
A Fool's Paradise

"Oppa!" You called as you ran towards SungGyu, hiding behind his back. "WooHyun oppa is trying to tickle me!"


SungGyu chuckled as crossed his arms when WooHyun came running towards him.


WooHyun tried to go behind SungGyu but SungGyu just spread out his arms and shocked WooHyun a little.


"Ow! Hyung! That hurt!" WooHyun yelled as he clutched his side.


You giggled and came out behind SungGyu and both of you hi-fived each other.


"Oppa? Are you okay? Does it really hurt?" You asked as you touched were he got shocked.


Suddenly, WooHyun hugged you and you giggled as you tried to get out of his embrace.


"Not really because you were here." WooHyun squeezed you tighter and SungGyu just smiled at the two.


"You are going to chole her to death by this rate." SungGyu said as he pried WooHyun's arms off of you.


You were still giggling while gasping for air. SungGyu ruffled your hair and WooHyun growled.


"What? I can't touch her but you can hug her?" SungGyu said as he hugged you from behind and your eyes grew wide.


WooHyun frowned as he was tempted to pry his arms off of you but he stopped himself.


He stomped away and SungGyu smiled in satisfaction as he let go of you.


"I have to show you something." SungGyu said as he grabbed your wrist and started to drag you towards his room.


"Close your eyes." SungGyu said as he covered your eyes and you held out your hands to make sure you didnt bump into anything.


"Now open!" SungGyu took away his hands and you opened your eyes to see a beautiful white dress in front of you.


It was tight on the top with a flowly fleece bottom and it seemed like it would come up to about to your knees.


"It's beautiful." You said as your mouth was open as you took a step more closer to get a better look.


You rubbed your fingers in between the fabric and it felt smooth on you skin.


You turned back to SungGyu and you hugged him. He hugged you back and his smile grew wider as he could tell you liked it.


"I thought that you may need a new dress so I made one." SungGyu said as you stepped back with your eyes wide.


"You made this?" You were in shock because you had no idea SungGyu made clothes at all.


He nodded and your mouth opened in shock. "Why don't you try it on?" SungGyu suggested as he took the dress off the hanger.


You went into the bathroom to change and it fitted perfectly. You spun around in front of the mirror and your eyes almost swelled up in tears.


Shyly, you stepped out of the bathroom as SungGyu stood up from his chair and gaped at you.


You looked even more beautiful in the dress and he could take his eyes off of you.


"Oppa? Does it look okay?" SungGyu broke from his trance and stared at you again.


"O-oh! You're beautiful-I mean! It looks beautiful on you." SungGyu stuttered and you giggled a little as you blushed madly.


"Thank you oppa." You kissed him on the cheek and SungGyu froze in his spot.


*SungGyu! Put yourself together! You are the oldest, don't act like you haven't been kissed before! Oh wait... I haven't...*


"Oppa?" You waved a hand in front of his face and he snapped out of his thinking. "Is everything alright?" 


"O-Oh yeah. Everything's fine." SungGyu squeezee your shoulder and smiled at you.


*Phew. That was a close one.* SungGyu thought as he mentally wiped his forehead.


"Oppa?" You said as both of you sat down on his bed. "Yes?"


"Why don't you guys ever wear black or red? When I think of devils, they always wear red or black but you guys don't wear anything but white. Why is that?"


You were really bugged by this question during the past two weeks you stayed here because all of the devils outside were wearing all black or red except Infinite.


"We dont wear red because WooHyun and Hoya's vampire side usually triggered by the sight of red. It reminds them of blood and they go out of control trying to find some blood. Trust me. It wasn't a pretty sight when I first took in WooHyun and Hoya into our group."


You chuckled and you wondered if Hoya or WpoHyun would ever bite you to get some blood. You never seen any of them so far drink any blood and you were kind of scared that someday, they would come up to you and your blood because they needed it.


But you also were kind of curious on how it feels to have blood en out of you, and because you can trust both of them, you didn't think that it would be that scary.


"And we don't wear black because it is a very dark color and sometimes it also makes us a bit gloomy. We wear white so we can get reminded to stay positive." 


"Isn't hard being the oldest?" You asked as you thought of how hard your brother worked to take care of you, but SungGyu had to take care of 7 people including you.


At the thought of your brother you became worried and sad as you wondered what he was doing. But you pushed those thoughts away as you listened to SungGyu. 


"Sometimes but it isn't hard because they are nice guys and you. You are nothing but perfect." He softly shocked your nose with a small electricity blot, and it actually tickled.


You jumped in surprise at first and then you laughed. He shot some more bolts into the air and they glowed in different colors.


"Woah! How did you make them different colors?" You asked as you touched a one of the electricity lines and it disappeared as soon as you touched it.


"Its easy. Watch this." SungGyu stuck a finger out in the air and waved it around. As SungGyu waved his finger around, a bunch of lines of electricity formed in different colors.


You watched in awe as you tried to touch them but they only disappeared as if they were bubbles.


"I wish I had electricity." You said as you reached out for the lines above your head.


"I wish I had light instead." SungGyu said as he stared at his fingers, his expression becoming darker.


"Oppa? Is there something wrong?" You put a hand on his shoulder and he just shook his head and gave you a light smile.


"Just had a flashback. That's all." SungGyu reassured you but you couldn't help but be curious about what he was thinking about.


"You can always talk to me if you need anything." You said as you squeezed his shoulder and he smiled as he looked into your eyes.


You could see a hint of sorrow in his eyes but he was covering it by his smile and you felt your own heart break.


"Are you sure you want to listen?" You nodded eagerly and then SungGyu leaned towards the wall because he knew it would be a pretty long story.


You followed him as well and as SungGyu made sure no one was listening except you, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes.


"It all started when I was little..."





Sorry for not updating yesterday! >< 


I had just began my spring break yesterday and I was really tired. :p


I dont know why our school is so late but that means I will have more time this week to write more! Yay! :D


Thank you to all who commented and subscribed! :)


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Chapter 20: I wonder what happened to sungjong (;_;)
Chapter 20: What happened to sungjong??
Chapter 20: huhuhu..i am sad its finished~ :'( BUT I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!
Chapter 20: i wonder what happen to sunjong though....
Chapter 20: Woaaahhh this is reall good :) But...What happened to sungjong? ._.
Chapter 20: what happened to sungjong???
zatieywookie #7
Chapter 20: i love your story !!!! Happy ending ! I hope they're will have kids one day :)
Chapter 13: Gahhh 3 down and 4 more to go?? hehehehe
Jessika98 #9
Chapter 11: Finally good job L I'm proud of you! XD
jessica234 #10
Chapter 11: kyaaaaaaaaa he kissed her,im in love with this story.