The Battle

A Fool's Paradise

The door flew open and L hid you protectively behind his back. 


"What do you want?" WooHyun hissed as his fangs started to pop out. 


"We heard there is an angel in your house." A young looking devil walked into the house with a police uniform on. He held out his badge to show that he was an official.


"We have no angel in our house." SungGyu said with his calmest voice and you could hear a door opening.


Everyone looked towards the direction of the sound and your eyes widened as SungJong came out of the room. SungYeol, Hoya, and DongWoo ran out of the room right after.


"You did good Bang YongGook sshi." The police said as SungJong nodded his head once and he suddenly morphed into another person, a bit taller with blonde hair.


You gasped as you stared at the stranger who pretended to be SungJong and everything started to feel dizzy.


All of Infinite's mouths were hung open and they shared nervous glances with each other.


"Hand me over the girl." The police said as he held out his hand and YongGook stood next to him.


"Never." Hoya glared at the police as he stood by your side and you squeezed his arm. 


"I'm scared." You whsipered as you looked up at him and his expression softened. "Don't worry, everything's going to be alright."


"Boys, take them." The police said as 7 blonde hair guys, including YongGook, started to tie up each of Infinite and you stood there, helpless, scared, and alone.


You tried prying one of the person's arm off DongWoo, but he just pushed you away like a fly and you went flying towards the ground.


"SooAh!" SungYeol called as he was getting beaten to the ground. You looked up and saw the police hovering over you and you gulped. 


The police took a firm grip on your wrist and startes to drag you out of the house.


You could hear Infinite screaming and struggling to get out. You turned back for the last time and a tear fell down your cheek.


The police yanked you to go faster and you felt as if your arm was about to fall out. He was gripping so hard onto your wrist and you could feel your hand become limp and cold.


In the far distance, you could see a building that looked much like a prison and people were being dragged into the building.


You saw SungJong being dragged into the building, and you were just about to yell, something grabbed your throat.


You choked for air as you were being lifted up and you scratched on the hand that was holding your throat.


"Say one word and I'll kill you right here." The police glared at me and you nodded as best as you could and you were thrown back onto the ground.


Gasping for air, you touched your sore red neck and the police took no mercy as he grabbed your wrist and started to drag you again.


Rather than the buidling everyone else was going to, you were brought to a different building next to it. 


It was smaller in size and their were glass windows that showed who was stuck inside.


Each person was stuck in one chamber and they seemed like they were gasping for air.


You entered the building and smelled the horrible smell of decaying bodies. 


The police threw you into an empty chambers and closed the door. You banged on the glass door and yelled but the police walked away.


You looked at the person next to you and he was screaming and banging but you couldn't hear him. Thats when you figured out that these glass walls were made sound proof.


Suddenly, the person started to gasp for air and you could see at the top, there was a small hose and some sort of gas was coming out of it.


These were gas chambers and you were panicked in the inside. *Is this how I am going to die?*


You curled up into a ball and tears started to roll down your cheeks as you looked outside. *Good bye.*


The person next to you finally landed on the floor of the gas chamber. You couldn't bear to look around you and you knew that there was no way out.


There was a sudden rumble as the building started to shake and in the far distance, you could see an army of angels coming towards the buildings.


Heards of devils also formed as they blocked the angels and the people from the buildings also got out to fight.


"Surrender now, we already have your angels in hostage." One representative said as he stood up for the devils as the crowd went wild.


"Never will we surrender to you." The archangel said as he stepped out of the crowd to face the other devil.


"Charge!" Everyone started to scream as they went into battle. You closed your eyes whenever someone was killes in front of your window.


You grew worried and you started to bang on the walls to see if you could get out.


You were going to die if you didn't get out of here, not only because of the gas that might leak any second or the battle going on right in front of them is going to demolish the building.


The building becpgan to rapidly shake and you started to act more quickly as you breathed heavily.


Your heart was beating fast and you became nervous. No matter how much you banged on the door, it wouldn't open.


Then, suddenly, you could hear a familiar sound. The sound of a gas leaking and you looked up to see the gas leaking into your chamber.


You started to gasp for air and you banged on the window for help.


*Please save me.*

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Chapter 20: I wonder what happened to sungjong (;_;)
Chapter 20: What happened to sungjong??
Chapter 20: huhuhu..i am sad its finished~ :'( BUT I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!
Chapter 20: i wonder what happen to sunjong though....
Chapter 20: Woaaahhh this is reall good :) But...What happened to sungjong? ._.
Chapter 20: what happened to sungjong???
zatieywookie #7
Chapter 20: i love your story !!!! Happy ending ! I hope they're will have kids one day :)
Chapter 13: Gahhh 3 down and 4 more to go?? hehehehe
Jessika98 #9
Chapter 11: Finally good job L I'm proud of you! XD
jessica234 #10
Chapter 11: kyaaaaaaaaa he kissed her,im in love with this story.