Just a Daydream?

The Connection

That was the end of my journey there. I don't know how it all happened, but once I awoke, I somehow reappeared back in Seoul, in the Cube Entertainment building. Ironically, it was still the same day and time that I left for Kpopland, the trainees were walking back and forth across the corridor, and just chatting in general.

I continued to walk for a while, but then paused. Passing by me was...


Was this all a daydream? Everything seemed so real. Those three months seemed real.

As I continued to walk further and further, I noticed Eunkwang, Changsub, Minhyuk, Peniel and Ilhoon pass me one by one, but Ilhoon was the first to see me.

"Oh, there you are!" said Ilhoon, running into me. "Well have I got good news for you!"

"What is it?" I asked.

"We're going to be in a group, together!"

"Really? With who?"

"Eunkwang, Changsub, Minhyuk, Peniel and Hyunsik."


"Is everything ok?"

"Uhhhh yeah I'm fine. I just had this weird dream in which I was in a wonderland with Hyunsik and the other people you mentioned, and I had to work for three months and yeah."

"That's an interesting dream," said Ilhoon smiling, "By the way the name of our group is BtoB."


"Born to Beat."

"I see."

"We'll be debuting in a couple of months, so let's get started!"

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cherrysyrup #1
Chapter 1: yeah.. another newest FF story. can't wait for update!