This Cross

Random Poems

"How contradictory..."
I laugh
I cry
I sigh

I wear this cross on my neck and wrist
And I forget of it whilst I clench my fist
I'm Catholic, I should be a good girl
Oh please, I'm going to hurl.

I swear and cuss and do things I'm not supposed to
I'm just another teenager, I don't do anything illegal, don't sue
I think of all the times where I was forced into this
Where did my parents even find some bliss?

Don't the bad people looking to repent always go to church?
I'm always stuck there, my mind is gone off somewhere whilst my body is just in a certain perch
I'm not that "next door neighbor good Catholic girl" and you should know that
Jeez, one sided stories are so annoying just like a gnat

I sigh
I cry
I laugh
"You don't really know me."

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eunhaeshipper15 #1
Chapter 9: ;A; This is so relatable and lovely.
Chapter 9: ever though of actually publishing your poems? they are really good.
Chapter 4: this is really understandable and something that happens day throughout years
Chapter 3: my favorite!
Chapter 2: deep! too deep. i can relate
Chapter 1: jee I love poems, ths one is awesome.
Chapter 3: I liked this poem so much ^__^
eunhaeshipper15 #8
Chapter 2: These are great! :O I liked both of them and I hope you write some more :3