Chapter 2: Crash

Battlefield: Earth [Hiatus]


Sunhi packed her bag as she tidied up her uniform. Notebook, Sketchbook, Pencils, Gym clothe, she thought as she packed each of the items into her small suitcase of a school bag.

“Sunhi! Don’t forget your inhaler!” She heard a voice nagging from downstairs.”

“I know, Oppa! I know!” Sunhi shouted back before grabbing the gray inhaler from her countertop. She slipped the small device into the front pocket of her bag and ran downstairs where her older brother was waiting.”

“Do you have your inhaler?” The taller boy inquired.

“Yes, Doojoon, for the hundredth time today, I have my inhaler. Geez, oppa, do you really think I’d forget?”

He sighed, patting his sister on the shoulder. “Just making sure. Let’s get going.” He opened the door for Sunhi as a short chubby cheeked boy ran up to the siblings’ front gate.

“HYUNG!!” He yelled, running up to Doojoon in a state of panic.

“Yoseob-oppa? What’s wrong?” Sunhi asked as the slightly smaller boy pushed passed her.

“Hyung, Hyung!” Yoseob panicked, bouncing in front of Doojoon. “Hyung. Matoki. Nalkitsune. Danger! Danger! DANGER!”

Doojoon looked at the panicked Yoseob before turning to Sunhi. “Sunhi, head out without me. I need to talk to Yoseob for a second.”

Sunhi nodded before heading out the door. She walked off toward the front gate and as she was about the turn the corner, she heard a loud, “WHAT!” erupt from inside the house. Sunhi took off in a sprint, knowing her brother was angry. Whatever Yoseob told him did not go over well.

Sunhi made it to school, not looking back as to avoid her enraged brother. She took out her inhaler from her bag’s front pocket and took a deep breath of the medicine before entering through the main gates, to see her two best friends arguing with each other.

“Morning, Ren! Morning, Amber!” Sunhi yelled at her two friends in boy’s uniforms.

“Sunhi! Morning! What are you doing here without Doojoon?” The more masculine looking of the two approached Sunhi, placing a hand on her best friend’s back.

“Doojoon-oppa stayed behind today.” Sunhi answered. “One of his friends came over this morning and he was really panicked.”

“Is everything ok?” The more effeminate one asked.

“I think so. At least I hope. I didn’t stick around long enough to find out.” Sunhi sighed before glancing up at her friend. “Hey, Amber. Didn’t Mr. Lee tell you not to wear the boy’s uniform anymore?”

“Screw him,” The masculine looking girl answered. “I hate skirts. If Ren doesn’t have to dress like a girl, then I don’t either.”

“But I’m not a girl!” The blonde boy whined. He crossed his arms, glaring at Amber.

“Sure you’re not,” Amber remarked.

Ren shoved his friend on the shoulder causing Sunhi to laugh. Amber laughed as well but Ren managed to keep a straight face.

“C’mon guys,” Sunhi remarked. “Let’s get to class before we get counted tardy.” The three nodded and headed into the large high school building.

Sunhi loved spending time with her two best friends. She had met Amber in the fourth grade when Amber’s family moved from the United States. Sunhi was surprised when she found out Amber was actually a girl but enjoyed her company, regardless of her boyish appearance and attitude.

The two of them met Minki in middle school after Amber saved him from some bullies. Afterwards he managed to bond with the two, though he’d purposely start arguments with Amber, just to get on her nerves. He rarely smiles but can easily make Sunhi laugh. It wasn’t until eighth grade that he earned the nickname, Ren.

School was not one of Sunhi’s favorite places. She was fortunate enough not to get bullied but she wasn’t very popular either. On a day to day base, the freshman was often ignored. To some she was known as “Doojoon’s boring sister,” while to others, she was called, “That girl with the asthma,” but she never minded too much. She had a great older brother and two great friends who were looking out for her.

Lunch arrived and Sunhi sat at her usual table with Ren and Amber. She began eating her sandwich while sketching a laser gun, when Ren spoke up his observation. “None of the Kingkas are here today.”

“Huh?” Sunhi looked up from her sketchbook, noticing her brother’s usual table was empty. “Maybe they’re eating outside, to mix it up.”

“I don’t think so,” Amber spoke, full.

“Unnie, Swallow!” Sunhi whined.

Amber swallowed her food and continued where she left off. “That arrogant prick, Kikwang, wasn’t in class today.”

“What do you have against, Kikwang-oppa?” Sunhi asked her friend.

“I just hate his attitude.” Amber shoved another spoonful of soup into .

Ren chuckled but kept his face turned from his friends. “You’re just angry that he can beat you in eating contests.”

“Shove it, Ren.”

“Unnie, swallow.” Sunhi stared at the empty table across the hall. Doojoon wasn’t sick and he never missed school. She was starting to worry about her brother, and the other Kingkas that secretly took care of her.

“You ok, Sunhi-ah,” Ren asked, noticing his friend’s blank expression.

Sunhi looked at her friends and nodded. “I’m just worried about Doojoon. He never misses school. He was fine until Yoseob showed up this morning.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Amber responded, mouth full again. “I’m sure he’s fine.”

            Sunhi sighed and went back to drawing. She couldn’t help but feel like something was off.


School ended and the sun had begun to set. Sunhi sat alone in the art room, drawing what looked like an alien landscape. She gazed out her window, where the school’s soccer team was practicing. She was still amazed that her brother had missed practice. Doojoon loved soccer more than anything in the world. Sometimes, in elementary, he’d go off to soccer camp for months on end. Without being able to see him practicing outside her window, Sunhi couldn’t help but feel worried.

“Ms. Yoon?” Sunhi turned toward the door where the art teacher was standing. “You should head home. It’s getting late. Is your brother walking you home?”

“No. I’ll head out on my own. Thanks Ms. Choi.” Sunhi jumped down from her stool and covered her artwork. After searching her bag for all of her items, Sunhi walked out of the classroom.

Sunhi walked through the now dark streets of Icheon. Her town was small but she liked it that way. Before heading home, Sunhi felt her stomach growling and went into a nearby convenient store. After purchasing some chips and a bottle of water, Sunhi exited the store to see the local neighborhood gang gathered around the outside.

Crap. Bigbang. Sunhi had forgotten how dangerous the area could get after dark. She usually had her brother with her to protect her from these jerks. She walked quickly trying to get away, but was immediately spotted by the leader.

“Well, well, well, what do we have here,” The blonde leader cut her off, as the other four boys followed.

Sunhi clutched her bag close to her as the five roughnecks surrounded.

“What’s in the bag, little girl,” the leader continued.

Sunhi remained quiet, still holding onto her bag. She didn’t want to give up her sketch books or her inhaler to the group of street punks.

Without warning one of the gangsters grabbed onto the handle of her bag.

“YAH! LET GO, YOU JERK!” Sunhi yelled, still holding tight to her school bag.

“Atta boy, Seungri,” The leader cheered.


“Just give it up.” The deep voiced one mocked.

“I’ll never hand this bag over. NOT TO YOU GANGSTERS!!”

A sudden loud crash, not too far from the city, pulled the boy’s attention away from Sunhi. Although she too was curious about what made the sound, Sunhi took the opportunity to pull her bag away from the punks and took off running. She ran as fast as she could with the boys chasing. After a while, she arrived in a heavily forested area.

She eventually managed to lose them by ducking into a small ravine. After taking a minute to catch her breath, and take a spray from her inhaler, Sunhi pulled herself out of the dirt and climbed back up to the forest path. Out of the corner of her eye she saw something shining in the sky. Sunhi let curiosity get the better of her and ran toward a clearing to get a better look at the sky.

 Her eyes brightened, seeing seven lights within the sky. Each was somehow beautiful and unexplainably close. Sunhi‘s joy swiftly became panic as she realized one of the shooting stars were headed her way. She took off in a swift run, dropping her bag as the meteor crashed into the clearing, bringing up much dust on impact.

Sunhi ran down the forest path but stopped, succumbing to the dust in the air. She began to cough and searched for her bag, but soon realized she had dropped it in the clearing, and with it, her inhaler. Sunhi’s coughing became worse and it soon became harder for her to breathe. She eventually fell to her knees before lying on the ground. Her vision soon became blurry from lack of oxygen. As she was in a near unconscious state, she caught a glimpse of a strange figure; a silhouette of a boy, but were those fox ears?




A/N: In honor of BtoB's comeback, [Second Confession] I'll be updating a few hours early. 


I'd also like to announce this story's game! 

Title Song!! 

It's easy! The chapter title is named after a KPOP song. All you have to do is tell me the artist first, starting with this chapter! 

Gain an honorable mention for each chapter! 

And a prize at the end of the fic for the most mentions!! 




For those of you reading "Child's Play," The final chapter'll be posted by the end of the week!

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Thank you!
I'm back. Enjoy this long chapter


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hellograce11 #1
i don't know how you managed to write about my three favorite groups, but this story is awesome! i know you're on hiatus from this story, but whenever you get the inspiration again, i am definitely looking forward to more!! thank you for this author-nim!
nice story ^^
sparks_ys #3
Chapter 9: Hohoho.. long time no see :) I've been waiting for an update. And I think the whole chapter is so cute. With the overprotective dujun. And Daehyun is so cute I don't know but he's just cute because he's hungry... woohoo! Hyunsik and ilhoon c:
So I think I commented long enough. It's because I'm just so happy about this update hihi..
shujun #4
Chapter 9: over-protective brother, yoon doo joon! haha..
Chapter 9: ahahahaha omg the feels in this chappie. hehehehehe. yoon leader's weirdness, sungjae's creepiness, mah hoonsik! and peniel, those pick ups are seriously awful... >< and lol daehyun and food can never be separated. evar. and dont think i didnt spot that DooSeob over there! eeeek
Chapter 9: Oh. Is this why by btob? The one gikwang helped to compose. 왜이레?
Chapter 9: Usurp. Haahaha you finally used it.

This is really funny. XPppp lol at daehyun. I can't blame him though, desserts are little heavens on earth. XPPp this is why I gain weight easily.

And lol at peniel. I remember his vlog. Hahahahahahahah =____= STUPID LINES.

Ilsik though hahahah <3
I'll sleep now. Byeeee
Chapter 8: Done here too! awesome! this story is really funny especially when the aliens are clueless
shujun #9
Chapter 8: aigoo~cute..^^..