
Against All Odds

Damn him.

Who is he to treat her like that? First he abducts her then treats her like a disposable goods when he put her into a sack and now he's tying her and deliberately putting the food in front of her. Such a band of arrogant and brute bandits or thieves. 

"But why did he abducted me? It is a fact that I'm not rich and I'm even a maidservant. I don't have any worth to be ransomed off except for my beauty... hohoho," Yeol laughed hollowly and then shook her head, getting out of her own stupidity. "Argh! Let's not be delusional Yeol! This is because I'm so stressed out that I'm even using my face as a reason why I was kidnapped."

Her stomach growled, signaling her hunger. Yeol refused to acknowledge this because of her own pride. If I die, might as well die proudly than begging on my knees and eating the food made by the enemies. But seriously, why kidnap her among all others?

The answer came up as soon as she quickly thought of it. 

"No way! Are they going to interrogate me about some confidential information abut the Phoenix Clan? Duh, as if they could. I know nothing and I've just been a servant for three days to Princess So Ah-"

Realization slapped her full-force.

"!" She felt her soul literally making its way heavenwards. 

She didn't care for a second that her Aunt told her to never swear since its so unlady-like. Who cares?! This situation didn't call for modesty right now. Oh God, this is all a mistake. They thought that she's the princess. It is starting to make all sense now. 

What a rotten luck I have!

Yeol remembered that she's waiting for the princess to come back from the king's summons. At first she stood diligently because she thought that the princess might come back anytime soon and she doesn't want to appear being lazy from her work. After all, she's just starting her duties. But minutes turned to hours and she didn't dare retire for the night because she hasn't assissted the princess yet. She decided to sit on the bed since there's no harm done and the princess doesn't seem to be the type of a person that is mean and snobby so far. The next thing she knew, she was being abducted and thrown out of the window. 

"Argh! What should I do now?" Panicky, Yeol started thinking of ways on how to escape when she gasped, My knife! How could she forgot it? She's been always told  by her most trusted, most amazing and most Ha-Ha ever handsome bestfriend, Baekhyun, to bring her knife always with her because you might not know when the time comes that you're in a pinch. 

Yeol knew how to defend herself since Bakehyun's father taught them when they were still children. Byun's father is a soldier of their kingdom and he knows that the streets are very dangerous and girls are no exception. Even to the way they played and have fun is by attacking each other and fighting. Good thing that her Aunt didn't reject the lessons even though its far off from being ladylike. That is also one of the main reasons why she was hired immediately because she can protect the princess no matter how short it is before help would arrive.

But these memories further irritated Yeol because she could have defended herself before she was stupidly and mistakenly taken. Well who can when she was caught off-guard and was dreaming about unicorns having wings. Weird, right? Now she was way off the orbit. Shaking her head, she tried feeling her knife hidden under her dress, to the side of her left thigh.

, this stupid dress is in the way. The only thing she regretted when she was hired was the dress code. Servants have to wear the castle's uniform which has almost two or three layers of cloth and added up by the undergarments. Before, she also wears dresses as it was the main fashion statement of the whole kingdom but then again she wears trousers underneath instead of petticoats so as not to hinder her movements. Although she tried so hard to hide it from her aunt because she'll get an earful of sermons if she ever finds out.

Instantly, she felt it. She breathed a sigh of relief. She was glad that they weren't able to find out that she's carrying a knife. Yeol was thankful that they thought Princess So Ah (which is herself, for the moment) is incapable of hiding such things and didn't even tried searching her clothing. 

So in order to hike up her dress, Yeol wiggled and squirmed for her to reach it since her hands are tied to her back. She felt pain shot up to her hands when she moved because the rope tightened further. But she couldn't give up now. Any minute and they will come back especially that bastard.

Yep, just a little bit now. The distance between her hands and the knife is getting smaller and smaller. Argh, I have to wiggle more! Okay wiggle more, wig--

"What the hell are you doing?!"

Surprised by the sudden booming voice, Yeol jerked upright and swiveled around.

Standing there at the tent's entrance are the three men earlier, staring at her open-mouthed.

It's the annoying, smiling guy; the mean guy and the hands-- bastard.



So who are these three guys eh? HAHA I'm sure you already figured it out!

Thanks for reading!

I better work my off writing the next chapter... *flees away!* orz

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Chapter 9: LOL...they mistaken Yeol as Princess So Ah...:D
Chapter 9: I just read this and wow. It's really amazing. I love it! I love Yeol's character in here. Please update soon.
marianamunthe #3
next plis..hihii..
Chapter 8: what next?
ouuu what will happen next? >_<
Chapter 5: FINALLY YOU'RE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 4: i'm hooked~ looking forward to the next chapter!
Chapter 2: I'm so curious what will happen in the next chapter !!! >___< OMG please update soon Author nim!!
I love your story! I hope Kris be gentle toward Chanyeol *it should be* LOL
Chapter 4: LABS! the story is sooo good! update please! i'm curious about Luhan's/Kai's character (If they're ever included) :)
onkeyslove #9
Chapter 4: dont hurt yeollie
suppai #10
Chapter 4: poor yeolie, i hope kris will be gentle with him <3