Target's Reversal -5-

Target's Reversal

I liked the ambience in here. It felt really warm. Not too cold and not too hot. Just perfect. The wall was painted in soft peach color, giving a nostalgic feeling.  I sat down on the couch inside his living room. There was a little table beside the couch. Wide enough to put some ornament here and there. On one side of the wall, there was a clock, hanging up there, ticking time in rhythm. The window was opened, letting the autumn breeze to come in and refreshing the air. I inhaled as much as air my lungs could take. I simply loved to be here.

“Woohyun,” Sunggyu closed the door and put his bag in the corner of the room, “Would you like some tea?”

I turned my face to see him, “Ah… yes. Thank you.”

“Wait for me, it won’t be long,” he stepped inside another room.

He came back ten minutes later and put two cups of tea on the table. He then took a seat beside me.

“Yaa… is there something on my face?” I asked him and tried to avoiding his gaze on me when I realized that he was staring at me. Nam Woohyun! Since when you become like this? Where to all your charms gone?

He then gasped a little and looked somewhere else. His face looked flushed red.

“I’m sorry Woohyun. I didn’t realize that I looked into you just now,” he said it in shyness that could be read all over his face right now. So cute.

“No problem. I know no one can resist it when my charm glows all over me,” I grinned. Finally, I got myself back.

“Are you living alone?” I asked him since I didn’t see anyone else in here.

“Nope, I lived with my parents and brother. There are four of us. My parents are leaving for some business trip to another city.  And my brother, he hasn’t come back yet. Maybe he still plays with his friends,” Sunggyu said as he took one of the cups and slurped the tea inside.

“I see,” I also took the other cup and tasted the tea. Sweet. So, Sunggyu is a sweet-lover, I thought.

“Woohyun,” he called my name, “Umm… would you mind if I ask you something?” he put down his cup now and looked at my face but not at the eyes. There was something in his eyes but I couldn’t read it.

“Of course, what is it?”

He looked like contemplating something for a moment

“Ah, never mind. Maybe next time,” he grinned then. But I had a feeling that there was something that he hid. I didn’t have time to think about it because I had a bigger thing to be done right now.

To make him mine.


I could feel my heart started running like crazy. I never felt like this before. I remembered the time when I asked my first love to a date. My heart was also thumping like this. Cold-sweating. Stutter at words when confessing my feeling. But all those feeling started to fade away from one girl to another girl. I never felt anything like that anymore when I tried to get attention from a girl or when I confessing to her or when I kissed her. I felt nothing.

And now that feeling came to me once again. How come? How could this guy make my heart turn upside down like this? How come he makes me feel like there are thousands butterfly flying inside my stomach? Did I already fall in love for him?

“Yes?” his eyes looked at my eyes now, sparkling like there are millions stars inside it.

This is the time, I thought. ‘Now or never’ or maybe ‘now or I’ll be a servant’ is better.

I leaned closer to him slowly and my eyes could only see to his kissable pink lips. I could see his body flinch a bit at mo sudden movement. I put my fingers on his chin and tilted it. Well, I expected that to happen.

What I didn’t expect is the next movement he made.

He put his both hand on my shoulder and pushed me down forcefully until my back met the surface of the couch we currently sat on before. I wondered for a while where do all his power come from. He hovered on top of me. This is not right, this is totally out of my plan.  I tried to push him down from me but then realized he pinned down both my hands. I am totally a dead man.

“What do you want to do, Woohyun?” he smirked at me, leaning closer to whispering.

“I…I… what are you doing Sunggyu? Why do you act like this?” I got my voice back.

I struggled to release my hands from him. But he tightened his grip on me and straddled on my lower part of torso, just near the sensitive part.

“The same question to you. What are you doing?” his face became cold.

“I…let me explain this. Just get off me first,” I pleaded, despite the fact that I actually quite enjoying this.

“Isn’t this is the one you want?” he stated in cold tone and added, “Do you think I don’t know about you and your game?”

I stopped to struggle and stared him in shock. So he has already known about this stupid game. But how?


Before I could end my question he cut it off, “Kim Myungsoo.”

“Who is he?” I asked him, it sounded quite familiar on my ear.

Then realization hit me hard. He is the boy that I saw in Sungyeol’s house. Sungyeol’s boyfriend. Don’t say that…

“You still don’t know?” he asked in amused tone, “Kim Sunggyu, Kim Myungsoo. Our family name is same for God’s sake. How could you be so oblivious?” he groaned.

“He… he is your younger brother?” I still couldn’t digest this too shocking information.

“Yes, and he told me everything he had overheard when you guys gathered in Sungyeol’s house.” He whispered against my ears again.



 (Flashback) -Myungsoo’s POV-

Today is so windy and cold, I thought as I sighed along my way to my boyfriend’s house. It was quite late and the stars started to twinkling above the sky. I will surprise him with my coming. I couldn’t help but grinned to myself at the idea.

Just as when I moved my hand to knock Sungyeol’s door I heard someone talking about my brother inside. I stopped and stood outside.

I heard they were discussing something about a game. And my brother is involved in this game. But why? They made a bet on my brother? How dare they do this to my precious brother. I clenched my fist, trying to press the urge to just barge in there.  

I won’t let them do this to Sunggyu.

(End of flashback)




“So you have already known all of this? But why did you act like nothing happen?” I really couldn’t understand this man.

“I like playing games. Besides it’s boring lately so I decided to just get into the game and act just like the way you want,” he still didn’t let me go.

The fact stabbed my mind hardly. So he is just pretending all this time?

“But, you know? I quite attracted to you Woohyun,” he leaned closer so our face is just separated by merely inches.

I should be scared of him now but no. I liked this close proximity. Tell me, I am insane. But he indeed made me insane. Just as he leaned closer again, I closed my eyes and waiting.

He kissed me and I believed that time I was in paradise.



a/n: Enjoy reading ^0^ and thanks for waiting(?) me.

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SpeGirl #1
Chapter 7: ahhh sweeet
woohyun is gay for sunggyu!!
Chapter 7: Such a sweet story~ I like it~ ^^
Chapter 7: I've finished to read the full story and I really loved it!!!! ♥♥♥ WooHyun ended being gay!!!! Thanks for sharing this one.
Chapter 1: Muahaha, I loved the 1st chapter =) WooHyun as the playboy who's confident enough to get any heart, now he has to get SunGyu's!!!! Very interesting!!!! ♥
♥ the ending very much ^^
Happy ~~~
Chapter 7: Ahha nam woohyun you got tricked by your target XD
kyucute #7
Chapter 7: aw aw, amazing ><
davidrd #8
Chapter 7: omona, it's so sweet... FInally they get together and happy...
Chapter 6: Sunggyu hurt... Woohyun just dont know what he should do..
davidrd #10
Chapter 6: oh no sunggyu was hurt.. Aish nam woohyun should make a move now. Btw nice chappie