Picture time and Bob's objection!

Tsunami (NH Co-ed group!!) [Apply Closed]


Naoto just walked into the dorm after a long day. All he wanted to do was relax but with the members of F(x) bugging him all day…
By then, his cell phone rang and with one look on the caller id…
“Yeoboseyo?” he answered happily despite being tired
“Yeoboseyo? How are you?” Victoria asked
“Tired, thanks to your members” Naoto laughed
“Sorry about them, they can be a handful sometimes” Victoria apologized
“Not as much as the five I have to take care of” Naoto replied
“I bet” Victoria said
“How’s ‘We got Married’?” Naoto decided to ask
“It’s going really well” Victoria replied
“I have another question for you” Naoto mentioned
“What is it?”
“What do you think of Tsunami?” Naoto asked
“In Amber’s words, you guys are really pimp” Victoria answered
“Tessa would be glad to hear that” Naoto laughed
“Are Tessa and Chang Hee dating?” Victoria asked which made Naoto choke on his spit
“What makes you ask that?”
“I don’t know, they just seem to have a special connection whenever I see them” Victoria replied, “Plus there are tons of fanfics about them already”
“I know, there are already couple name for those two. Like: the Rapper Couple, the Gamer Couple, the Hot Temper couple” Naoto listed a few
“Hot Temper?”
“They both have a temper you should be aware of”
“I see, well I gotta let you go” Victoria said sadly
“Annyeong~” Naoto said
“Annyeong~” Victoria said and hung up
“Ooo~ Naoto’s got a girlfriend” Tessa said from behind him
He jumped ten feet in the air by her sudden appearance. “Don’t do that, Tessa-yah”
“Mianhe, you just seemed like the perfect victim” Tessa apologized
“Has anybody said anything about you and Chang Hee?” Naoto asked
“Just a few people…” Tessa shyly answered
“So what your saying is that you like her?” Jia asked Chang Hee
“Is it really that obvious?” Chang Hee asked as he smiled a little
“Whenever her name is brought up, you always have the dumb smile” Jia pointed out
“Jinjjah?” Chang Hee asked surprised
“Yes you do” Jia smacked him upside the head
“I needed that…” he mumbled, “So, what do I do know?”
“Here’s what you do…” Jia then told him a well thought out plan
“Tessa you so like him” Key said while shaking his head
“I thought you like me” Tessa said with puppy dog eyes
“I do, but I can tell you like him a lot more than you do me” Key said sadly
“So, what now?” Tessa said with full of chicken
“You wait for him to tell you how he feels” Onew said while doing a super cool pose
“Actually, I would prefer you dig it out of him” Jonghyun followed up
“I’ll go with Bob’s strategy” Tessa said
“MY NAME IS NOT BOB!!!” Jonghyun pouted
Andrew was on the computer in the dorm and everyone was trying to see what he was doing.
“I said I’ll tell you guys later” Andrew said while getting his camera
“What are you up to?” Chin Mae asked
Andrew didn’t answer instead, he took a picture with Chin Mae. “Do a pimp pose” he told her
They did their pimp pose and Andrew liked the picture. Then he went over to Naoto. “What pose would you like to do?” Andrew asked him
“How about a standard ‘V’ sign?” Naoto suggested
“Let’s go for it” Andrew replied and took the picture with Naoto. Andrew looked at the picture and was happy with how it turned out.
“Maknae, take a picture with me” Andrew said as he saw Daesun walking through the kitchen
“Sure hyung” Daesun smiled and wanted to do a cute pose for the picture. Andrew was satisfied with the picture and went to Chang Hee and Tessa who were playing video games in the living room
“Chang Hee take a picture with me or else I’ll burn your copy of Black Ops” Andrew threatened
“How did you know I didn’t want to take a picture with you?” Chang Hee laughed a bit
“Just take the damn picture” Tessa said and laughed along with them
Andrew and Chang Hee took their picture, “Now it’s your turn” Andrew turned to Tessa and decided on a pose. Andrew wanted to take a different picture because Tessa turned at the last second and kissed him on the cheek.
“Keep it” Tessa demanded
“Ok, ok~ You’re luck your birthday is in a week” Andrew smiled… then had a thought, “Let met take a picture of you two”
“Hell yeah” “Hell no” Tessa and Chang Hee said then glared at each other
“You guys are so cute” Andrew commented
Chang Hee gave up and decided it would be best to take the picture with Tessa. They did a really cool pose.
“What are you going to do with all those pictures?” Daesun asked
“I’m going to upload them on Twitter” Andrew simply replied and made his way to his laptop in the kitchen

Here's the next chapter with a side of fries...
So my birthday is in a week but I got one of my presents early because my bro and his wife will be gone on my birthday. Guess what they got me, they got me a basket filled with Reese's and since the basket was too big... I had to take it apart since it won't fit in my fridge...
Anyway, I think this story is on it's way to the final stretch of the race!
Btw, I have two fics I want to start writing but I'm torn...
Which sounds better?
"A Dream that is not likely Reality" basically this is the random adventures of Kyuhyun and Heechul's little sister
"She has your Smile" in this one, Donghae finds out that he has a kid!
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Lol<br />
Aww its over? It was a good run!<br />
Kamsahapnida author-ssi!<br />
It's over? ;-;<br />
Well, at least it went out with a "That's what she said" xD<br />
It was awesome though, thanks for writing it :)
Sami3rm #3
awww its over :(<br />
Tsunami :)
LoveLikeChocolate #4
It's done! D: But that's okay! I enjoyed riding the waves of Tsunami~
I wish I could travel the world, I've never left the east coast >.<<br />
Sorry for commenting late...I...kinda...er...broke my internet router...<br />
Please update again soon ^^
Lol. Tessa traveled the world? aigooo~<br />
I'd love to do that...except for singing? xD<br />
Anyways, Daesun and I share a BDAY so HAPPY BDAY TO BOTH OF US :DDD<br />
Sami3rm #7
haha they were making funny faces to distract each other while the photo shoot :) <br />
<br />
Yay world traveling!! ^^ I'm going to miss that :( <br />
<br />
<br />
this group is filled with fun and surprises ^^ update soon <3
Best stage ever xD lmao at Naoto's 'tripping over air'<br />
I still don't trust those noonas >.><br />
and now that I think about it, Jaehyo really does look a combination of them o.o<br />