Chapter 8: Power

Battlefield: Earth [Hiatus]

            The week passed with Sunhi’s stress level rising. Sungjae absorbed all of her time at home while Youngjae was a constant partner at school. Sunhi couldn’t help blaming Doojoon a bit; however she had to admit the aliens made her life a bit interesting.

            It was Sunday; Sunhi had agreed to take Peniel and Sungjae shopping during her day off. The two Nalkitsune needed new clothes so they could stop stealing Doojoon’s.

            “Yah! Nalmiyoh! What’s that?” Sungjae excitedly ran to a toy store window when he spotted a toy robot. “Is that a mini battle-droid?”

            “No Sungjae,” Sunhi answered, smiling. “It’s just a toy.”

            “What’s a toy?” Sungjae asked.

            “Ooh!” Peniel interrupted the two. The awkward Nalkitsune had his eyes on a table from the outdoor café across the street. “Mustard! It’s that mustard drink!”

            Sunhi gave an awkward look to the excited Nalkitsune boy. “You’re excited about mustard?”

            “Yoon Sunhi-ssi. Can I have some? Please! It tastes like Zantian slug juice.”

            Sunhi cringed hearing the word ‘slug’ as Sungjae’s ears perked up under his red cap. “Zantian slug juice? Really, they have that on this planet?”

            “I told you a few days ago. You weren’t pay attention.”  Peniel attempted to run across the street but Sunhi held onto the strong boy’s collar.

            “Ok,” Sunhi stated. “First of all, mustard is made from a seed, not slugs. Secondly, it’s a condiment, not a beverage.”

            “What’s a condiment?” Both Nalkitsune chimed in unison.

            Sunhi sighed. “It’s what you put on food to alter its taste.”

            “You can do that?” Peniel asked, amazed.

            “You have that kind of technology?” Sungjae questioned.

            “No, it’s not like that, it’s-”

            “Can it make things taste like watermelon?” Sungjae excitedly cut off Sunhi.

            “I gotta have it!” Peniel made a mad dash for the café. When he was about to reach a table with several condiments, Sunhi picked up a rock and hurled it at the awkward Nalkitsune, beaning him upside the back of his head.

            As the boy fell, Sunhi walked over and grabbed him by his collar, pulling him back across the street. “Idiot! You can’t go stealing people’s condiments, honestly.”

            “Aww,” Sungjae complained. “We just wanted the taste modifier for observation; and to see what I can make watermelon flavored.”

            Sunhi pressed the button on her watch, walking passed Sungjae as he was electrocuted; she continued dragging Peniel.

            Eventually, after several alien caused detours, the three finally made it to a clothing store. Sunhi had the boys try on many different outfits, and was very surprised to see how well the boys looked in all of them. Sunhi loved how Peniel’s broad chest and perfectly shaped face was brought out by simple V-neck t-shirts, while Sungjae’s long, well-toned legs were shaped by simple knee-length shorts.

            Sunhi picked the boys out several accessories, including some earrings for Peniel and several different hats for Sungjae to cover his fox ears. Nearby girls in the store couldn’t help look at the two handsome aliens and comment on their dashing good looks.

            Sunhi was practically drooling, watching the two handsome boys modeling clothes. The two Nalkitsune couldn’t help but feel like she was having a little too much fun watching so they pulled her up and had her try on different clothes as well.   

            Strangely, the two aliens happened to have great fashion sense. Everything they picked out for Sunhi fit well, from the cute purple skirt, with a matching blouse and wind-breaker, to the sleeveless black shirt with tight jeans that accentuated her curves perfectly. Sungjae and Peniel complimented her constantly, and she couldn’t help but blush. It was the first time she’d been shopping with anyone other than Amber and Ren and she was a little self-conscious, hearing how good she looked.

            They finished their shopping, buying several outfits for the two Nalkitsune as well as Sunhi. They had a few hours to kill before they had to return for dinner, where Doojoon had promised to cook for them.

            “So what do you wanna do,” Sunhi asked the boys.

            “I want watermelon,” Sungjae bounced.

            “I wanna try interacting with earthian females,” Peniel commented with a cute, confused puppy look.

            Sunhi sighed. “How about, I take you to the arcade.”

            “What’s an arcade?” Both Sungjae and Peniel asked.

            “Well, well, well, look who we have here.” Sunhi, Peniel and Sungjae, all turned at the voice of a familiar Matoki boy.

            “Youngjae,” Sunhi smiled.

            “Hello, Sunhi-ah,” Youngjae walked over with two other blondes. He narrowed his eyes, seeing Sungjae and Peniel. “Hello, dirty foxes.”

            Sungjae began to growl and Peniel glared at the rabbit boys.

            “What brings you boys here?” Sunhi asked Youngjae and his two accomplices.

            “We’re just scouting,” Youngjae answered before walking to his comrades. “By the way, I’d like to properly introduce you to my team mates. First, you remember Jongup.” He placed a hand on the 4D matoki who sort of shied away.

            “Nice seeing you again,” Sunhi smiled, earning a small smile back.

            “And this,” Youngjae walked over to a familiar, tall matoki, this time hiding his rabbit ears. “…is our maknae, Combat Robot, Zelo.”

            The tall android smiled and waved. “Hey! You’re the Noona the snuck into my room while I was sleeping. Hi Voyeur-Noona! ~”

            Sunhi blushed and shirked back as all alien eyes were on her.

            “You’ve met?” Youngjae asked.

            “Well, sort of,” Sunhi answered, a bit embarrassed. “I was curious, and your house is confusing.”

            “You’ve been to his house,” Sungjae said, annoyed.

            “Get over it, we’re friends.” Sunhi answered and Sungjae clenched his teeth.

            “So, where are you taking those two,” Youngjae asked. “...hopefully to the vet for neutering.”

            “For your information,” Sungjae retorted. “My Nalmiyoh is taking us to a place called…an art-ach-nid-cade.”

            “Arcade,” Sunhi softly corrected.

            “What’s an arcade anyway?” Peniel asked.

            “Poor dumb- fox,” Youngjae shook his head, smirking. “Clearly you know nothing about earthian establishments.”

            “Then why not ‘enlighten’ us, smart-,” Sungjae spoke up, still clenching his fist.

            “Why not, after all, we matoki happened to finish our observations on the earthian arcade this morning.” Youngjae cleared his throat as Jongup and Zelo smiled. “It’s an institution where earthlings practice battle simulations and run war patterns, as well as engage in physical tests that increase hand to eye coordination. In other words, it’s a war training foundation.”

            “Actually,” Sunhi sighed, correcting the alien. “It’s just a place to play video games.”

            “What’s a video game,” all five aliens chimed in unison.



            Sunhi and the five aliens arrived at the local arcade. They immediately were amazed by the flashing lights and sounds.

            “Wow,” Sungjae said in a daze.

            “Look at all the lights,” Peniel commented.

            Youngjae shook his head. “Stupid foxes. We matoki aren’t so easily impressed with earthian entertain-”

            “Look, Hyung!” Zelo pointed to a racing game. “That! That! Zelo wants to play that!” He ran over to the game with Jongup following close behind.”

           “Aish,” Youngjae sighed at his teammates before looking at Sunhi, who went to buy tokens for the Nalkitsune. “Yah! Wait for me!”

            Sunhi showed the five aliens several different games where they were able to let loose and enjoy themselves. Sungjae and Peniel both took to the fighting games, while Sunhi got Zelo into air-hockey and Jongup into the dance games. In the midst of all their play, an idea arose in Youngjae’s head.

            “Hey, dumb fox,” Youngjae approached Sungjae at the ticket counter.

           Sungjae began growling as Peniel held him back by his purple hoodie. “What do you want, smart-, rabbit.”

            “What would you say about a little competition, Matoki vs. Nalkitsune?”

            “What do you have in mind?” Sungjae raised his eyebrow.

            “Three games, three competitions, whoever bests two out of three, wins.”

            “What do we get when we win?” Sungjae smirked, confidently.

            “Winner…” Youngjae paused for a second before smiling. “Winner gets to walk Sunhi home.”

            “But Sungjae lives with Sunhi,” Peniel commented.

            “You can get there on your own.” Youngjae smirked. “Or are you too dumb to find your own way home.”

            Sungjae clenched his fist. “BRING IT ON, HARE-BRAIN!”

            “Perfect. I’ll go get my team, you go get yours.” Youngjae walked off and Peniel tapped Sungjae’s shoulder.

            “Um, you do realize that we don’t have a third competitor, right?”

            Sungjae’s spirits dropped, remembering that they hadn’t found any of the other Nalkitsune and they were a bit outnumbered. “Oh yeah.”


            The two Nalkitsune walked over to the fighting game where Youngjae was already standing with Sunhi and his two dongsaeng.

            ‘This’ll show Sunhi how superior matoki are to those dumb foxes.’  Youngjae thought. ‘When she sees how we trounce them in these video games, she’ll immediately toss out the dirty fox, and I can live with her instead.’  A smirk appeared on the alien’s face as the two Nalkitsune approached. “First game will be Mortal Combat, choose your victim.”

            “Um…” Peniel spoke up. “We’re actually short one competitor.”

            “Oh?” Youngjae smirked. “So you forfeit?”

            “No they don’t!” All eyes were now on Sunhi, who walked over to Sungjae’s side. “I’ll play on the Nalkitsune side, so it’ll be even.”

            Youngjae’s jaw dropped, feeling a bit betrayed, but he refused to show his hurt to his opponent. “Y-Yeah. That’s fine.” He sighed.

            “Great!” Sungjae stepped forward. “Then I’ll go first!”

            Youngjae nodded, looking at Sunhi. ‘Ok, Youngjae, this is a minor setback. But you can still show Sunhi who the superior species is.’

            “I wanna play this game!” Zelo bounced.

            Youngjae smirked, “Perfect. Zelo’s programing should allow him to easily master the movements of the character. You’re up, Zelo.”

            Sungjae stepped to one machine while Zelo bounced over to another. They inserted their coins, selecting ‘versus’ mode. Everyone gathered around the machines and the game began.

            Both players were putting up a good fight but ultimately, Sungjae was dominating the first of three fights. Sunhi smiled when Sungjae finished off Zelo’s character but her smile faded when looking at the happy, bouncing BAP maknae.

            “Ok, Zelo,” Youngjae spoke up. “You had your fun, now take him down.”

            Zelo nodded, and his bouncing stopped. He focused on the game in front of him, and once the round began he unleashed a string of ultimate combos, leaving Sungjae helpless to defend against him.

            “Finish him!” They heard the game announce and before Sungjae could even react, his character was down and the game announced “Fatality.”

            “How did you-” Sungjae stammered out.

            “Zelo read the game,” The blonde robot announced. “It’s what Zelo does best.”

            “Why not end this, Zelo, final round.” Youngjae pat his maknae on the shoulder.

            Both players returned to their machines and the final match began. Sungjae was sweating, doing his best to hold off the brilliant combos of the matoki robot, but ultimately to no avail. Zelo was unstoppable, chopping down Sungjae’s health bar, bit by bit.

            “I will not lose!” Sungjae yelled, however Zelo immediately finished his character off, earning another fatality.

            Jongup high-fived Zelo and Youngjae gave him a thumbs-up before turning to Sunhi.

            “You see that, Sunhi? That’s the power of the matoki!” Youngjae’s jaw dropped again when he saw Sunhi wasn’t paying any attention to him.

            “Nalmiyoh,” The Nalkitsune maknae pouted, “I lost.”

            “It’s ok Sungjae,” Sunhi rubbed Sungjae’s back. “We’ll get them right back.”

            Youngjae cringed, ‘Minor setback.’

            “Winner’s choice,” Sunhi announced.

            “Fine,” Youngjae agreed, pointing to the ‘Dance Dance Revolution’ game. “Second round, dance game. Jongup, you’re on.”

            Jongup ran over to the dance station, inserting his coin. Peniel walked onto the other side, a goofy smile on his face and a coin in his hand. He inserted the coin and, through loser’s choice, chose the first song.

            ‘Jongup is our field combat specialist,’ Youngjae thought. ‘He’s light on his feet and very coordinated. He can adjust his movements at a moment’s notice and his hand-eye coordination is second to none.'

            Peniel and Jongup danced neck and neck through the first two songs. Jongup happened to lead Peniel by a few points but the coordinated Nalkitsune, kept up.

            It was time for the third song and it was Peniel’s choice again. He selected the song, ‘Speak,’ by the group ‘Man in Black.’ Sunhi liked this song because the center of the group always reminded her of Junhyung.

            Jongup was ahead, scoring nothing but perfects throughout the song while Peniel scored perfects and greats as well as a few good. Sunhi walked over to Jongup’s side watching the matoki’s moves.

            “Wow. You’re really good.”

            Jongup stopped and blushed at the girl’s comment. He looked at Sunhi for a moment missing his steps. He smiled at the earth girl, accumulating several misses.

            “Jongup! What are you doing! Get back in the game,” Youngjae yelled, causing the 4D matoki to return to his senses, just as the song ended.

            The song’s final score resulted in Peniel’s results way above Jongup’s, so Peniel pulled ahead in the end with a better score overall!

            “I won? I won!” Peniel cheered earning high tens from both Sungjae and Sunhi.

            “Pabo,” Youngjae walked over to Jongup! “How can you let yourself get so distracted?

            “Sorry, hyung,” Jongup apologized. “I don’t know how to talk to pretty girls.”

            “Just pretend they’re Himchan.”

            Jongup shivered at that thought before walking over to Zelo.

            “One round left,” Sunhi commented. “Winner’s choice, House of the dead.” Sunhi walked over to the first-person shooter with the aliens following.

            “A shooter game, eh?” Youngjae smirked. “Big mistake, Yoon Sunhi.”

            Both competitors grabbed their guns inserting their coins. The game began with both players neck and neck, competing for the higher score. As both teams cheered for their colleagues, Youngjae couldn’t help taking several glances at his opponent.

            He wanted to win, badly. He really wanted to walk her home, without that troublesome fox around. “You underestimate me, Sunhi-ah.”

            “Oh?” Sunhi didn’t lose concentration.

            “I may be my platoon’s technology officer, but that doesn’t mean I have no field training. I happen to be a sharp shooter, almost as quick to the draw our leader. There’s no way you can beat me in a shooting game.” Youngjae began racking up points, earning more cheers from Zelo and Jongup.

            Sunhi however, showed no worry. “You underestimate me too, Youngjae.”

            “How so?”

            “You see, my older brother’s friends are almost always around. And since my brother was always concerned for my health, those six boys used to always drag me around, everywhere, especially to the arcade. And we’d play this game all the time.”


            “So who do you think was the best?” And with that comment, Sunhi began gaining points like crazy. Within seconds, she not only reached Youngjae’s score but passed it, killing any and all zombies. Once the game was over, Sunhi’s score was double that of Youngjae’s.

            Youngjae was left with his mouth agape and his eyes wide. The two matoki cheered, as Sunhi walked over to the stunned Matoki and placed a hand on his shoulder. “You just gotta know the game.”



            Sunhi walked through the city with the cheerful Nalkitsune, after seeing off the three matoki.

            “Nalmiyoh, you were amazing,” Sungjae giggled.

            “Yeah, Sunhi-ssi. You should consider becoming a sharp-shooter.” Peniel chimed in.

            “It’s just a game,” Sunhi responded. “I don’t think I could do that kinda stuff in real life, especially with my asthma.”

            “Asthma?” Peniel asked.

            “It’s disease that makes it so she has to breathe through an inhaler.” Sungjae answered.

           “It’s not a disease!” Sunhi yelled but was stopped in her tracks by Sungjae outstretching his arm to block her. The Nalkitsune started growling. “Sungjae, what’s wrong?” Sunhi asked.

            Sungjae ignored her, taking a step forward.  When he took a few more steps, a brunette boy in a blood-red jumpsuit leapt out from behind a wall and pushed Sungjae to the ground, holding a knife to his neck.

            “Sungjae!” Sunhi yelled but Peniel held her back.

            Sungjae flipped the boy off of him, kicking the knife out of his hand. The brunette threw several knives at the boy, but the Nalkitsune quickly equipped his claws and deflected the blades from the air.

            The assailant ran up the side of a wall, flipped over and dropped down on Sungjae pinning him to the ground.

            “Sungjae!” Sunhi yelled again. “Peniel, you have to do something.”

            Peniel just smirked. “Don’t worry about it, Sunhi-ssi.”

            The boy held Sungjae to the ground and soon the two boys burst out into laughter. Sunhi stood stunned and confused as Sungjae stood up with the brunette following. He placed a hand on his assailant’s shoulder walking over to Sunhi and Peniel.

            “Nalmiyoh, I’d like to introduce you to sector BtoB’s master assassin, Changsub.” 


A/N: Who else watched Monstar, Lol. Anyway



Game Time


Once again

Good work 


For guessing the title of chapter 7. 



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I'm back. Enjoy this long chapter


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hellograce11 #1
i don't know how you managed to write about my three favorite groups, but this story is awesome! i know you're on hiatus from this story, but whenever you get the inspiration again, i am definitely looking forward to more!! thank you for this author-nim!
nice story ^^
sparks_ys #3
Chapter 9: Hohoho.. long time no see :) I've been waiting for an update. And I think the whole chapter is so cute. With the overprotective dujun. And Daehyun is so cute I don't know but he's just cute because he's hungry... woohoo! Hyunsik and ilhoon c:
So I think I commented long enough. It's because I'm just so happy about this update hihi..
shujun #4
Chapter 9: over-protective brother, yoon doo joon! haha..
Chapter 9: ahahahaha omg the feels in this chappie. hehehehehe. yoon leader's weirdness, sungjae's creepiness, mah hoonsik! and peniel, those pick ups are seriously awful... >< and lol daehyun and food can never be separated. evar. and dont think i didnt spot that DooSeob over there! eeeek
Chapter 9: Oh. Is this why by btob? The one gikwang helped to compose. 왜이레?
Chapter 9: Usurp. Haahaha you finally used it.

This is really funny. XPppp lol at daehyun. I can't blame him though, desserts are little heavens on earth. XPPp this is why I gain weight easily.

And lol at peniel. I remember his vlog. Hahahahahahahah =____= STUPID LINES.

Ilsik though hahahah <3
I'll sleep now. Byeeee
Chapter 8: Done here too! awesome! this story is really funny especially when the aliens are clueless
shujun #9
Chapter 8: aigoo~cute..^^..