One Week...

Tsunami (NH Co-ed group!!) [Apply Closed]


“Ok, let me get this straight…” Chang Hee started, “Daesun is a Lead Dancer as well as Tessa but Daesun is a Main Vocalist while Tessa is a Main Rapper?” Naoto nodded. “Chin Mae is our Lead Vocalist but she can also rap?”
“You’re right so far” Naoto replied
“Andrew is more of Vocals and you’re our leader and Vocalist?” Chang Hee asked once more
“And you are our Lead Rapper” Naoto added to his endless questions
“Our maknaes are the Lead Dancers… I feel ashamed” Chang Hee hung his head down as me made his way to the TV
“Don’t feel so down, Chang Hee~” Chin Mae said as she happily sat next to him. “At least you get the big rap breaks in our songs!”
“I guess you’re right” Chang Hee said as he started COD
Andrew and Tessa were just chillin’ in the practice rooms until a few guys from U-KISS came.
“What’s up!?” Kevin made a big entrance
“The ceiling” Tessa bluntly responded
“Are you guys members of the co-ed group?” AJ asked
“What makes you say that?” Tessa wittily replied
“Stop being a smart , Tessa” Eli said
“What brings you guys here?” Andrew asked
“We were bored” Kevin simply replied
“Plus, Eli wanted to see his precious little cousin” AJ added
“Precious my ” Eli scoffed
“What was that?” Tessa glared and jumped on his back
“When are you guys debuting?” Kevin asked Andrew
“Hopefully, next week” Andrew replied honestly
“Well good luck!” AJ said as he dragged Eli with them
“Nice cousin you got there” Andrew made the comment to Tessa and she just shrugged
Daesung was just minding his own business until he met one of the SNSD members
“Hi noona~” he greeted
“Hello, who are you?” Taeyeon asked
“I’m Daesun, nice to meet you” Daesun replied with aegyo
“I’m Taeyeon, what are you doing here?” she asked
“I’m actually with my group members” he said
“How’s that going?” Taeyeon asked again
“It’s going pretty well, we’re supposed to debut next week” Daesun answered excitedly
“Good luck to you and your group” Taeyeon said and left
Naoto looked over at Daesun, who seemed to be in a daze. “Hello~ Daesun~” he waved his hand in front of him
Chin Mae and Tessa were alone at the dorm for a while.
“Do you want to blast the speakers and just randomly dance?” Chin Mae asked
“Thought you’d never ask” Tessa smirked
After that, they blasted their speakers with random music and were just being goofballs the entire night.
When the guys got home Tessa and Chin Mae were singing to Baby by Justin Bieber… “RUN AWAY!!! BIEBER FEVER IS CONTAGIOUS!!!” Chang Hee was running around like a mad man
“Get a hold of yourself!” Naoto slapped him
“But, Bieber fever…”
“We don’t have it” Chin Mae said
Chang Hee released a sigh of relief but then Tell Me came on…
All of them were being goofballs when this song came on. They all had fun and can’t wait for their debut.

Bieber Fever FTW!!!
Ok, not really but that song came up and i had to...
My day went by a little weird and my mom tried to run me over with a golf cart... scared the sh** out of me but i couldn't stop laughing
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Lol<br />
Aww its over? It was a good run!<br />
Kamsahapnida author-ssi!<br />
It's over? ;-;<br />
Well, at least it went out with a "That's what she said" xD<br />
It was awesome though, thanks for writing it :)
Sami3rm #3
awww its over :(<br />
Tsunami :)
LoveLikeChocolate #4
It's done! D: But that's okay! I enjoyed riding the waves of Tsunami~
I wish I could travel the world, I've never left the east coast >.<<br />
Sorry for commenting my internet router...<br />
Please update again soon ^^
Lol. Tessa traveled the world? aigooo~<br />
I'd love to do that...except for singing? xD<br />
Anyways, Daesun and I share a BDAY so HAPPY BDAY TO BOTH OF US :DDD<br />
Sami3rm #7
haha they were making funny faces to distract each other while the photo shoot :) <br />
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Yay world traveling!! ^^ I'm going to miss that :( <br />
<br />
<br />
this group is filled with fun and surprises ^^ update soon <3
Best stage ever xD lmao at Naoto's 'tripping over air'<br />
I still don't trust those noonas >.><br />
and now that I think about it, Jaehyo really does look a combination of them o.o<br />