
Freeing Ourselves

Suho blinks once, twice. He looks flustered and I wait for his reaction. I don't have to wait long.

"Well that's ok with us since you might've noticed that a lot of us are romantically involved and that others are involved with each other." His words pick up speed half way through and end up blending together.

It's really difficult not to laugh.

Suho looks extremely embarrassed. "So.. Um... Yeah don't feel worried about your ual preference or anything," he adds, formal to the end.

He's slowly backing towards the door as I watch him amused. He's apparently not used to being confronted with the ual preference of others. This should really not be so amusing.

He finally makes it all the way to the door and leaves with a small wave.

I laugh slightly and fall back on my bed, going over what just happened and- ohgodwhathaveijustdone.

Sitting up, I hit my head repeatedly with a conveniently placed book. Using my ring to seal the door so that people have to ask permission before coming in and I'll be alerted takes more energy than I thought it would and I just lie on my bed for a while, idly counting the stylized cracks on the ceiling. When I finally manage to gather enough strength to get up, I grab my sketchbook and spend the rest of the day sketching and trying not to think of how I had just embarrassed myself in front of Suho.

Hours later my ring buzzes against my hand and my concentration breaks. I stare, horrified, at the drawings of Suho that now litter my room. Haphazardly, I push all the ones I can see into one stack and shove them under the pillow.

Lay is at the door and he looks relieved when I let him in.

"Everyone is drunk," he informs me as he walks in. "Either drunk or trying to get drunk. Even Suho's drunk and he's the one that normally keeps order."

He looks extremely uncomfortable so I lead him over to the chair and push him down on it before returning to lounge on the bed.

We talk about nothing in particular for a couple minutes until he sees one of the drawings I missed and picks it up off the floor.

"Did you draw these?" He asks incredulously, sifting through them.

I nod, not trusting myself to give a comprehensible answer, and try to snatch the drawing out his hands.

He studies it for a couple minutes and I wait for him to burst into laughter. "You're a really good artist," he tells me and gets up to walk over to sketchbook drawer (why does he know where that is?).

I try to block his way and distract him by waving my hands around because sketchbooks and privacy but he just bats my hands out of the way and picks up a sketchbook at random before flipping through it. It's one of my sketchbooks from my time inside the room. I don't really remember what it was like inside the room anymore (Dark walls? Shiny?) so I give up on my ineffective defense and push Lay to the bed so I can look at the sketchbook too.

It's filled with dark colors and monsters and I'm really glad that I'm no longer in that room. Lay looks at me curiously after looking through the sketchbook and has a hint of sadness in his eyes.

I panic slightly. Sad people panic me because sad people can become can become crying people and I have absolutely no clue what to do with crying people.

Mentally scrambling for something that would make Lay less sad, I end up asking, "So who are you dating?"

His eyes widen slightly and I ramble. "Well most of the people here are dating each other and probably more but I don't need to know that and I was ju-"

I'm cut off by Lay's hand over my mouth. He looks highly amused. At least he doesn't look sad anymore?

"I'm trying to date Kris," he tells me, a slight smile still on his lips. "The problem is that he thinks of me as a younger brother. And now he basically avoids me although I don't really know why."

Lay and I start discussing on ways to get Kris to accept him as a potential boyfriend (like maybe Lay should tie him to bed and sit on him before confessing to him) and I try to keep thoughts of a red-headed angel out of my head.

Unfortunately Lay finds my stack of Suho drawings under my pillow and fawns over them with a knowing smile that I try to ignore. “You should try drawing something other than Suho, though. He’s not really the best visual.” He says, however, after sifting through the stack under my pillow and realizing that they are all drawings of Suho.

At some point later, Lay and I hear someone stumbling around outside in the hallway and I ask him for the time. He looks at his wristwatch and apparently it is around 10. I suppose that someone has finished drinking and has decided to sleep before collapsing so I continue talking to Lay and ignore the sounds of doors opening and closing.

And then someone opens my door and stumbles in.

Of course it's Suho. A very slightly drunk Suho.

Lay and I catch him before he falls over and half carry him over to the bed so he doesn't cause injury to himself.

Lay then leaves with a wink that I ignore.

I turn back to Suho with my hands on my hips and then have to basically sprint back towards him since he's sitting up and trying to stand up.

His arms encircle my waist as I push him back down, and, as a result, I half-fall on him, awkwardly sprawling on him and the bed. I can smell the sweet scent of alcohol coming off him.

Chuckling in a low voice, he pulls me closer to him as I squirm into an upright position. I then try to squirm away but am entirely unsuccessful because his arms are like steel bands and start hyperventilating instead.

Because Suho. Arms. Holding. What. Why. What.

And then he kisses me and I feel like I made of helium as lightning rushes through me, heating my body. I press back automatically and his lips slightly, asking for entrance. He opens his mouth and I kiss him greedily, tongues clashing as my fingers entangle in his hair. Then his mouth drops to my collarbone and he places small kisses along it before starting to and at them. Lightning sparks through me and I moan slightly before remembering how very drunk he is.

I push away at him again, trying to ignore how heated my skin has become. He pulls tighter, and I am most probably stuck. But I can't let him do something he'll regret while drunk and continue trying to escape his hold while trying (but failing) to not respond to what he was doing to me.

The cold metal of my ring seems to weigh down my hand and I finally remember the training that I had done with Chanyeol. My lightning wouldn't hurt the others permanently. By now, I have become desperate- both to escape his hold and to kiss him back- and I really have nothing else I can do. I press my hand with the ring to his face softly and send a small jolt of electricity through it. He falls unconscious and I catch him and then lower him gently to the bed.

He had lost his shirt at some point and the lines of his chest and abdomen shine slightly in the pale lightning that is lighting my room. I start to trace the lines before pulling away sharply and tugging at the covers until they mostly cover him. He looks peaceful like this and I smooth his hair away from his face, hand lingering slightly.

Getting off the bed, I wander over the the dresser, intending to neaten it. I glance up into the mirror and stare. My hair is all messed up, my face flushed. My lips are red and slightly swollen and my eyes have an odd shine to them. Swearing quietly, I make my way over to the bathroom and splash cold water on my face, trying to get rid of the flush and swollen lips. Unfortunately I find that I need to take a cold shower as well and I quickly grab a change of clothes, not particularly noticing what I take.

When I step out of the shower I am finally feeling (slightly) refreshed and continue to neaten my room, sneaking glances at Suho.

At a loss once my room is neat, I start to work on the lightning barriers to my room. I end up with a strong barrier blanketing my room and a ready-to-go alarm system in case anyone decides to try to come inside my room.

The night is half gone when I'm done when I have nothing left to do. Settling down in a chair next to the bed, I decide to be Suho's guardian angel tonight, just like he had been mine two nights ago.

I sketch as I watch over him, drawing him and anything else that comes to mind. It takes a quite a bit of effort to keep what had occurred out of my mind and find myself tracing my lips absentmindedly.

Dawn is seen through the window, alerting me of morning. I had not closed the curtains last night, allowing cold air to seep inside the room from the glass. I leave them open so that the natural light can illuminate the room and allow my energy barriers to sink into the walls and become invisible but still working. I also draw some energy off the barrier and into my body so that I can resist falling asleep since dawn is here already.

Eventually Suho starts stirring. I watch him through peripheral vision, trying not to make it seem as if I was truly watching him. He might find that a bit strange. I focus most of my attention in sorting my sketches from throughout the night into likes of "includes Suho" and "does not include Suho". I place the drawings including Suho in a dresser drawer, then return to the chair and continue sketching, carefully making sure to draw things that are not Suho.

Suho tries to sit up and then collapsed back into a lying-down position. "Ow my head is in pain," he groans, seemingly before realizing where he is. He then tries to slide of the bed and stand up so I run to catch him before he falls back down.

He stiffens and tries to stop leaning on me before realizing he would probably collapse onto the floor if he did that. I smile softly at him before swinging him onto my back suddenly.

He lets out a small yelp before starting to berate me. "I'm going to throw up if you do that again so don't. Also put me down. I am not a child to be carried around."

"Nope!" I tell him, grinning, before gesturing the door open and taking him to the kitchen, where I will hopefully be able to shove copious amounts of water or Gatorade down his throat and get rid of his hangover.

The many mirrors down the hallway show me that he is glowering at having to be carried around and I chuckle slightly.

His pout intensifies and I have to stifle my laughter.

The kitchen is already occupied by everyone else in various states of being fully awake. Chanyeol is clearly the most awake, bounding over to us while nearly doubling over in laughter at the sight of Suho getting a piggyback ride. Pulling out a phone, he takes a couple pictures and what appears to be a video since he is just keeping the phone pointed at us.

I maneuver over to the couch and gently lower Suho down onto it before rushing to get a bottle of water for him. When I get back, Xiumin is over by the sofa and worrying over Suho.

Apparently Suho has ty tolerance and no one is really sure about why he decided to drink yesterday.

Xiumin finishes fussing over Suho once Suho finishes drinking a bottle of water and starts on another. He then turns to me and checks over me. His eyes lower to my from my face and then he blushes, moving his eyes back up to my face.

"Would you like a sweater, Chen?" He asks very politely and I furrow my eyebrows and tilt my head in a silent question.

"Go look at the mirror." He points at the closest one and I walk over there casually.

I look at my reflection, wondering what had set Xiumin off and move my gaze towards my collar- oh . Collarbones. There were marks on my collarbones. And I was wearing a low-necked shirt.

I crumple to the ground. Why. Now I need to be more careful while choosing clothes for the next week and basically in making sure to cover my collarbones.

Why Suho, why. (why did I stop him)

I sprint to my room, ignoring the curious looks of basically everyone but Xiumin, and barge into the closet. I toss clothes aside because apparently whoever stocked my closet thought I would need mostly low-necked shirts or something. My search is futile. For some weird reason there are no sweaters in my closet. None whatsoever. It is a freaking walk-in closet and there are no sweaters. As a Plan B I take the low-necked shirt off and throwing on a t-shirt with a high neckline instead. I put an ed collared shirt with long sleeves on top it so it looks less awkward and I could maybe use the excuse that it was too cold and that I had no sweaters.

I head back to the kitchen while trying to calm myself down. My borrowed lightning had also been diminishing in my blood so I pulled some more from the room. Everyone stared at me when I entered so I grabbed some orange juice and went to sit next to Xiumin and Tao on the couch opposite from Suho. Xiumin glances at me, worried, and I shake my head at him before settling onto the couch. Suho looks like he's concentrating very hard on something and my curiosity gets the better of me.

I lean towards Tao and ask Tao what Suho is doing.

Apparently Suho is trying to remember what happened last night while he was drunk.

Suddenly Suho turns his concentrating eyes towards me and I feel like he's trying to pick me apart. His eyes widen as something registers in his head.

"Did you just change your shirt?" he asks, looking like he was just faced with something that he didn't want to see.


"And did your other shirt show your collarbones?"

Oh. Xiumin also draws in a sharp breath and looks at me.

"Um... Yes." I say, relatively proud of how steady my voice sounds.

Suho looks at me for a long couple of seconds before groaning, "," and starting to hit his head against the table in front of him.

The others look on dumbfounded (with the exception of Xiumin, but I'll have to explain what actually happened to him later before he assumes anything).

So I guess I'm maybe slightly screwed when he realizes that I kissed him back.



Yay ok this chapter is done! I typed it up entirely on my phone >.<

So basically I hope this wait was not too long for you and this chapter ended up being much longer than I thought it would be.

Also their house has a ton of mirrors all over the place because Kris was one of the first people to come there and therefore he had a say in house decoration. Also so that Baekhyun can communicate. I'm just saying that here because I don't know if I'll get around to explaining it in this story.

Also Kris (influenced by Lay) and Luhan are in charge of wardrobes and that's why there are so many low-necked shirts. Luhan also doesn't believe in sweaters during the summer and that's why Chen has no sweaters as of yet.

So the day schedule was also sort of messed up and Chen doesn’t have a watch or anything yet so basically the first day was when Chen got out of the room and ends when he falls asleep in Suho's room, the second day includes training with Chanyeol and ends when he falls asleep on Chanyeol, and the third day includes waking up in Chanyeol and meeting the girls who flirt with him, and ends when Suho falls asleep in his room (basically). Then this is the fourth day and Suho woke up in Chen's room while Chen got no sleep at all and then panicked over marks while Suho tried to remember what happened the night before and to get rid of his hangover.

Thanks to kangyoohwakrhenxlilysooriLouisRPaznbunnie, and Nashkyu and to kobe24 for commenting ^.^

Yay cover image xD

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Chapter 6: Yay an update! :) I really love this story, it gets better and better ^.^ curious to know what happens next~
Chapter 6: yay thanks for the update!
Chapter 5: Hahahahahha Xiumin cracked me up!
Anyway, I am engrossed in this story, even tough I usually avoid supernatural fanfics
This one is amazing!
So thanks and I'm sitting here, waiting for the next chapter :D
// By the way you''d be awesome to go further about who's dating who and who's interested in who
and so on ^^
wonder7th #5
Chapter 5: Omo! The SuChen fic! This is very interesting story! Wanna know more about the relationship and why the boys are gathered! I hope SuChen will be boyfriend soon. hehe. Thank you author-nim, pls update soon! keke~
KKkkkk #6
Chapter 5: hahhahahaha I'm laughing at Suho. The way he reacted realizing he kissed Chen. XD oh God.

Thank you for the update! ^^
Chapter 5: yay an update! thank you ^.^