Target's Reversal -3-

Target's Reversal


I felt someone grabbed my shoulder harshly and dragged me into the school’s infirmary. I even couldn’t see who did this to me. Such a crude person. Then he pushed me down to the bed.

“So, how is it going?”

Finally I could see him and heard his annoying voice. I didn't hate him, it was just sometimes he could be really really annoying. I wondered how could I tolerate being friend with this harsh person throughout this time, despite he was my best friend since we were children.

“Whoa whoa easy tiger,” I replied him, “What do you mean, Hoya?”

“About you and that Kim Sunggyu guy of course,” he rolled his eyes, “What else do you think?”

“Geez… I think you want to say something important,” I snorted back, “Let’s discuss about this later. I have to go to class right now.”

I got up from the bed and started to walk to the door. Why did he need to ask this? I just started not long before and now he asked me this kind of thing like my mom.

“Sungyeol’s house, at seven. Don’t forget it,” he stopped me.

I sighed, “Yes, my lord,” I rolled my eyes then went out the infirmary.



I walked to Sungyeol’s house that night. His house was located 2 blocks away from my house. It was quite windy, the wind blew to my face. I sneezed and tighten my jacket. I guessed I need to pay more attention to my health. I didn’t want to skip my school since the exam was near.

I knocked his front door.

“Woohyun!” Sungyeol opened his door, “Come in quickly. It’s really cold outside.”

Inside Sungyeol’s house I saw another two people already in there, Hoya and Sungjong. I always became the last to come, one of my bad habits. I took a seat at the couch in his living room. The other three eyeing me like they had found their prey.

“Yaa! Why are you guys looking at me like that? Did I-“

“Just skip to the main thing. Answer my question this morning at school’s infirmary,” Hoya cut my question abruptly.

“Yes. We’re waiting you for 1 hour here just to hear your answer,” Sungyeol exaggerated.

“Really? But our meeting is at 7, isn’t it?” I took the  snacks that Sungyeol already prepared.

“Yes, but Hoya hyung told us to come earlier. I don’t know what is inside his mind,” Sungjong muttered at the last words.

“Well, I forgot to tell Woohyun to come earlier,” Hoya stammered as he rubbed his nape sheepishly.

“Okay okay, I’m here now. Problem solved. And the answer for your question Hoya, we’re doing it pretty well, me and Sunggyu. He seems already fallen for me,” I smirked at Hoya.

Actually, I was not really sure about Sunggyu’s feeling toward me. As far as I knew, he acted shy to all people. I thought I had to put more effort to get him.

“Whoa… is it really that easy for you?” Sungjong’s eyes became bigger.

“Playboy,” Sungyeol snickered and then laughed his dolphin laugh.

“Really?” Hoya asked in serious tone. I could see his face stiffen.

“Umm… ah yes. Of course. Do you think I’m lying to you?”

“Hahaha I hope for your fail Woohyun hyung. If you get his heart, then we have to fulfill your wish,” Sungjong laughed dryly.

I felt relieved and mentally said thank you to Sungjong. The atmosphere was quite tense a little bit ago. I didn’t know why. And what was wrong with Hoya? He acted a little weird since this morning.

“Yeah! We will never help you to accomplish your mission,” Sungyeol yelled.

“I don’t need your help guys. Just calm down,” I chuckled.

“I’m hungry. Let’s eat now,” Hoya finally spoke again.

The front door suddenly being knocked by someone. Sungyeol got up from his seat and came to the door to open it.

“Myungsoo!” Sungyeol cheered and hugged the man in front of him, “What are you doing here? I think you’re at home.”

“I miss my boyfriend,” the said man grinned and hugged Sungyeol back. Then he landed a kiss on Sungyeol’s check.

“Stop it,” Sungyeol face reddened as he chuckled, “Come in. My friends are also come tonight.”

“Umm I think it’s better for me to get home right now. I don’t want to bother you guys,” Myungsoo said.

Sungyeol insisted Myungsoo to stay but he refused. He said he still got something to do. I never saw him before because he was one year below us, so he was our junior at school. He was quite good looking. But there was something familiar with him. And I didn’t really like the way he glanced at me. Well, nothing would happen, right?



a/n: another chapter yaay! Kkk~ Please tell me if the story's getting weirder(?) Once again thank you for reading, comment, and subscribe ^0^ enjoy reading~

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SpeGirl #1
Chapter 7: ahhh sweeet
woohyun is gay for sunggyu!!
Chapter 7: Such a sweet story~ I like it~ ^^
Chapter 7: I've finished to read the full story and I really loved it!!!! ♥♥♥ WooHyun ended being gay!!!! Thanks for sharing this one.
Chapter 1: Muahaha, I loved the 1st chapter =) WooHyun as the playboy who's confident enough to get any heart, now he has to get SunGyu's!!!! Very interesting!!!! ♥
♥ the ending very much ^^
Happy ~~~
Chapter 7: Ahha nam woohyun you got tricked by your target XD
kyucute #7
Chapter 7: aw aw, amazing ><
davidrd #8
Chapter 7: omona, it's so sweet... FInally they get together and happy...
Chapter 6: Sunggyu hurt... Woohyun just dont know what he should do..
davidrd #10
Chapter 6: oh no sunggyu was hurt.. Aish nam woohyun should make a move now. Btw nice chappie