Chapter 7: Face

Battlefield: Earth [Hiatus]



            I can’t believe this, Sunhi thought as she walked slowly towards the school grounds. She sighed as the tall, black-haired Nalkitsune followed behind her.

            “Nalmiyoh,” Sungjae whined. “Do you have to go to school today? I don’t want you in the same building as that smart- rabbit.”

            “Youngjae’s not that bad,” Sunhi retorted. “And I don’t think you have a say in the matter, Sungjae.”

            “But Nalmiyoh~”

            Sunhi rolled her eyes thinking back to her earlier conversation with Doojoon.




            “So for the time being, Sungjae will be living with us,” Doojoon said tiredly, lacing up his shoes.

            “How is this, a good idea?” Sunhi glared at her brother. “He’s an alien!”

            “Nalmiyoh!” Sungjae leapt up, hugging Sunhi from behind.”

            “And he’s REALLY clingy.”

            “It’s a part of the deal I’m working out with the Nalkitsune and Matoki.” Doojoon grabbed his book bag. “…this is why Youngjae is still allowed to attend your school.”

            “I object!” Sungjae yelled.

            “Objection denied,” Doojoon smiled. “I need to keep Youngjae in Sunhi’s life to keep a communication line with the Matoki side.”

            “But why am I the one that has to interact with the aliens?” Sunhi complained as Sungjae pouted.

            “I don’t know,” Doojoon shrugged. “They like you. That was their choice, not mine.”

            Sunhi groaned and Sungjae stared at her through puppy eyes. “Do you hate me, Nalmiyoh?”

            Sunhi looked up at Sungjae before sighing and reaching up to scratch behind his gray ears. “No, Sungjae. I don’t hate you.”

            The Nalkitsune boy started kicking his leg like a dog and Sunhi couldn’t help but smile at his adorability.

            “Oh that reminds me, Sunhi,” Doojoon walked over to his sister, taking hold of her wrist.


            Before Sunhi could say another word, Doojoon took a black watch from his pocket and slipped it around his sister’s wrist. “Don’t lose this. It controls Sungjae’s shock collar.”

            “Eh?” Sungjae asked a bit confused and annoyed.

            “There’s a dial on the side,” Doojoon continued. “Setting one is just for a light jolt. Setting two is to stun and setting three.” He paused for a second before a smirk tugged on his lips. “Let’s just say, he’ll be out for a few days.”

            “Hey! That’s not co-” Sungjae was cut off by Doojoon pressing the button on Sunhi’s watch. “YAAAAHHHH!!!!”

            “Also, the watch has a call function. Use it to call me or any of the B2ST members. If you get into trouble with either of those idiots, just call and one of us will come running.”

            Sunhi nodded, pulling the stunned Nalkitsune from the floor.

            “Good,” Doojoon responded. “Well I’m gonna head out early. I missed two days so I gotta see what I missed in class. Don’t forget your inhaler.”

            “I won’t, Oppa. Geez, you don’t have to keep telling me that.”

            Doojoon ruffled his sibling’s hair. “I just wanna be sure. There’s some food in the kitchen. Eat it before it gets cold. Love ya.”

            With that, the older Yoon sibling took off, leaving Sunhi alone with Sungjae.

            “I gotta get dressed for school,” Sunhi walked to the stairs as Sungjae followed close behind. “What are you doing?”

            “Can I watch?”

            Sunhi’s face reddened before pressing the button on her watch and kicking the boy to the bottom of the stairs. “NEVER ASK THAT AGAIN, !”

            Sungjae whined rubbing his head.

            “Just go eat something, and keep yourself occupied until I’m done.” The angry girl stormed off leaving Sungjae confused and alone.

            After about half an hour, Sunhi returned in her well pressed uniform. She searched through her bag checking for her notebooks, sketchbooks, and inhaler. Once she was satisfied, she paced up to see Sungjae, devouring a plate of food, his hands as his choice of utensil.

            “Sungjae?! Is that my breakfast?!” Sunhi yelled, causing the guilty boy to glace up.”

            “Of course not, Nalmiyoh,” Sungjae spoke, mouth full. “Doojoon made this plate for me. I ate your plate earlier.” He smiled earning an angry glare from Sunhi.

            “You ate all my food?!”

            “I saved you some bacon,” The black haired boy held out a handful of bacon, a bright smile on his face.

            Sunhi pressed and held down the button on her watch, observing as the bacon sizzled in the electrocuted Nalkitsune’s hand.

            She soon stepped over the twitching mass, on the floor, and headed toward the front door. “I got to get to school.”

            Sungjae sat up, shaking off the electricity. “Can I come?”

            “No! You already agreed not to come to school. Youngjae’s there and we can’t have you two fighting.”

            “Then I can at least walk you to school. Please! I’ll come right back home afterwards. Please, Nalmiyoh! Please! Please! Please!”




            Sunhi continued her walk, as Sungjae looked around like a curious child. “Nalmiyoh, what’s that?” He pointed to a stone wall where a brown creature scampered across the top.

            “That’s just a squirrel, Sungjae.” Sunhi chuckled.

            “Are they edible?”

            Sunhi slowed down before laughing a bit. “Not particularly.”

            The red-hatted boy smiled, before turning his gaze up toward the sky. “The sky’s so much lighter here.”

            Sunhi glanced as the boy stared up in pure wonder. She couldn’t help but feel immersed in his positive attitude. It was interesting to see how something so mundane to her could be a whole new frontier for Sungjae. She was curious to see what Sungjae thought was normal. What was Nalki like? What are other Nalkitsune like?

            “Well, you seem to be ad-justing well.”

            Sunhi and Sungjae both turned their attention to the large tree, looming over the long stone wall.

            “W-who said that,” Sunhi stammered.

            Sungjae thought for a second before a smile appeared on his face. “I know that vocal tone!”

            Before Sunhi had any time to react, a muscular brown-haired boy leapt down from a high branch and landed atop the stone wall, a goofy smile on his face. “Hey there, Sungjae.” The boy spoke in English.

            “Peniel!” Sungjae excitedly shouted as the brown haired boy jumped down from the wall and hugged him. He was wearing a dark blue jumpsuit similar in style to the one Sungjae arrived in. His hair was a bit messy but he was handsome none the less.

            “Sungjae! I’m so happy to find you.” He spoke in a heavy American accent, pulling away from the tall Nalkitsune.

            “I know. It’s so great to see you. I’ve so much to tell you!”

            Sunhi cleared gaining the attention of the two boys.

            “Oh, Peniel. This is Yoon Sunhi.” He ran over hugging Sunhi from behind. “My Nalmiyoh.”

            “N-Nalmiyoh? On another planet?” Peniel asked a bit confused. Sungjae nodded and Peniel shrugged. “I guess whatever happens, happens.” He spoke in English.

            Sungjae let go of Sunhi, walking over to his slightly shorter companion. “Nalmiyoh, I’d like to introduce, my best friend, Peniel.”

            “Nice to meet you, Peniel,” Sunhi smiled shyly.

            Peniel kneeled before her, taking her hand in his, and giving it a quick peck. “Pleasure to meet you as well.”

            “Yah! Hyung!” Sungjae pushed Peniel off glaring at him. “I don’t care if you like skinship, or if you are my best friend. No one touches my Nalmiyoh but me!”

            Peniel smiled, backing off from Sunhi. “Fair enough.” He began looking around before returning his gaze to Sunhi and Sungjae. “So, where are you two going?” he asked with a smile on his face.

            “I gotta get to school. Sungjae here is just walking me.”

            “Why not come with us, Hyung?” Sungjae asked, a bit excitedly.

            Sunhi was a bit hesitant at the thought of walking with not one but two Nalkitsune, but eventually agreed as Peniel sided with his cute dongsaeng.

            “So, Peniel,” Sunhi spoke up as the four continued their walk. “Where are you from?”

            “Nalki. Just like Sungjae.”

            “Are you from a different part of Nalki?”

            “Nope. Sungjae and I grew up in the same district and even went through the same basic training camp. Why do you ask?”

            “It’s just that…” Sunhi paused, trying to figure out her phrasing. She didn’t want to hurt the other boy’s feelings but at the same time something about him made her curious. “Well, um, unlike Sungjae… You seem to have a bit of a… accent… like Korean’s not your first language.”

            Sungjae stopped for a second before thinking. “Yeah, Peniel, why is that?”

            “Oh, um, about that,” The elder Nalkitsune shuffled his feet a bit. “I kinda…assimilated a foreigner’s knowledge of the Korean language.”

            “Assimilated?” Sunhi asked, confusedly.”

            “Oh! Ok,” Sungjae nodded before turning to Sunhi. “You see, when we came to earth, none of us had any knowledge of your earthling languages. Luckily, we Nalkitsu, among a few other species, have the ability to absorb and learn a language through contact with the people of the planet. Once we assimilate their etymology, we can speak it just as the person we withdrew the language from, dialect and all.”

            Oh, I get it. So since Peniel absorbed the language from a foreigner, he speaks Korean just as the foreigner did.” Sunhi giggled, learning this strange ability.

            “Problem is we can only do it once per planet.” Peniel said sadly. “After that, any other languages we have to learn on our own.”

            Sungjae stuck out his tongue before placing his hand on Peniel’s shoulder. “Think of it this way, Peniel. You got two languages in one. If we meet another foreigner, we’ll have you to translate.”

            Peniel smiled and nodded at his dongsaeng.


            “I just happened to assimilate my language from the first person I saw.” Sungjae ran over, hugging Sunhi. “And I don’t regret a thing.”

            “You mean.” Sunhi blushed. “You stole my language.”

            “Sure did.” The Nalkitsune boy spun around. “And I’m glad I did or I wouldn’t have gotten to meet you.”

            Sunhi smiled and Peniel laughed at happy boy.”

            “Come on, Nalmiyoh. We gotta get you to school.” Sungjae grabbed Sunhi’s wrist, pulling her towards the schools grounds, Peniel following close behind.

            The three soon arrived at the gates to TS High where Sunhi’s friends stood around waiting.

            “Sunhi!” Amber waved as Ren made a mad sprint toward his classmate.

            “Yah! Sunhi! How could you let me get paired up with Baekho?” Ren shouted, extremely annoyed.

            “It’s not my fault.” Sunhi protested. “Blame Miss Lee. You weren’t there so she paired me with the new guy.”

            “But Baekho,” Ren complained.

            Amber smirked, before looking past her friends shoulders over at the two, out of place, Nalkitsune boys. “Huh, who’s this?”

            Sunhi focused in the direction of Amber’s gaze. “Oh um… that’s just Sungjae and Peniel.” Sunhi said nervously.

            Sungjae ran over wrapping his arms around Sunhi. “Nalmiyoh. Is this girl causing you trouble?”

            “Sungjae! Let go!” Sunhi pressed the button on her watch, causing Sungjae to let go falling to his back.

            “Sungjae and Peniel?” Ren asked.

            Peniel approached helping Sungjae back up to his feet as Sunhi relinquished a heavy sigh. “They’re… umm… the exchange students from the States that my brother is helping adjust to life in Korea. They were just walking me to school but they’re leaving now.”

            “Yah! Nalmiyoh! What’s the rush?” Sungjae bounced a bit on his heels after recovering from his small electrocution.

            “Yeah, Sunhi-ah,” Amber approached the two boys. “You should introduce us to the two, especially considering I’m from the US as well.”

            “Umm, ok.” Sunhi stood between both pairs. “Sungjae, Peniel. These are my best friends, Amber and Ren.”

            Peniel smiled, walking over to Ren and kneeling before him. “Charmed to meet such a cute girl as yourself.”

            Ren narrowed his eyes, “Thanks but I’m not-”

            “Can I help you with your book bag?” The Nalkitsune interrupted. “It seems a bit heavy.”

            “No, cause I’m not-”

            “Oh, but I insist. A pretty girl like you shouldn’t have to worry about such a heavy bag.”

            Ren clenched his fist. “IDIOT! I’M A BOY!” He delivered a swift kick to Peniel’s family jewels and the Nalkitsune boy fell to the ground.

            “Bwoh?” Sungjae said, surprised.

            Amber laughed walking over to Peniel. “Sorry buddy. Ren’s a guy, though he really doesn’t look the part. I’m the girl here.”

            “Bwoh?!” Sungjae repeated as Peniel looked up at the tomboy.

            “You’re a girl?” Peniel asked. “Seriously? You don’t look cute in the slightest-”

            Before Peniel could finish his statement, another kick was delivered to his crotch, this time by the insulted tomboy. Peniel doubled over as Sunhi began laughing.

            “You really need to work on your manners.” Amber scowled before returning to her friend’s side.

            “Crazy lady,” Peniel whimpered.

            “Sorry, Peniel,” Sunhi chuckled. “Best not to get on Amber’s bad side.”

            Amber scoffed rolling her eyes as Sungjae helped Peniel to his unsteady feet.

            “Oi!” A familiar voice rang throughout the courtyard as a certain blonde entered through the gate. “What the hell are you doing here?”

            “Youngjae,” Sunhi said shyly.

            Sungjae growled as the matoki approached the group.

            “I thought I told you to back off, dumb fox. The school is my time with Yoon Sunhi!”

            “I can walk her to school, can’t I?”  Sungjae snarled back. “Don’t act like my Nalmiyoh is part yours.”

            “You wanna die, fox!”

            “Bring it on, smart- rabbit!” Sungjae began equipping his claws as Sunhi pressed and held the button on her watch.

            “YAAAHHHH!!” Sungjae fell to the ground twitching as a smirk appeared on Youngjae’s face.     

            “Yah! Sungjae,” Peniel walked over to his friend’s side before looking over at Sunhi.

            “You guys are in Peace time!” Sunhi argued. “No fighting or I’m calling Doojoon.”

            Youngjae sighed. “Yeah, alright.”

            Sungjae lay in a dazed state while Peniel stared at Youngjae and Sunhi, both angry and confused. “What’s going on here?” Peniel asked.

            “Yeah. Youngjae, do you know these two?” Amber asked, completely baffled by the situation.

            Youngjae simply smirked at his tomboy friend. “Never seen them before in my life.” He shook his head and walked over to Sunhi. “Come on, Sunhi-ah. Let’s get to class.”

            He placed a hand on Sunhi’s shoulder, instigating Sungjae to return to his feet. “GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY NALMIYOH!”

            “Give it a rest, Sungjae,” Sunhi pushed Youngjae’s hand off. “And Youngjae, stop provoking Sungjae! I’m going to class now. See you after school Sungjae. Nice meeting you Peniel.” Sunhi ran inside the building with Ren and Amber sprinting after.

            Youngjae smirked at the two, “Later dumb foxes.”  He sauntered off leaving Sungjae growling.


            An hour went by as Sungjae sat in the living room of the Yoon household. He was happy to have Peniel with him now but he couldn’t help feel lonely without his Nalmiyoh and angry at the rabbit who was allowed to spend the day with her. Sungjae sighed heavily as the elder Nalkitsune boy walked in, drinking straight from a bottle of mustard.

            “Y’know, this earthian drink taste just like Zantian slug juice.” He his lips before sitting next to Sungjae. “What’s wrong Sungjae?”

            Sungjae sniffed before giving his hyung a cute pout. “I miss my Nalmiyoh!

            Peniel could only laugh, patting his dongsaeng’s head. “Then let’s go see her.”

            “But I said I wouldn’t go to school.”

            “You said you wouldn’t go to school with her. This is going after her. Get it?”

            Sungjae smiled. “Nope, but let’s go anyway.”



            About an hour later, the two boys arrived outside of T.S. High School. They had borrowed a few of Doojoon’s clothes for Peniel so he wouldn’t stand out as much.

            “Ok, hyung,” Sungjae directed. “We should split up to cover more ground and find Nalmiyoh. If you find her before me you know how to find me.”

            Peniel nodded tapping his nose.

            “Alright, let’s go!” Sungjae ran off in one direction, leaving Peniel to head in the other.

            The red hatted fox-boy started by searching the outside of the building. He curiously watched the students from the ground-floor windows. He studied every face in the crowds but was unable to find Sunhi; he puffed out his cheeks in annoyance. “Guess I’m going inside after all.”


            Peniel began his search by scaling the roof top of the school’s gymnasium. He figured by staying high up, he’d get a better view of the school grounds. He sighed when none of the students entering the school building were Sungjae’s Nalmiyoh. Deciding he needed a different view, Peniel ran to the other side of the rooftop. He looked out from the other side of the gym roof to see the school’s baseball diamond. As he stepped near the edge, he felt a crack under his feet. Before the Nalkitsune could react, the floor gave way and Peniel fell through the roof.

            “YAHHHH!” Peniel collided with the hard ground before sitting up and rubbing his head. “Aish. Are earthian roofs not made with reinforced diamond alloy?” It was at this moment the Nalkitsune boy noticed his surroundings. He glanced around at the blue storage lockers and the many half- females in front of them.

            Peniel felt embarrassed for falling into the girls’ locker room at first but immediately thought back to the preceding morning and his encounter with Ren and Amber; a smile appeared on his face.

           “Hello, fellow earth males. Sorry for dropping in expectantly, but I’m looking for a female named Yoon Sunhi. Have you seen her?”

            The confused Nalkitsune was immediately met with screams and shoes flying at him from all directions. He ran covering his head, immediately escaping the chaotic locker room.

            “YAH! CRAZY LADY!” And with that Peniel was blindsided by a large boot to the face.


            Sungjae walked through the large building at a steady pace. He was becoming rather frustrated by the school’s size and the fact that he couldn’t find his Nalmiyoh. As he ruffled his hair, a pleasing aroma tugged at his nasal passages. Sungjae took a few sniffs of the sweet scent before following it through a pair of large door.

            He ran into the school cafeteria where only a few students were situated. Some sat talking while others swept up the debris for previous lunch periods. He followed his nose into the kitchen on the side where he was met face to face with a large plate of luscious wedge-shaped fruits.

            What is this, Sungjae though as he sniffed over the odd red triangles with a round green base. He couldn’t help but be curious by its sweet smell and unique design. He looked closely and could see small black seeds lodged within the red and green fruit. What are those?

            “Do you like watermelon, young man?” Sungjae spun around, surprised to see an old lady watching him from across the kitchen. He took a moment to analyze her but immediately determined her not to be a threat.

            “What’s watermelon?”

            The lady giggled before walking over to the boy. “It’s what’s your staring at. Have you never had watermelon before?”

            Sungjae shook his head, embarrassed for not knowing of an earthian fruit that seemed so common to the lady. “I’m not from around here. I’ve never seen it before.”

            The lady then gave Sungjae a gentle smile. “Then you must try some.”

            “Really, ajumma?” Sungjae excitedly asked

            “Sure. Help yourself.”

            Sungjae smiled, picking up a slice of the juicy melon. He sniffed it a couple of times, taking note of the sugary aroma before sinking his teeth into the tip. His eyes instantly lit up. “Delicious.”

            He devoured the rest of the wedge within a matter of seconds. “It’s so sweet. It’s very delicious. I’ve never had anything like this in my entire life!”

            He grabbed more wedges, consuming them one after another. The kind lady simply laughed. “I’m glad you like it. It’s so nice to see the youth of today eating fruit. Most boys your age prefer chips or candy bars to good old fashioned fruit.”

            “I’ll take this over a cad-ney bar any day,” Sungjae replied, mouth dripping with melon juices.

            “Then take as many as you want.”

            Sungjae nodded vigorously, munching down the juicy red triangle. As he was about to devour yet another slice, a thought arose in his head. He was reminded of Sunhi and how she was upset over breakfast. He figured, by now, the young girl would still be hungry and the watermelon would be a great way to make it up to her.

            “Hey, kind ajumma,” Sungjae addressed the woman. “Can I take some of this watermelon to my special friend?”

            “I don’t see why not. I’d rather see you youngsters eat it than let it all go to waste.”

            Sungjae jumped up, hugging the elderly woman, before taking several pieces of watermelon and shoving it into a plastic baggy. Nalmiyoh will love this.



            Sunhi sat in the library holding her uneasy stomach. She sighed, annoyed at Sungjae for eating her breakfast and angry at herself for forgetting to pack her lunch and not bringing any lunch money.

            “Sunhi-ah. Are you alright?” Youngjae asked from across the table.

            Sunhi sighed. “I’m fine. Just hungry.”

            “Hungry?” Youngjae tilted his head before smiling. “I told you, you should’ve eaten at lunch.”

            “Yah, enough of the ‘I told you so’ attitude,” Sunhi retorted before groaning. “I just forgot to make my lunch last night with all the chaos I had to deal; no thanks to you or Sungjae.”

            Youngjae sighed returning to his work. After a second, he remembered something and reached into his bag. “Hey, Yoon Sunhi.”

            Sunhi turned toward the cheerful matoki. “Hmm?”

            Youngjae eagerly tossed her a plastic bag filled with odd smelling brown objects.

            “What’s this,” Sunhi asked, looking in the small bag.

            “Fish cookies.”

            Sunhi scrunched up her nose, inhaling the scent of the strange snacks. “Fish…cookies?”

            Youngjae nodded happily. “I did some research on earthian foods. A common earth treat appears to be cookies, so I had Himchan whip some up.”

            “Cookies are great but…fish?”

            “Well fish are delicious.”

            Sunhi sighed at the clueless matoki before grabbing ahold of one of the strange confections. She took a small bite of the snack, doing all she could to keep from gagging.

            “Too much apple jelly?” Youngjae asked, aware of Sunhi’s reaction.

            “You put apple jelly in this?!” Sunhi yelled.

            “I thought it’d go well with the seaweed.”

            “Excuse me,” And with that, Sunhi was off toward the nearest bathroom.



            Meanwhile, Peniel stood outside the bathrooms on a different floor. He had no real reason to go in either of them but he found it his duty to look for Yoon Sunhi. The only problem was, he was unsure of which bathroom to enter.

            “Ok, so Yoon Sunhi is a female,” he muttered. “So she’d most likely be in the bathroom marked female.” He pointed himself toward the door with the pink sign of a female stick figure. “Then again, Amber-ssi is also a female, and she looks more like that.”

            He walked over to the door with the blue sign of a male stick figure. “But those people in the locker room, they were girls, right?” He walked back over to the other door. “But I didn’t get a good view. Aish.”

            He rubbed his hair, viciously, trying to figure out which room to go into. Which one? Which one?


            The final bell rang and students bowed to their teachers before leaving. Sunhi felt weak from lack of food as she headed out the door.

            “Yoon Sunhi,” Youngjae walked over to Sunhi, taking her bag. “Here, I’ll walk you home. Sorry Himchan’s cookies made you sick.”

            “It’s fine, Youngjae,” Sunhi groaned, holding her growling stomach. “I just wish I had some real food to eat.”


            Youngjae cringed at the sound of a familiar voice. It can’t be…

            “Nalmiyoh!” Sungjae ran up, hugging Sunhi from behind.

            “Sungjae! I thought I told you to stay home.”

            “No, you said not come with you to school. I came after you.” He smiled, letting go of Sunhi as Youngjae glared at the Nalkitsune boy.

            Sunhi sighed, “What are you doing here, Sungjae. I thought you were with Peniel.”

            “I missed you, Nalmiyoh.” He smiled happily. “I couldn’t stay away.”

            Sunhi sighed before giving a soft smile. “Well, as long as you didn’t cause any trouble.”

            Sungjae shook his head before reaching in the pocket of his purple hoodie and pulling out a plastic baggy. “Here, in case you’re still hungry.”

            Sunhi looked at the smiling Nalkitsune, holding a bag of watermelon slices. “Watermelon?”

            Sungjae nodded. “The nice ajumma said I can have as much as I wanted, so I brought some for you.”

            Sunhi blinked, stomach still growling. “I don’t know what to say. Thank y-”

            “Aish. So cheesy,” Youngjae interrupted.

            “What did you say, smart- rabbit,” Sungjae growled, dropping the baggy to the ground.

            “I said it was cheesy.” Youngjae repeated. “She’s only hungry because you ate her breakfast, dumb-.”

            “You wanna go, rabbit!” Youngjae stomped, crushing the watermelon on the ground.

            “My watermelon,” Sunhi whimpered.

            “Ha, as if you could take me,” Youngjae smirked confidently.

            Sungjae was about to lunge at Youngjae when Sunhi placed and on hand his shoulder. “Sungjae?”

            Sungjae stopped and smiled. “Yes, Nalmiyoh?”

            Before Sungjae could react a powerful kick was landed in the small of his back. The Nalkitsune fell forward into Youngjae. “Nalmiyoh, what was that for-”

            Sunhi immediately shut the two aliens up by pressing and holding the button on her watch. Without warning, thousands of bolts of electricity not only flowed into Sungjae but also traveled into Youngjae through physical contact.

            As the two boys lay unconscious, twitching on the ground, Sunhi stormed off angrily. “Unbelievable. Why do I have to live with these aliens? I’m so hungry, and their arguing destroys my only source of food.”

            Sunhi grumbled as she marched up the street. “Why’d Sungjae even come, he was supposed to be with Peniel.” Sunhi stopped as a thought popped into her head. “Hey, where is Peniel?”



            Yoseob and Junhyung walked out of the T.S. building, dragging an unconscious Nalkitsune behind them.

            Junhyung smirked, holding onto Peniel’s left wrist. “Unbelievable. What kinda idiot runs into the girl’s bathroom, smiling? If you go into the girls room, you’re gonna get hit, hard. ”

            “I know,” Yoseob giggled, dragging Peniel’s right arm. “Especially when it’s so easy just to drill a hole through the wall in the boy’s room and watch from there.”

            Junhyung simply rolled his eyes. “I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that.”



A/N: Sorry, my friends. for the long unscheduled Hiatus. For a long long time I was without my laptop so I was only able to write at school

BUT I'M BACK, And I'll write as much as I can











Good work, new guesser 


Good luck to all!!

Keep reading and keep guessing!~


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I'm back. Enjoy this long chapter


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hellograce11 #1
i don't know how you managed to write about my three favorite groups, but this story is awesome! i know you're on hiatus from this story, but whenever you get the inspiration again, i am definitely looking forward to more!! thank you for this author-nim!
nice story ^^
sparks_ys #3
Chapter 9: Hohoho.. long time no see :) I've been waiting for an update. And I think the whole chapter is so cute. With the overprotective dujun. And Daehyun is so cute I don't know but he's just cute because he's hungry... woohoo! Hyunsik and ilhoon c:
So I think I commented long enough. It's because I'm just so happy about this update hihi..
shujun #4
Chapter 9: over-protective brother, yoon doo joon! haha..
Chapter 9: ahahahaha omg the feels in this chappie. hehehehehe. yoon leader's weirdness, sungjae's creepiness, mah hoonsik! and peniel, those pick ups are seriously awful... >< and lol daehyun and food can never be separated. evar. and dont think i didnt spot that DooSeob over there! eeeek
Chapter 9: Oh. Is this why by btob? The one gikwang helped to compose. 왜이레?
Chapter 9: Usurp. Haahaha you finally used it.

This is really funny. XPppp lol at daehyun. I can't blame him though, desserts are little heavens on earth. XPPp this is why I gain weight easily.

And lol at peniel. I remember his vlog. Hahahahahahahah =____= STUPID LINES.

Ilsik though hahahah <3
I'll sleep now. Byeeee
Chapter 8: Done here too! awesome! this story is really funny especially when the aliens are clueless
shujun #9
Chapter 8: aigoo~cute..^^..