Randomness and a Surprise?

Tsunami (NH Co-ed group!!) [Apply Closed]


“What would happen if Daesun and Tessa would date?” Chin Mae thought out loud
“That would be a disaster” Chang Hee replied
“It was a thought” Chin Mae pouted
“Actually… I don’t think they would be the ideal ‘couple’ of the group” Naoto smirked and looked at Chang Hee
“Why are you looking at me like that?” he replied with his mouth full of food
“I thought you read that one fanfic…” Naoto inquired
Chang Hee started choking on his food when Naoto said that. Andrew gave him a glass of water to try and help him a little.
“Don’t ever mention that fic” if looks could kill… Naoto would be sitting in his grave
“It’s actually describes you pretty well, and I think you two would make a great couple” Chin Mae smiled
While all this is going on, Tessa took her chance to play a little Mario Party. Since she was a super ninja, she went unnoticed by Chang Hee.
“Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll play a little COD now” Chang Hee said as he turned around but found Tessa lounged out on the couch playing Mario Party
“If you weren’t the maknae…” he mumbled
“If I wasn’t the maknae, what?” Tessa smirked
“Tessa – 3, Chang Hee – zilch” Daesun said from the hallway
Tessa and Eli were just talking about random things in U-Kiss’s practice room.
“So, what you’re saying is Chang Hee won’t admit he’s addicted to Call of Duty?” Eli laughed a little
“You got that right, he’ll play the game non-stop but won’t admit he’s addicted” Tessa added
“Since it’s a co-ed group… do you like any of the guys?” Eli asked out of curiosity
“As members and friends, they are really pimp… but I know that’s not what you’re asking” Tessa carefully answer to dodge the question
“And your answer to that question is…” Eli tried to get an answer out of her
“Well… Naoto is the appa of the group, Andrew is really feminine, Chang Hee... maybe, and Daesun is like my twin” Tessa answered honestly
“So you could possibly like Chang Hee?” Eli asked in a serious tone and it scared Tessa
Chin Mae was at the vending machines in the dorms but she ran into a few of the members of U-Kiss.
“What brings you here?” Soohyun asked
“Buying snacks?” Chin Mae replied really weird-like
“Sounds fun” AJ said
“I’ve just realized, I gotta go. BYE!” Soohyun said rapid fast while leaving AJ and Chin Mae alone in the halls
“Do you want me to walk you back to your dorm?” AJ asked
“Sure” Chin Mae smiled
They walked in silence, but it was a comfortable silence. They arrived at the door and AJ didn’t want to leave.
“Tell you what, how about we invite you guys for dinner tonight” Chin Mae suggested
“Sure, sounds good. I’ll tell the others, ok.” AJ replied and went to tell his band-mates about the invite
“Andrew, you are a good cook” Kevin complimented
“Good?! He’s an EXTREMELY AWESOME cook” Dongho corrected
“I get it~ I get it~” Andrew laughed at the two dorks
“I haven’t had food this good in ages” Kiseop said as he finished his plate
“Glad you liked it” Andrew replied to his comment
“I’m envious, you guys get to eat this food everyday” Hoon pouted
“Don’t worry, stop by every now and then to see what’s for dinner at this place” Daesun said
“We’d be glad to invite you guys again” Chin Mae added
“It’s been fun, but we have to go now” Eli said and one by one, the guys left but the last one to leave was AJ.
“I’m stuffed…” AJ commented once he and Chin Mae reached the door
“Glad you enjoyed the food” Chin Mae smiled
“Yeah…” AJ sighed but did something unexpected…
By the time he realized what he did, his face was red and rushed out to go back to his dorm. As for Chin Mae, she just stood there trying to take in what just happened.
“What the hell just happened?”

You know your smart when you: spell voice with an "F" and spell "door" "dorr"
That kind of stuff happens to me all the time. Anyway, this was just a random chapter but something surprising happened at the end and I'll give you one good guess on what happens.
anyone see the MV for 2ne1's I am the Best? it's friggin legit
Let's see what happens next...?
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Lol<br />
Aww its over? It was a good run!<br />
Kamsahapnida author-ssi!<br />
It's over? ;-;<br />
Well, at least it went out with a "That's what she said" xD<br />
It was awesome though, thanks for writing it :)
Sami3rm #3
awww its over :(<br />
Tsunami :)
LoveLikeChocolate #4
It's done! D: But that's okay! I enjoyed riding the waves of Tsunami~
I wish I could travel the world, I've never left the east coast >.<<br />
Sorry for commenting late...I...kinda...er...broke my internet router...<br />
Please update again soon ^^
Lol. Tessa traveled the world? aigooo~<br />
I'd love to do that...except for singing? xD<br />
Anyways, Daesun and I share a BDAY so HAPPY BDAY TO BOTH OF US :DDD<br />
Sami3rm #7
haha they were making funny faces to distract each other while the photo shoot :) <br />
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Yay world traveling!! ^^ I'm going to miss that :( <br />
<br />
<br />
this group is filled with fun and surprises ^^ update soon <3
Best stage ever xD lmao at Naoto's 'tripping over air'<br />
I still don't trust those noonas >.><br />
and now that I think about it, Jaehyo really does look a combination of them o.o<br />