
Sacrificed Blood





" Dongwoon?" I said in disbeleif. He didn't say anything but kept staring at how close I was to the guy. I backed up alittle.

" You know my brother?" he asked.

" Brother?" I questioned in disbeleif.

" Dujun, this is Jihyun a friend and Jihyun this is my brother" he said and my heart ached when he introduced me as a ' friend'

" Nice to meet you Dujun" I said extending my hand out. He shook it.

" You too" he said smiling.

I thought I saw jealousy in Dongwoon's eyes as I laughed at Dujun's jokes. I shrugged it off and continued talking to him.The doorbell rang and Dujun went to answer it.

" How have you been?" he asked.

" Well, you?" I said.

" I have been good, thankyou" he said and  I smiled.

" That's good"

" I missed you"  he confessed making me stiffen. I wanted to hug him and tell him I miss him too. I miss his smile, scent, presence, I wanted to jump and tell him how much I missed him but I held in my tears and stayed quiet.

" Jihyun" he started taking my hands into his but released it as footsteps were heard. Dujun came back along with four other guys.

" Hello , I'm Yoseop " the cute one introduced.

" I'm Kikwang" the charming one said kissing my cheek making me blush.

" I'm Hyungseung" the handsome one introduced.

" Finally, I'm Junhyung" the y one said. They are all so perfect. The whole time I  smiled and enjoyed my self joking and talking with them but, Dongwoon staying quiet made my heart ache . I excused myself to the restroom and saw Dongwoon leaning against the wall as I came out.

" Can we talk?" he asked. I nodded and followed him out to the balconey.

I sat down next to him on a chair  as the clod breeze rushed over us. I shivered and he put a blanket around me. " Thanks" 

" Did you leave me for my brother?" he  asked breaking the silence. I turned to him widening my eyes.

" Do you think I'm that kind of person?" I asked as my heart shattered.  He shrugged.

" I don't know everything about you" he said. I was hurt that he said that like it was nothing when we dated for five years and he says that he doesn't know anything about me. I can't beleive how self centered he is.

" Dongwoon, you don't know but that's mean. I'm hurt that you think of me in this way. I never thought you would ever say anything like that ever in my lifetime" I confessed. He just stood there staring at me guilty as a tear escaped from my eye.

" I'm sorry that I dissapointed you" I stood up and walked away.

" Where are you going ?" Yoseop asked.

" Home" I whispered.

" Wait, why were you crying?" he asked looking at my red eyes. I shook my head and started walking when someone grabbed my wrist.

" You can't go home" Dujun stated.

" Why?" Dongwoon questioned coming in.

" She'll get abused" Dujun said and all of their eyes widened as Dongwoon stared at me shocked.

" You got abused?" Hyungseung questioned and I nodded putting my head down in shame. They all soften and slightly smiled.

" Then it's settled! Jihyun, you will be staying here with us" Kikwang said pulling me on the coach.

" Why did they hurt you?" Junhyung asked curious.

" Tell us?" the said all curious.

" I didn't marry someone" I confessed and Dongwoon's eyes widened.

" That's all"  Yoseop said bored.

" Why didn't you marry him?" Hyungseung asked. Dongwoon started at me more intrested then the others. I sighed and confessed.

" I really loved him and in order to protect him from them  I left"

They all stared at me with pity as I started to tear up. Dujun pulled me into a embrace and patted my back as I cried. Dongwoon stood up and walked out to the balconey.

" Dongwoon" Junhyun yelled.

" It's ok I shouldn't be bothering you.I'm sorry" I said wiping my tears and running into the bathroom.They all stared at each other disapointed in Dongwoon.

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Littleshire #1
Chapter 7: Oh, JiHyun has lost her souvenirs of DongWoon?
It's because she isn't a vampire yet?
Oh, and with who DongWoon have a date? */*
Littleshire #2
Chapter 5: Ohhh */*
JiHyun, so subtil and sad xO
If she can't return with DW why not make she fells in love with Junie? xD
I love your story, please update!
Littleshire #3
Chapter 1: SoHyun, what a beautiful friend ! -ironic-
I hope Dongwoon will love yet JiHyUN ¨¨
Littleshire #4
Kyaaah what a mysterious story!
I want to know the following ! ( ça se dit? )
Update, update, updaaaaaaaate!
yes.. new FF story.. can't wait for the next chap!