
Sacrificed Blood

Dongwoon's p.o.v

It's been two weeks and I finally got the courage to ask Jihyun out, but  I felt weird. I felt like something was missing. All I could think of was the girl who hurt her leg. She reminded me of someone.

" Dongwoon" Jihyun said waving her hands in front of my face.

" Oh sorry, what's wrong?" I asked stepping back.

" Let's go on our date" she said excited but I wasn't for some reason. I took her out to eat.

" Oppa?" Jihyun said.

" Hmm?" I said.

" Do you like me?" she asked.

" Alittle, why?" I asked.

" Nothing" she said abit dissapointed.

When Jihyun was talking something caught my attention. She walked in with someone else wearing a beautiful dress.



She looke stunning and my attention was fully on her. Jihyun saw and got angry that I was paying more attention to the girl. She turned and caught me staring at her. We stared at each other for awhile until I felt cold lips against mine. I backed up noticing  her date trying to catch her . As I turned Jihyun was smirking.

" Oppa you kept staring at her" Jihyun said trying to act innocent. I stood up and walked away.

" Hey! Where are you going?" she yelled.

" Can't you tell the date's over" I said walking out. What is going on? That is not the Jihyun I knew. There was no spark when we kissed. The JIhyun I knew was not a fake. I don't know why I feeel so much more connected to the other girl. Do I love her?
" Aish" I said ruffling my hair just wanting the night to end.


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Littleshire #1
Chapter 7: Oh, JiHyun has lost her souvenirs of DongWoon?
It's because she isn't a vampire yet?
Oh, and with who DongWoon have a date? */*
Littleshire #2
Chapter 5: Ohhh */*
JiHyun, so subtil and sad xO
If she can't return with DW why not make she fells in love with Junie? xD
I love your story, please update!
Littleshire #3
Chapter 1: SoHyun, what a beautiful friend ! -ironic-
I hope Dongwoon will love yet JiHyUN ¨¨
Littleshire #4
Kyaaah what a mysterious story!
I want to know the following ! ( ça se dit? )
Update, update, updaaaaaaaate!
yes.. new FF story.. can't wait for the next chap!