Target's Reversal -1-

Target's Reversal



Urgh… what is it this time, I thought. I lifted up my face from my food.

“Yaa! It’s hyung for you, how many times do I have to tell you this?” I glared at him, “What do you want?”

“Geez… Chill out, will you?” he came closer and sat down in front of me, “How about hanging around in my place tonight?”

“Hoya…” I sighed, “I want to. But I’m sure you know that I have this damn a lot tasks.”

“That’s why I invite you, babo,” he knocked his fist on my head, “We can do this task together. Sungjong and Sungyeol will come too.”

I contemplated for a moment. Well, that’s not a bad idea. Locked up in home doing these ing tasks and homeworks alone might turn me insane already. I wondered why I can still survive from this test.




“Woohyun hyung.”

“Yeah?” I answered.

“Aish… I’m talking to you right now. And you don’t even see my face.” Sungjong pouted.

I fixed my gaze on him, “Yes Lee Sungjong, what do you want to say?”

“I’m bored.” He said with an expressionless face.

“Hey, Sungjong! You’re feeling what I’m feeling right now. It’s totally boring lately.” Sungyeol suddenly blabbered.

Hoya suddenly laughed, “You know? I guess I just get a brilliant idea to shove away this boringness. Let’s play a game.”

Game again, I thought.

“Hoya, I think we need to clean up your brain now. You always said you had a brilliant idea but then it would end screwed up,” I snorted back.

“What is it hyung?” Sungjong’s eyes became bright suddenly at the latter’s word.

And no one listened to my so full of sanity speech. Great.

“Yeah. What is it?” Sungyeol asked enthusiastically.

“Woohyun you’re the main player in this game,” Hoya’s smirk at me.

“What?! Me?”

“Yes. Here, listen closely. Do you know that guy named Kim Sunggyu?”

“Of course. He’s in the same class with me. How could I don’t know about him,” I said.

“Get his heart in 30 days and we’ll grant you one wish.”

“Are you nuts? No one has ever date him before! It would be miracle if I can do this,” I said in desperation.

To tell the truth, I thought that guy actually quite attractive. With that red hair –my favorite color- he looked like really nice. Wait. Why do I even thinking about him right now? However, I couldn’t help but keep wandering why an attractive person like him didn’t have a date until now.

“That’s why I said this game is the most suitable one for you.” Hoya continued with his argument.

“I think Hoya hyung is right. You’re our school playboy. You became well known by people because of that title isn’t it?” Sungjong added.

“Are you afraid to take this game?” Sungyeol’s word made my ears burned.

“Yaa! I...I can do it. It’s just…he is a man! MAN!  And I’m so ing straight. How could I do that? Are you guys planning to turn me into a gay?”

“Hot tempered as usual, this is just a game,” Hoya said nonchalantly as he shoved his hand back forth, “I think we’re deal?”


Okay I’ll show to them why I got the playboy title on me.

I sighed, “Okay. THIS IS JUST A GAME,” I emphasized each word I said, “Just prepare yourself guys. I’ll make sure to use my wish in a good way,” I smirked at them.




a/n: too short? Hmm... I guess I need to squeeze  my brain to be more creative, you can help with give some ideas ^^ I hope you like my story. Once again sorry for my lack of language. Don't be shy(?) to comment and criticize ;~; and enjoy reading ^0^ oh yeah I almost forget, this story doesn't have any poster yet because I CAN'T MAKE A POSTER T^T some help please? 

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SpeGirl #1
Chapter 7: ahhh sweeet
woohyun is gay for sunggyu!!
Chapter 7: Such a sweet story~ I like it~ ^^
Chapter 7: I've finished to read the full story and I really loved it!!!! ♥♥♥ WooHyun ended being gay!!!! Thanks for sharing this one.
Chapter 1: Muahaha, I loved the 1st chapter =) WooHyun as the playboy who's confident enough to get any heart, now he has to get SunGyu's!!!! Very interesting!!!! ♥
♥ the ending very much ^^
Happy ~~~
Chapter 7: Ahha nam woohyun you got tricked by your target XD
kyucute #7
Chapter 7: aw aw, amazing ><
davidrd #8
Chapter 7: omona, it's so sweet... FInally they get together and happy...
Chapter 6: Sunggyu hurt... Woohyun just dont know what he should do..
davidrd #10
Chapter 6: oh no sunggyu was hurt.. Aish nam woohyun should make a move now. Btw nice chappie