

Jiyong put Minzy in the car gently being careful not to hurt her at all he felt as though if he did anything to hurt her she would break she felt fragile to him. Jiyong drived fast to the hospital and quickly got Minzy out "Help please" Jiyong screamed as he was carrying Minzy bridal style and covering her, "Lay her here im going to get a doctor" A nurse told Jiyong, Jiyong did as he was told he was going to sign some papers when Minzy held onto his hand tightly "Dont leave me" Minzy whispered "I wont i promise" Jiyong whispered.


As an hour passed, Minzy was taken into a room where JIyong was not aloud in, he had to stay outside in the waiting room he had called his mom and explained everything to them that has happened. "How is she" Gummy asked running with Jiyongs dad Yang Hyun suk, "I dont know they havent came to tell me anything" Jiyong said. Jiyong saw the doctor come out of the room, Jiyong ran to him "How is she" JIyong asked, "She is good, but she has to many wounds that arent normal for a girl her age to have. Is she in a gang?" The doctor asked "no actually its something personal that she wouldnt like to reveal" Jiyong said, "Well your going to have to report this sooner or later it looks like she gets beaten up daily, we cleaned the wounds and all but shes needs rest for now" the doctor said "When will she be able to leave the hospital?" "Tomarrow when we check that she is doing fine but for now only one person can go in to see her" The doctor said, "Omma" Jiyong said, "Go on me and your father will wait here dont worry" Gummy smiled to her son.


Jiyong went to her room, he stared at the door he was scared he had to wait a minute and catch his breath before being able to open the door, he slowly opened it making sure not to make any noise. He saw Minzy sleeping being covered by a white blanket, his feelings got the best of him as he saw the real Minzy, not the girl who covers hers scars, or that nerdy girl that has no friends. But he saw that beautiful girl that feels ugly because of her scars that girl that suffers a daily pain, he saw the strong girl that tries to go on with life by ingoring the bullys. He saw the most beautiful girl ever that girl that probably has a whole bunch of scars but those scars all tell a story that make her beautiful that girl that doesnt have to fill herself with make up to look beautiful that girl that is beautiful inside and out for everything she has lived through.


Jiyong grabbed a chair and sat by herside "Im sorry..." Jiyong choked out as he began to cry, "Im sorry for not being able to realize this" Jiyong said as he buried his head into the bed and began to cry as he was holding her hand. "Mmmm" "Minzy are you awake" Jiyong said quickly happy that she has woken up, "Where am i" Minzy said, "At the hospital remember i brought you here" Minzy looked around and saw that her scars were fully exposed as she tried to cover herself up and than she remembered what had happen, "You can leave you dont have to stay, thank you" MInzy said, "No im going to stay here the whole night and take care of you im not leaving you no more" Jiyong said, "Jiyong please leave i dont want Bom and her crew to get mad at me" Minzy said, "There not going to do anything to you cause im going to protect you i promise" Jiyong said.


As Minzy had fell asleep Jiyong quietly left the room to talk to his parents, "Omma and Appa, Can Minzy live with us" Jiyong asked, "Son i dont think shes going to feel confortable" His dad said, "But i cant let her go home to some parents like that she needs to be safe please" JIyong said, "Fine only if she agrees though" His mom said, Jiyong smiled.


Jiyong woke up the next morning and got up to go to school, he had talked to the doctor and the doctor said she was going to be released around the time he gets off school. "Thank god that ugly girl aint here" Chaerin said, "Dont call her that" jiyong defended her as everyone got suprised, Jiyong standed up "Listen everyone here if i hear any of you bully her anymore your going to mess with me and i mean it" jiyong said as he sat down, Bom laughed "Funny" she said thinking it was a joke "its not a joke" jiyong said angry.


"What his problem" Chaerin said, "I dont know sounds fishy to me" dara said, "if he begins to take her side im breaking up with him i mean it" Bom said angry.


Minzy was released a bit early, she dressed up and looked to see if Jiyong was anywhere to be found, "And i believed you pabo" Minzy whispers, she begins to walk to her hell home. Minzy saw that the hospital was far from her home but she didnt have money to take a bus or anything so she just had to walk home.


Jiyong got out of school and got in his car and drived to the hospital to get there in time, "Can i go see Minzy" Jiyong asked the nurse, "She was released a few minutes ago" The nurse said, "Did she leave" Jiyong asked, "yah" the nurse said, Jiyong quickly got in his car to look for MInzy, he saw her walking slowly on the sidewalk, he catches up to her and stops, "Minzy" Jiyong screams, MInzy turns around, "Im sorry i was late, i came from school" jiyong says, Minzy is shocked that he actually went to pick her up, "get in" Jiyong smiles at her, Minzy gets in feeling happy but not wanting to get to excited to get her hopes down.


Jiyong pulled into his house parking, "Ji" Minzy says confused, "i aint letting you go to that house no more, i asked my mom if you can stay here and she said yes" Jiyong said "Jiyong i cant" Minzy said nervously, Jiyong got off and pulled Minzy off the car and into the house. "Welcome to your new home" Jiyong says to Minzy, Minzy stays theres shocked still processing everything she didnt know if he was making fun of her or being serious, "Hey honey welcome" Gummy said as she hugged Minzy gently making sure not to hurt her, "Welcome my new daughter" Yang Hyun suk said as he shaked her hand. Minzy could only smile like what else what was she suppose to do. "Mom im going to show her the room" jiyong said smiling as he lead MInzy upstairs.


Minzy was suprised she has never had a room like this big, it was empty though no bed or anything, Minzy turned around and hugged Jiyong "Thank you" She said as she began to cry on his chest, Jiyong wrapped his arms around her tiny waist "No thank you for opening my eyes" Jiyong said, Minzy smiled as Jiyong wiped her tears away. "now lets get started, what color do you want your room" Jiyong said excited, "No its okay like this" minzy said, "No what color" He asked more serious, "Purple" Minzy whispered shyly, Jiyong smiled at her shyness it was cute.


Jiyong came back with brushes and purple paint "Lets get started" Jiyong said as he began to jump. Minzy took a brush, and opened the paint, she got to concerated painting when she felt something cold on her face, and seeing Jiyong laugh as he splashed paint on her face. Minzy quickly got paint on her hand on put it on his face, and laughed. "Not funny" Jiyong pouted, Minzy than painting his hair purple, "Wow new trend hairstyle" Minzy said making fun of him, Jiyong stared at her smile it looked so pure and innocent.


After they were finished Jiyong was helping Minzy put her room the way she wanted it.  After Minzy stood in the corner and stared at her room, she didnt know how she could thank him or his family, "here" minzy said handing him her cross necklance, "This necklance means a lot to me my grandma gave it to me, this is how i can thank you" Minzy said, "No minzy its okay" Jiyong said not being able to take the necklance "Take it please" Minzy begged, "Fine" Jiyong said not wanting Minzy to beg, Jiyong put it on his neck and smiled at Minzy.


Jiyong was going to leave Minzy to enjoy her room for a while before dinner was ready to be served when he stops "Oh also Minzy my mom picked out a few clothes for you, you shouldnt be wearing those layers of clothes your wounds need to be able to breath so that they can heal. Make yourself confortable at home" jiyong smiled. Minzy went to her closet and saw some girlish clothes and some tomboyish clothes, she picked out some clothes and went to take a shower.  She put this on since it was a huge change in her closet, she decided to try this out and not go to girlish, she took off her glasses and combed her hair. She was nervous she felt like she was modeling or something of how nervous she was. Jiyong knocked on Minzy door, Minzy opened the door shyly, "Wow..." Jiyong said as he stayed speechless.

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Chapter 7: I just couldnt stop reading this!! Plz finish this one writer nim. I wanma know if she stays with jiyong or if seven oppa is the one who gets to be with her.
mizteriouza #2
your story is soooo good ;; finish already
Mindragon2 #3
Chapter 7: I love this update ^^
bom is finally being nice
Chapter 7: Yes...They all are going to protect her now :D
TaekookieLuver #5
Chapter 7: miss this story!!!! Hope u will update soon ya!!
JOyyfull #6
Chapter 7: YAY! Now they can all become friends !!! since Bom knows Minzys background !!! ~~~
Mindragon2 #7
i simply can't not wait for update x