Round V : Last Round

Like a Tiny Dirt On Your Royal Shoes
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"I think it's stupefy."


"Or aliens abducted him last night and stole his brain."


"Pffft! Why would aliens steal Kyungsoo's brain when he looked like an alien himself? Look at him, he's the exact clone of keroro gunsou." Luhan  whispered back (in a normal volume- because he didn't really care) while munching his american cheese flavored cheetos. He then took one piece, the longest one, and point it to the 'blank look-daydreaming-and dazed Kyungsoo' and then waved it like a magic wand, "Petrificus totalus."


Sehun scoffed, "You and your Potter ."


Luhan just giggled happily, ignoring his boyfriend, "I petrified him."


Sehun reached out and pinched Luhan's pink cheeks, "No, I think it's an alien- a very good looking alien, with tan skin, seductive voice, dark clear and soul-penetrating eyes, and also overflowing testosterone- who did that."


"Sounds like dr. Kai to me." Luhan frowned. He now was feeding Sehuna his chetoos.


"Sounds like him to me too." Sehun shrugged while munching messily- cheese crumbs smeared on his lips. "Apparently, the alien Kyungsoo's lips and also his life at the same time."


"Ooo, sounds to me." Luhan saw the crumbs and leaned in to Sehun's lips like it was the most normal think to do in public.


"I wonder what else did he ..."


"You know, Tweedledee and Tweedledum, shut up. I can hear you both perfectly from here." Kyungsoo finally talk for the first time that night. "And stop doing PDA in front of me." He sent a fail glare to both of his friends because his cheeks were pinkish and he couldn't stop blinking.


The three of them were actually in Kyungsoo's empty dorm at the moment- because Tao was spending the night in Kris's apartment while Minseok is going on a date with Kim Jongdae (the erted boy with a square jaw and had the biggest Minseok's cheeks - note: Minseok's ALL cheeks, there are two pairs of them alright). The blond boys 'kindly' decided (of course by themselves- no need Kyungsoo's opinion whatsoever) to spent their saturday night together with Kyungsoo after slaving their over crazy working hours in the hospital. Because it's always like that, saturday is the busiest day of the week since people had their day off and therefore can go to the hospital to do whatever needed for their teeth, thus completely drained and soul-less hospital's staffs by the end of the day.


"Oh finally, the curse is broken." Sehun smirked. "So can we hear your story now? We're all ears." Luhan smiled widely and snuggled himself against his boyfriend. He managed to squish himself in Sehun's embrace and lay in a comfortable position on Sehun's chest.


"What story?" Kyungsoo's already pink face was getting even pink-er by each seconds.


"The story behind those hickeys of yours." Sehun smirked while pointing at Kyungsoo's neck.


Kyungsoo brought his hands in reflex to cover his neck and his face now can be rivalled to a cherry tomato. "Wh-what?" And now he was even stuttering because he can't feel his own tongue. "I have n-no hickeys."


"Yes, you don't, Hedwig dear. Sehuna's just joking." Luhan chuckled. "But your lips is still swollen." He pointed at Kyungsoo's lips, eyesbrows wriggling cutely.


Kyungsoo's eyes widened in horror, his right hand immediately reached his plump lips. "Rr-really?"


Sehun smirked, "Of course not. As powerful as dr. Kai's kisses are, I doubt he can make you swollen all day."


Kyungsoo bit his lower lip in frustration, "Y-yah! You deceptive evil coupl-"


"Wow he didn't say no. They really did kiss!" Luhan squished his own cheeks, clearly amused with the revelation.


"I said so, Lulu." Sehun smirked proudly. "Now let me claim my price, where's my kiss?"


"Oh my god, you guys bet on my precious kiss?"


"So you did kiss!"


Kyungsoo rolled his eyes at the satanic blond couple- slash PDA monsters, whom he called as friends. There's really no point to deny about his kiss with dr. Kai to the twin satan now.


"So- how do you feel about the kiss? What was it felt like to kiss the hottest doctor?" They looked like an indian tottem right now- Luhan grinned while Sehun was smiling, the latter's jaw was glued to Luhan's head.


How do I feel? What was it felt like?   


To be honest, it's not the kind of a hungry kiss or passionate kiss- where couple tend to eat each other's face off. Maybe, if Kyungsoo should put a word into the kiss that he shared with dr. Kai this afternoon, it would be 'innocent'.


Dr. Kai's lips were only pressed gently against Kyungsoo's. There's no tongue, no , no biting, only a tiny bit of nibbling. It tastes sweet though, a mixed of dr. Kai's favorite coffee and raspberry candy. But oddly enough, it's not only that. Somehow, Kyungsoo could also felt adoration, hesitation, desperation, and also.. addiction.


Kyungsoo once thought that kisses with dr. Kai must be hot, rough, passionate, and y, because girls (or sometimes boys- Kyungsoo by now sure that dr. Kai must be at least a bi) are all digging him. And because all of dr. Kai's whereabout were screaming professional god.


So Kyungsoo got a little bit surprised at such a sweet kiss from dr. Kai that was quite the opposite of it. But that doesn't mean he hate it.


Kyungsoo really wanted to struggle free but it felt like as if his strength was leaving him alone and he became a poodle of goo as the clock ticking and the kisses lingering. Because this kind of kiss was what Kyungsoo always dreamed about to share with his beloved one- so, instead of trying to break free, his eyes were started to fluttering close and Kyungsoo fell into the depth of dr. Kai's dangerous charm.


He didn't know what's in dr. Kai's mind and he didn't really care- heck he didn't even know his own mind too. The only thing that he knew, was that he needed to savor every tiny bit of the sweet kiss and small kisses every now and then- because dr. Kai seemed didn't want to let go of his lips (hence the 'addiction' feeling), enjoy it when it last, and probably restore it to his memory- because who knows when Kyungsoo will get another kiss (from dr. Kai that is).


'Probably not in this life.' Kyungsoo thought bitterly.


It was weird, the moment when Kyungsoo suddenly craved for more kisses from a person whose name was written on Kyungsoo's list of 'person that I shall avoid for the rest of my life', a suddenly growing feeling of longing, an overflowing possesiveness of not wanting to share the said person's kisses- attentions- touches- EVERYTHING with anyone else, goosebumps erupts all over his body and a funny tingling sensation went crazy on his lower abdomen- when he saw the said person's face after the kisses end.


Dr. Kai's eyes were opened slowly, lips red and a little bit swollen, cheeks glistened with perspiration and his face was pretty much mirroring Kyungsoo's face at the moment- 'daze'. Kyungsoo saw thoroughly, dr. Kai's clear dark brown eyes were telling everything that he felt inside. There were the same longing as Kyungsoo's, adoration- just like the kiss, a glimpse of blissful, a whole lot shyness, and more than enough guilty.


That's when Kyungsoo knew that dr. Kai finally realized what they've done so he bolted out of the room and hide from dr. Kai for the rest of the day.




"What?" Kyungsoo snapped out of his reminiscent.


"We're waiting for the details, you knooow." Luhan said giddily, Sehun's arms were wrapping his petite body from behind and his hands were rubbing Luhan's tummy.


Kyungsoo groaned, he really didn't want to talk about it right now. Maybe later- or never.. but definetely not now. "Can't we just eat dinner?", he asked, trying desperately to drop the subject off- puppy's kicked and drenched in the rain face was plastered on his face.


"Booo no fuuuun."


'Kyochon chicken and beer, I pay!"


"Call!" Sehun and Luhan screamed in unison. Free food was their absolute weakness and Kyungsoo was saved for a while.


Kyungsoo's lately wondering, why bad luck seemed got the best of him nowadays? If he's already clumsy enough in a daily basis, then he's super clumsy now.


It was like he's been cursed or something, but Sehun (wisely) said, "That's because your mind is not here, probably making out with someone (a tanned skin one) secretly out there-", a naughty grin on his face and Kyungsoo suddenly felt an itch to smack the teasing grin with a dorland (a medical dictionary that is thicker and bigger than your head- literally)- but he could ended up killing Sehuna that way so he just doing it in his mind.


Kyungsoo remembered, Dr. Yixing (the exercise mania) once said, "The best way to work your brain along with your muscles is to read Dorland while standing on one foot. You'll get knowledge, sweat and muscles in the end- and also a paronikia if you accidentally drop it on your little toes."


Kyungsoo shivered at the thought, it's basically like reading a book that's been carved into a 3 kg dumbbells, so it's wise to stay away from Dorland for the mean time- recalling his badluck nowadays:  


His eraser fell into the toilet bowl- don't ask how or why.


He accidentally threw away the tooth that dr. Yixing just pulled out when actually the internees should collect them for open bur practicing- so he spent the whole afternoon to dig in the waste bin while getting a curious stare from the cleaning immo.


He actually had some of the DH girls glaring to him in the corridor and he didn't even know why.


His precious limited edition pororo notebooks fell into the kimchi basket gracefully after dinner- and Kyungsoo sobbed hard at that.


And just now, on his way back from having a bladder on the rest room, when the automatic glass door slided open with a single touch from him and he walked inside the narrow and empty hall of the hospital- Kyungsoo suddenly heard a weird noise.




Kyungsoo stopped, trying to catch the soft voice. But he didn't hear anything. He tilted his head, thinking that the noise must be only in his mind or imagination- which on the second thought kinda weird and mental, so he shrugged it away. When he was about to take another step, suddenly-




Kyungsoo shivered. His eyes widened in horror and his face turned even paler. He felt like screaming because the mysterious voice was heard once again and he's not just imagining it. He looked everywhere, trying to found the source of the body-less voice only to found nothing or no one around.


This time the voice was lingering, shaking, hoarser,  but clearer. To be honest- Kyungsoo loathes horror since he was a kid, he despises ghosts, allergic to devils (which is why he wondered why he can stuck together with the evil trio: Sehun, Luhan, and dr. Kai all this time), never give a of anything related to it and forever wishes the horror things would leave him alone.  


'So waeeeeee? Why meeeeeeee? Was it because of my bad luck that now even ghost is actually greeting me?'


Kyungsoo almost cried literally and he was ready to bolt his way out of there when the voice was heard once again,


"Chogiyoo.. Helloooo.. Heeeelp..."


'Oh waeeeeeee- leave me alone! Help you? HELP ME! wait!' The teary eyed Kyungsoo- who was pulling his own hair out dramatically- suddenly got something clicked in his mind. He remembered that this morning, dr. Kris was having an old implant patient, a grandma called Cho YoungMi or something, who was so weak and therefore they put her in the recovery room before she could go home. Kyungsoo trotted to the nearest door and jumped to peek on the square little window of the recovery room door- because the little interne was so petite that he couldn't reached the window with his cute height.


And there she was, grandma Cho, reaching out her trembling hand to the empty air with oxygen mask on her face, "Helloooo.. Heeelp.. I want to take a pee..."


"Oh my God, Grandma Cho! Wait, I'm gonna call the DH for you!" Kyungsoo opened the door and screamed and ran away frantically.


"Oh no! Yah! Waaaait you brat! I can't stand it anymoooooo..."


But Kyungsoo was already too far from the room that he couldn't catch Grandma's Cho's words anymore. He was running like crazy and when he turned in a corner, he bumped hardly into Minseok- who was actually a senior DH and also a team-jangnim.


"Ah, Kyungsoo, I've been looking for you- well actually dr. Yixing who was looking for you, he's.."


"Minseok, I'm so sorry I've to interrupt you, but grandma Cho- she's..", Kyungsoo choked in his own breath because he was panting too hard.


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I decided to write a bonus chapter.. lol.. please do enjoy ^^


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Chapter 10: I had so much fun reading this story!!! so funny and adorable!!!

evil twins sehun and luhan did a good job and oh how clever they are hehe

And kris hahahahahha so protective of kyungsoo!!! too bad he can't watch over him everytime and everywhere. He would throw a fit / mad or anything like that if he knew what jongin and kyungsoo did hehe
mayday16 #2
Chapter 5: wow you r a doctor wannabe? dr park jh? r you korean?
Chapter 10: IT'S SO CUTE OMFG
Chapter 10: IT'S SO CUTE OMFG
I have been a silent reader for years then BOOM! your fic came and WOW I make an acc and you are the first person I ever comment!!

Wow, I love this bc hell DR. KRIS is freaking love babysoo and well ofc The Kaisoo is *hearteu hearteu* and I love Harry Potter to death and Weasleys HunHan LOL!
milyqumily #6
Chapter 10: aaawww this story is so funny..
i just want to read this story again n again.
please make this story ti be chapter..
pretty please..
omni19 #7
Chapter 10: THANK YOU SO MUCH AUTHOR-NIM FOR THE UPDATE I LOVED THIS STORY. I LIKE REREAD IT CAUSE ITS SO GOOD! I don't know if you would be able to write a sequel for this... But a girl can dream :)