
Love can come to an end right? [SEQUEL TO LOVE LASTS FOREVER]


We stared at each other when we heard a cute voice:
"Umma, Appa...Why are you shouting.?" EunMi asked us while rubbing her eyes. DaeHyun went to her and bent down:
"Don't worry, Baby. Appa and Umma are just talking." He gave her a reassuring smile. I couldn't move or say anything, a tear just rolled down on my cheek, but I quickly wiped it. When we heard that someone went out. It was MyungHee. I shouted:
"Jung MyungHee! Where are you going?! It's late! Come back here."I ran outside to catch her. 
I saw that MyungHee stopped to a park near the house, when the little boy named Eric came to her.
MyungHee was crying, I hid behind a tree and listened to their conversation:
"MyungHee ? Why are you crying?" He wiped her tears away. 
"Oppa? How did you come here?" He smiled and patted her head:
"I live here, in case you've forgotten." He pointed at a house.
MyungHee, finally calmed down and managed to say:
"Oppa...I don't understand why. But Appa is back, why is Umma angry at him?! I just want Mum to be with Appa again...like before."
Eric put his hand on MyungHee's hands, and said softly:
"Don't worry...Your Umma, probably has her reasons to be angry at your Appa."
Somehow, I felt guilty after hearing that MyungHee was also hurt. She, then went back home.
I sat on a bench in the park and looked at my phone screen, during these hard times I would call my parents but they were abroad. The only person who would cheer me up was WooHyun, my brother.
I decided to call him:
"Yeobosaeyo, HyeMi-ah?"
"WooHyun Oppa, I miss...you."
He chuckled:
"Oh, my lovely sister ! I miss you too. Well..How is life with that jerk?"
"Oppa...I want to see you." I started to sob.
"What's wrong? Wait I'll come to see you. I have free time now."
We went to a restaurant, I was staring blanckly at the food when WooHyun put his spoon in front of my mouth, I ate it. I suddenly, cried silently and tears went out of my eyes. He started to scold me:
"Are you stupid? Why are you crying when there's nothing wrong? Is it hot? I forgot, to blow on it. Aish..little baby."
He wiped my tears. I said:
"How can I make my children happy? How can I forgive DaeHyun, when he wasn't here for us when the kids said their first word, when they started to walk by themselve?"
He remained silent. When he said softly:
"Just listen to your heart ! Just be yourself...Stupid girl."
"But..I don't know how to start..."He cut my words by saying:
"Aiish..this girl, seriously! You're Nam WooHyun's sister: Nam HyeMi, you should know what to do ! Moreover, you're Jung DaeHyun's wife, : Jung HyeMi! HyeMi...being that jerk's wife, you should know what to do, Arasseo?"
He cupped my face, and I nodded slowly.
[DaeHyun's P.O.V]
I was laying on the sofa, I was waiting for HyeMi, I felt guilty after I screamed at HyeMi... When someone tugged my sleeve. I looked next to me and saw EunMi who was staring at me:
"Where is Umma?"
"She had to do something urgent outside." She, then pointed at the kitchen while saying:
I sat up:
"What?! At 1am?"
She nodded cutely. I sighed:
"Arasseo, where's your Oppa and your Unni?"
She pointed upstairs. I nodded and went to the kitchen.
While I was preparing something to eat for the kids, I cut myself with a knife. There was blood, I sighed and took a tissue. When someone grabbed my hand, It was MyungHee:
"Appa, You should be careful..." 
She put a bandage around my finger while EunMi was blowing on it. I chuckled softly. I put food on the table and they started eating. JaeSeok was only staring at me. I asked:
"Why Aren't you eating, JaeSeok?"
"Why are you making Umma cry?"
I was startled with this question, I gulped. He continued:
"Did you know that Umma is crying every night?!" He stood up harshly and threw his poporo plush on the floor...
He then, ran away, but he fell on the floor, he kept looking at the floor, I immediatly went to him:
"JAESEOK-AH! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!"I bent down to see if he was alright.
He whispered:
"I can't cry in front of you...I'm a man..." he pouted and tears rolled on his cheeks. I hugged him and said:
"It's alright JaeSeok, Cry...You can be a man later..." I said. He hugged me back.
"Appa, I missed you."
Then, EunMi jumped on my back and shouted happily:
We then, hugged together.
When they finally decided to sleep; I waited HyeMi to come. I, then fell asleep without knowing...
[End of DaeHyun's P.O.V]
I went back home, and there was no lights. I went to the living room and saw DaeHyun sleeping on the sofa. I studied his face carefully when I noticed something he had a bandage on one finger, but the bandage was full of blood. I sighed and sat on the floor in front of him, I brought some bandages and took his finger and carefully treat it.
I whispered softly:
"Jung DaeHyun..I'm thankful...Thanks for coming back."
[DaeHyun's P.O.V]
I stirred a little in my sleep because I felt someone next to me...Then, I heard a soft whisper:
"Jung DaeHyun..I'm thankful..Thanks for coming back."
I immediatly recognized HyeMi's voice. Somehow, I felt happy after hearing that.
I thought:
"Right now...I can say that we're like old times.."
[End of DaeHyun's P.O.V]



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Chapter 17: Cute ending. <3
Chapter 17: huhuhuhu..it's done....it was a beautiful ending author nim..i hope to read your other story about their children..good job author nim..
Chapter 16: kyaaaaaa..i'm so happy they're back together but it will end soon..TT
Chapter 15: In your face minah lol. Thats what she gets. She should have some pride in herself and just give up!
Chapter 15: Yah! They're back together. ^^
Chapter 14: Awwww i have to admit. That is a tough situation to handle, wanting to make the kids happy and do whats best for them but have to face all the pain you had to endure before. At least hyemi still cares for him or it would be miserable to handle.
Chapter 14: AKSJAJJJSJD; OMG, yah! Things are falling into place now. ^^
Chapter 13: -______- Aigoo, they're making things more complicated, honestly.
Chapter 13: Umph! And the talk wasn't how I thought. They needed to TALK not SHOUT, Gosh what about your kids? They need some quiet and sleep...
Chapter 12: Oh mi gege!! They have to talk... A LOT!!