If There Is No Tomorrow

Random Poems

If there is no tomorrow

Promise me one thing

Even through all your sorrows

Smile at least once today


Even if your skies are grey

Throughout all your hardships

Be happy at least once today

For you never know if there is a tomorrow


The future is something we can't predict

Be thankful for what you have

Unless you want me to call you a little prick

Live life as if everyday is your last day


Tell people you love them

Live life with no regrets

Life should be your precious gem

You need to cherish and protect it


"Hold on, don't lose your faith

I know you can't break

I'm hoping and praying for you" - David Choi


Even if no one cares

Even if you give up

You'll be in my prayers

I'll be the one that cares for you


Just know that someone will be there for you

If no one is there, I'll be that person

"Do what you love, love what you do" -Bang Yongguk

Live life to the fullest


I wish all of you the best

I hope none of you lose hope

I hope you will all get enough rest

I'm sending love to all of you even if I don't know you

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eunhaeshipper15 #1
Chapter 9: ;A; This is so relatable and lovely.
Chapter 9: ever though of actually publishing your poems? they are really good.
Chapter 4: this is really understandable and something that happens day throughout years
Chapter 3: my favorite!
Chapter 2: deep! too deep. i can relate
Chapter 1: jee I love poems, ths one is awesome.
Chapter 3: I liked this poem so much ^__^
eunhaeshipper15 #8
Chapter 2: These are great! :O I liked both of them and I hope you write some more :3