
Sacrificed Blood



My parents took me out to an alley during night for my punishment.It pained me to lose my loved one but it was all to protect him so, I can't stand in his way of happiness.

" Who said to break up , huh?" my mother asked cutting me. Aww it hurts so much as the knife peirced into my skin letting blood drip on my cold skin. I wanted to  yelp and scream in pain, but I held it in.

" Are you mute?" my father asked. I stayed quiet and the next thing I knew his hand slapped my face.

" Her blood will be fine, right honey?" my mom questioned. Dad agreed and came closer.

" Stop!" I begged but he came closer and pushed me up against the wall. I screamed in pain as his fangs went deeper into my skin. I started getting dizzy as my skin turned pale and blood continously poured out. I kicked him and started running off but my mother grabbed me sticking her fangs in my arm and my father threw a punch causing blood to appear on my face from the impact. I winced and spun kicking him onto my mother. I smirked but stopped as my body froze.

" What's going on?" someone yelled.

We turned to see a innocent bystander.

" Run!" I yelled.

" Are you hurting her?" he asked.

My father smirked and came closer to the guy sticking his fangs out and darkening his eyes. I knew it. That was a ' I'm hungry' look.  I knocked my father out and kicked my mother on the ground.. The guy looked at me worried which confused me. I had blood gushing on my face and streaming down my legs. It was a horifying scene but why wasn't he running away?

" Run!" I yelled

" No!"

I looked at him confuse everyone else runs away.

" Why not?" I asked. He grabbed my arm and started pulling me.

" What are you doing? " I asked startled.

" I can't leave a injured girl alone, right?" he said. I smiled that he actually cared about me but winced in pain every time my right foot took a step.

He brought me to his house and I was suprised. He lives alone in this huge place?

" Your injuries are bad and need to be treated quickly. Don't worry, I'm not a bad guy.The hospital is  just very far away" he stated.I nodded and allowed him to help me because I trusted him for some odd reason.

" Who were those people?" he asked cleaning the blood.

" My parents" I said lowering my head. He lifted my head and smiled. He started applying medicine on the cuts and said.

" It's nothing to be ashamed of"

" Huh?" I asked confuse.

" My parents were very abusive to me too and if my brother didn't have me then, he would not have been strong enough  " he confessed.

I stayed quiet forgetting about how other kids get abused but realized that they don't have fang blood vampire parents.

" Thank you" I said as he wrapped guaze around my leg and placed a bandage on my cut. I was about to say something but someone came in yelling.

" I'm home!"

I stood up as the guy stood and turned my attention towards the other guy. Both of our eyes widened as he came in the living room..



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Littleshire #1
Chapter 7: Oh, JiHyun has lost her souvenirs of DongWoon?
It's because she isn't a vampire yet?
Oh, and with who DongWoon have a date? */*
Littleshire #2
Chapter 5: Ohhh */*
JiHyun, so subtil and sad xO
If she can't return with DW why not make she fells in love with Junie? xD
I love your story, please update!
Littleshire #3
Chapter 1: SoHyun, what a beautiful friend ! -ironic-
I hope Dongwoon will love yet JiHyUN ¨¨
Littleshire #4
Kyaaah what a mysterious story!
I want to know the following ! ( ça se dit? )
Update, update, updaaaaaaaate!
yes.. new FF story.. can't wait for the next chap!