That day...

Just one piercing later

“Hmm Eli?”

“Uh yeah Junnie-yah?”

You were playing with his fingers as he read his book.

“Do you remember our first fight?”

“You mean in sophmore year of high school?”


“We haven’t fought since…”

“Yeah well I hope we don’t fight often… I don’t really like it.” he mused

You were already lost in your thoughts…


“Frankly Eli, I'm really mad at you.  How could you do that?”

“Oh come on Jun, it was just a joke!”

“Well it wasn’t funny!!”

Your voice shrieked.  It was the end of the day and your were raving mad.  Eli had pulled a stupid trick and put a paper on your back that said ‘kiss me or kick me’.   Not only was it in front of your whole class, but it was during your presentation too.  Not only had you been humiliated, but also your presentation got interrupted. 

“Geez, you cant ever take a joke.”

“No, you just won’t ever leave me alone! I’m getting so sick of you!”

“ME?  You are getting sick of ME?!” he asked incredulously.

“Yes you, you idiot.  You are always pulling pranks and acting immature.  When will you ever grow up?”

“At least I can laugh.  You’re so tight-assed and serious all the time that its never fun to be around you!”

You in your breath and felt the sting of his words like each one were a slap.

“Well then why are we even friends?! Get away from me, you disgust me.” You responded trying to hide your grief and embarrassment with anger.

“I AM leaving!”

“I hate you! I don’t ever want to see you again!” you screamed, hot tears rolling from your eyes and your fists clenched up.  “You are the worst decision I ever made Eli!!”

He walked out of the classroom clenching his fists as well and slamming the door on the way out.  You flinched as the door banged shut then shuddered once.  Tears kept rolling and eventually turned into sobs.  You didn’t mean what you had said, you were just frustrated and stressed and you eventually snapped.  You really didn’t hate him… tears kept rolling down your cheeks.  You were sobbing standing in the middle of the classroom.  Outside you heard a sudden bang and you flinched at the sound, bringing up more sobs.  All the sudden the door flew open and Eli came charging in, reaching for you.  He wrapped his arms around you and squeezed you tight.  You noticed his one hand was bloody.  You just grabbed onto his shirt and held on tight, still crying.

“I’m so sorry Jun.  I really didn’t mean it.” His arms tightened as your fists clenched harder.  He kept repeating “I’m sorry” quietly.  You said sorry too and eventually cried yourself out.  You were still breathing hard and he was still holding you.  His face was also streaked with tears, but silent ones.  You remembered he hurt his hand and you tried turning around to look at it.  He finally let you and you held on to it, grabbing your bag and leading him to the boys bathroom. 

“Check if there is anyone in there.” You said quietly

He walked in, then soon came out to bring you in.  You brought him to the sink and ran water over his hand to clean his knuckles.  After all the blood was gone, they didn’t look as bad.  From the first aid kit in your bag (yeah, you were and still are a dork) you put band aids over his cuts and dried off his hand.  Then you tried to feel around to see if he broke any bones.  It didn’t feel like it.

“Jun…” he asked

“Yeah” was your quiet response.

“I’m really sorry.”

“Me too…” you looked at his face and you both softened you expressions.  He reached up and sort of wiped off your face.  You gave him a soggy smile and he smiled back a little bit.  It was at this point that you guys left the bathroom and walked through the halls to the front of the school. 

“What did you hit?” you asked

“A locker”



“Be careful Eli… I don’t want a broken best friend”

He smiled and gave you a side-shoulder hug.

“I will, because I don’t want a broken best friend either.”

You smiled a little wider than before and you knew that the storm had passed. 


“Why did you ask Junnie-yah?”

“Oh I was just thinking back… I think that was the first day I thought of you as more than just a best friend…”

“Ahh” he smiled “Well I think my first day was when…”


To be continued…





CLIFF HANGER! :) thank you guys for reading! Comment, subscribe, love you! Muah~

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Chapter 2: This is super cute and Eli is super Attractive.. ^_- <----- that is a winky face by the way
Chapter 2: love it! ^^
*-*/ i'll be waiting!