The First Month

The Connection

The first month wasn't so bad, it was just like any other training session. I did the dance routine, as well as vocal training. Ironically in contrast to the totally Oriental facade of the building, we were literally dancing to K-pop songs, one of which was Bad Girl by Beast.

As usual, I sang, danced and did my chores twice a week, which I had to wear a huge black apron and a gat hat over my head, like what the noblemen in Korea used to wear.

As for the fashion lectures, we only studied them from a textbook, as this building was very strict in terms of uniform policy, so we only got to see videos of K-pop stars and read about them. If only I had a lesson like this instead of boring old high school academics...

The etiquette and determination classes were more like social skill lessons, or as what others say, self-esteem classes. They were more like study periods to relieve you of stress, so it was not really anything special to me. I only focused on the dancing and singing, which is what they look for most in a K-pop star. One month was already down, and two more to go, as my goal of becoming a K-pop star was to come.

Or maybe.....

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I know that this is the shortest chapter of this fanfiction, but it was because it was meant to be short, and Sungjae did not really experience anything special at this point.

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cherrysyrup #1
Chapter 1: yeah.. another newest FF story. can't wait for update!