Happy Birthday Han Tessa~

Tsunami (NH Co-ed group!!) [Apply Closed]


Onew and Naoto were talking backstage at Star King about Taemin and Tessa’s birthday.
“So, pool party sound good?” Onew suggested
“Tessa doesn’t like to swim all that much” Naoto stated, “But since she’ll be spending the day with the people she loves, she won’t mind it”
“That’s good, because Taemin’s wanted a pool party for the longest time” Onew said
“It’s settled, pool party it is” Naoto declared
“What are you guys talking about?” Key and Chin Mae simultaneously asked
“The maknae’s pool party” Onew and Naoto replied
“That reminds me, we need to get them presents” Key said and made a break for it to the nearest store
‘So I’m the one babysitting Tessa before the party’  Andrew thought and released a sigh
“Why so down dude?” Tessa asked as they were walking to the set of 1000 songs challenge
“Don’t worry about it” Andrew smiled, “Let’s just focus on the show for now”
“Sounds good” Tessa smiled
So, they got to filming 1000 songs challenge and they got some really good songs to sing.
“Let’s go with my lucky number, 18” Tessa said with a smile
Andrew and Tessa shot each other a look and Andrew let Tessa have the floor since she loves trot… and this song.
For being 16, Tessa knows how to sing trot well. Everyone in the studio was surprised by her voice.
Andrew got to sing Candy by H.O.T. and Tessa kind of danced along behind him.
One of the last songs they did was Bubble Pop by HyunA. Tessa and Andrew did ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors’ to determine who would sing that. Tessa lost, so she got to sing it.
Some say she sang it better than HyunA, but that’s still debatable. Although she didn’t dance the original dance, instead she did her own little cute moves to it. Because a 16 year-old doing the actual dance to it…
While Tessa and Andrew were heading to the pool, they were stopped by HyunA herself!
“Are you Tessa from Tsunami?” HyunA asked
“Yeah, what about it?” Tessa replied, trying to sound as nice as she can
“I loved how you sang Bubble Pop. Plus your dancing was so cute” HyunA complimented
“If I did your dance to it, it would be very weird because I just turned 16 today” Tessa replied
“Today’s your birthday? Well happy birthday then” HyunA smiled
“Thank you so much” Tessa replied
“Why you guys take a picture?” Andrew suggested
“You have your camera with you?” Tessa laughed
Andrew nodded, “I always bring my camera just incase”
Tessa and HyunA did a really cute pose for the picture. “Send it to me if you can” HyunA said
“Sure thing~” Tessa smiled
“YOU MET HYUNA!!!!!” Chang Hee screamed in Tessa’s face
“You don’t have to scream in my face~” Tessa pouted
“But still…” Chang Hee pouted as well
“Let’s just celebrate their birthday” Jonghyun broke up their pouting contest
“Bob’s right, let’s just celebrate” Tessa said and hopped on Taemin’s back
“You’re heavy~” Taemin pouted
“I am pretty chubby, but you’ll have to deal with it” Tessa replied
Jonghyun and Andrew were planning on throwing the birthday girl and the birthday boy in the pool. When they got three feet away from them, Taemin thought it was a great idea to jump in the pool before they had the chance to push them in.
Problem: Tessa was still on his back, so she had no say in that idea.
“Hey, we didn’t have to do anything!” Jonghyun smiled
“I’ll get you for this Bob!” Tessa shouted like an evil villain that was defeated
~*~*~ (^^)v ~*~*~
Daesun and Minho were talking about when they should give their presents.
“I think I should go towards the end, since it is a dance” Daesun told him
“Fine with me, I should go before you” Minho replied
“What are you guys talking about?” Chin Mae and Key suddenly appeared out of nowhere
“Presents” Minho and Daesun replied
“I can’t believe Taemin is 18 and Tessa is 16…” Key sighed
“I feel old” Chin Mae blurted out
“Looks like those guys are having fun” Minho said pointing to Taemin, Tessa, Chang Hee, and Jonghyun by the pool.
“Let’s go crash their little ‘party’” Chin Mae smirked
Tessa and Taemin were very ecstatic about all of their presents. They got just about everything they wanted for their birthday. But Tessa can’t help but wonder…
“Tessa-yah, I have another present for you back at the dorm” Chang Hee said to her
“Jinjjah?” Tessa got a little curious
“JUST ASK HER OUT ALREADY!!!” a few people screamed at them
“Like they said, just ask me out already” Tessa said seriously
Chang Hee sighed, “Tessa, I don’t know when, and I definitely don’t know how… but I like you. Will you be my girlfriend?”
Tessa struck a thinking pose, “Of course I’ll be your girlfriend”
The whole crowd cheered like wild animals. Tessa and Chang Hee hugged and they continued to celebrate.
‘Best. Birthday. Ever.’  Tessa thought right before Chang Hee picked her up and threw her in the pool

I'M SIXTEEN ES!!!! (random guy: language, Tessa!) ...
Alright, I've had my fun... Since it's my birthday, I shall present to you an awesome and legit chapter!
Random question: Anyone a fan of Block B? If so, who is your bias?
Happy birthday to me (cha cha cha) Happy birthday to me (cha cha cha) Happy birthday dear me~ Happy birthday to me~ 
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Lol<br />
Aww its over? It was a good run!<br />
Kamsahapnida author-ssi!<br />
It's over? ;-;<br />
Well, at least it went out with a "That's what she said" xD<br />
It was awesome though, thanks for writing it :)
Sami3rm #3
awww its over :(<br />
Tsunami :)
LoveLikeChocolate #4
It's done! D: But that's okay! I enjoyed riding the waves of Tsunami~
I wish I could travel the world, I've never left the east coast >.<<br />
Sorry for commenting late...I...kinda...er...broke my internet router...<br />
Please update again soon ^^
Lol. Tessa traveled the world? aigooo~<br />
I'd love to do that...except for singing? xD<br />
Anyways, Daesun and I share a BDAY so HAPPY BDAY TO BOTH OF US :DDD<br />
Sami3rm #7
haha they were making funny faces to distract each other while the photo shoot :) <br />
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Yay world traveling!! ^^ I'm going to miss that :( <br />
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this group is filled with fun and surprises ^^ update soon <3
Best stage ever xD lmao at Naoto's 'tripping over air'<br />
I still don't trust those noonas >.><br />
and now that I think about it, Jaehyo really does look a combination of them o.o<br />