Practice Room

Freeing Ourselves


I slowly drifted awake, half-forgotten dreams spinning through my head. I was completely calm for once unlike my past experiences. When I opened my eyes I saw sunlight and shadows rippling across the ceiling. Confusion filled my mind, followed by memories of the previous day and I shot out of the bed. Junmyeon, I should probably call him Suho, Suho slept in a chair off to the side of the bed, one of his hands resting on the bed. He looked highly uncomfortable.

Slowly I shifted him back onto them bed, stiffening any time he made a noise or a sudden movement. My muscles ached from their long period of no exercise and I had to be extremely careful. Finally, I finished moving him back and pulled the covers over him.   I moved the chair back to the desk and pulled some paper and a pen from off the desk. After scrawling “Sorry” on the paper and putting it on the desk, I took time to look around the room. It was decorated in shades of blue and had a very peaceful effect. There appeared to be shadows of water ripping on the walls and floor, but I couldn’t actually see any water.

Junmyeon Suho said something in his sleep and I dashed out of his room, not stopping until I had reached mine. I put my hand on the door and electricity burst out of it, unlocking the door. I quickly went in and shut the door behind me. The room looked the same as it has when I had first gone in, except this time the bed was messed up. I slipped back into the bed and attempted to sleep.

Time dragged by until I finally fell into an uneasy sleep. Darkness and death plagued my dreams and I was relieved when a knock on the door broke me out of my nightmares. I quickly checked my appearance in the mirror then opened the door. Lay stood there, a pair of headphones around his neck and with a distracted smile.

“Hey Chen. It’s morning so let’s go eat breakfast. Most of the others are already there and they forgot that you don’t know your way around the house.” He said this all while his eyes drifted over me, probably making sure I wasn’t going to fry him.

I grinned tiredly when I noticed his caution. “I really am not going to kill you or anything. It’s not a life goal of mine to kill random people.”

“Well, you never know!” He joked. “Lightning-y people are really frightening.” He grinned freely now, however, and I counted that as a success.

He took my hand and started to drag me towards the kitchen when he noticed that I wasn’t wearing my ring. He sent me back instantly and told me to go wear the ring resting on the dresser. After slipping it on, I immediately felt energized and smirked at him before running down the hallway towards the door at the other end.

He caught up easily since I wasn’t trying to beat him, and we tussled for a brief moment before basically falling into kitchen room laughing. The others in the room turned around and watched us, amused. Lay and I raced to the food and fell into a heap when we crashed into each other, setting off laughter in everyone. For a fleeting moment Kris looked like he was going to kill someone but then he too started laughing. As a result, by the time Lay and I had gotten are food, everyone at the table was in a good mood and laughing and joking with one another.

My ring, which had felt nice and cool to my skin before, suddenly warmed as the door opened again. A jolt of electricity went through me. I turned to the door, tuning out the others at the table. Suho was there and he looked tired. My cheeks grew warmer, and I looked down. My fault he was tired, all mine.

He glanced briefly at me and then walked to the table and grabbed some cereal. He joined the table, inserting himself into the conversation easily. Shaking my head free of lingering thoughts, I went back to my own breakfast. I shoveled the food into my mouth, trying to finish quickly and so be able to leave at any time.

I had finished and was attempting to leave when Chanyeol called out to me. “Hey Chen, what do you think of checking out the practice room?” He had finished too, and was bouncing slightly.

I slid out of my chair and to my feet. “What practice room? Are we going to sing or something?”

“No, of course not. Why would we do that?” He looked at me curiously before leading me out another one of the many doors that ringed this place.

Eventually we came to door made of some type of crystal. The door handle was also made of that strange and sparkly stone. We went inside and I stopped, accidentally making Chanyeol run into me. The room was huge and was oddly out of place indoors. It looked like a lush paradise, with flowing streams, grassy plains, trees, and plants everywhere. The roof was quite high up and it looked like the sky, with clouds and everything. A gentle breeze floated across the room.

Chanyeol grinned at my stunned expression and started explaining to me where we were. “This room isn’t really indoors. It’s outside so we can see the Sun and stars and everything. Barriers are raised high into the sky so any magic we work in here is contained and no one sees. All doors leading to this place are made of diamond since diamond is highly conducive to magic and strengthens it but doesn’t let magic through.

He held out one of his hands and formed a ball of fire, showing it off to me. “How do you do that?” I ask curiously.

“At first I would imagine a ball of fire forming in my hand. It’s really simple.” He says, sticking his tongue out at me. “Now I just need to think of it and it happens.”

I close my eyes and imagine a ball of lightning forming in my hand. I will it to happen, and open my eyes slowly. There’s a ball of white and blue energy formed in my palm and it really quite bright. Chanyeol is staring at me open-mouthed, his own ball of fire forgotten.

“Let’s throw them at each other and see what happens when they collide!” He exclaims, almost shaking with excitement.

“So do we just imagine them flying towards each other, or throw them, or what?” I ask, surprised that my voice is still steady. The energy for the ball came out of the lightning that runs through me and so I feel a bit tired.

“Yeah!” He says, grinning. By this time Baekhyun, Suho, Kris, and Lay had joined us in the field and were watching us, distracted.

“1, 2, 3, THROW!” He shouts, and I throw it in his general direction softly while he throws his. They collide and it looks as if the energy and fire melded together, since now the ball of light is white, blue, and red/orange.

Instinctively I hold out my hands and call it back to me. It seems as if the lightning in my veins tugs slowly at the ball and brings it back to my hands. I look at it, fascinated. It’s beautiful. The others have gathered around me and I turn to Chanyeol and raise my eyebrow. “Do you think you can hold it?” He brings his hand close to the ball and nods. I hand it to them and marvel over the fact that neither of us are burned, no matter what we had held.

Suho briefly glances at Chanyeol, and then grabs my hands, checking them over. It made me feel incredibly happy and light. Baekhyun, Lay, and Kris had been gathered Chanyeol and were holding the ball in turns. Chanyeol had stripped it of fire and it seemed like the lightning hadn’t hurt them since I hadn’t put any heat or anger inside it. Baekhyun brings the ball of energy over to Suho, his eyes filled with amazement. Suho takes it in his hands and observes it carefully before looking up at me and smiling.

“It feels a bit ticklish, but doesn’t hurt at all.” He says before handing it back to me. I let the energy sink back into my skin and blood and feel energized. For a brief second, all my senses had been heightened.

After a little bit more explanation of how I made the ball, everyone scattered and we each worked on honing our own powers. With my power, I found that it seemed as if energy truly did run through my veins with the blood and I was able to draw from that in order to play with lightning if there wasn’t any in the sky. I could also call storm clouds to my area by pulling on the lightning inside the clouds.

I played with my lightning a bit, improving the accuracy of my strikes and the power. Chanyeol worked with me too and we competed with the power and flashiness of our strikes. I couldn’t touch pure fire and he couldn’t touch lightning that had not been tempered down to a weak form so we were careful not to hit each other or anyone else. While we probably wouldn’t kill each other unless a strike had been created with the only purpose of death, it doesn’t hurt to be careful.

Eventually daylight faded away to dusk and we stopped our play and headed back inside. By this time everyone had come outside and was practicing their magics. Suho was working with Xiumin. He would move water around and Xiumin would try to turn it into ice and turn it against Suho.

If the others noticed us going inside, they gave no sign of it and Chanyeol and I continued through the diamond doors unhindered.


Thanks to my new subscribers GreyBunnyexotic_buffaloeizisqueezyXiaoLongBaoYenChan2012samchard_chunjiAshXIII, and Superangelkiss and to my old subscribers ^.^ Also thank you to kobe24 and KKkkkk for leaving comments :D

I'm sorry I took so long to update >.> Apparently I'm really bad at keeping schedules. I'll try to do better from now on...

Also I imagine the ball of energy that Chen had (without the fire mixed in) as looking like this:


Also do you want to follow me on tumblr? xD


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Chapter 6: Yay an update! :) I really love this story, it gets better and better ^.^ curious to know what happens next~
Chapter 6: yay thanks for the update!
Chapter 5: Hahahahahha Xiumin cracked me up!
Anyway, I am engrossed in this story, even tough I usually avoid supernatural fanfics
This one is amazing!
So thanks and I'm sitting here, waiting for the next chapter :D
// By the way you''d be awesome to go further about who's dating who and who's interested in who
and so on ^^
wonder7th #5
Chapter 5: Omo! The SuChen fic! This is very interesting story! Wanna know more about the relationship and why the boys are gathered! I hope SuChen will be boyfriend soon. hehe. Thank you author-nim, pls update soon! keke~
KKkkkk #6
Chapter 5: hahhahahaha I'm laughing at Suho. The way he reacted realizing he kissed Chen. XD oh God.

Thank you for the update! ^^
Chapter 5: yay an update! thank you ^.^