My Handsome Princess- Part two

My Handsome Princess and Other Minber Short Stories



It's a night before the Grand SM Ball and everyone seems to be very busy. Everyone except Amber. I've noticed that for the past few weeks, she is not acting normal... Maybe it's because of her new feminine look. On an ordinary day, the old Amber would probably be wearing a loose graphic shirt, hiphop pants and a pair of rubber shoes for men. But now, she would wear a tank top with a loose off-shoulder shirt, shorts and a pair of sneakers with a girly design. Weird right? The only thing that was left unchanged was her short hair. I've also noticed that she's starting avoiding me. At first, I thought that I was just being too paranoid. Then, I noticed that she would purposely avoid me during our rehearsals and everytime we would meet in the corridor, she would look away and walk fast. She also doesn't talk to me as often as before. Like when we saw each other last week...








 I was in the dance studio alone, waiting for the other Shinee and f(x) members. We were supposed to practice for our prod number during the ball. Everyone else was not yet there. I was about to go out when Amber came in...


"Hey, Amber!" 


"Oh, Hi Minho." Her voice sounds so sullen. Normally, she would greet me with her big smile and super loud voice. Now, it seems like I was facing a new Amber. It was strange. I have to talk to her.


"Uhm, Amber?"


"Yeah?" She answered as she was fixing her stuff.


"I hope you wouldn't mind but... ah... are you ok?" she paused for a while before she answered.


"Y-yeah... I'm okay." She stuttered and continued fixing her stuff as if I weren't there.


What's wrong? Why is she acting like this? Why is she avoiding me? I decided to swallow all of my questions and sat down on the chair in a corner. An atmosphere of awkwardness hung around the room. I found it hard to talk to her after what happened a while ago so I put on my earphones and pretended to be asleep. A few minutes later, I heard someone enter the dance studio...



"Hey Amber!" Someone shouted. It was Sulli. She entered the dance hall and I still pretended to be asleep.


"Shh...  Minho's sleeping." Amber whispered. Was she observing me??? Maybe. Maybe not. Come on, Minho. You were the only ones in the studio a while ago so of course she saw you sleeping. (or pretending, at least)


"Oh, sorry" Sulli apologized. "Listen, Amber. I have to tell you something..." Her voice sounded so serious. Wait, should I still pretend to be asleep? It looks like they're about to talk about something very important...


"Sulli, If it's another endless rant about me not going to the ball please, spare me." Amber replied. Why doesn't she want to go? I think I have to continue pretending to be asleep and listen.


"But Amber, It's not gonna be the same without you! Please? Plus, your Prince Charming will be there~" Prince Charming??? Who the hell is this guy?!? AIsh! Does she like someone now? Is this why she agreed to change her image??? I continued to listen to their conversation.


"It wouldn't matter if he would be there..." she said with a somewhat sad voice. "He wouldn't notice me anyway. Plus, I don't think he likes me back. He treats me like I'm his younger sister and nothing more..."Great... just great... who is this Prince Charming guy anyway??? I wanna punch him in the face for being such a total jerk! He doesn't deserve Amber! If he's not gonna treat her right, then he doesn't even deserve to live! Aish!



" I'm sorry, Amber." Sulli apologized. "You know what, why don't we grab some food and come back later? It's my treat since I made you feel bad." Sulli said and with that, they both left the dance studio.





Right now, I'm fitting my tuxedo for tomorrow's event. I honestly don't want to attend because Amber won't be there but we are going to perform tomorrow so I'll have to be there. I'm really hoping that Amber is going to be there tomorrow but based on what I have heard last week, I think she's not gonna be there...




Hey guys! Sorry for the late update! T_T I'm really busy these days that's why I wasn't able to update. By the way, thankyou for the 100 reads for the first chapter! :D I hope you guys would continue reading this story (even if the author is lazy to update it) :D teehee! That's it for now guys! See you on the next chapter! 




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Mendesgomes #1
Chapter 9: You made me cry then you put a twist in the end thanks for that ☺️
Chapter 4: I just found this minber one shots I love it, it's really rare for me to find minber stores which is good to read I hope you'll make new stories (which I hope still with amber) I really love it :)
chagunseunghyun #3
Chapter 9: It's worth the wait. I would love and be really glad if there would be a part2. Thanks for the wonderful chap author-nim!
xxcindyxx1 #4
Chapter 9: ah seriously making me cry :( i loved it! sort of life she was reincarnated into minhos life :)
annenaz #5
Chapter 9: Authornim~~you make me crying..i was about not wanting to finish your story...its really makes my heart ache...but then, the last part makes me love your story more and eagerly for the next story...oh authornim, you are a great author...;-) please make more minber..
Chapter 9: TT.TT u make me crying a river in the middle of the night... I believed tomorrow my eyes gonna be swallen like an egg! Its all b'coz of u... But THANK YOU SO MUCH... For the ending! Gosh.. Its just a miracle from u author-nim... I don't mind u being a troll coz,the result is just so adorableeeeeeeee.e huuuhh.. I felt so relieve right nowwwwwww... I almost hated u for making amber died here... But, I love youuuuuuuuu NOW ;* #FlyingKisses
Chapter 8: I love this story & I LOVE KRISBER
xxcindyxx1 #8
Chapter 7: OH MY GOSH! I have a feeling that Amber is the donor. Poor Minho, and amber.
justmeyay #9
Chapter 7: A few weeks is more than enough ,when the walk in your life........
justmeyay #10
Chapter 7: No way i think amber is the donor....bwell minho is going to beable to see agin and he will takecare of amber ryt!!!!!