Finally Out

Freeing Ourselves

Days, months, years. I had been in this room for so long that I no longer had any grasp on time. The room was painted black and gargoyles leered down from the walls. Journals filled with writing lay scattered on the floor, detailing my thoughts. There were no windows and the only door led to a bathroom that was tiled in black and had barely anything in it. Once I had been curious about how I had been brought in, how to escape, but no more. There was no use.

I have never been hungry. I have never felt tired. This room seems to have sapped all my emotions and feelings over time. At first I used to be angry that someone had brought me here and trapped me, that I had no say in anything. Slowly it all went away and now I'm just... existing.

I remember when I first woke up in this room. My mind had been foggy, still affected by the drugs I had been given. The room was clean with a stack of journals on the desk in the corner and a few books on the bookshelf. The door to the bathroom was open. There was a note next to me. 

Jongdae, it's good to see you awake.  You are being kept here because you pose a danger to your family and friends.

We will be studying you for however long is needed. The room and bathroom will be cleaned periodically. Don't worry about food.

It had been unsigned. I actually still had it somewhere in my journals. I had filled the journals out, meticulously at first and then with whatever came into my head. The note had been true to its word, however. Sometimes someone would come in while I was asleep and when I woke the room and bathroom would be almost sparkly. I never had to worry about food either. I had never been hungry. Some days in the past I had tried and stay up in order to see who came in and cleaned. Unfortunately, I had never found out.

Today started just like every other day. I woke up and headed to the bathroom in order to brush my teeth and shower. Then I snagged a book off the shelf and started reading. It really didn't matter to me what I read. Sometimes I just stared at the book for a while before tossing it aside (just like I did today). Grabbing a journal, I started drawing since that was all that had been left to me in this sad excuse of a room.

Suddenly a door swung open. And by door I mean an entire section of the wall just swung open and flooded the room with noise from outside. What in the world. Where did that even come from?! A red haired man stood there, smiling and gesturing at me to come with him. His lips moved too, but I couldn't hear him. My ears were overwhelmed by the noise. People talking on cell phones, chattering to one another, dropping things... I hadn't heard that much noise since before I had first woken up in this room. My ears hurt and my head was overwhelmed. The red haired man appeared to notice my discomfort and slipped a pair of earmuffs on my ears. I must've looked stupid, but all I cared about was having some quiet. I was still too stunned to move on my own, so the red haired man grabbed my hand and led me to wherever we were going.

While being pulled through the hallway, I still found time to marvel at the fact that I was alive and there were actually people around me. I wasn't all alone and there was sunlight coming through the windows and everything was so beautiful. The sunlight shone on my guide's hair and he looked absolutely angelic.

Soon he knocked a door labeled "EXO". Immediately someone yelled "COME IN" and we entered the room. I stopped in shock when I entered. There was a man working on a laptop and there was another man sitting on his lap, leaning back to rest his head on the first man's shoulder. The first man had wavy brown hair and tan skin while the other was wide-eyed with hair and pale skin. My guide took off my earmuffs for me.

"Hello." said the man with tan skin. "Are you new here or something?" He surveyed me curiously before turning to my guide.  "Hey Junmyeon! Is this kid your charge?"

So the red-haired man was Junmyeon. 

The red-haired man Junmyeon grinned at me then turned to Tan Guy and nodded. "I'm supposed to be showing Jongdae around. Today's his first day out of the room."

Wait he knows my name? And the fact that I'd been in that room for a while? While Junmyeon chattered away with Tan Guy, I slowly backed away from them and towards the door. And then as I turned, suddenly Tan Guy was there and wow that was really fast how did he even get there....

"Hey there!" He said with an easy grin. "I'm Kai and this is D.O. Well actually those aren't our real names, but I'll explain that later." He winked and held out his hand. He stood directly in front of the door.

I took it cautiously, shaking it quickly and then dropping it. D.O. smiled at me from across the room. He looked a lot calmer than Kai so I scurried over to him.

"Hey Jongdae," he said, still smiling kindly. "Would you like some food? Let's go to the kitchen." He put his right arm on my shoulder and just directed me in a certain direction. The only thing I could think of was that these people must be crazy. Who else would start touching someone after only knowing them for 10 minutes? Skinship is nice and comforting, but I barely knew these people! It was nice to feel cared for though... My family had never cared.

My family... I had been an adopted son, ignored and made to do all the work everyone else didn't want to do. My "brother" and "sister" cared for me when I was younger as we grew older we grew apart from the influence of our parents.

"Jongdae! Jongdae!" D.O.'s voice called me out of my reverie. I glanced at him, still feeling slightly resentful and angry. He was looking slightly frightened, his already wide eyes were wider and his clenched hands shaking slightly. He was no longer holding my arm.

"What?" I tried to talk softly in order to calm him down but resentment still managed to leak into my voice. Junmyeon and Kai were no longer with us since we were in a hallway. 

"You're... sparking. And it stings a bit..." Kyungsoo pointed towards a mirror at the end of the hallway. "Go look. I won't be able to describe it well."

I warily made my way to the mirror, why is there a random mirror in the middle of a hallway anyway?, and then gasp when I see my reflection. There are sparks of electricity sparking all over my body. My eyes are glinting with flashes of lightning. No wonder I scared D.O. I'm scaring myself too.

I try to catch one of the sparks and find myself successful. Apparently I can hold whatever this is. It tickles a bit but it's actually quite pretty. I smile and then suddenly find that the sparks are fading into nothing and that I'm just myself again. 

I turn around, hoping that D.O.'s still here and that I hadn't scared him off. He stood a little way down the hallway, still looking a litte wan but smiling at me again. He took my arm again after checking that I wasn't sparking and then basically dragged me to the kitchen since I was walking too slowly or something. Whatever.

Once we were in the kitchen, a really tall male (seriously I'm tall so that guy needs to be really tall right?) bounced up to D.O. He had a brown bowl cut and his facial features were really sharp. Following him was a honey blond... male? He looked like both a guy and a girl, his facial features were really soft and cute.

"Kyungsoo, Kyungsoo! Chanyeol stole the cereal again!" the brunette yelled and then basically jumped on D.O. Fending the hyper bunny off with one hand, D.O. introduced him to me as Sehun. He then introduced the honey blonde (who, in fact, was actually a male) as Luhan. 

Shoving Sehun into Luhan's arms, D.O. pulled me towards the refrigerator and pulled out some icecream.

"Which flavor do you want?" He asked, poised with the icecream scoop in his hand. "We have basically any flavor you could want."

It's been forever since I've had icecream so I pick the one I remembered liking the most. "Chocolate icecream, please!" At this point I was the one basically bouncing in place and Sehun appeared to be attempting to out-jump me.

Pfft. He'll never manage.

A/N This is more of an introduction to my setting and plot and everything. I'll introduce some more characters in the next couple chapters and actual Suchen xD Also if anybody's actually reading this, I love you ♥ xD

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Chapter 6: Yay an update! :) I really love this story, it gets better and better ^.^ curious to know what happens next~
Chapter 6: yay thanks for the update!
Chapter 5: Hahahahahha Xiumin cracked me up!
Anyway, I am engrossed in this story, even tough I usually avoid supernatural fanfics
This one is amazing!
So thanks and I'm sitting here, waiting for the next chapter :D
// By the way you''d be awesome to go further about who's dating who and who's interested in who
and so on ^^
wonder7th #5
Chapter 5: Omo! The SuChen fic! This is very interesting story! Wanna know more about the relationship and why the boys are gathered! I hope SuChen will be boyfriend soon. hehe. Thank you author-nim, pls update soon! keke~
KKkkkk #6
Chapter 5: hahhahahaha I'm laughing at Suho. The way he reacted realizing he kissed Chen. XD oh God.

Thank you for the update! ^^
Chapter 5: yay an update! thank you ^.^