The Final


Chapter 9

The Final



A man in hat got up from his chair and turned around to face tha . He smirked at them as he opened his hat to reveal his familiar spiky hair. Jay and Siwon widened their eyes after saw the informant's face.

"Chicken ??" Jay called.

"Hi, Jay.. Siwon?" Taeyang was greeting the brothers.

“You..!!” Siwon said coldly as he rushed to grab his collar and raised his fist. He was ready to hit Taeyang’s face but Jay’s hand stopped his movement by holding his wrist.

“Siwon, stop it!” Jay said.

“What? He is the gangster! Look at what he did to you! Get off my hand!”

“He is the one who saved me!”

“What did you say?” Siwon loosened his fist at the realization.

Jay released his grip in his arm. “He saved me from the sea. He saved my life.” He looked away from Siwon to face Taeyang. “What brings you here?”

Taeyang placed the chip on the table. “Here is the chip.”

“Why did you give back the chip?” Jay asked.

“Didn’t I tell you that I’m on your side?”

“Why? Why do you betray your brother and decide to be on our side?”

“I’ve been tired with my life as the gangster. Let me tell you the truth, he is not my real brother. He took me from the street life and stayed with him till this time. He taught me to do everything bad with his strict lesson. Actually, I had planned to leave him long time ago, but I didn’t have a chance. He was too dangerous to face. Once I make a mistake or betray him, he’ll definitely kill me. When you came to spy on us. I thought that It was the right time for me to get away from him. I really want to live as normal people who has freedom. That’s why I decided to be on your side. I want you to free me and I will tell about Yuzang’s new headquarter. It’s my only purpose here.” Taeyang explained.

“How did you know that I am the agent?” Jay asked.

“First.. You would never shoot that perfect if you’re just an ordinary college student. Beside that, no student was willing to face the danger by becoming the gangster member. Second, I had told you that overheard your conversation with Siwon. Siwon is an agent and I bet you’re an agent too. Third is when you were stealing this chip.” Taeyang paused for a moment before he said again, “Beside that, I have my only reason..”

Jay frowned. “Other reason?”

Taeyang smiled. “It’s because of you.”

“Me?” Jay pointed his finger to himself.

“Yes.. The moments when I was with you, I learned many things. It helped me to change.” Taeyang looked at Siwon. “You must be lucky to have a care older brother like Jay. He is figure that I can’t find on Yuzang.” He told Siwon.

Siwon smirked. “Yes.. I’m glad to have a brother, eventhough he is an idiot sometimes.”

Jay glanced at Siwon. “Siwon! Stop calling me idiot!”

“But, it’s true.. Jay-hyung.”

“Siwon! You’re so annoying!”

“Calm down... Calm down, Senior Kim..” Changmin tried to calm his senior as he tapped Jay’s shoulder.

Looking their little fighting, Taeyang smiled. “All right.. I think you should move fast. Yuzang is going to go abroad, so you better stop him before it’s too late.”

“Just tell us, where is his place?” Siwon asked.

“Here is the address.” Taeyang handed Siwon the paper.

“Okay.. I think it’s clear now. You can start to make a move.” Captain Go said.

“All right! Let’s go.” Changmin answered.

“I want to go too.” Jay said.

“What?! No!” Changmin and Siwon said in unison as they looked at Jay.


“You are in no condition to go. You are not recovering yet.” Siwon told his older brother.

“Whether you like it or not, I’ll go. Let me tell you that I’m really fine. I want to find out something.” Jay looked at his captain. “Captain, please, let me go to finish this case.. I’m fine, trust me.” He pleaded.

His captain sighed at his agent’s stubbornness. “All right.. You may go. Just one thing, don’t let your guard down because it’s your own decision to go. I don’t suggest you.”

“Thanks, Captain. I know it.” Jay smiled. Then, he looked away to think something. ‘Yuri... I will make you to explain everything when I get there.’




“What did you say? Suchan is dead?” Yuzang asked Yuri.

“Yes.. Someone had killed him. Taeyang is no where to be seen too.” Yuri told her leader.

“Where is he? We need to go. I’m sure the agents will track our trace soon.”

“I don’t know.. He just left without saying something.”

“I feel that he acts strange these days. He hides something from me.”

Yuri smirked. “Is it like he wants to leave you?”


“I feel it too. I just have a thought that he plans to betray you.”

“Why did you say it?”

“I don’t know.. Suchan had died and he had gone missing.” Yuri said.

“Do you think that he is the killer? If he really does it, he will die for goodness.” Yuzang said before left the room.

Yuri looked Yuzang leaving her, a smirk curved on her lips. She moved to the window and saw some agents coming. She widened her eyes. “NII’s agents? How do they know this place?” Then, she remembered something. “Is it Taeyang who told them? That man finally made his move. This is a big problem.” She said before run away to tell Yuzang.




Siwon, Jay, and Changmin were walking closer to Yuzang’s mansion with the guns on their hands. Suddenly, a man aimed a gun in their direction, but before he could shoot, Jay quickly shot his shoulder. The man fell backward onto the ground.

“I’ll get in from here. You can go to another directions.” Jay told his friends.

“What? You want to go alone?” Siwon asked.

“Just do what I said. I’ll be careful.” Jay said before he run to get in the mansion.

Siwon was about to stop his brother but he had been running away.

“Hey, Senior Choi?” Changmin asked as he saw Jay disappeared from his sight.

“Hn?” Siwon answered.

“Why did Senior Kim act like that? What does he really want to find out? Why does he go alone there?”

“I don’t know, Changmin. Let’s just finish our part.” Siwon said as he saw the gang members had appeared in front of them. Siwon quickly raised his gun and shot every opponent who got in their way. Changmin started made movement to help Siwon defeating the enemies.

One by one, their villain was paralyzed. Siwon glanced at Changmin. “Let’s find Jay. I don’t believe that he can handle it all alone.” He said.

Suddenly, Yuri walked closer to the agents along with the gang behind her.

“So, Jay is here too? Where is he? I don’t see him.” Yuri asked.

“You know Jay?” Changmin asked.

Yuri took out her rifle and caressed it gently. Her action made Changmin and Siwon raising their gun in alert. “Yes.. He is Jay Kim, an agent. He was the guy who stole the chip from us.. I helped him to go back to you. But, why is he come here again? He is a stubborn man who looks for his death.” She told them. “I leave those two agents for you. I’ll find the other one.” Yuri said to her members before walked away.

Siwon clenched his fist. “Wait!” He was about to run after her, but the gang members blocked his way.

“You will fight against us. Let me tell you, She is our leader here. Once she finds the agent, she won’t hesitate to kill him in place.” One of the gang said.

Siwon glared dangerously at his villain. “Are you sure? We won’t also hesitate to get rid of you!” He said as he started the fight.




Jay was looking around him and found an open door. He walked quietly to the door and took a peek inside the room to see Yuzang.

“Do you plan to escape?” Jay asked him from the door.

Yuzang smirked as he turned around. “You still have a brave to meet me?”

Jay stepped forward. “Why not? Don’t you know that your glory will be over?”

“What makes you said those words?”

“Your brother betrays you. He is the one who told us about you and your place.”

“I’ve guessed it. He is a weak man..”

“Weak? You are the weak man here.. You hide behind your henchmen..”

“What did you say?!” Yuzang got irritated.

Looking for someone, Jay looked around him and ignored the gang leader. “Where is she?”


“Kwon Yuri.”

Yuzang smirked. “What do you want with her?”

“None of your business. Just answer me, where is she? I just want to talk with her!” Jay aimed his gun to his villain.

“No one is allowed to snarl or threat me!” With those words, Yuzang made his fast movement which was barely seen by Jay. He kicked Jay’s hand who hold the gun, sending it onto the floor. Jay clutched his sore hand as he stared fiercely at him.

“Let’s fight without any weapon. I’m sure you won’t win from me..” Yuzang said as he made a crack sound from his fists.

Jay set his eyes in alert. “All right.. I am not afraid with you.” He moved ahead, raising his fist on Yuzang’s face. But, his fist could be dodged easily. Didn’t stop with it, Jay aimed his foot to kick him many times. None of his attack hit his opponent. Yuzang smiled when he found a chance to hit Jay hard on the head. Jay stepped backward as the result, holding his head in pain as he saw Yuzang walking closer.

“Just it? I thought an agent could do more.” Yuzang sneered as he tried to punch Jay. Jay moved his head aside and spun around, avoiding the blow. He bent down and swung his leg on Yuzang’s ankle, tripping him. Yuzang lost his balance, Jay used this chance to kick him on the face.

Jay wanted to attack again. But, he stopped moving when he was feeling sudden pain in his head. His eyes became blur for a few seconds. He didn’t notice that Yuzang was aiming his fist in his direction. Then Jay was thrown to hit the concrete wall behind him after Yuzang punched him hard on the stomach. Jay was clutching his stomach in agony.

“I can’t believe a weak man like you is an agent.” Yuzang was sneering as he walked closer to Jay. He quickly raised his hand to grab Jay’s neck, pinning him against the wall.

Jay was choked because of the firm grip. He used both his hands to release his neck but he failed. Yuzang kept tightening his grip in his neck as Jay could not breathe because of it. Jay raised his leg and kicked Yuzang’s stomach, releasing his neck. He was coughing for air as he stared at Yuzang in anger.

“I’m not weak!” Jay said. Then he punched his face with all his strength, sending him onto the ground. He didn’t stop with it, quickly he landed his last strike on his villain jaw. He looked around to find his gun on the ground two meters behind Yuzang. He rushed to get his gun, but a loud bang was heard as he saw a bullet hit the ground in front of him. Jay stopped in his place.

“Stop moving around! Or I’ll shoot your head!” A woman snarled.

Jay turned his head to the source of the voice. He was looking Yuri standing with her gun aimed to his head. She stepped toward him.

“You come in the right time, Yuri..” Yuzang said as he got up from the ground, erasing the blood in the corner of his lips.

Yuri kept her gun on Jay as she stopped her step between Yuzang and Jay.

“I’ve told you before.. Don’t come back here again or we’ll really kill you. And now, you are here. It means that you choose to die..” Yuri said.

Jay said nothing. He just stared at her, watching her every movement.

“Kill him now, Yuri. Don’t waste your time.” Yuzang gave the command.

Yuri and Jay were staring each other before Jay finally said, “Do you really want to kill me?”

“Yes.” She answered.

“I don’t believe that you could shoot me. You had saved me before.. Don’t you remember it?”

She smirked. “Do you think that I’m a kind person after I helped you? You are wrong..”

“Really?” He still doubted her words as he continued, “Proof it, now. You can kill me. What are you waiting for?! Shoot me!” Jay snarled.

The look in her eyes was cold as she kept staring at him. “Okay.. Look like, you are eager to die soon..” She began pulling the trigger. “Time to your death...” Suddenly, she turned around to face her leader. Yuzang widened his eyes at what she was doing.

“......Yuzang.” She finished her sentence as she shot two bullet in Yuzang’s heart.

Yuzang fell backward onto the ground, he was dead instantly. Jay’s eyes grew wide to see this moment. He could not believe that she killed that man right in front of his eyes.

“Y-yuri?” Jay called.

Yuri put down her hand and slowly turned around  to see Jay who was still surprised at what she had done.

“Why? Why did you kill him?” He asked.


“Revenge?” He didn’t understand.

“Yuzang and his gang had killed my parents four years ago. He got rid my parents like he was killing animals. My parents and he were allied in while they were working in Taiyo Corporation. They planned to make a big drugs project to against the company, but my parents changed their mind in the process because they had been realized it would be too dangerous. Yuzang went away after he killed my parents. He was a cold blooded man. Since that time, I set my eyes on him. I was in his side just to avenge my parents.”

“Do you know? Being an avenger is not right.”

“You could say that because you never endure a hard life to be an orphan. So, you won’t understand what I was feeling! If your family was killed, you would feel this pain.”

“Yeah.. You are right, I never saw someone killed my family. But, I had ever felt like an orphan when my parents left me alone. So, I knew well what it’s like... Yuri, I wanna ask you something.. Are you happy now?”

Yuri looked down as she didn’t know how to answer it.

“I can guess, you’re not happy after you have avenged your family. Beside that, your parents would never come back again after you killed him. You just feel emptiness, right? Revenge would only make you blind and bring you into the darkness.”

“I knew it from the start..” She glanced at Yuzang’s lifeless body. “At least, he had felt the death like my parents.” She looked at Jay again. “This is my path.. I had chosen the different path and I won’t regret it.”

“Yuri...” Jay was feeling so hard to say what he was going to say. “..... Although, I have a feeling for you, but... I can’t let you get away from this case because you’ve already involved.” Jay said.

“I understand your decision.. I won’t run away.. I have no destination again now. I’ll take responsible for what I did.”


“Thank you for stopping me last time.. Do you know? You almost made me forget about my revenge to start a new life.. But, I was too stubborn with my revenge, so I could not listen to what you said..” She paused for a while. “About your feeling for me.. Please.. Forget it..”

Hearing it, Jay looked surprised. “What? Why?”

“Let’s just be friend for now.. I’m not worthy to get someone like you.. I’ll focus on make up my mind and be a better person before I think about love. It’s the best way..” She formed a smile. “Friend never ends.. That’s why I want to be friend with you..” She extended her hand for him.

Jay looked down and took her hand. “If you said that it’s the best way for us.. I’ll just say yes for you.. We are friend now.”

Then, Changmin and Siwon were getting into the place where Jay was in. They looked around the room to find Yuzang collapsed on the ground. Siwon turned his eyes to see his brother with the gang member. He quickly raised his gun and aimed it to Yuri.

“Get away from him!” Siwon shouted.

Jay looked at Siwon. “Put your gun down, Siwon. She has given up.”

His younger brother gave him a confused look. “What? Really?”

“Yes..” Yuri said.

Hearing her confession, Siwon slowly put his gun down and looked at his brother. “Jay, are you okay?” He asked.

Jay nodded. “Yeah.. I’m fine.. Yuzang is dead. It’s over now.”

“Dead? How could he die?” Changmin asked.

Jay glanced at Yuri beside him before he answered. “Let’s get back to headquarter, I’ll explain everything there..” He started to walk away with Yuri following him.

Siwon and Changmin looked at each other, feeling confused about what happened. Then, they stepped away to follow their comrade.




Jay was looking through the window before him when his friends were coming into the office room.

“Ah... Finally, the case is closed. Yuzang is dead, but I am still regretting her action just because of revenge... We have finished our job, it means we’ll get a break for a while.” Changmin said as he stepped in the room along with Siwon besides him. “Let’s go somewhere, Senior Choi.. I want to refresh my mind..”

“Tch.. I think there is only fun in your head..” Siwon said.

“Being serious all the time is not good.. Let me tell you, we have to make fun for our goodness.”

Siwon rolled his eyes. “Whatever...”

The two stopped their feet to see Jay standing near the window, his back faced them. They were walking closer quietly before stood beside him.

“Senior Kim, what are you thinking? Is it about Yuri?” Changmin asked.

Jay smiled. “No.. Nothing... I’m just thinking about our case.. I don’t know why it’s just so meaning for me.”

“You’re right, Senior Kim. I can’t believe you falling in love with your enemy..”

“Yeah... I just want to forget about it.. She and I are only friends now.”

“But, you can still visit her, right? Little by little, your relationship will grow up to some-” Changmin’s words were cut by Jay.

“Changmin? Stop it.. Don’t make me creating a hope in her again. We’re only friend right now and in the future. It’s the best way.”

Changmin chuckled. “Okay.. Okay... I understand. Uhm Senior Kim, do you know? For the first time, I saw a cold Choi Siwon crying for real.”

Siwon widened his eyes at his friend’s statement. “Changmin!” He shouted, hoped that Changmin would not tell about it.

Jay was curious about it. “Siwon was crying? Are you serious?” Jay asked, feeling interested.

Changmin ignored Siwon’s glare as he continued to tell Jay. “Yes, Senior Kim. When you were missing and we all thought you were dead, Siwon cried. I thought he was afraid to lose you.”

Jay turned to see his brother and smiled. “Is it true Siwon?”

He looked away. “No. I didn’t cry!” He lied.

Jay chuckled and put his arm around Siwon’s shoulders. “Why is it so hard for you to say that you worried me huh? I’m happy to hear it.. Thank you, Siwon..”

“Hn.” Siwon answered.

“Senior Kim, Let’s go somewhere...” Changmin suggested.

“Good idea! I want to refreshing my mind too.” Jay put his hand on his chin as he was thinking something. “What about eat together while thinking about the right place to spend the holiday? I’ll treat you all this time.” He said.

“Really Senior?” Changmin’s eyes looked so shining after heard it. He was so excited.

“Yeah.. Let’s go to eat..” Jay put his left arm around Changmin’s shoulder and right arm around Siwon’s shoulder. Together, they walked out the room to have a little party, celebrating their success in the case.




A/N : Thank you so much for reading my fiction. Hope you like it. Dear my readers, commentators, subscribers, and voters : I really appreciate you all. If I disappoint you with anything in the story, I do apologize. 


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brighterdaysahead #1
Chapter 9: I wish Yuri and Jay ended up together. Will you make a sequel? :D The story line is amazing, by the way. You're really creative. I love reading your fanfics <3
leemidah #2
Chapter 9: Waw OMG it's good story
But i want Yuri be nice couple with jay ^__^
Chapter 9: Omg.
Would mind making a sequel for Yuru and Jay? Keke

And this story is awesome
ururustar #4
Chapter 6: Gaaah... You made cliff hanger!! Dear author, please, don't kill anyone here.
Chapter 5: (O.O) lol at the first scene where Jay found himself in the girl bedroom :D
It's getting serious. What will happen the next??
Chapter 4: I'm so busy these days.. I had subscribed this fic from the foreword post, and now, it has reached the 4th chapter. I feel like missing this..
You write good story! I love it!
ururustar #7
Chapter 3: Trax's Jay and BigBang's Taeyang, this is a rare combination.
I love all the characters in this story :)
Waiting for the next update.
brighterdaysahead #8
Chapter 3: The third chapter is really good. It's so nice to read this chapter on Jay's birthday <3
ururustar #9
Chapter 2: I just found this story and read it.. and I like it!