a strict and robot-like man like Changmin can't break the rules?

I love the fact that Changmin remains as her butler, though only as her namja too XD

These two individuals have gone through a lot. They even seperated for a short period, giving themselves time and space to unwind. It's very hard to finalize things or decision impulsively. Good thing they have thought of unwinding first.

And the moment they realize that even after the cool off, they still love each other-that's the cue. If love that's separated still find its way to come back, it must be that strong and true. :)

Thus, ChangSeo deserves a happy ending indeed! Thank you so much for letting us read a wonderful story!

As for your future works, I'll be just here to support! Any pairing, any genre ♥ Though I highly encourage you on writing more for underrated couples

Ehem seolay xiuseo seoyeol changseo ehem

Chapter 26: ChangSeo fics are underrated but they're all great. Especially yours :) ♥

I love the ending so much. I know that the main point here is ChangSeo but I'll comment first on the other aspects.

First of all-the unnies. Throughout the story, those girls have been the colors to Seohyun's life. At first, she's pretty awkward with them. But as time passes by, Seohyun realizes how fun it can be to at least have a circle of friends.

Then there's the ever-so-supportive BFFs. Jonghyun and Minho. The three of them have been together ever since God-only-knows-when. Even though those two guys harbor romantic feelings for her, they accept her feelings and decided to remain just as what they have been. One thing I'm only sad about is that Jonghyun never have the chance to confess-though I think in reality, this case happens. There are just some things that are not meant to be said.

There's also Luhan. Just like Minho and Jonghyun, he's a friend who has fallen in love with Seohyun. However, he isn't meant to stay with her as friends.

Maybe that's the difference between friendship-to-love and just crush-to love. Since Minho-Jonghyun-Seohyun have been friends in the first place-they have also decided to stay still as BFFs.

There's also Jessica. She might still be the brat but at least, she's more tamed now. Lol

Next is the appa and the stepmom. Even in the first place, it's evident that Mr. Seo will be kind enough to accept Changmin for his daughter. Plus, he trusts Changmin so much! Seohyun must be really happy to have Taeng as her stepmom. After all, Taeyeon has been a mother to her all throughout.

I have almost forgotten Donghae, lol. I really think that Seohyun needs someone like Donghae. First, he isn't in love with her. In that way, he'll be objective when advising and whatsoever. Second, he's a man whom she can turn to if ever her female friends won't be much of a help.
theresia #8
Chapter 26: let me say "Thank You" for finishing this story..
this is wonderful..

i like everytime she sais "Thank God, Thank you"
i like the fact she's grateful for what she had
for her unnies,,for her best friend,,for her Donghae oppa,,for her exButler my Lulu,,for her family,,and last for love of her life..

i like the moral value..
i like everything in this final chapter,,
you packed everyting in beautiful way..

i'm glad everyone has known about ChangSeo relationship, they even agreed..that's great
but the best part that i love the most is when Taenggo's gonna be her stepmother..she's her unnie and now is going to be her mom..i'm so happy about that
i thought they're having double engagement party kkk~
but her father made a move first hahaha

i'm relieved Luhan-Seo-Changmin's relationship is okay now..

and last i wanna say "I"M SORRY"
i feel bad after read your reply..
i'm so sorry if i've hurt your feeling with my last comment..i really do..
please forgive me

Ps: this fanfic has already in my masterpiece label..great great job..Saeng