Got in Trouble


Chapter 6

Got in Trouble



The sound of tapping shoes on the floor was heard as it was getting closer in the hallway of the gangster headquarter. Jay and Taeyang turned around to see who they were. They saw Yuzang and Yuri walked in their direction. Taeyang put his arms around her shoulders in romantic way as the smiles were seen on their face. Jay widened his eyes when he saw Yuri with Yuzang. He could not believe at what he was watching in front of him. ‘Yuri? You..??’ He asked inwardly.

Yuri looked away from Yuzang and stared at the men before her. She surprised and stopped walking in sudden to see Jay standing there, looking at her.

“Yuzang-hyung!” Taeyang called his brother.

Yuzang smiled and walked to Taeyang and Jay. “Who is he?” He asked.

“He is Yun Jihoon, my friend in campus. He will be part of us.” Taeyang introduced Jay.

Jay bowed to him and said. “Yes, I’m Yun Jihoon.”

“Okay.. Nice to meet you.” Yuzang turned around to see Yuri still standing a few feet behind him. “Yuri, come here... We have a guest.” He called.

Hesitantly, Yuri stepped forward to join them and looked at Jay. She and Jay were staring each other.

Yuzang noticed the awkward feeling between them. “Have you known each other?” He asked.

Jay looked away from Yuri and answered, “No.”

“I’m Kwon Yuri.” Yuri said as she was holding out her hand.

Jay took her hand. “Yun Jihoon.”

“Just one thing that I want to tell you, Jihoon.. If you are here, so you will be on our side forever. I won’t tolerate any mistake or betrayal. If you do it once, you’ll be over. Do you understand?” Yuzang told Jay.

“I know.” Jay replied

“Good! Let’s go, Yuri..” He walked away with Yuri by his side.

Jay’s eyes were not leaving the couple till they were out of sight. ‘You lied to me Yuri. I can’t believe that you are one of my enemies here.’

Taeyang glanced at Jay. “Hey Jihoon? Do you wanna look around here?” He offered.

“Yes.” He simply answered without looking at his friend.

“What’s wrong with you? You look like a sick chick now.” Taeyang said.

Jay looked at him. “A sick chick? You are a chicken . Aren’t we the same?”

Taeyang chuckled. “If you call me chicken again, I’ll definitely kick your .”

“Whatever.. Come on. Didn’t you say that you wanna show me your headquarter?”

“All right.. Follow me..” He led Jay to go upstair.

Jay and Taeyang were walking through the corridor. Jay tried to remember all the things and rooms in his head when he was there.

“Taeyang?” Jay called.


“Is there a place to save the data or produce the drugs here?”

Taeyang stopped walking and looked at Jay. “Why do you ask?”

“I’m just curious.”

“We have it all in the lab. Yuri is the person who leads the production. She is our pharmachist here.... Our main room is in the third floor.”

Jay just nodded. ‘So, she is one of main members here.’ He said inwardly. ‘Why do I have no enthusiasm in this case now? Is it because of her?’ Then, he shook his head. ‘Don’t let anyone affect you, Jay. You have to focus on your mission.’ His mind told him.

“Hey Jihoon?” Taeyang woke him up from his thought.

Jay stratled. “Y-yes?”

“I have something to do. I’ll go for a while, just wait here.”

“Okay.” Jay looked Taeyang leaving him alone. Jay used this chance to turn off the pen camera in his pocket and waited his friend to come back.




Yuri walked out the room and wanted to go in the toilet. In her way there, she was seeing Jay, but he just glanced at her and looked away. He kept walking pass her and didn’t care to stop or greet her. Yuri stopped in her way and called, “Jihoon..”

Jay stopped walking.

Yuri turned around to face his back. “As you have known, I’m part of this gangster. I’m sorry if I lied to you in the beginning.”

Jay turned around to face her. “You have disappointed me. You are a liar.”

“Is it a problem now? You are part of this gangster too right now. We are just the same. So, stop being a hypocrite.”

“I’m not the same with you!” He raised his voice as he clenched his fists. “You don’t know that you’ve made everything seems so hard and complicated for me. You don’t know how much you have made me disappointed.” He looked down as he paused for a moment. “I thought you were different.. I thought that we could be friend. But, you...” He said in low voice.

She heard something serious from his words. “Jihoon, I-”

He looked at her. “Don’t.. Don’t say anything again.”

Then Taeyang was walking closer to them from behind Jay, interrupting their conversation. “Hey, what’s going on here?” He asked.

Jay turned around when he could not stay in this atmosphere any longer. “Nothing.. I think I have to go home now. Thanks for today..” He said before walked away, leaving Taeyang and Yuri in that place.

“Why are you so hurry? Do you want me to take you home?” Taeyang offered.

“No. I can go by myself.” Jay answered as he kept walking away.

“Oh.. Okay.” Taeyang turned to look at Yuri. “You two have known each other, haven’t you?”

Yuri looked up. “How did you know?”

“I know everything.. I overheard what you were talking about.” He put his hands in his pockets. “You better overcome your problem with him before it’s to late.. He is part of us now, so I don’t wanna see if there is a conflict between our organization members. It could destroy us someday.. I hope you know what I mean.”

“Don’t tell me about what to do. I have known it.” She turned around and continued her walk to the toilet.

He rolled his eyes. “Whatever..” He said before stepped away.




The room in National Intelligence and Investigation was filled by Changmin, Siwon, Jay, and Captain Go. They were watching the video of Yuzang’s headquarter that had been recorded by Jay. Changmin, Siwon, and their captain were watching carefully at the video on the screen while Jay was sitting quietly there, tapping the pen in his hand against the desk. The look in his eyes were blank. Siwon looked away from the screen to find the source of the tapping sound. He stared at Jay who looked like losing in his daydream.

“Stop making sound! What are you thinking?” Siwon asked.

Jay looked at his brother. “Nothing.. I’m just tired.”



Captain Go turned around to start the meeting after finished watching the video. “We know their place now. We’ll have to make a move tomorrow.”

Changmin looked at his Captain. “Tomorrow?”

“Yes. We don’t have much time left.”

Jay was thinking about something before he said. “Let me the one who steal the chip. I have known their place well. Just give me the backing from the distance. When I’ve completed my mission, the other agents can start their move to catch them.”

“What? You want to work alone?” Siwon asked his older brother.

“Yes. It will be easier if I get in there alone because I am part of the organization.”

His captain nodded. “Are you sure, Jay?”

“Yes, Captain.”

“Okay... We just need to get in there and get back the chip. We will definitely help Jay when he needs. Changmin will make a movement too. He will have a trading with Yuzang in other place. It means, the most dangerous member is lessened from the lair. I have a thought that Yuzang and his main members will be focusing on Changmin to sell their drugs. So, Jay will have a bigger chance to get the chip.”

“But, what if something goes wrong? I believe, there are a lot of gang members in the lair.” Siwon said.

“Nothing will happen, Siwon. There will be a backing for me, so don’t worry. Try to trust me this time. Okay!” Jay smiled and poked Siwon’s forehead with his two fingers.

Siwon rubbed his forehead. “All right... Try to come back safe.” He told him.

“Yeah.. I know..” Jay answered as he looked through the window to see one flying bird was left far behind its group on the blue sky. ‘I hope it will run smoothly.’ He thought.




The next day, Changmin and three agents had been ready in their place to undercover as Yuzang’s client. They have been waiting in the empty house for five minutes, but there was still no sign of Yuzang coming. Then, they heard a car coming closer to their place and stopped in front of the house.

“Is it Yuzang?” Changmin asked as he walked to open the door. He saw a man in black getting down from the car. But, he was not Yuzang. He and one of his partner walked into the house, leaving one man in the car.

“Are you Park Gyeongmo?” One of the men asked when he arrived in front of Changmin.

“Yes, I am.” Changmin said. “Come in...” He let his guests coming in.

They sat on the couch in the living room. Changmin stood in front of them and said, “I don’t see Yuzang here. Where is he?”

“He is not coming. He just sends us here.”

Changmin felt something was out of plan as he glanced at the other agents next to him. Then he looked at the man again. “Why is that?”

“It’s none of your business. Let’s just make this transaction fast.” He said coldly.

Changmin smirked. “Why are you so hurry? But, It’s okay. I’ll make it fast like you want. We’ll start this... now!” He quickly took out his gun and aimed to the gangster as the other agents did the same.

“What’s going on here?” The man asked.

“You got in our trap. You and your gangster will be over today.” Changmin said as he motioned his head to his comrade. His friend nodded and grabbed the case from the man.

The man smirked. “You are agents, aren’t you? But, we won’t be catched easily.” He took out his gun and was about to shoot them but Changmin shot him first, paralized him in place.

“We need to go to their main lair and help Jay. I have a feeling that this mission won’t run easily like we think.” Changmin told his friends as he walked to meet the last gang member in the car.




After entering the password, Jay opened the door of the lab. with ease. His eyes watched in alert if there was another person inside the room. Fortunately, he was all alone. He walked quietly into the room to find the chip. He saw the safe under the table as he headed to get it. He squatted and made a big hole in the safe with his laser pen. He took the chip and kept it under his jacket. He got up from under the table and was about to leave, but Yuri and Yuzang had been standing in front of him, blocking his way.

“What are you doing here, Jihoon?” Yuri asked, folding her arms on her chest.

“Just walking around. Do you mind?” Jay said.

“Yes. You are here to take that chip, aren’t you? Give me the chip or I’ll make you regret.” Yuri pointed a rifle in his direction.

Jay glared at her. ‘Do you really intend to kill me, Yuri? Haven’t you forgotten about our encounters? I thought you were kind. But, you’re the opposite.’ His mind said. The look in her eyes was cold as she was glaring darkly at him.

“I will never give that chip to you.” Jay spun around and kicked Yuri’s hand, sending the rifle on the floor.

Yuri aimed his fist on Jay but he catched it with ease. She twisted her arm in his hold and grabbed back his arm, tugging him closer. She knelt on Jay’s stomach, making him releasing her arm as he stepped backwards.

“Look like, you don’t have a brave to hit girl.. That’s good because I won’t let you hit my lady. Now, you will fight against me. I’ve predicted that the corporation would send an agent to get their chip back. But, I never thought that it would be you, Jihoon.” Yuzang said.

Jay stared at him. “Glad to hear that if you know me.” He moved his legs in alert position, prepared for an unpredictable attack. Without hesitate, Yuzang run towards him and raised his foot to kick Jay.

Jay bent down and elbowed his stomach, sending him backward. Yuzang smirked at him and quickly raising his fist in his direction. Jay tried to dodge his attacks with his arm. He could feel that this gangster leader had a strong power just by the hit pressure.

“Stop playing around, Yuzang.. Get that chip!” Yuri told her leader.

Hearing it, Jay caught off guard. Yuzang’s foot kicked his shoulder, sending him falling on his back on the floor. He didn’t know that his communicator was thrown away from his jacket. When he was trying to get up, Yuzang tread on his chest, making him coughed and groaned in agony. Yuzang sneered, “Weak agent.”

Jay flicked his wrist, the electrical shock he'd been hiding in his palm swinging through the air and hitting the Yuzang's ankle.

“Hell you!” He roared, falling to his knees and clutching his shocked ankle in pain.

‘Useful toy.’ Jay said inwardly as he rolled to the side and rushed to get out room.

Yuzang grabbed Yuri’s rifle on the floor and aimed it to Jay. The loud bang was heard as the bullet hit the wall a few centimeters from Jay’s head. Realizing it, Jay turned around quickly and took his gun under his jacket. He aimed it at the lamp hanger on the ceiling above Yuzang’s head. He shot it, breaking the hanger before the giant lamp fell down and broke into pieces on the floor. Yuzang looked up and stepped backwards to avoid the lamp hit his head. His arms were covering his face from the scattered glass in the air.

After he distracted his opponent, Jay took his opportunity to run again. Then he heard the alarm sound ringing loudly as the gang members tried to block his way.

‘Damn!’ He cursed inwardly. His hands looked for his communicator to ask for other agents help, but it had lost from his jacket. “Unlucky me..” He raised his gun as he shot every opponent in his way. He kept running to the back of the building when more members were chasing after him along with Yuzang and Yuri.  

Jay broke through the back door and run outside the bulding. Then, his eyes grew wide as he stopped running in sudden. “Sea?! Oh God! I take the wrong way.” He muttered as he looked down to find sea water along with its giant waves. He was cornerred and there was no way to escape. He looked back to find Yuzang and the gang were getting closer from many directions. ‘I can’t let them catch me and get this chip. Hope I make the right decision.’  He said inwardly before jumped into the water.

Yuzang and Yuri were watching Jay jumping into the sea as they rushed to the edge.

“! He gets our chip.” Yuzang said as he looked down at the sea.

Yuri stared at the water. “Let it be.. He won’t come back safe after fell to this sea. We better go to another lair before the other agents find us here.”

“But, that chip is important!”

“Listen to me Yuzang! You have only two choices right now. Escape and hide for our future... or... here to get that chip and let the agents catch us. I am sure that NII agents had known us and they will be here soon.”

Yuzang was thinking about her words and said, “Okay.. We go now, but I won’t give up about the chip..” He turned around and led all his gang member leaving the place.

Yuri stood still in her place and stared down at the spot where Jay had fallen before walked away to follow her gangster.  

Jay was falling in the deep blue sea. He swam through the water to reach the surface, but he stopped in sudden when he was feeling a cramp on his leg. ‘Oh God.. My leg is cramp. I can’t swim like this.. Why do this happen in wrong time? Why does the fortune always leave me?’ He thought as he struggled to move his leg, tried to push himself upward. Then, giant wave came in his direction, sending his body downward. He failed to against it. He could not really swim in this state. He needed oxygen to breathe but there was only water pouring into his mouth, running out of breath. The pain in his lungs was unbearable after he got trapped here for a long time. Slowly, he gave up to struggle against the water.


       ‘It’s so sick.’


                ‘I can’t breathe.’


‘Everything is getting dark...’




               ‘I can’t feel my body.’


      ‘Siwon... Changmin... Father... Captain... I am sorry.’


Jay’s mind slowly left him as the waves continued playing his body in the water. He was being pushed by the wave till his head hit the stone wall. He finally lost his consciousness and drowned to the deep.




Changmin was running as fast as possible in the hallway. ‘Senior Kim..... I’m coming.’ His mind said. He was in Yuzang’s building to find his best friend. He was so worried about his safety as his mind kept recalling what the man had told him before.




A man was standing next to his car, answering his phone. Changmin stopped his feet and looked at the man. He was curious about the coversation, so he stepped closer to overhear his conversation.

“So, Mr. Yuzang could not get that chip?” The man asked to his caller. “What do you mean by the agent?”

 “That agent is dead? How?” The man asked and nodded. “If he was no where to be seen, I believe that he won’t stay alive after fell to that sea. All right, thank you.” He hung up his phone.

Changmin widened his eyes when he was hearing about his friend’s death. ‘Is he talking about Senior Kim? He can’t be dead!’ He thought as he run to the man and punched him hard on the face. Then, he clutched the man’s collar.

“Tell me! Who is dead?!” Changmin asked.

The man sneered. “What’s wrong with you? It’s none of your business!”

His eyes stared dangerously at the man. “Tell me now if you don’t want me to kill you!”

“Who do you think you are?” The man said as he kept struggling the grip in his collar, but Changmin was too strong to against.

“I am an agent. Now, tell me!!” He snarled and aimed his gun in his villain’s head.

The man seemed frightened and said,  “The agent who had stolen the chip from Yuzang was falling into the sea. He is dead!”

“What?! Damn you! I don’t believe that he is dead! I won’t forgive every crook like you who dare to lay a finger on Senior Kim! You understand it?!!” Changmin punched him again in anger. He kept hit him with all his strength till he was knocked out on the ground.


---End of Flashback---


Changmin kept running inside the building, but he didn’t find anyone there. Yuzang and all his henchmen had dissapeared from this place. He just saw the empty room everywhere. Then, he opened the door and run out the back of the building to see a blue sea in front of him. He stopped his feet in the edge to find sea at the bottom.

“Senior Kim? Where are you? ..... SENIOR KIM...!!!” Changmin was screaming Jay’s name as he looked at the water. The worried feeling began filling his heart. He was afraid now, afraid of his friend’s life.




The room in NII headquarter was empty when Siwon was stepping in. He looked aound him to find that he was the only one there. He put his folder on the table and walked closer to water dispenser. 

“Maybe, they all have been starting the mission.” He said as he was pouring hot water from the water dispenser into his cup. He just got a half cup of water, but the cup slowly cracked before it finally broke into pieces in his hand. He quickly get off his cup, let it falling onto the floor. He stared at the scattered cup pieces around his feet.

"Why do my cup break in sudden? and Why do I have a bad feeling?" He asked to himself.

Then he heard his phone was ringing in his pocket. He quickly took it out and answered the call.

"Yoboseyo, Changmin?" Siwon asked.

"Se-senior Choi... I... I.." Changmin voice sounded panic.

"What is it Changmin? Please, say clearly. I barely understand what you said."

"I have a bad news... Senior Kim was... was... missing.. He fell to the sea after had a fight with the gang. Neither the gangster nor we could find him.. I am sorry... If I was there, I could have helped him.. When I got there, it was too late.."

In response, Siwon’s hand fell down to his side as he didn't listen to Changmin's words anymore. He felt so limp after heard the news. His older brother was missing in the sea with a possibility of his death. He thought it was the meaning of his bad feeling that he never expected. "Jay-hyung............"




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brighterdaysahead #1
Chapter 9: I wish Yuri and Jay ended up together. Will you make a sequel? :D The story line is amazing, by the way. You're really creative. I love reading your fanfics <3
leemidah #2
Chapter 9: Waw OMG it's good story
But i want Yuri be nice couple with jay ^__^
Chapter 9: Omg.
Would mind making a sequel for Yuru and Jay? Keke

And this story is awesome
ururustar #4
Chapter 6: Gaaah... You made cliff hanger!! Dear author, please, don't kill anyone here.
Chapter 5: (O.O) lol at the first scene where Jay found himself in the girl bedroom :D
It's getting serious. What will happen the next??
Chapter 4: I'm so busy these days.. I had subscribed this fic from the foreword post, and now, it has reached the 4th chapter. I feel like missing this..
You write good story! I love it!
ururustar #7
Chapter 3: Trax's Jay and BigBang's Taeyang, this is a rare combination.
I love all the characters in this story :)
Waiting for the next update.
brighterdaysahead #8
Chapter 3: The third chapter is really good. It's so nice to read this chapter on Jay's birthday <3
ururustar #9
Chapter 2: I just found this story and read it.. and I like it!