Rigged Locks

Star Struck

Your POV

I felt a soft, hot breath in my ear and looked up at Kevin, knowing it was him.

"Aww, you woke up. You looked so cute sleeping." He whispered.

"Huh, but you woke m-" I was interrupted by his lips softly pressed against mine.

I quickly pushed him away and stood up.

"I'm changing back into my own clothes." I said, ignoring the kiss. That's when Kiseop started walking towards me with my clothes from yesterday, folded nicely.

"Here," He handed the clothes to me. "I washed them for you."

"Oh, thanks." I took the clothes and walked to the bathroom, locking it immediately. I pressed my eye against the gap in between the door, peeking out to my surroundings. Just to make sure that Kevin wasn't peeping at me changing. Once I saw that nobody was there, I began to change out of my clothes. I heard the door knob turn as I was putting on my shirt. I thought I locked it!!! I quickly sat in front of the door so nobody could get in. Whoever's trying to get in, they're strong!! I kept pushing back at the door with my feet. The door was slowly being pried open with the strength from the individual being.

It was Sunghyun. I screamed and grabbed my shirt to cover my upper body. Kevin covered my mouth before I could make a high pitched scream that will reach into the ears of the other group members.

"Shh.." He said while shutting and locking the door behind him. I gripped his hands that were still over my mouth and started shoving him away. "I'm not doing anything to you this time, I promise." He spoke with words of sincerity. I nodded. Kevin slowly took his hands off my mouth and sat down on the top of the toilet seat.

"If your not in here to do anything, then why are you here?" I whispered

"I just came to see you in private. Look, the other guys like you too and try to get your attention." Kevin whispered back.

"Serio-" I half-yelled and Kevin quickly put his hands over my mouth again.

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Whimsical_Princess #1
Chapter 10: Omg update soon I love this story
If you're wondering how I get my inspiration, (Probably not) I listen to moosic most of the time, or I watch episode 8 of Infinite Ranking King......
Chapter 5: Yea! I understand ze story n I leik it! K bai! Merp
Umi-Archangel #4
Chapter 7: Thank u for the update ^^
Chapter 6: Authors note:
Sorry for the sudden REALLY LONG chapter, I just thought it would be more fun with a long chapter.