Moving Day!!!

Tsunami (NH Co-ed group!!) [Apply Closed]


“So… where are the girls?” Chang Hee asked all the guys at the dorm
“Is that the only reason you agreed to be in a co-ed group?” Naoto asked back
“To answer your question, Chang Hee, they’ve gone out to eat” Andrew said
“It’s going to be forever because next thing you’ll know is that they’ll go shopping and talk about ‘feelings’ and-“
“Wow, you guys are stereotyping us already?” one of the girls said from the door
“Tessa, Chin Mae, you’re back” Andrew greeted
“Where’s Daesun?” Tessa asked
“Playing guitar in his room” Naoto replied
Tessa went to his room as for Chin Mae… she decided to watch Chang Hee play COD.
“So…” Andrew got Naoto’s attention, “They picked you to be the leader of this group”
“Yep” he simply replied
“How’s that going to turn out?”
“Who knows…” Naoto trailed off
The members were practicing the dance for their debut song. Chin Mae looked a little lost but luckily, everyone was helping her instead of bashing her.
“Sorry, it’s just the footwork is a bit tough” she sheepishly said
“You just have to get the hang of it” Tessa encouraged
“Well, you’re the lead dancer so it should be easy for you” Chang Hee snidely commented
“I didn’t travel the world for nothing” Tessa boasted herself ruining what ever Chan Hee was planning
~~#*#**~ ~**#*#~~
Tessa caught a look at Daesun who was in his own world practicing his lines in the song.
“Need any help” Tessa said slowly
“Yeah, it’s just our part that’s got me struggling” Daesun scratched his head
“Let’s work together on it!” she suggested
“Ok!” Daesun smiled
Andrew was in the kitchen cooking dinner for the rest of the members but someone decided to sneak up on him.
“Whatcha doing?” Daesun asked cutely
“Cooking” Andrew simply answered
“Whatcha cooking?” he asked again
“Food” Andrew answered earning a pout from Daesun
“What kind-“
“Food is food and you’ll find out in a few minutes anyways” Andrew said earning another pout from the other. He got a look at Daesun’s face… “Why don’t you set the table for me”
“Yay!” Daesun jumped in the air in a celebratory fashion and set the table for Andrew
After dinner, Chang Hee went to play COD, Daesun went to annoy Andrew a little more, Chin Mae went to talk to Naoto and Tessa went down stairs to the vending machines because she forgot to get some snacks earlier.
“Let me get this right,” Chin Mae started off, “Tessa and Daesun were born on the same month, of the same year, yet Tessa is more mature than him?”
“Sort of. Daesun’s mind is squeaky clean while Tessa’s is a pigsty” Naoto corrected
“What about Andrew?” Chin Mae asked
“He’s a bit on the feminine side… but it balances out with yours and Tessa’s tomboyish personalities” he answered
“Chang Hee?”
“COD addict” he answered without skipping a beat
“What do you have to say about me?” she asked with a smirk
“You’re our ace for variety shows” Naoto smiled
That was just the first day they moved in together as a group. They seem to be getting a long but who knows… they might fight, get a long perfectly.
There’s more to come…

1st chapter is done!!! It may have taken me a while but i was brain dead on how to start it off for a few days :P
Since i'm balancing 3 fanfics right now... it may be a while before i updated this again, but who knows
See you guys later!! :3
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Lol<br />
Aww its over? It was a good run!<br />
Kamsahapnida author-ssi!<br />
It's over? ;-;<br />
Well, at least it went out with a "That's what she said" xD<br />
It was awesome though, thanks for writing it :)
Sami3rm #3
awww its over :(<br />
Tsunami :)
LoveLikeChocolate #4
It's done! D: But that's okay! I enjoyed riding the waves of Tsunami~
I wish I could travel the world, I've never left the east coast >.<<br />
Sorry for commenting my internet router...<br />
Please update again soon ^^
Lol. Tessa traveled the world? aigooo~<br />
I'd love to do that...except for singing? xD<br />
Anyways, Daesun and I share a BDAY so HAPPY BDAY TO BOTH OF US :DDD<br />
Sami3rm #7
haha they were making funny faces to distract each other while the photo shoot :) <br />
<br />
Yay world traveling!! ^^ I'm going to miss that :( <br />
<br />
<br />
this group is filled with fun and surprises ^^ update soon <3
Best stage ever xD lmao at Naoto's 'tripping over air'<br />
I still don't trust those noonas >.><br />
and now that I think about it, Jaehyo really does look a combination of them o.o<br />