Target's Reversal -Final-

Target's Reversal

I always wonder why this Kim Sunggyu could make my heart flutter whenever he’s around me. You know, that kind feeling when you can hear your own heartbeat like it is the only sound. And your eyes just could see that one person, astonishing. I have no idea since when this feeling grow even deeper by the time passed. Until realized, that one little thing. I love him.

And seeing him leaving right now is really really wrong. This isn’t right. I shouldn’t say that words before. That was not what I wanted to say. I can’t let him go just like this. I have to tell him the truth.

“Sunggyu! Wait! That’s not what I mean.”

I hurriedly made my pace and tried to reach him. I just will tell him what my heart feels. It doesn’t matter whether he will accept it or not after I made his heart hurt just before.

I grabbed his arms, turned him around to face me. And .

He’s crying.

“Woohyun, stop it. I know you just thinking all of this as a game. No need to feel sorry. I can understand. I shouldn’t expect too much at first.”

His answer makes me feel like the worst person in the world. You’re so stupid Woohyun. Look at what you have done.

“No, Sunggyu.” I sighed knowing he must be really hurt because of this game, and all my stupidness.

“I know I’m a jerk. It’s just I’m too afraid to face you. I feel ashamed to you. That’s why I keep on avoiding you,” I tried to explain as I stepped closer to him.

He flinched a little when I moved my thumb to caress his cheeks, removing those tears away from his face. It’s hurting to see him in this kind of state.

“It’s okay Woohyun. You don’t have to do this,” he smiled bitterly and shoved my hands away.

“Sunggyu,” I ran my hands on my hair in despair, “Can’t you see my feelings?”

I didn’t want to make him scared because of my sudden confession later. But, I’m totally desperate in wanting him, in being the one who would protect him. In being the one who would cheer him and not the reason of those hurting tears.

“Can you believe in me? Can you just listen to me and believe me for this one time?”

I stopped my words and looking straight into those dark eyes.

“I love you, Sunggyu.”

I leaned to him and kissed him deeply. I always wanted to taste those lips again after the first time he kissed me. His lips were sweet just like before. I wonder what he did to his lips so it could be as sweet as honey. He didn’t give any respond to the kiss at first. And I couldn’t help but to feel disappointed.

A rejection, I knew this would happen and my heart was sunken.

It was the time when I was going to break the kiss when he responded to my kiss and deepen it.

“I love you, Sunggyu,” I confessed again, didn’t believe at what happened. And I could feel his lips curved up into a slight smile.

“Finally,” he said after we broke the kiss, not a really long and heated one thought.

Then he smirked at me.

“Wha-“I wanted to ask him what does he mean but then cut off abruptly.

“If you said the answer earlier, we don’t need to do all this drama,” he laughed, pink color tinted his cheeks.

I looked at him confusedly. What does he mean?

“I love you Woohyun,” he hugged me and said those words again upon my ears, “I love you.”

 Then he released his hug from me.

“Yaa… you cut off my words. What do you mean by drama?” I asked him again and pouted, “What are you laughing at back then?”

He just smiled to me, making his eyes became crescent moon shaped. Perfect.

“Let’s take a lunch first. I’m hungry.”

With those words he intertwined our fingers and let me followed him in flustered state.



“So those tears are just fake tears?” I stared at him, dumbfounded.

He grinned and answered nonchalantly, “I have to do that Woohyun. If I don’t do that, I’m sure you will never confess to me and just keep avoiding me.”

My mouth opened agape widely. What does he say? It’s just acting?

“You are really mean Sunggyu. I-I cannot believe you did this to me. Isn’t this all too much? You sure like to make me look like a fool, “I scoffed.

I didn’t continue my words when I saw him didn’t look at me but looked down to the ground. What is his plan now?

“Woohyun,” he called my name in low voice. His eyes still fixed to the ground.

“Uh, yes? What’s wrong Sunggyu?”

He didn’t answer my question instead he beckoning me to sit beside him. I completely clueless about him but still following him. You’re such a loser Woohyun. A great loser just for Kim Sunggyu thought.

“I’m sorry Woohyun. I-I didn’t mean to make you angry.”

Oh no, he’s on the verge of crying again. Nope, I won’t fall into your trap again Sunggyu.

“Could you forgive me?” his eyes now are sparkling because of the tears.

“Is this one of your acting again Sunggyu? Because if it is one, then I will leave now.”

I just wanted to make sure that this isn’t also one of his acting. He didn’t say a thing but his eyes reflecting hurt as the tears started to flowing down his reddish pink cheeks now. Aish jinjja this boy makes me crazy.

I couldn’t stand to see those eyes tearing more eye drops. My heart is aching to see him like this.

I moved my hand and circling them to his trembling body as I leaned closer to him.

“Ssh… don’t cry Sunggyu-ah,” I whispered those words to his ear and start patting his back. Hope it could ease him a little.

“You know I love you and will always love you. You don’t need to say sorry. ”

After I felt that he was calmer, I leaned back to see his face. But then I saw him had already fallen asleep with his head on my shoulder. Such a cry baby, I chuckled at that thought.

“Don’t worry Sunggyu, I will make sure those tears will never strolling down your beautiful face again.”



One thing Woohyun didn’t know is that this one was also Sunggyu’s acting. And Sunggyu just could smile playfully upon those sweet words of Woohyun.




He kissed me and I believed that time I was in paradise. But that was not for a long time yet I still craving for those lips.

“It seems like you enjoying the kiss?” he whispered teasingly to my ears.

Then he got up from me and came back to his former sit position.

I also got up from lying on the couch and sat down again.

“You!” I glared at him and could feel my cheeks must be flushed red now.

“What?” he asked innocently and jutted out his lower lip, “I just want to play in this game too.”

Damn it Sunggyu, why do you keep being so cute. I groaned mentally. Calm down Woohyun. You don’t want to be called as a don’t you?

I chuckled bitterly at that question mentally. Can I really use strength to him when I witnessed his powerful strength to me just now? Be focus, Woohyun. There are still problems to be managed.

“I-I’m sorry Sunggyu. Please forgive me for troubling you in this kind of stupid game,” I didn’t dare to set my eyes on him.

“Nah, it isn’t a biggie. I will forgive you in one condition,” a smirk decorating his beautiful lips as he leaned closer to me again.

“Wh-what is it?” I gulped down my own saliva. His face is just a mere inches away from mine, “Ju-just tell me.”

“Answer my next question honestly.” His face became serious now.


“Would you like to be my boyfriend, Nam Woohyun?”






a/n : it's the end ^0^ and I'm really sorry for not mentioning Dongwoo-ssi name even once in this fic /bows/ please forgive me. Anyway, thank you very much for subscribing, comment, and vote, I'm really happy haha.. Enjoy reading~

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SpeGirl #1
Chapter 7: ahhh sweeet
woohyun is gay for sunggyu!!
Chapter 7: Such a sweet story~ I like it~ ^^
Chapter 7: I've finished to read the full story and I really loved it!!!! ♥♥♥ WooHyun ended being gay!!!! Thanks for sharing this one.
Chapter 1: Muahaha, I loved the 1st chapter =) WooHyun as the playboy who's confident enough to get any heart, now he has to get SunGyu's!!!! Very interesting!!!! ♥
♥ the ending very much ^^
Happy ~~~
Chapter 7: Ahha nam woohyun you got tricked by your target XD
kyucute #7
Chapter 7: aw aw, amazing ><
davidrd #8
Chapter 7: omona, it's so sweet... FInally they get together and happy...
Chapter 6: Sunggyu hurt... Woohyun just dont know what he should do..
davidrd #10
Chapter 6: oh no sunggyu was hurt.. Aish nam woohyun should make a move now. Btw nice chappie