
Never There


It's been a week since that incident happened. Zitao found himself standing awkwardly at their dorm door. He couldn't bring himself to talk to Sehun or Kris.
Well, Sehun did try to talk to him numerous times but he just kept on avoiding the poor maknae boy. Sehun couldn't seem to talk to Luhan either. Everything was just so wrong.
"Zitao, please come inside", Zitao heard the voice of the angelic leader Suho.
"Yes, Hyung", He lazily dragged his feet inside, inside means being in one room with Kris and Sehun, well and the other members too.
Suho cleared his throat and looked at Lay, he received a reassuring nod from the boy in return.
"We'll, I just wanted to straighten the condition of this group. And no, Luhan-Hyung we have to talk about this because this is really disturbing and the fans are going crazy out there because they're starting to assume and don't be surprised that their assumption are 95% accurate. Now shut the hell up, people and let me talk", He eyed each member carefully, especially the troubled four.
Sehun was just fiddling with his fingers and sighing. Luhan looking very uncomfortable and self-conscious, Kris was always with his face but Suho could exactly see the worried sad aura radiating from him and Zitao well, looking as emo as ever.
"I don't like this one bit. The four of you should talk this problem through okay. And Jongin, I don't want you to disturb or tease them at any condition because this might get worse than it already is. I don't care how Zitao, Luhan, Sehun and Wufan are going to talk about it. But I'm going to lock you four in a room. The holder of the key would be anyone I trust enough and it's not gonna be me or Yixing. I want everyone's cooperation in this stuff because I don't like reading the stuffs the fans are saying. And WuFan, you should really start going to SM building because rumors are spreading like crazy. I don't care how you feel, you should be professional and know how to separate personal matters from work. That's it people. Good night, we have a long day tomorrow.", Suho finished his speech and motioned Chanyeol to take the four to one of the rooms.
It was really awkward, it was more awkward than awkward.
"So....", Kris started, knew he was the leader and he was not supposed to act this way.
"What?", Sehun snapped at the leader.
Luhan and Kris gasped at Sehun's voice, while Zitao just sat there, blinking.
"I don't need to hear what you need to say, Wu YiFan. I hate you, I don't like you. I hate you for hurting Zitao, I hate you for ignoring him. I hate you for everything you did with Zitao. Do you think I wouldn't realize all those time you would be all flirty with Jongdae-Hyung or Lay-Hyung or Chanyeol-hyung so the fans wouldn't realize your relationship with Zitao? I know everything you did to try to cover what you're hav-, well you had with him. Do you know that the fans wouldn't flip on you even if you're really showing your relationship with Zitao? You kept on saying 'It's for the sake of the fans', no it's not. It's for the sake of that girl isn't it?", He stopped for a while, "Dont be so shocked. You're engaged. You have been engaged since the age of 15 to your parents' girl of choice and you did NOTHING to break it. And then you came and became a trainee at SM. You debuted and then asked Zitao to be your boyfriend. I don't understand you, really."
Kris took a deep breath. He really didn't expect Sehun to know the reason why he was leaving and it was magical how Sehun managed not to tell Zitao a thing about it. He opened his mouth to speak, but was stopped with ZiTao's words.
"Sehun, how could you know all this and not tell me anything?"
"Oh... I.... Well, I didn't want to hurt you, Hyung. I mean if you know that wouldn't you be hurt?"
"I appreciate your intention, really. But I don't like that you're not telling me about it.", Zitao hesitantly replied, "And WuFan Ge, why didn't you tell me about this? What were you doing when you left?"
"I... I was about to call the engagement off because I realized I loved you and I was too caught up at the moment with my friends and I....forgot to reply to you. You never texted me or called me again so I thought you were busy with rehearsal. I didn't know that it would end up to losing you like this.",Kris explained finally, letting the other 3 to know why he left.
"Apparently since the condition is so bad right now. What if we start over?", Luhan's voice brought them back to realization.
"Start over?"
"Yes, starting over. We are band mates, just band mates. I'm not Sehun's boyfriend. I'm just Luhan. And Tao and Wu Fan are not in a relationship, neither is Tao and Sehun. So, Hello my name is Luhan, I am from Beijing, China. I trained in SM Entertainment for a few years before I debuted as one of the members of EXO-M. Nice to meet you. I look forward on a friendship", Luhan ended his sentence with a bow and a smile.
"Oh... H-hi Luhan Ge, I think it is a very good idea. And we just have to look forward to the future rather than keep on looking back at the past.", Zitao finished, before introducing himself, followed by Sehun and Kris.
The rest of the night was spent with simple talks, even each of their hearts are aching for one another.
It hurt Wu Fan. It hurt him a lot that he had to see his Taozi avoiding him at any cost. He refused when Manager Hyung roomed him with Kris. He wanted to swap plane seat with Xiumin during their flight to Bangkok. He always walked at the front or at the back as far away as possible from Kris. 
While Tao was doing that, Kris tried to do anything to see how the boy is feeling. He continuously talked with Luhan or simply just leaned a little too close to Chen, sometimes he would hug Lay when they walked, always glancing at Zitao while doing all those things. Knowing the boy's cold face would turn into a frown everytime he did, he knew that he's getting a good respond from the panda-eyed boy. Maybe just maybe, deep inside, after all the hurting he did Zitao, and after his short relationship with Sehun, Zitao still indeed, love him.
"Wu YiFan!! What the are you doing in my room?! And who told you to take a shower in my bathroom?!"
"Huang Zitao, relax. Obviously, I am taking shower in here because this is my room?"
"W-what? But I'm not rooming with you I'm rooming with Minseok-Hyung! He said he would do that since I came to his birthday party the other day, with my styled hair!"
"Tao, do you seriously think Chen would agree to that? He can't live a minute without talking to his MinMin. Now stop being so fussy about everything and just be quiet. I'm tired, we need to perform tomorrow and we promised not to let our fans down. Now would you please be quiet because I am trying to sleep."
Kris huffed and glanced at ZiTao's stoned expression before walking to his own bed and wrapped the blanket along his figure and turned the table lamp off.
"Good night, Taozi"
You know I always whispered that every night when I was away from you. Do you know how hard it was for me being away from you? How hard it was not to hear your manly but spoiled voice. I loved taking care of you, Taozi. It always gave me the reason to come back and see you. I really didn't think I would be replaced that easily in your heart.
Kris was lost in his thought, he didn't hear Tao's good night whisper to him and the silent sobbing of the red haired boy.
"....'Cause I still don't have the answers
To why we couldn't work it out
I wanna think it's something that I did
So I can turn it back around...."
".....But if I still believe you love me maybe I'll survive
So I tell myself you're coming home
Like you've done a million times
And if it's alright I'll still be loving you
'Cause I can't break it to my heart....."

OMG I know it's so lame, please bear with me and read it okay. Maybe subscribe and leave a comment?


OMG did you guise see the pics of EXO-M in Suvarnabhumi, Kris the plumber XD and ZiTao's ripped pants looking as hot as .

dont mention Luhan's hair.Gawd, EXO IS .

i seriously need to sleep right now.


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Aluryathekiller #1
Chapter 31: Please have HUNHAN and taoris end up together please please PLEASE....
Chapter 31: This story is wonderful, I hope you continue to update!! I hope ends as a Taohun!!^^
Chapter 26: I just finished reading and had to comeback for this chapter! taohun is so perfect that i cried :') tao finally was there for sehun too~~ i love krishan, taoris and hunhan as well, I only wish you update please~
ohoratpanda #4
Chapter 31: I really want this to end with TAOHUN
But knowing that author-nim would probably make it a hunhan and taoris ending hurts my feels too.
AISH I. Don't know what to do... I really want TAOHUN and krishan
Chapter 31: After reading this chapter, I'm confused. Confused wether HunHan or TaoHun will end up together. Update soon!
Chapter 13: Tbh, I want TaoHun to end up together but I feel bad about Luhan and Kris. I came here for TaoHun only. Lol. But it's your choice author-nim if you want HunHan/TaoRis. But I like it better if TaoHun will end up. ^^
Chapter 31: Honestly, I haven't been on AFF for awhile and I came back to read this. I hate to say this, since this IS my favorite story, but I'll be so, so disappointed of HunHan ends up being the main pairing. I've said this in the past and I still feel the same now. It's awfully cliché about how hunhan is always the main pairing.

But, I also understand that this is your story and I respect that. I still love this story a lot and hope for the best. I just wanted to voice out my opinion since I feel like taohun isn't very popular as hunhan.
JaeYong_TY #8
Chapter 31: ok sooo

the story was great

but please be a taoris
well i dont actualy mind taohun but still

and please have tao in a carcrash or something
(being too self centric for tao)

and please update
sgnsgn #9
Chapter 2: Now while I am reading this and with the last happenings, it seems so real to me. Kris left EXO without saying goodbye, leaving behind a heartbroken Tao. Fortunately, there is Sehun, his best friend who is supporting him... this is possible to happen so I enjoy it really much. Thanks for writing. :P yehet for the EXO's first concert today. ^.^
Chapter 31: oh yessss hunhaaaann!!! yay yay yay!! that was awesoooome sehunnieee! that's right dear.. fight for the one you loved :)
author-nim, thanks for updating^^ i like it!