
Never There


“Cry. Cry on me”

Zitao was startled to hear that voice, he knew more than anybody who it was. Yes, it was him. It was Wu YiFan.

“Kris ge, let go please”,Zitao said between sobs.

“No, I’m not letting go.”

“Please… I don’t want you here just let go…”

“Zitao, please just let me talk first. Would you listen?”

Zitao sighed. He thought maybe it was best for the elder to say what has been inside his mind all this time. Besides, he also wanted to know what Kris thought about everything that has been going on around them.

“Okay, ge”

“I know this might sound ridiculous to you. But I just wanted you to know that I still love you, okay? What if we start again? What if we fix what’s been going on between us? I know you still love me, Tao, so please give me a chance? You wouldn’t want to break Luhan ge’s heart either, would you?”

“I don’t know, ge. This is too much for me. I am confused, very very confused. And I also don’t know if I still love you or not. Maybe it wasn’t clear between us before about our relationship and… and I’m going to clear it now. It’s over, ge. We need to stop this. Please just forget everything okay? Don’t worry about me, just worry about yourself. Now please, would you leave?”

“T-Tao… You mean, we’r—“

“If you’re not leaving then I’m leaving, ge. You can stay in this room.”

Tao made a step only to be stopped by Kris.

“Okay, Tao. I am sorry for everything. I am sorry for being a bad boyfriend. Take care…”,Kris said as he walked out of the room.

Weirdly, Zitao felt much better. It was as if the burden on his shoulders was just being lifted. He didn’t cry that night. He felt peaceful.


It was another so-called-peaceful morning in EXO-K’s dorm.

“Park Chanyeol! Give me back my iPad! Why are you still angry about it?! That was last year! Gosh!”

“Not if you can catch me first, Hyung!”,Chanyeol’s deep voice echoed through their dorm.

“Oh my God. When will all this insanity stop?”,Suho rubbed his forehead and sighed. And suddenly the front bell rang.

“Wait for it…”,Jongin said.

“He should say it in 3 seconds”,Sehun replied.




“FANMAILS!!!”,Baekhyun’s high-pitched voice could be heard and the two maknaes high-fived and grinned at each other.

Baekhyun ran as quick as lightning to the front door to receive their weekly fanmails from the International fans. Well, those mails were in English and luckily the very thoughtful Do Kyungsoo would translate it for them.

“Kyungsoo-yah! Read them! Read them!”,Baekhyun roughly shoved the letters to Kyungsoo who was sitting prettily on the couch.

“Jesus, Baekhyun. Chill!”,Kyungsoo looked at the letters. “Okay, so would you like greetings, scrapbook, fandiaries or fanfictions first?”

“FANFICTIONS!!!”,Jongin, Chanyeol and Baekhyun said together, then grinning at each other. Well, Chanyeol was grinning a bit too wide.

Kyungsoo sighed,”You guys and your craziness. Okay, so the pairings this week are: Kaisoo, Baekyeol, Sekai, Sudo, another Kaisoo, Taohun, Baekyeol, Baekyeol, Baekyeol, Kaisoo, Sulay, Taohun, Kailu, Baekyeol, Taohun, Kaisoo, 10 more Baekyeol…”

“Oh my God, Baekkie! The fans love us!”,Chanyeol jumped happily and hugged Baekhyun till he was squirming like a fish.

“Channie! Channie! Let go! I can’t breath!”,Baekhyun shouted.

“Chanyeol, seriously. Let go.”,Suho kicked Chanyeol hard.

“Hey! Hyung! No kicking! Okay… Okay…”,Chanyeol said, letting Baekhyun go.

“Hmm… This is weird guys…”,Kyungsoo said suddenly.

“What is?”

“There’s no HunHan or Taoris. You do know those are like one of the 4 most shipped couple between our fans”

“Oh no, Hyung! This is bad! The fans know! They know! What to do? What to do?”

“Channie! Calm your down and sit! Jesus, I thought I was the puppy”,Baekhyun shouted at his exaggerating boyfriend.

Jongin was skimming through the fanfictions. He loved KaiSoo fanfictions so much, the authors were really talented. He then groaned.

“Why do fans keep on writing about ? Jongin’s , Chanyeol’s , Kyungsoo’s , Baekhyun’s , Sehun’s , Joonmyeon’s ! Can’t they write about other animal? We don’t even have as pets!”

Well, it seemed that Kyungsoo’s translating skill wasn’t that good.

“And why would we bring our to bed? Listen, listen! ‘Kyungsoo moaned as Jongin scraped his nails softly on his ’. Like seriously! I swear fans write the weirdest things!”

“Why are you guys talking about ?”,Kris’ voice startled them.

“N-nothing, Hyung! No , we were talking about docks! Yeah, yeah, docks!”,Jongin hurriedly hid the fanmails behind his back.

Kris rolled his eyes,”I really don’t want to know”

“ZiZi hyung!”,Sehun jumped from his seat and hugged Tao. Tao let out a deep chuckle, making Kris wince.

“Sehuna, what are you doing? It’s embarassing~”

“I’m glad you’re back. Kai was driving me crazy he kept on ranting, he started giving me nightmare”, Sehun cooed while clinging to Tao’s arm.

“Don’t worry, then I will start giving you good dreams. And Kai can go and annoy Suho hyu—“

Suddenly Kris laughed so hard, the whole EXO stared at him weirdly.

“That just reminded me about ‘If you were a booger, I’d pick you first’’

Suho blushed,”Yah! Wu YiFan!”

“What is this booger thing?”,Kai asked.

“Oh, so I read Joonmyeon’s text on Yixing’s phone. He was sending crappy pick-up lines and that was one of them”

The whole EXO started laughing like crazy. They never thought that their leader was that lame.


“Sehuna, I broke up with Kris ge already”,Zitao started. Because even though they looked playful and lively in front of the other members, they were actually still very awkward toward each other.

“Really, Hyung? How?”

“Well, after…after you called me, I was yelling and crying so loud and he suddenly appeared in my room and hugged me, he asked me to take him back but I couldn’t so I broke up with him instead. Yes, that pretty much sums it up.”

“I’m sorry, Hyung.”,Sehun caressed Tao’s arm.

“No, it’s okay. Actually I felt better after that. Maybe I did stop loving him though.”

And if only you could love me now, Hyung.

“That’s good to know, Zizi. I’m glad you’re feeling better now. You wouldn’t need me anymore then?”

“No!”,Zitao sighed realizing he half-yelled at the younger. Sehun just smiled in reply.

“Then let’s figure this out, Hyung. Just…stay with me then? No relationship, just comforting each other? While I’m figuring out about Luhan Hyung?”

“Okay”,Zitao smiled in relieved. “You’re the best, Sehuna”. He pulled Sehun closer in his embrace, “If our relationship is just comforting then that means I can’t do this?”,He quickly pecked Sehun’s lips.

Sehun giggled in return making Zitao blushed, he used to be the submissive one after all. This role changing was still new to him. “Well, kissing is also comforting isn’t it, Hyung?”. And Sehun leaned to kiss the taller, which Zitao responded willingly. They really did find comfort in each other’s arms.

Little did they know, a teary Kris were looking at them from their cracked room window.


"....Don't wanna break your heart

Wanna give your heart a break

I know you're scared it's wrong

Like you might make a mistake...."

"....When your lips are on my lips

And our hearts beat as one

But you slipped out of my fingertips

Everytime you run...."

"....Cause you've been hurt before

I can see it in your eyes

You tried to smile it away

Some things you can't disguise

Don't wanna break your heart

Baby I can ease the ache, the ache...."


HELLO LADIEZZZ AND GENTLEMUUUNN. I am back, God I am so infected with gayness right now TBH. I'm gonna kill myself right now HELP!!

My mum started to think I am weird, because I've lost interests toward boys (EXCEPT HOT KOREAN BOYS...AND 4 CHINESE MEMBERS)


And I thought the Taohun was already over since the HunHan blonde couple hair , and then Le Wild FANPHOTO just came to me on twitter today like "LOOK LOOK IT'S TAOHUN GOING INSIDE SM TOGETHER"


Anywaaaayzzzzz I tried to make this chapter funny tbh with the fanfiction thing but I think I failed hahaha. I honestly have a good sense of humor, my friends laugh like BUFFALOS around me but I just cannot put it into words? I'm such a bad writer.

And somebody please teach me to write , I BIG TIME AT -ING.

Message me. And I'm replying to comments. I love you.

Kaisoo are watching pororo









-5mins later saw a TAORIS FANPHOTO ON TWITTER-

You guys know what this means!! Coming up next chapter. Show me your lhoooooveee

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Aluryathekiller #1
Chapter 31: Please have HUNHAN and taoris end up together please please PLEASE....
Chapter 31: This story is wonderful, I hope you continue to update!! I hope ends as a Taohun!!^^
Chapter 26: I just finished reading and had to comeback for this chapter! taohun is so perfect that i cried :') tao finally was there for sehun too~~ i love krishan, taoris and hunhan as well, I only wish you update please~
ohoratpanda #4
Chapter 31: I really want this to end with TAOHUN
But knowing that author-nim would probably make it a hunhan and taoris ending hurts my feels too.
AISH I. Don't know what to do... I really want TAOHUN and krishan
Chapter 31: After reading this chapter, I'm confused. Confused wether HunHan or TaoHun will end up together. Update soon!
Chapter 13: Tbh, I want TaoHun to end up together but I feel bad about Luhan and Kris. I came here for TaoHun only. Lol. But it's your choice author-nim if you want HunHan/TaoRis. But I like it better if TaoHun will end up. ^^
Chapter 31: Honestly, I haven't been on AFF for awhile and I came back to read this. I hate to say this, since this IS my favorite story, but I'll be so, so disappointed of HunHan ends up being the main pairing. I've said this in the past and I still feel the same now. It's awfully cliché about how hunhan is always the main pairing.

But, I also understand that this is your story and I respect that. I still love this story a lot and hope for the best. I just wanted to voice out my opinion since I feel like taohun isn't very popular as hunhan.
JaeYong_TY #8
Chapter 31: ok sooo

the story was great

but please be a taoris
well i dont actualy mind taohun but still

and please have tao in a carcrash or something
(being too self centric for tao)

and please update
sgnsgn #9
Chapter 2: Now while I am reading this and with the last happenings, it seems so real to me. Kris left EXO without saying goodbye, leaving behind a heartbroken Tao. Fortunately, there is Sehun, his best friend who is supporting him... this is possible to happen so I enjoy it really much. Thanks for writing. :P yehet for the EXO's first concert today. ^.^
Chapter 31: oh yessss hunhaaaann!!! yay yay yay!! that was awesoooome sehunnieee! that's right dear.. fight for the one you loved :)
author-nim, thanks for updating^^ i like it!