
The Pecking Order [discontinued until further notice]

Sehun groaned in discomfort as he tried to shift in his seat, tugging a bit at the restraints around his wrists. Until the previous night he hadn’t had a clue how it felt to be tied up – which he knew now was something he should’ve been very happy about. His entire body was aching; shoulders, back and neck the most from his hands being tied behind him – it was a wonder he’d been able to fall asleep. The pain that had gone through his nose that single time Luhan actually punched him had subsided quickly, but the traces of dried blood were a bit itchy, and he was a hundred percent sure that the stains on his t-shirt wouldn’t wash out. It was a pity really; it was one of his favorites.

The room was empty at the moment, and it was getting chilly again so he assumed it was nighttime, somewhere between Friday and Saturday. A glance at the boarded up window on the other side of the room confirmed his theory - there wasn’t a speck of light coming in through the cracks. Where the dumb blonde had run off to he didn’t know, but he hadn’t been particularly alert the past day. When he was first brought to the abandoned building he hadn’t been very impressed by it, yet he soon realized that not only was there no insight, but most sounds were cut short by the walls and barricaded windows. And judging by the few pieces of shabby furniture that were inside, it had clearly been used illegally before. For holding someone hostage it was a pretty decent space in his opinion – unfortunately that only added to his current predicament. In fact Sehun wouldn’t be at all surprised if Luhan had done this exact same thing to other people; it was just so smooth – one second they’d been walking fairly casually without bothering each other - meaning no fist fights or loud arguments - the next he’d woken up where he was; stuck to a wooden chair with a bloody nose and painfully stiff limbs.

For what he guessed had been a few hours he’d listened to the third-year’s childish pondering on what to do from there, but then the guy had disappeared somewhere and he’d fallen asleep for a while. It had been warmer when he woke up, and Luhan had been back, munching on a sandwich with an impish grin and clearly no intentions of feeding him. Sehun grimaced at the memory; it had been complete torture. And where the hell had the food he’d had with him gone?

“Ugh…” His face contorted into a grimace as he started thinking about food, feeling as though there was a big gaping hole in the pit of his stomach that would end up chewing through him from the inside and out until there was nothing left. Alright, maybe it wasn’t that bad, but he wasn’t really enjoying the sensation. Being raised the way he’d been Sehun had to dig deep through his memories to remember the last time he hadn’t eaten properly. The scene that flashed before his eyes didn’t make him feel any better.

“Oh? What’s with the long face kiddo?” His head snapped up to meet the amused gaze of his kidnapper, and he made sure to glare back as fiercely as he could. He hadn’t even noticed the other come back. “Still not talking to me? Come on, this is getting dull…” Luhan muttered and clicked his tongue before taking a few steps towards him, bending down so that their eyes were leveled. When the older boy reached out to him he flinched, averting his glare to the floor next to him instead. “Hold still.” The blonde snapped, and with surprising strength - Sehun knew he had to start remembering that the other was in fact one of the top dogs of the school - took a hold of his chin with one hand, seemingly inspecting his face. He clenched his jaws as the guy poked a bit at his nose, relieved when he was let go again. “It’s probably not broken but it’s still sort of swollen.”

“Probably not?” Sehun repeated pointedly with a quiet snort. Luhan however ignored him completely, humming on some random song as he unpacked his bag, placing a variety of items on the table - of which most were food. He gritted his teeth when his stomach grumbled, feeling his cheeks heat up a bit with embarrassment. He hated to admit it, but the whole being tied to a chair and starved deal made him feel horribly vulnerable, and vulnerability was the last emotion he wanted to deal with. The blonde only grinned though, apparently not paying much attention to it as he came over again. “Do you know why I made you my target?”

“Say what now?” Sehun asked stupidly, not really able to process the straightforward question in his current state of hunger and sleep-deprivation.

“Do you... know why I… made you... my target?” Luhan repeated slowly, articulating each and every word in an exaggerated manner and rolled his neck, a few cracking sounds following the sentence. Sehun noted that the older boy actually had an accent that he hadn’t been able to distinguish before, but quickly shook the thought off as he replied - without really letting his speech filter do its work.

“Because you ran straight into me and couldn’t stay on your feet?” Somehow he knew it was coming, but the force of the blow to his left cheek still left him completely dazed for a few seconds and he had to blink furiously to fix his blurry sight. The third-year’s face was eerily blank as he peered up at said boy, yet he couldn’t stop himself from smirking. He knew he was being an idiot; he should really learn keep his mouth shut and stop provoking people before it gets him in some serious trouble. “Then… was it because I refused to play master and servant with you? Or should I say princess and-“ He was cut off by a heavy backhand to his right cheek. It stung like a and he could taste blood as he his dry lips. In a way he had it coming to him he supposed. “Okay…” It was a bit difficult to speak, not to mention it hurt somewhat - he’d always preferred body blows and really didn’t like people who went for the face; even the broken ribs D.O. had given him were essentially better than a busted lip. He should really leave it before he gets properly injured. “Does Luhannie-noona not think Sehunnie pays her enough res-- ahck!” The chair wobbled dangerously from the sheer force of the third-year’s foot meeting his stomach, but he barely registered it as he was left gasping for air and struggling to keep down whatever was trying to make its way up through his throat, tears his eyes as a result.

“Oh, I’m sorry… Sehunnie. If you were trying to say you didn’t show the proper respect for your hyung you were actually right.” The blonde chirped, and Sehun somehow managed to register the dark undertone over his own panting. “I guess your choice of words ticked me off a bit.” He caught a split second’s look of the concrete ceiling as the chair started tipping over before he squeezed his eyes shut and braced himself for the impact, but when he felt his hands and arms being crushed by the chair and his own weight he couldn’t help but shout out a few loud curses at the other, ignoring the dull ache in the back of his head completely as he painstakingly flipped over on his side instead. His breathing was labored as Luhan squatted in front of him with a bright smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “You shouldn’t use such foul language Sehunnie - what would your parents say?” The older boy snickered as he grabbed a tuft of hair, tugging it carelessly as he forced Sehun to face him again.

“Don’t worry noona… I’m sure they’d agree with me.” He pressed out stubbornly, almost amused by the irony of the sentence until he was forced onto his back again, Luhan perching himself on his abdomen and crossing his legs casually without any concern for the numbing effect it had on his arms. The small amount of air that he’d been able to into his lungs before was almost completely cut off by the pressure - the guy was heavier than he looked - and Sehun was convinced that he’d be fully able to sympathize with a fish on dry land in the future. If there was any future to speak of that is - he was beginning to really doubt it as the older boy sneered down at him, slender fingers wrapping tightly around his throat. Mere seconds later he was coughing and wheezing, wriggling desperately to get out of the vice grip and get the oxygen running through his blood again. His sight was deteriorating as he clawed the floor with his numb fingers, the slight ringing that had developed in his ears going silent and his mouth opening and closing mindlessly as the blurry world gradually faded into black.

And then he became aware of a sound. A voice? Footsteps echoed from his side, the speaker pacing rapidly whilst spewing out words he couldn’t understand. His body felt heavy, and his arms hurt like never before when he tried to shift a bit. Cracking his eyes open he groaned first at the light, and then at his current position. Of course. Maybe dying would’ve been the better option - at least it would’ve gotten him away from the guy who was currently crouching at his side with a nervous expression. He hadn’t thought he’d ever see a look like that on the guy’s face. It was almost ironic in a way.

“Say…” He croaked, his chapped lips before letting them curl into a somewhat strained smirk. “Was Luhannie-noona really trying to send me to my grave? Because that’s not very nice.” Sehun snickered, pleased with the look of pure disbelief on the older boy’s face. Until the top of his head received a hard slap.

“What the hell is your problem?! How can you ing joke right now?! I thought you were going to die on me you- you- argh!” Luhan roared, glaring down at him furiously, his fists clenching and unclenching as though he was itching to punch something. Or someone.

“If it makes you feel any better I was thinking along those lines as well.” Sehun muttered with a cough. He’d only ever fainted one time before in his life, but in all honesty he preferred the kind where you were knocked out in an instant - it didn’t leave you any time to think about what was happening after all. “Luhannie-“ He paused for a moment because of the deadly look he got, immediately making up his mind to change his approach. “Hyung. Luhannie-hyung.” Nice save. “Would you please untie me now?” He asked, sounding a bit whinier than he’d intended - he was really starting to lose the feel of his arms now. Maybe it was hoping too much that the effeminate psychopath would feel a twinge of sympathy for him, otherwise the guy probably wasn’t a psycho at all, but it was at least worth a try. Right?

Sehun’s head started spinning when the chair was lifted off the floor and him along with it, cursing under his breath at the nausea that overcame him. To his great surprise however the blonde proceeded by untying his hands and feet, after which he even helped him over to the scraggy couch by one of the walls, though the way he was dropped was  a bit harsh.

“Don’t move.” Luhan told him bluntly from over at the table, and if he actually though he could move he might’ve responded. Only at the moment his body wouldn’t listen to him at all - his hands and arms were going through the unpleasant, prickling process of filling with blood again, and his legs and knees were incredibly stiff after his sitting so long in the same posture. Out of the other problems he couldn’t tell which one was worse - the soreness of his shoulders, pounding of his head or totally parched throat.

He’d have to say the last one though, because when a bottle of water was held up in front of him he grabbed it without hesitation, almost dropping it half a dozen times because of his trembling fingers and spilling it all over himself when he finally got it open, eagerly downing the contains in one go. Never had he appreciated water so much. The kimbap triangle that landed on his lap seconds later was already gone by the time he caught himself wondering what flavor it had been.

“Would you mind actually chewing your food? I’m not trying to starve you.” Sehun flinched at the low grumble, blinking a few times as his brain struggled to form a reply.

“You could’ve fooled me.” Well… it might’ve been a good idea to think a bit longer. The way Luhan was frowning confused him though - he’d expected a smack upon the head or something like that. Maybe a kick or a slap. Hell, even a glare was pretty much a given. But a frown; not so much. “So,” He cleared his throat rather awkwardly, and Luhan looked at him with a blank expression. “You don’t happen to have anything else I could eat… hyung?”




Luhan yawned tiredly where he sat in his spot in the corner of the old couch, waiting for Sehun to wake up again and hating himself for only bringing one blanket - the younger had been shivering like some tiny animal until he’d given in and tossed the thing over him. At least the kid had learned to use proper language, which included commonly used phrases such as ‘thank you’. So there he was, just watching with a pout, feeling frustrated and guilty at the same time but mostly wallowing in self-pity over his current mental condition.

At one point roughly an hour back or so he’d panicked when he couldn’t hear the other’s breaths anymore, jumping off the couch to crouch in front of the guy’s face; to check his pulse and actually see if he was still breathing at all. Placing two fingers to the side of Sehun’s neck he’d done his best to ignore the pale pink marks his own hands had left earlier that morning, in the end letting out a sigh of relief and pure annoyance when he felt rhythmic movement under his fingertips. That was when it finally hit him how terrified he’d been when the younger had actually passed out before. Initially he was convinced his stress back then had been caused by thoughts of going to jail and what that would ensue, but when he had really looked at all the damage he’d done and tried to count all the reasons for doing it in the first place he faced one of his first bouts of self-loathing - none of the excuses he had was even near good enough to explain the death of someone. And quite frankly, despite his years of questionable behavior, he had no intention of actually becoming a murderer. At least not like this.

He let out a sigh as he shifted a bit, slipping his hand into one of his pockets. His fingers closed around the tiny object, and he pulled it out carefully. The seashell looked so fragile when he held it in his palm; the pale white color standing out even against his own fair skin; the edges of the shell slightly chipped - Luhan didn’t know whether that was from the two days he’d been carrying it around or if it had been that way before, but somehow it only made it look more precious. Sort of like an old shirt that’s been worn out but has been with you for so long that you can’t make yourself throw it away. Yeah… that was about right; it held that sort of nostalgic importance.

With a frown and another deep sigh he put the trinket back in his pocket for safe keeping and glanced over at its owner’s face again, pursing his lips at the bruises that had slowly appeared on the boy’s cheeks and the smudged blood that the kid hadn’t even seemed to notice and therefore hadn’t bother to wipe away. The peaceful expression on the other’s face contrasted too much with his allover appearance, and Luhan found it strangely unsettling. Clicking his tongue in frustration he turned his gaze elsewhere, after a number of seconds settling for looking out through the small crack in the boarded up window and ending up utterly mesmerized by the soft movements of the green leaves on the tree outside. A sense of calm washed over him as he sat there, and despite the nagging imp on his right shoulder telling him it was a really bad idea to fall asleep without tying the brat up again, he let his eyes close and welcomed the darkness.


When he opened his eyes again he froze, immediately remembering the situation and mentally cursing himself for not listening to his own advice. That was until he noticed how comfortably warm it was, and peered down to see the dark blue blanket covering him from his knees up. Only then did he even think of the weight on his shoulder, and let his eyes travel to his left, dark thoughts entering his mind as he laid eyes on the first-year who was leaning against him with the rest of the blanket a messy tangle on his lap, still snoozing lightly.

“Hey.” Luhan called, trying not to make any sudden, jerky movements, because who knew what kind of morning person the brat was? It didn’t seem to be enough for the younger to wake up however, so he shifted a bit, his shoulder inevitably grazing the blue-greenish bruise on the others cheek. This, at least, seemed to wake the guy up, seeing as he groaned quietly, his head rolling back to rest on the back of the couch as he slowly blinked his eyes open. “About time.”

“You’re one to talk Luhannie-hyung…” Luhan’s mouth opened, but when he tried to come up with a good retort he got nothing. Alright, so maybe this time he had himself to blame. But just maybe, and he wouldn’t admit it aloud.

“Just get up; I’m taking you back to wherever.” He grumbled, drawing a hand through his hair before stretching his poor body. Humans were not made to sleep sitting, especially not on a couch with lumpy cushions and a very hard steel frame. He’d expected the young master to do the same, but the guy was just staring up at him with a placid expression, somehow managing to look reasonably comfortable where he was sprawled out on the wretched piece of furniture.

“What about breakfast hyung? A healthy meal is the best way to start the day.” Luhan gaped in disbelief at Sehun’s unbelievably found statement. And then his brain function picked up again and he closed his mouth with a glare in the brat’s direction.

“You ate it all yesterday fatso.” He huffed, lifting up a ripped piece of plastic for emphasis. Looking at the table now it would be easy to believe that some sort of wild animal had gone on an eating binge - the only detail not supporting the theory was that most packages had been opened somewhat correctly. Luhan scrunched his nose as he remembered the scene of the supposed young master forsaking all table manners to get some food into his system, and almost regretted not feeding the pig for a day; the memory would have to act as a warning for future abductions - either feed them a bite once a day or don’t keep them around for that long.

“Let’s go get some more then.”

“Wh-what?” Luhan stared at the younger with wide eyes, equally shocked by the idea and the disgustingly gleeful expression on the kid’s face. Sehun on the other hand just kept smiling, almost childishly, before repeating himself.

“Let’s go get something to eat, hyung. I’m buying.” He cocked a brow in suspicion at the first-year. Something had been off since he woke up - maybe the guy had really hit his head on the floor a bit too hard because his behavior was just plain weird. Not to mention the change in attitude was starting to creep him out a bit. “Luhannie-hyung?” He jumped as the first-year was suddenly standing right in front of him, curses rolling off his tongue as he pushed the guy out of his personal sphere.

“First of all,” He growled, pausing just to smack the other’s arm to get him to stop snickering before he continued. “Stop with the Luhannie.” The kid furrowed his brows a bit but kept his mouth shut, so he took it as a cue to continue. “Secondly; have you seen yourself?” Bloody, dirty and generally unkempt would be the words Luhan would use to describe the guy with after a moment’s scrutiny, but Sehun himself didn’t seem too bothered.

“And? Anything else?” Said boy asked lightly, his question somewhat muffled as he was attempting to wipe his face off with his sleeve. It didn’t help much - most of the blood did end up on the dark fabric but in its place were a few dark smudges of dust and other dirt that had been clinging to the shirt previously. Luhan ignored this to pose his last question, but not without an annoyed sigh.

“Why would you even think of treating me to a meal? I kept you tied to a wooden chair for roughly thirty-six hours, and don’t forget the little beating I gave you.” He huffed, crossing his arms sourly as he glared up at the younger, who was now smirking impishly.

“That’s true…” Sehun started, crossing his own arms in a similar manner and resting his weight on one leg, his entire posture sending out warning signals to Luhan’s cautious senses - he’d been in this ‘business’ for quite some time, and when someone portrayed too much confidence- “And I’ll be sure to let everyone know about it if that’s what you want.” …it’s never a good thing. He stood his ground however, keeping a straight face.

“I don’t know what you mean by everyone, but I’m pretty sure you have zero evidence to back your story… apart from those bruises maybe. They won’t be there for long though.” He pointed out icily, trying to read the younger’s thoughts at the moment, but with little success. . If there was one thing he hated it was people using his own tactics against him - blackmailing people was his thing and he’d be damned if he let the spoiled little brat get away with it. To believe he’d forgotten about that thing again until now though… he was almost asking for this sort of rude treatment.

“Well,” He decided to listen to Sehun’s explanation before ruining the kid’s fun, just out of pure curiosity. “There’s Tao for starters - he might seem like a douche at first, but he’s surprisingly easy to get along with, and I’m sure he wouldn’t like this at all. D.O. is a decent guy as well… though I have to admit that he’d probably give me a good beating for getting myself torn up like this before even thinking of doing anything to you. The other two are just plain good guys, especially Kai; he seems to have gotten pretty attached to all of us…” The first-year was frowning as he spoke, apparently lost in his own thoughts. Luhan decided to snap him out of it, literally, by snapping his fingers in front of the kid’s face.

“That all sounds very nice…” He started as Sehun was looking at him again, and this time it was his turn to smirk. “But you seem to have forgotten that I have a little something of yours.” Sure, it took the brat a couple of seconds to figure out what he meant, but the way his face went pale and all of his confidence seemed to slip away was just priceless. For a split second he almost felt a bit guilty again, but he ignored what little conscience he might have, instead letting his amused giggle ring around the room.

“Luhannie-hyung, please… just give it back? If you do I promise I won’t say a word to anyone!” Ah, this was it; the attitude change. For some reason it really piqued his interest – and when he’d taken an interest in something he wouldn’t be dropping it for a while; he knew as much about himself to understand that.

“Alright then.” He said sharply, snickering at how surprised the younger looked. “On one condition of course.” Sehun’s face visibly dropped. “You tell me what makes it so important. That’s pretty reasonable, don’t you think?” The reluctant look on the first-year’s face however told him that wasn’t the case at all. How fascinating. “Oh,” Luhan clapped his hands once. “No more ‘Luhannie’ – I thought we agreed on this?”

“We didn’t really agree on anything…” Sehun grumbled unhappily, face back to his normal, stoic mask. “And what’s so bad about having a nickname anyhow?”

“Nicknames are for friends ; as far as I can tell that’s not what you and I are.” Luhan retorted sharply with a huff.

“Why couldn’t we be? You had your revenge, right?”

“Well… yeah, but-“

“If I held a grudge towards everyone who ever beat me up I wouldn’t be teaming with D.O. or Tao, would I hyung?”

“Tao gave you a whopping too? What are you Sehunnie; a magnet for disaster?” Luhan laughed, only a moment later recognizing his really bad slip of the tongue. Sehun was smiling coyly at him, and he heaved a sigh of resignation. If the brat wanted to play at being friends he might as well go along with it for a while – he could hardly mess up more than he already had. “… You’re still paying for breakfast though. Stupid kid…” He muttered, the other snorting as he started to pack up his stuff, making sure not to forget the blanket.

“So, what are we having?” The boy asked casually, taking long strides to keep up with Luhan’s fast steps as they left the room, leading him to send the other an unimpressed look.

“Nowhere until you’ve washed up – you look like a hobo.”


As honest and straightforward as Luhan had been with his comment, he hadn’t expected the kid to actually walk right over to the closest payphone to call for a driver. Neither had he expected to be badgered into getting in the car that came to pick the young master up. But the worst part was no doubt having to sit on top of the boy’s bed whilst waiting for him to finish a well needed shower – he felt very uncomfortable in a house full of his ‘friend’s minions, who would most likely do whatever the guy told them to. Not to mention the stupid dogs were barking their freaking heads off in the garden outside.

There wasn’t much else to do but look around the room, so that was exactly what he ended up doing. It was still the messy teen room from before, but he had to admit it looked different in the daylight. There were a bunch of things that he hadn’t noticed the last time he’d paid Oh Sehun a visit – the countless photo frames on the shelf above the bed for example; it took him a full minute to actually wrap his head around the fact that the younger boy could smile so brightly and another five to figure out who the other people in the photos were – not that he knew whether he was right or not about his speculations. After that he proceeded to skim through the many loose papers on the desk, opening drawers and inspecting the kid’s video game collection – the last of which he was still doing when Sehun plopped down on the bed behind him.

“That one’s pretty fun in multiplayer – want to try it?”

All in all it was a nice game – this was what Luhan decided after an hour of playing. The next one wasn’t too shabby either, nor was the one after that. And the snacks and sweets that seemed to magically appear out of nowhere were to die for – he literally did, seeing as people kept shooting him in the head whenever he turned his attention away from the screen for a moment. Like hell he’d let them get away with that…

“Young master, dinner is ready.” Both of their heads snapped towards the door when the maid spoke, and the girl jumped in surprise at their faces – Sehun was grinning slyly whilst Luhan could only gape, his eyes turning first to the windows and the darkening sky outside, and then to the clock on one of the nightstands.

“What is wrong with me?” He muttered under his breath. How the hell could he just get so absorbed in a goddamn game?! Feeling like he wanted to rip his hair out he got to his feet with a scoff, quickly becoming more frustrated with himself as he thought back on the day. It was like nothing had gone his way, not since the brat started acting all weird and… well, friendly!

“Hyung? What are you waiting for?” He snapped his head up to properly look at the other boy, who tilted his head a bit with a questioning look. “The food’s going to get cold if you don’t stop spacing out.” Luhan narrowed his eyes on the boy, whose lips tugged up a bit, and he let out a quiet groan – he’d been lured in by food and games.

“I should be getting home.” He bit out, grabbing his bag and slipping past Sehun where he stood with a blank expression. Once he’d reached the hall and pulled his sneakers on he was quick to fish the kid’s cell phone out, handing it to him almost stiffly. “Here, you’ll probably need it.” Next he rummaged through his pocket, out of the corner of his eye seeing the younger’s expression change.

“I didn’t tell you about it all though…” Sehun trailed as he looked down on the white shell, and Luhan guessed the other was worried that he’d somehow get back at him or something. Right now however, that was the last thing he had on his mind.

“I don’t care, just take it.” He pressed, but faltered a bit at the sharp stare he was receiving. For a few seconds they just stood there, until the younger finally spoke up.

“No. You hold on to it.” Luhan was just about to protest when a tiny smile appeared on the first-year’s face, and he let his hand drop slowly, placing the trinket back in his pocket without a word. What sort of crap had he gotten himself into? Was the other playing him?

...And why the hell was he playing along?

He cast a final glance over his shoulder despite being fully aware of how confused he must be looking, and found that Sehun was still gazing at him with that smile, shoulders pulled up a bit awkwardly –the bruises that were only becoming more prominent and the swollen cut on his lip making it all the more difficult to believe. He turned and left quickly.

‘Why’, he’d asked himself. Luhan in a breath of fresh air as he walked down the paved path, followed all the way by incessant barking. It was disturbing but there was really just one explanation to that question:

It was the first time Oh Sehun wasn’t acting a part.

And this intrigued him immensely.






A/N: What's this now? Update? People still do that? *snort* Ahem, no, but really, in all honesty it was about time, wasn't it? With my perfect timing I'll just claim that I finished this because the boys' new song was posted today (<---not a complete lie). And it is epic. Anyone who complains about the song will be hearing from me. That's right - watch yourself; be scared. But really, that godly choreaography... *drool* What's up with all the crotch grabbing and body waves?! *erted side trying to break through* NO! Alright. I'm done. Seriously though, the MV is pretty epic despite being only dance - I mean all in one take? In a way it's sort of cute to see them slip up a bit~ (like Suho accidentally stepping on Sehun's foot T^T) 

Am I the only one who's too broke to actually buy the repackaged version? *slams head against wall for not waiting* Guess I'll just have to keep using youtube converters...

A~nyhow, I hope this didn't disappoint anyone - it turned out sort of messy, didn't it? I really had no idea where I was going with this, like I had an idea and then it didn't work and then I figured out roughly how I wanted it to end but couldn't figure out how to lead up to it... but it's done in any case~ And please, don't worry about Sehun's personality issues; it's all part of the plan. *sly smile*

Alright, so, thanks for reading~ If possible I'll try to honor the release of the album as well, so please look forward to the next chapter~ (Oh, and is anyone actually keeping up with the elapsed time in the story? Because I would be confused myself if I didn't have a notebook with safety notes...) *le cheshire grin*

Thank you all subscribers and lovely commentists~ <333 Bye now sweets~


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Chapter 24: What the eff with be last part lol
justaweirdisho #2
Chapter 24: I won't hate you.I'll wait until you can update again.
Chapter 24: *hug* I just want you to know that I'll be waiting forever and ever :')
And good luck with your personal stuff, make sure all that goes away somehow!
Chapter 24: Huhuhu ㅠㅡㅡㅡㅡㅠ I'll wait as long as it'll take.
I support You dear! <3
If You Wanna talk I'm always free <3

*sob sob* Junmyeon and Lay told everything that had to be be said
Chapter 24: Its fine!!! You take your time author-nim!!! I'll be awaiting your return ^^
Chapter 23: Unnie... I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUU~!
Oh god... Wae didn't Xiumin told him he liked him?! My poor ChenChen ;0; <3
Can't wait till the next chapter!
Fighting~!!! <3
Chapter 22: i'm always so excited when i see a new chapter, i really love this fic!! it's so well written and my hunhan feels~
autor-nim fighting! <3