First Night

Freeing Ourselves


D.O. watched me closely as I devoured the icecream. I think he was trying to be discreet, but it was really quite obvious. Probably checking that I wasn’t sparking again or something.

From the other side of the room, a door opened and a giant walked out. He was ridiculously tall and seriously how? He looked friendly, though, and he flashed me a grin before bending down to talk to Sehun and Luhan. The grin was probably meant to be reassuring but the eye twitch that went along with it was slightly frightening. I returned my attention to the icecream bowl, since it was probably safer than staring at the giant.

When I had finished, D.O. whipped the bowl out of my hands, putting it in the sink, and then pulled me to my feet. Sehun and Luhan stood up at the same time that D.O. pulled me up and disappeared into a doorway behind them. The friendly giant had already disappeared.

“We’re going to have a family meeting now!” D.O. exclaimed happily. “You get to meet the rest of us and learn about why you got stuck in that room for so long and lots of things like that!”

Oh right. That room. For some reason my memories of the time in that room were blurring together in my head, and seemed completely unimportant. I should probably be angry that I was trapped in there for so long but I had gotten distracted by something else D.O. had said.

“Family? I.. what... wait.. meeting. what?!” I started stuttering random things when D.O. said “family meeting”. How were these people my family? What? I’m so confused... How.

While I had been distracted, D.O. had managed to pull me to the door that Sehun and Luhan had gone through. He glanced at me then suddenly let go of my arms and darted behind me. I started turning around, but he stopped me and then put his hands over my eyes.

“Well, since you’re going to meet your new family, I’m just going to cover your eyes until we get all the way into the room.” D.O. told me. I could hear him kick open the door with his foot. He pushed me inside the room and then kicked the door again, this time shutting it, while keeping my eyes covered the whole time. I could hear people murmuring inside the room and I fidgeted impatiently, wondering why D.O. hadn’t moved his hands yet.

He maneuvered me... somewhere and then he finally dropped his hands. I stared in shock. Sitting in front of me at a round table were ten men, all of them looking straight at me. Out of these ten, I had already seen Junmyeon, Kai, Sehun, Luhan, and the friendly giant. The other five were foreign to me. D.O. sat down in one of the two empty chairs, and Junmyeon walked over to me with a reassuring smile.

“Jongdae, hi! How are you feeling now?” He had directed the question towards me, but was surveying the others. I muttered a “fine, thanks,” and tried to slink behind him in order to avoid the stares of the others.

Noticing what I was trying to do, he chuckled slightly then pulled me in front of him, holding on to my shoulders. He introduced each of the other men to me and I tried to memorize the names and the faces to I wouldn’t have any lapses later. Kris was the one who looked like a manga prince, Tao was the one who looked like an assassin until he smiled (at which point he looked super cute), Baekhyun was the one with copious amounts of eyeliner on, Xiumin was the one who looked like a cute little kid, and Lay was the one with brown hair and a slightly distant gaze. The friendly giant was Chanyeol.

Junmyeon directed me to the open seat beside him and then the meeting began.

Kris is the one who started talking. “We are all here because we have been gifted with powers beyond what is accepted as normal and because we need to train them. Without training, we could cause serious harm to the normal human world.” His gaze bored into me. “At this point, males and females train separately. The reason for this is simple: when a girl has a power, her power is very, very volatile and very, very powerful. Boys are more likely to have a power than a girl, but their power is a little bit weaker and definitely easier to control than a girl’s.”

“Don’t worry about the girls blowing the place up or anything, though.” Junmyeon interjected, smiling reassuringly at me.  “The girls live in a different building, and we don’t see them very often.”

Kris waited patiently for Junmyeon to finish; seemly surprised that I might’ve thought the girls might accidentally destroy this place. (Not that I did, but it was sweet of Junmyeon to try and help).

Then Kris started talking about the dark room.

“People are put in that room when it is first discovered that they have power. Putting them in isolation usually brings out their power at some point or the other, through some type of emotion...” He trailed off, glaring at the giant Chanyeol who was playing with the hair of one of the other people, completely ignoring what Kris was saying.

The other one (Baekhyun?) gently disentangled Chanyeol’s hands from his hair when he saw that Kris was staring at them.

Chanyeol quickly continued with what Kris had been saying, cutting off Kris’s reprimand. “We all had to go through that too. The room has magic on it, though, and after coming out of it a person’s memories of it are repressed and eventually forgotten by most people. I barely remember what it looks like. Apparently I burnt down a bookshelf.” He smiled at me again. I was slowly growing used to that eye twitch of his, thank god. And I guess he could command fire if he “burnt down a bookshelf”.

Junmyeon started talking again, surprising Chanyeol and causing him to drop his smile. It seems like there wasn’t normally anything else after that speech. “You didn’t show any signs of power inside the room, so we decided to take you out. Your control over your power appears to be a lot more instinctive and affected by emotion than it normally is and so the room was perfectly fine. However, D.O. says that you started sparking or something while you were in the hallway, so something set you off.”

By now everyone else was staring at me.

“How. What. Why did nothing happen in the room?” Luhan asked demanded of Junmyeon. I guess they hadn’t known that either. “That room was designed for breaking control.”

Junmyeon quickly got up and walked over to Luhan, putting a hand on his shoulder. “Like I said, we don’t know. We’ll tell you guys when we do.” The words meant nothing to me right now and my eyes stayed locked on his hand. It was massaging small circles into Luhan’s shoulder, and should not be making me feel angry. It was completely normal for Luhan and Junmyeon to have a close relationship; they’d probably known each other for a long time. I clenched my hands into fists so I wouldn’t hurt anyone. Someone gasped... I wonder why.

Apparently I was not the only one uncomfortable with Junmyeon touching Luhan. Sehun quickly removed Junmyeon’s hand and pulled Luhan over to him. Luhan looked puzzled but leaned into Sehun, glancing apologetically at Junmyeon.

“Jongdae!” D.O.’s voice pulled me out of the haze I had sunk into when Junmyeon was comforting Luhan. “You’re sparking again.”

I looked down at my arms, but there was nothing there. Looking up at D.O., I raised an eyebrow.

“Not on your body. Your eyes were glinting like last time.” he said, answering my unasked question.

I looked down abashed. Someone placed their hands on my shoulders, and cheerfully said, “Meeting adjourned!” before pulling over a chair next to mine.


Suddenly I felt like I was flying, although I couldn’t possibly be doing that, even with powers.

The others trickled out of the room slowly as I sat there staring down at my hands and trying to get my flyaway emotions under control. Seriously what’s happening to me? I’m was feeling so possessive of Junmyeon when he was with Luhan and now all he’s doing is sitting next to me and my mind’s off in the clouds.

He was also touching my shoulders a couple seconds ago.

He sat patiently next to me as I gathered my thoughts. When I finally looked up, he grinned at me, and then pulled me up.

“It’s time for a room tour!” I tried to get out of it; I was tired and probably wouldn’t remember which room was whose in the morning.

I had started to voice my protests when Junmyeon flashed me a pleading gaze, complete with puppy eyes and a pout. My mind went blank. Why was I protesting again?

I allowed myself to be pulled to my feet and then outside into the kitchen room. All the others sent amused glances at us when they saw Junmyeon basically propelling me in whichever direction he wanted to go. I had no control over where we were going, and it didn’t really matter anyway since I would get lost if I tried to run anywhere.

He pulled me through another door which led to a large hallway. Each wall had six doors in it; each placed about ten feet away from another. The doors had symbols and names carved into them. We passed a couple doors and I actually recognized the names on them, so I probably wouldn’t actually have much trouble identifying rooms. Junmyeon pulled me to a door with a teardrop shaped symbol on it that matched his ring. The name on it didn’t say “Junmyeon,” though. It said “Suho.”

Junmyeon saw my confusion and explained. “Our house recognizes us and gives us a separate name that we use when we’re in public. Our personal names are never used when we talk to other people. This house was built a long time ago and so is ingrained with magic. The hallway extends as more people are found.”

He then led me to another door but this door was blank. There was no symbol, no writing. Some instinct inside of me made me press my hand against the door and as soon as I did, electricity shot out of it.

A symbol was slowly etched into the door, along with the name “Chen.” My name.

The electricity returned to me once the symbol and the name were finished, and the door swung open.

I walked inside, enchanted by the room. It had a high, vaulted ceiling with dark clouds gathered near the top. The clouds rumbled with thunder and flashed with lightning but didn’t actually cause any harm. The dresser and mirror were black and electricity ran around the edges. The bed had black satiny sheets and pillows, and also ran with electricity. The entire room was filled with electricity, but it was a ticklish type of electricity, not painful.  The window was covered by a curtain with a border decorated with the symbol and a ring matching the symbol on the door was on the dresser.

I put it on, then turned around to gesture Junmyeon inside but he was already gone. The doorway was empty.

The door slammed shut and electricity started flowing around the room, slowly picking up speed. The lightning grew more frequent and the thunder grew louder. Electricity crackled around the mirror, and over all the furniture. I stood in the middle, covered with lightning, eyes sparking with blue-white electricity.

Then someone knocked and the electricity grew still, still playing around the furniture and me but not as violently.

I gestured the door open, still covered in lightning. Kris, who had been standing there, nearly dropped the plate of food that he’d been holding, and his eyes grew wide. He carefully put the plate to the side and advanced into my room, floating a couple inches off the floor so he wouldn’t touch the electricity. I watched him impassively. He was saying something, probably trying to comfort me and calm me down, but the electricity hummed through my veins and I couldn’t hear him.

He left the room at a run, and I debated whether or not to close the door again. While I deliberated with myself, he returned with Lay and Junmyeon in tow. Lay brought his hand close to the lightning on my floor and then jerked it back in pain. Junmyeon then tried to enter but found that the electricity hurt him too. I ignored them and their dilemma; walking over to my bed and creating shapes with lightning. It calmed me down and the electricity seeped back into the walls, into the furniture, and into me. The lightning in my blood calmed down enough that I could hear Kris discussing what to do with Lay and Junmyeon. They hadn’t noticed that the lightning had gone away.

I was strangely exhausted. Harnessing all that electricity had drained me and I had already been tired before my emotions decided it was time to play with lightning.

“Come in or stay out.” I told the three in my doorway with a gravelly voice. They looked up, surprised. “I’m tired and I would like to sleep.”

Lay came in and checked my pulse and temperature while Junmyeon and Kris wandered around my room, poking the electricity and finding that it didn’t hurt them anymore.

Eventually they were satisfied and left my room after placing the plate of food on the dresser. I devoured the food and then collapsed into my bed, falling asleep immediately.


I woke up in the middle of the night, nightmares of shadowy creatures and dark rooms imprinted vividly in my memory. I felt... empty. Empty and lonely, just as I had so many nights in the past. Except this time a vision of a man with hair colored red aded my mind and staved off the loneliness. I rose, half asleep, and stumbled to Junmyeon’s room, knocking on the door with the teardrop and going in when the door opened. I stumbled into the man who had opened it and he steadied me. His eyes raked across me and then he led me to the bed. He lay me down and then sat to the side. I whimpered softly, bereft of human contact, and he consented to holding my hand. He started singing and lulled me to sleep. This time, however, my dreams were filled with angels and with light.

Thanks to xShikaxicecream_angKKkkkklittlehalcyonkobe24Maxinator409, and rhodante for subscribing and to kobe24KKkkkk, and Maxinator409 for commenting. I love you all and hope that you love my story ♥

I tried not to make grammer and spelling mistakes, sorry if there are any (other than the ones that were intentionally put in) xDD

Sorry if this bores you >.<

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Chapter 6: Yay an update! :) I really love this story, it gets better and better ^.^ curious to know what happens next~
Chapter 6: yay thanks for the update!
Chapter 5: Hahahahahha Xiumin cracked me up!
Anyway, I am engrossed in this story, even tough I usually avoid supernatural fanfics
This one is amazing!
So thanks and I'm sitting here, waiting for the next chapter :D
// By the way you''d be awesome to go further about who's dating who and who's interested in who
and so on ^^
wonder7th #5
Chapter 5: Omo! The SuChen fic! This is very interesting story! Wanna know more about the relationship and why the boys are gathered! I hope SuChen will be boyfriend soon. hehe. Thank you author-nim, pls update soon! keke~
KKkkkk #6
Chapter 5: hahhahahaha I'm laughing at Suho. The way he reacted realizing he kissed Chen. XD oh God.

Thank you for the update! ^^
Chapter 5: yay an update! thank you ^.^