
Sacrificed Blood

Jihyun's p.o.v

My heart ached as I saw Dongwoon enter the flower shop. It's been two years and he finally appeared again. As I see him talking and smiling with her my heart trembles in fear of what she will do. Why can't he realize that's not me.

I started walking and decided to go to the feild to clear my mind. I started running as soon as I got there. I've been running and jumping over hurdles for over a hour and my bones started aching. I started slowing down as memories of me and Dongwoon appeared.

" Keep running, you got this" someone yelled.

I turned and tripped over a hurdle as what I saw shocked me. He came running towards me from the other side of the feild. I chuckled at how he's still slow.

" Are you ok?" he asked helping me up. I shook my head as pain appeared in my leg.

" Oh your ankle is bleeeding" he said worridly. I tried to stand up but fell on him. We stared at each other and got so close that the tip of our noses were touching. We were about  kissing close until his phone rang interupting us.

" Hello? Hyung , later I have to take someone to the hospital" he said hanging up.

He got up and helped me putting a arm around my shoulder. We started walking step by step to the hospital. I had to stop every minute or so to withstand the pain. He did too but probably got tired.

" You can leave if I'm taking to long" I said standing up but ended up falling again.

" It's fine take as long as you want" he said.

" But.." I started but he cut me off.

" Anyway it's my fault your hurt" he stated pulling me up.

" It's fractured" Dr. Lee said and I started to panick.

" Will I be able to run again?" I asked nervous.

" The bone snapped a bit hard, but it might be possible. You have to wait until it recovers" Dr. Lee said.

" Thank you" I said bowing. Dongwoon bowed as I started walking off.

" I'm sorry"

I just kept limping until he grabbed my wrists.

" Hey!  I said sorry,  you don't have to be so rude" he yelled annoyed making my heart ache. Does he think I'm rude?

" Who says I have to forgive you?" I retorted.

" Huh?"

" Do I have to forgive you?" I asked.

" What are you talking about?" he asked confuse.

" You think people are going to always forgive you because you apologize?" I asked and he just stood still.

" Huh! Clearly you don't the this sick world yet"

" There are cruel people . Not everyone is forgiving" 

" But you are! " he yelled as I froze.

" How do you know?" I aked irritated.

" I can sense your different" he said making my heart ache.

" Well your wrong" I said leaving.

" Why does it feel like something from my past just reappeared" Dongwoon thought as she limped off.


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Littleshire #1
Chapter 7: Oh, JiHyun has lost her souvenirs of DongWoon?
It's because she isn't a vampire yet?
Oh, and with who DongWoon have a date? */*
Littleshire #2
Chapter 5: Ohhh */*
JiHyun, so subtil and sad xO
If she can't return with DW why not make she fells in love with Junie? xD
I love your story, please update!
Littleshire #3
Chapter 1: SoHyun, what a beautiful friend ! -ironic-
I hope Dongwoon will love yet JiHyUN ¨¨
Littleshire #4
Kyaaah what a mysterious story!
I want to know the following ! ( ça se dit? )
Update, update, updaaaaaaaate!
yes.. new FF story.. can't wait for the next chap!