Chapter 6: Insane

Battlefield: Earth [Hiatus]

Sunhi followed Youngjae deep into what was known as Icheon’s shady district. The streets weren’t very well kept and most of the stores were closed down. Youngjae lead the nervous girl toward an abandoned apartment building near an empty abandoned warehouse. The blonde opened up a boarded door and lead Sunhi to the stairs.

            “Y-You live here?” Sunhi asked nervously.

           “Temporarily, yes,” Youngjae nodded. The boy turned to Sunhi noticing her nervous yet pity filled expression. “Is something wrong?”

            “N-No! Nothing,” Sunhi felt a bit sad for the boy, living in such a broken down place. She’d never say it out loud, but the apartment building was nothing short of a dump.

            “C’mon,” Youngjae said as he headed to the stairs. “The elevator’s broken so we have to use the stairs.”

            Sunhi inwardly groaned and walked over to the dirty stairwell. She glanced around, noticing all the dust on the stairs. “Does anyone really live here?”

            “Just me and my brothers,” Youngjae said happily, as he began climbing. Sunhi followed. After about three flights, Sunhi began to lag behind, finding it a bit difficult to breathe. She stopped, searching her bag and pulling out her inhaler.

            “Hey, what’s that thing?” Youngjae asked, as he back-tracked to Sunhi.

            “It’s just an inhaler.” Sunhi answered.

            “Right, right, I knew that.” Youngjae diverted his gaze from Sunhi before glancing back as she inhaled the medical mist. “Hey, what are you doing with it?”

            “I’m just taking my medicine.”

            “You need medicine?”

            “For my asthma?” Sunhi replied, slightly annoyed. She couldn’t help but feel a bit of deja vu explaining this again.

            “Right, right, asthma,” Youngjae turned around pulling out a miniature computer from his pocket and searching asthma. After a couple of seconds, he read the result. Oh, it’s a medical condition that makes it hard for her to breathe when it’s dusty. He looked around the dusty stairwell then back at Sunhi who started climbing again.

            “Here,” he knelt down picking up Sunhi, bridal style

            Sunhi blushed, “H-Hey! What’re you doing?!”

            “You can’t move well in dusty environments, right?” Youngjae smiled. I’ll carry you.” Before Sunhi could protest, the blonde boy was off, traversing several flights of stairs in a matter of seconds.

            Sunhi was amazed. For someone as weak looking as Youngjae, he was unbelievably strong and fast, maybe faster than Doojoon.

            Youngjae stood Sunhi in front of the dusty door to an apartment on the ninth floor or so. Sunhi took a moment to catch her breath while Youngjae fished for a small black key in his pocket. He slipped it into the lock.  

            “I’m home,” He pushed open the door, revealing a clean and rather spacious apartment. The entryway lead to a living room that had little more than a large couch, a television and a coffee table but it felt rather homey.

            Sunhi looked around, surprised to see how clean the apartment was; a complete contrast to its rundown surroundings. It was simple, but at the same time uplifting.

            “Welcome back Youngjae,” a handsome, also blonde, boy walked out of the kitchen in a pink apron. “How was earth sch-” He paused looking at Sunhi, before turning to Youngjae. “Um, who’s this?”

            “This is Yoon Sunhi. We’re lab partners and have project for school, Hyung. We’ll be in my room.”

            The taller blonde tilted his head before smiling, “Hello, Yoon Sunhi-ssi. My name is Kim Himchan. Nice to meet you.”

            Sunhi smiled back at the gentle boy. “Nice to meet you, too.”

            “Yes, yes, nice to meet everyone,” Youngjae said, slightly annoyed. “We’ll be in my room.” Youngjae walked off into a hallway as Sunhi followed, bowing once more to Himchan.

            “Oh, and Sunhi-ssi,” Himchan called out.

            “Yes, Himchan-ssi,” She responded.

            “Try not to scream,” He smiled causing Sunhi to become a bit uncomfortable before running to Youngjae.

            “Hyung! She’s not here for dissection!” Youngjae yelled.

            Himchan rolled his eyes. “Suuure, I believe you.” He stuck his tongue out playfully before returning to the kitchen.

            “Yah!” Youngjae groaned as Sunhi hid a giggle. He then led Sunhi into the hallway.

            “Huh, Hyung?” Another, muscular, blonde boy entered the hall. He was sweaty with a dumbbell in one hand and a towel draped over his shoulders. Sunhi blushed, as his abs showed clearly through his tight wife-beater.

            “Jongup! Aren’t you supposed to be out training or something?” Youngjae spoke, a bit annoyed.

            The muscular blonde nodded before looking at Sunhi and shying away. “Hum-”

            Youngjae quickly covered Jongup’s mouth and whispered into his ear. “Yes, she’s a human. We’re working on a project, so keep your mouth shut.”

            Jongup nodded, before walking through a door on the other side of the hallway.

            “That’s Jongup,” Youngjae explained. “He’s kind of shy and 4D so don’t mind him.”

            Sunhi chuckled, immediately thinking of Hyunseung at the mention of 4D. “Ok, I understand.”

            Youngjae smiled, pushing open a door. He ushered Sunhi into the extra-large room. Sunhi smiled at what she saw. The room was split in half. One half had a simple wooden twin-sized bed, a white carpet, and a desk with three computer monitors. The walls were painted gray with an interesting design. In the center of the wall, just above the bed, a cute rabbit design was painted. It was a black rabbit with a white face and a black clown-like nose. Its mouth was covered by a yellow mask and the shape of its eyes resembled that of a clown’s.

            Sunhi stared at the rabbit for a while until a voice snapped her out of her thoughts. “So, you like rabbits?”

            Sunhi spun around to see Youngjae smiling at her. “Oh…um yeah. This one is really cute.”

            Youngjae nodded, sitting at his desk. “That’s Jokomato, Joko for short. He’s pretty much like… um…a representation of me.”

            Sunhi giggled. “So you’re a rabbit?”

            “Yeah, of course I am.” Youngjae smiled, unaware how strange that sounded to Sunhi. “Actually, we’re all rabbits in this place.” He ushered to the other side of the room where Sunhi now directed her gaze.

            The second half of the room was completely different from Youngjae’s half. The walls were painted in a darker shade of gray while the carpets were black. Instead of a bed, there was a hammock in the corner of the room.  There was a closed closet on this side of the room and one of the walls had a couple of swords on display.

            Just above the hammock, another cartoon rabbit was painted. This one seemed to be in a ninja stance, with a white mask and white eyes. Its black skin had simple wavy lines and circles while a zipper was painted across its mouth.

            “That’s Kekemato or Keke,” Youngjae explained. “He belongs to …my, uh, brother Daehyun.”

            “You share a room?” Sunhi smiled. “What’s your brother like?”

            “Quiet.” Youngjae answered. “He doesn’t say much and he eats a lot. But he’s pretty dangerous so it’s best you stay away from him.”

            Sunhi nodded and sat down on Youngjae’s bed. “Shall we get started then?”


            About an hour passed as Youngjae and Sunhi began scratching the surface of their biology project. Sunhi spent most of her time diagraming the heart while Youngjae used her diagram to design a fountain.

            Because of the speedy completion of his portions, Youngjae spent many minutes staring at Sunhi. He was fascinated by the earth girl. Everything about her puzzled him; her facial features, her work ethic, her state of mind, and most baffling of all, her asthma. Youngjae found himself wanting to know more and more about this Yoon Sunhi, for reasons, he himself, couldn’t decipher.

            The door swung open, bringing Sunhi and Youngjae’s attention toward it. Himchan strolled, carrying a small tray. A top the tray was a plate, housing strange, black, eerie looking cylinders.  “I brought catapoms!”

            “Alight!” Youngjae leapt up, picking up the tray and bringing it to the desk. Sunhi stared at the strange objects until Himchan broke her train of thought.

            “Oh Sunhi, you’re still alive… I mean, you’re still here.” He rubbed the back of his head nervously as Youngjae shot him a sharp glare.

            Sunhi simply laughed it off and smiled. “Yes, Himchan-ssi. I’m still alive.” She then ce again to the black cylindrical objects and furrowed her eyebrows.

            Youngjae, on the other hand, his lips and grabbed one of the odd snacks. He quickly bit off the edge as a strange, bright blue vapor cloud billowed from the opened snack. He spat the end into a waste basket, before eagerly devouring the rest.

            Himchan frowned as he walked up to Youngjae. “Youngjae, you really shouldn’t throw away the ends. That’s where all the nutrients are.”

            “Nag, nag, nag,” Youngjae mocked after swallowing, earning a light smack to the back of the head from the elder.

            “Eat the ends.”

            “Yes, umma,” Youngjae remarked sarcastically.

            Sunhi smiled at her new friend’s childishness, before picking up a cylindrical object and thoroughly examining it.

            “What’s wrong?” Youngjae asked, pushing away from Himchan. “Don’t like vileberry catapoms?”

            “What’s a catapom?” Sunhi asked and Youngjae and Himchan turned toward each other, both surprised and nervous.

            “Y-you mean, you don’t have catapoms here?” Himchan asked, stuttering a bit.

            “No? Is it some kind of foreign snack?” Sunhi asked, still trying to examine the strange snack.

            “Don’t eat it,” Youngjae leapt up, snatching the snack from Sunhi’s hand and throwing it back onto the plate. He then took the tray and shoved it into Himchan’s arms. “Get it out of here! Make something more normal!”

            “What? Normal?” Himchan asked nervously as Youngjae pushed him out the door. “Like what?”
            “I don’t know. Fish cookies!”

            “Fish what?”

            “Look it up!” Youngjae immediately slammed the door on his hyung, before wiping sweat from his brow and turning to Sunhi.

            “What was that about?” Sunhi asked, hands on her hips. “What was wrong with his snacks?”

            “Oh um…” Youngjae immediately thought up an excuse, keeping his eyes directed away from Sunhi. “They’re…um... really spicy…erm sour… you shouldn’t eat them if you’re not used to them.”

            Sunhi rolled her eyes returning to her textbook. Youngjae sat back at his desk, keeping his gaze from his guest. He was starting to question whether bringing a human home was such a good idea.

            After a couple of minutes a loud crash was heard from a nearby room. Sunhi jumped and Youngjae started sweating bullets.

            “What was that?” Sunhi asked.

            “What was what?” Youngjae denied hearing the sound just before another crash echoed through the apartment.

            Jongup opened the bedroom door, glancing at Youngjae. “Hyung, Yongguk wants to see you.”

            Youngjae groaned. Of course the leader needed to see him. “I’ll be right back.” He stepped out of the room, after Jongup and Sunhi was left alone.

            Sunhi continued reading her text book when she realized she had drank a little too much water at school. She leapt off of the boy’s bed and decided to search the apartment for a bathroom. The hallway was longer than she originally suspected. There were several doors lined up on either side of the wall, none of which looked like a bathroom.

            She came across a room with the door slightly ajar. Curiosity got the better of her and she pushed the door open, tip-toeing into the strange bedroom. The room was a bit smaller than Youngjae’s and only had one bed. One side of the room had many guns and strange weapons mounted on the wall. There were machine parts and blueprints scattered across the wooden floor and the walls were painted red. Above the bed, a red masked rabbit was painted. Its skin was gray with camouflage print; a target was painted on its chest. This rabbit seemed a bit angrier than Youngjae’s so Sunhi turned to the other side of the room.

            This side was not much to look at. The walls were Blue and rather empty, minus the rabbit painted on the wall. This rabbit seemed more like a baby with a curious expression in its white eyes. It had a blue mask with a wind-up key on its head. Sunhi thought this rabbit to be cutest of all, and was a bit curious to meet the boy it represented. As she wandered around the strange room, she stopped, nervous, as her eyes met a blonde boy in the corner.

            Sunhi took a step back, noticing the curly haired blonde sitting in such an abnormal place. His eyes were closed, so Sunhi assumed he was napping. Sunhi gazed the boy up and down, from his dark blue military-like outfit, to his curly blonde hair topped with black rabbit ears. Wait! Black Rabbit Ears!

            Sunhi once again flashed back to her conversation with Yoseob.


            “So, what do the Mato aliens look like?”

            Yoseob paused for a moment before smiling. “They look like us.”

            Sunhi groaned. “What does that even mean?”

            “Matoki are anthropoids, just like humans, and Nalkitsune for that matter. They walk on two legs, wear clothes and generally look, well, human.”

            “Great,” Sunhi sighed, sarcastically.

            “But the thing is, unlike Nalkitsune, whose hair is determined by birth environment, all Matoki are blonde.”

            “Blonde? Seriously?”

            Yoseob nodded, allowing his hair to change from its normal black to a bright blonde. “It’s kinda like mine but not electrified.”

            “Your hair is electrified?” Sunhi reached for Yoseob’s hair.

            “Don’t touch it!” He yelled and Sunhi jerked her hand away. “It’ll paralyze you for 48 hours.”

            Sunhi, whimpered slightly as Yoseob’s hair shifted back to black. “Anyway, it’s kinda hard telling if the blonde hair is Matonian or not. So many Koreans are going blonde these days, y’know.”

            Sunhi nodded, sighing heavily as her gaze turned downcast.

            “However,” Sunhi looked up at Yoseob’s words. “There is a sure-fire way to tell a matoki from a human.”

            Sunhi looked over at Yoseob, “How!”

            “Their ears!”

            “Their ears?” Sunhi repeated.

            “Although Matoki generally hide their ears on another planet, when they don’t hide them, they have black rabbit ears; kinda like how the Nalkitsune hide their gray fox ears.”

            “They can hide them? Then why didn’t Sungjae?”

            “D’know,” Yoseob admitted. “But anyway, if you catch someone with black rabbit ears, they’re definitely a Matoki.”



            If you catch someone with black rabbit ears, they’re definitely a Matoki. Sunhi replayed Yoseob’s words in her head. Blonde hair? Black ears? Strange behavior? Matoki! Sunhi took a step back from the blonde boy in the corner. She noticed a strange cord protruding from the boy’s neck to the wall. Is he a robot?

            Sunhi headed toward the door but as she slowly backed away from the Matoki she slipped on a blueprint for a weapon and fell to the ground. She sat up rubbing her head and looked up to find the curly haired Matoki hovering above her, a smile on his face.

            “Hi. I’m Zelo! Who are you?”

            Sunhi got up and rushed out of the room, in a fleet of panic. She immediately ran toward the living room. She ran into the entry hall passing Youngjae, being scolded by another tall blonde.

            “Sunhi?” Youngjae looked over as the panicked girl quickly put on her shoes, and ran through the front door. “Sunhi, wait!”


            Sunhi ignored Youngjae’s calls. She ignored his attempts to bring her back. She simply ran. She ran as fast as she could down the dusty stairs, ignoring how the dust was affecting her asthma.

            Youngjae’s a matoki! Sunhi thought. How did I not see it? His blonde hair, the fact that he couldn’t use chopsticks, his obsession with dissection, it’s so obvious! She had to get home. She had to tell Doojoon. She had to get away from the matoki.



            Sunhi reached her house and fumbled with the key around her neck. Once she finally got the door unlocked, she pushed it open and fell to the ground, coughing violently. She reached into her pocket, desperately trying to grab ahold of her inhaler when Sungjae walked in.

            “Nalmiyoh! Nalmiyoh, what’s wrong!” Sungjae helped Sunhi take a breath of her medicine before lifting her against the back of the couch to calm down. “Nalmiyoh! Tell me what happened!”

            Sunhi looked up at Sungjae. His gray ears were twitching with concern. She noticed he was wearing normal earth clothes, consisting of a blue jeans and a purple hoodie covering a white t-shirt. The only odd thing on him was a strange blue dog collar around his neck, but Sunhi brushed it off, remembering her encounter with the opposing alien race.

            “M-matoki,” Sunhi stuttered out.

            “What! Where?!” Sungjae questioned, looking around the room.

            “Wait!” Sunhi sat up, catching her breath. “They’re at school…well one is.”

            “Are you sure he’s a matoki?” Sungjae asked.

            “Y-Yeah… I uh…went to his house after school and when I got there-”

            Sunhi’s was cut off by a soft knock on the slightly opened door.

            “Sunhi-ah! Are you home! I need to talk to you!”

            “Youngjae!” Sunhi called out nervously.

            The door was pushed open and the blonde boy walked in. He carried Sunhi’s school bag, with his other had rubbing the back of his head. “Hey um…why’d you leave? Did I do something wrong-” The bag fell from his hand and his eyes widened, landing on Sungjae.

            Sungjae’s eyes narrowed and turned feral as he eyed Youngjae. “Matoki.”

            A small laser cannon appeared on Youngjae’s wrist; he immediately fired at Sungjae who jumped back in avoidance. Youngjae ran into the house firing blast after blast of concentrated energy at Sungjae. Sungjae equipped his laser claws and began slashing through the blasts.

            “Sunhi! How could you,” Youngjae yelled at the girl covering her head with her hands for protection. “How could you side with this filthy animal? Were you just deceiving me?! I thought we were getting along! I thought we were friends!”


            “My Nalmiyoh would never be friends with a dirty rabbit like you!” Sungjae growled from the couch above Sunhi. He leapt off the couch, lunging at Youngjae.

            The blonde alien guarded the fox’s attack by creating a large yellow bubble around him. He then broke the bubble-shield to take aim at the fox boy again. “And here I thought she had better taste than that.”

            “Youngjae! You don’t understa-”

            “STOP MOCKING MY NALMIYOH,” Sungjae cut off Sunhi, lunging again at the rabbit. This time, Youngjae didn’t put up his shield but held up his cannon incased arm to block. “Why do you care anyway, rabbit?” He slashed down on Youngjae who narrowly avoided his swipe. Youngjae shot at Sungjae, blasting him back into the wall above the television.

            “Sungjae!” Sunhi yelled, fearing for the fox boy’s health.

            Sungjae groaned from the blast. He was about to stand when Youngjae walked up, pointing his cannon at nalkitsune’s head.

            Sungjae simply smirked before kicking at the matoki’s leg. Youngjae fell back firing his laser into the ceiling above him.

            “Hey! That’s where my room is!” Sunhi yelled but the two boys ignored her.

            Sungjae leapt over the rabbit as he sat up. He then hooked the back of the matoki’s shirt with his claw. “Say goodnight.” With that, phrase he flipped the blonde overhead and slammed him into the wooden floor.

            “Youngjae!” Sunhi yelled.

            Sungjae jumped back in front of Sunhi, spreading his arms to protect her. “Stay back.”

            Sunhi looked passed the nalkitsune’s shoulder. Through the thick cloud of dust Sunhi could see the Blonde back on his feet. Black ears were standing on his head as he wiped a bit of cobalt blue blood from the corner of his mouth.

            Youngjae began firing his cannon again, narrowly missing Sungjae and creating a giant hole in the wall of the living room.

            “EEEEEP,” Sunhi ducked behind the remains of the couch. “My dad’s gonna kill me!”

            “How dare you fire so close to my Nalmiyoh!” Sungjae yelled eyes slitted. “Now you’re gonna get it!”

            Sungjae ran at the Matoki, claws extended. He leapt in the air just above Youngjae and as he nearly struck a fatal blow, he was stopped short.

           “YAHHHHH!” Without warning and electric surge hit Sungjae, over taking his entire body. Youngjae watched, confused as the Nalkitsune fell to the ground, twitching.

            “I’ve seen enough.” Sunhi and Youngjae both turned toward the stairway where Doojoon stood calmly atop of the stairs, a black watch in his hand. “Aish, this’ll take hours to repair.”

            “Oppa!” Sunhi ran to the stairs ducking behind Doojoon.

            “It’s ok Sunhi,” Doojoon said calmly. “The fight is over.”

            “Is not!” Sungjae whined, sitting up. “I haven’t begun to fi-” Before he could finish his sentence, the young Nalkitsune was met with another electric shock.

            Doojoon held a button on the surface of the watch, observing as Sungjae was electrocuted with 50,000 volts of electricity. “No, I think this battle is over.”

            “Sungjae!” Sunhi yelled.

            The Nalkitsune simply swayed back and forth, a smile on his face. “Tuesday’s…applesauce day,” and with that line he passed out.

            “Doojoon!” Sunhi yelled as the older brother smiled.

            “Don’t worry. I didn’t kill him. Just stunned him a little.”

            Sunhi narrowed he eyes at her brother as Youngjae approached the two siblings. “What’s going on here? I almost had him! How dare you interrupt an important battle!”

            “Battle?” Doojoon spoke in a nonchalant tone. “I thought that both sides were supposed to be in a peace period until the battle begins in a year.”

            “Well yes but…”

            Doojoon smirked, approaching the matoki. “Or perhaps you’re fighting Sungjae because he’s so close to something interesting to you.” He glanced over at Sunhi who took a step back.

            “W-Where’d you get an idea like tha-”

            “Perhaps I should alert the high council that you’re not following the rules.” Doojoon’s eyes began glowing white, alerting the matoki of his mistake.

            “Y-you’re a Velpin?!” Youngjae stuttered, nervously.

            “Oh my, am I?” Doojoon smirked.

            Youngjae hid his black ears before removing the laser cannon from his wrist. “What do you want from me?”

            Doojoon smiled, letting his eyes return to normal. “It’s not about what I want; it’s about what you want.” Doojoon pulled Sunhi close to him.

            “Oppa, what are you do-“

            “I can tell by your uniform that you recently started attending our school. I take it you and Sunhi met already. Most likely you’re her new classmate.”

            “Doojoon?” Sunhi narrowed her eyes. “What are you up to?”

            “How about you keep attending school and I’ll keep my mouth shut. All you have to do is swear not to fight Sungjae or any other Nalkitsune during the peace period.”

            “What?!” The said Nalkitsune boy woke from his electric slumber. “You’re letting him near my Nalmiyoh! Are you craz-”

            Doojoon pressed the button again, electrocuting the fox. “In turn, Sungjae will remain with me and Sunhi.”

            Youngjae clenched his teeth. “And just what do you gain from this?”

            Doojoon smirked. “All in good time.” 



Sorry this chapter's soo late. I hit a couple of roadblocks along the way. (Biggest being the breaking of my laptop) I may not update for a while so I apologize for that




So I don't think I explained the rules of "Title Song" well enough

The Chapter is named after a song title, not it's lyrics

Also, I will not use a song as a title if the artist has not appeared in the story

Meaning BtoB, B.A.P, and Beast are fair game

However if the artist has made a cameo or is a minor character, they're also fair game

(i.e. Big bang, Nu'est and F(x) )

Keep an eye out for Cameos~






For scoring Chapter 5


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I'm back. Enjoy this long chapter


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hellograce11 #1
i don't know how you managed to write about my three favorite groups, but this story is awesome! i know you're on hiatus from this story, but whenever you get the inspiration again, i am definitely looking forward to more!! thank you for this author-nim!
nice story ^^
sparks_ys #3
Chapter 9: Hohoho.. long time no see :) I've been waiting for an update. And I think the whole chapter is so cute. With the overprotective dujun. And Daehyun is so cute I don't know but he's just cute because he's hungry... woohoo! Hyunsik and ilhoon c:
So I think I commented long enough. It's because I'm just so happy about this update hihi..
shujun #4
Chapter 9: over-protective brother, yoon doo joon! haha..
Chapter 9: ahahahaha omg the feels in this chappie. hehehehehe. yoon leader's weirdness, sungjae's creepiness, mah hoonsik! and peniel, those pick ups are seriously awful... >< and lol daehyun and food can never be separated. evar. and dont think i didnt spot that DooSeob over there! eeeek
Chapter 9: Oh. Is this why by btob? The one gikwang helped to compose. 왜이레?
Chapter 9: Usurp. Haahaha you finally used it.

This is really funny. XPppp lol at daehyun. I can't blame him though, desserts are little heavens on earth. XPPp this is why I gain weight easily.

And lol at peniel. I remember his vlog. Hahahahahahahah =____= STUPID LINES.

Ilsik though hahahah <3
I'll sleep now. Byeeee
Chapter 8: Done here too! awesome! this story is really funny especially when the aliens are clueless
shujun #9
Chapter 8: aigoo~cute..^^..