One Night


Chapter 4

One Night




A computer screen showed a failed task whenever Yuri pushed the enter button on the keyboard. She sighed in frustration after failed to open the data in the chip. She leant her back on the seat as she looked at the screen before her.

“This chip is protected. It’s not a password, but something else..” Then, she read some numbers written on the screen. She leant off the seat and looked carefully at the numbers. “It’s like a date?” Yuri smirked. “Yeah.. This chip can be opened after this date, 21 April. No doubt, the protection program is coming from a big company. So, I have to wait..” She took out the chip and saved it in the safe.

Yuri got up from her seat and left the room. Then, she saw Taeyang walking in her direction.

“Hi, Taeyang. Where did you go?” Yuri asked.

“I got our money back..” He showed her a black case in his hand. “Is Yuzang-hyung in this place?”

She shook her head. “No, he is busy with another client. Why did you take a long time just to get that case?”

“It’s not that easy.. They are getting stronger with more members. Fortunately, I have a friend who helped me.”

“You have a friend? Who is he? Does he know that you are a gangster?”

He shrugged. “I don’t know. But, based on his act, I think he has known me. You’ll see him later.. He is nice guy.”

She smiled. “Okay. You better ensure that he’ll be in our side and won’t betray us if you are planning to hire him as our member. You did a good job this time. I am going home now..” She tapped his shoulder and walked through the corridor, leaving Taeyang.




A white car was slowing down its speed before it finally stopped on the side road. Yuri got down from her car and looked at the flat tire. “My tire is flat. Whereas, I almost reach my apartment.” She said as she placed her hands on her waist. “Troublesome..” She muttered.

Then, a man voice was heard. “Do you need help, Yuri?”

Yuri turned her head after heard someone greeting her. “Jihoon?” She looked at Jay who was standing before her with a smile on his face.  “Why are you here?”

“Uh.. I am just walking around, then I see you here..” He said and bent down to check her flat tire. “Do you have a spare tire, jack, and wrench in your car?” He asked.

“Yes, I have it all in my baggage.” She walked to the back of her car and opened the baggage for him. “Are you sure that you can change my tire?”

“Yes, I can. It’s an easy thing to do.” Jay said as he took out all the things needed and put it on the ground. Yuri was looking at him while he began working to change her flat tire. He placed the jack under the frame near the tire that he was going to change and raised the jack till it was supporting the car. He removed the hub cap and loosened the nuts using wrench. Then, he lifted the jack high enough to remove the flat tire and replace it with a spare. A few minutes later, Jay finished his work and clapped his hands from the dust.

“Finished.” Jay said.

“Thank you so much, Jihoon..” Yuri said with a smile.

“Don’t mention it.. Uhm... Yuri... Are you going home after worked in hospital?”

“Y-yes.. I was from hospital. Do you know, Jihoon? I’m so glad to see you again..”

Jay was blushing to hear it and smiled. “Really? Me too..”

“Do you wanna come to my apartment? It is just a few meters from here..” She offered him a visit.

Jay was thinking about it before he finally answered it with a nod and smile.




Yuri unlocked her apartment door and the lamp. “Come in..” She said to Jay who was still in front of the door.

Jay smiled at her. “Yes..” He replied and walked into the room and sat on the couch.

Yuri was hearing her phone ringing on her bag, she took it out, looking at the caller. She tought for a moment before decided to answer it in her bedroom. She glanced at Jay . “If you are thirsty, feel free to take your drink on the table over there or in the refrigerator.. I’ll answer my call first..” She said, ponting a table near the kitchen.

“Yes.. Thank you..” Jay said as he saw she leaving him.

Feeling his throat was dry, Jay looked around him. “Why do I feel thirsty in sudden?” He found two bottle of water on the table and walked to get it.

Jay was looking carefully at the bottles. “What kind of drink is it?” He took one bottle which had a juice label and opened it, smelling the aroma. “It smells like grape.. It must have a great taste.”

Jay pouring it into the glass till it fully filled. Without thinking twice, he drank it. Then, he stopped drinking when he felt something strange about its taste. “Why is this juice a bit bitter? Just like wine.”

He shook his head. “But, it’s written as juice.. Maybe it’s just my feeling.” He decided to drink it again until the glass was empty before he headed back into the living room.

After closed her door. Yuri was answering his phone in her bedroom. It was the call from Yuzang.

“Why do you call me, Yuzang?” She asked.

“Nothing.. I’m just missing you..”

Yuri rolled her eyes. “Really?”

 “Yeah, why should I lie to you? Yuri, I’ll come your apartment after I finish with my business here..”

“What?!” She looked surprised at his statement. She could not let him come here because she was with Jihoon right now. She didn’t want Yuzang to see that she was with another man now. He would definitely get her wrong. She also didn’t want Jihoon to know the truth about her life as a gangster member. If they knew, it would be a big problem for her. She was thinking a reason to reject his offer.

“No, don’t come here. I am really tired now and I wanna go to sleep soon. I’m sorry... I’ll come to you tomorrow. I promise..” She said.

“All right if it’s what you want.. Good night, don’t forget to dream about me.”

She chuckled. “Okay.. Goodnight..” She hung up her phone and put it on her bed before stepped into where Jay was waiting her.

Yuri looked at Jay, feeling something different about him. He was sitting on the couch while his eyes were staring down at the carpet.

“Hey, Jihoon... Are you okay?” She asked.

“Neh?” Jay looked up. “What make you think that I’m not okay huh?” He aksed.

Yuri blinked her eyes to see him like this. His eyes were droopy and his cheeks had a tint of red. “What’s wrong with you?”

“I don’t know.. I feel like flying now... Do you know? Flying like a thin paper..” He said. “Uuh...  Why can’t I feel my head?” Jay was babbling like losing his mind as he hold his head. “I feel like this after drank your juice over there...”

Yuri frowned. “Juice?” She glanced at the bottles put on the table and widened her eyes. “He can’t be..” She rushed to her drinks and found that he had drank her drugged wine. ‘Oh God, He drank the wrong drink. Ah.. How could I forget to hide my experiment? Now, what should I do to him? I guess that he is drunk.. I hope it won’t affect him so much.’ She tought and walked back to Jay.

“Jihoon?” She called.

Jay giggled when he heard she calling him. “What? Do you wanna say that I’m so handsome? Do you ask me to be your boyfriend? Right.. Right.. Right?” He said as he played his index finger in her direction. “Boyfriend.. Girlfriend.. Hahahaah.. so romantic..”

She hissed at his act and folded her arms on her chest. “I think you are really drunk..”

“Drunk huh? You said drunk? No, I am not drunk.. Come on, sit here with me..” Jay tapped the empty space beside him, wanted her to sit there. Then he quickly moved his hand to cover his mouth. He just felt so queasy in sudden.

His action was startling her. “Jihoon, stop! Don’t throw up here!” She shouted.

Jay slowly removed his hand from his mouth after felt the comfort in his stomach again. She sighed in relief to see him cancelling his vomit.




All the employees of Taiyo Corporation had left the office long time ago, but Siwon still sat on his desk with his papers and documents because he decided to work overtime this night.  He rested his chin on his hand on the table, thinking about something. ‘I have to make a move as soon as possible.’ He said in his mind. He looked at his watch. It was 9.03 pm. He cleaned his desk from the papers. He was about to leave, but his phone was ringing. He looked at the screen, it was a call from Changmin.

“Yoboseyo?” Siwon answered the call.

“HI SENIOR CHOI?!” A very loud voice was heard from Siwon’s phone as he quickly removed the phone from his ear.

“Changmin! I’m not deaf. So, stop speaking loudly!”

“I’m sorry, Senior.. I’m just so excited.. I have completed my assignment and I wanna join your undercover mission soon.”

“Really? That is good. Okay, we’ll discuss this in my house tomorrow. I have a lot of work to do now, so I’ll call you later..”

“Okay! Uhm, Where is Senior Kim? I can’t reach him.”

“I don’t know.. Maybe, he has something to do or goes with his new friend.”

“Oh.. All right, good night!”

“Night..” Siwon hung up his phone and put it in his pocket, leaving the room. He walked through the corridor and headed to get in the research room. He looked around him to ensure that no one was there. He opened the filing cabinet and looked at the files one by one. Then, he was jolted up to feel something connected to his back.

“Put your hands up! Or I’ll shoot you.” A woman said from behind him.

Siwon put his hands up and slowly turned around to face her. He widened his eyes after saw her. “Arashi?”

“Hi, Yun Sado!” She smiled widely.

He looked down to see a mineral water bottle in her hand instead of a rifle. He looked away as he put his hands down, feeling annoyed. “Do you play a prank on me?” He asked.

“Yes.. Are you afraid?” She chuckled. Then her face turned to a serious expression in sudden. “What are you doing here in this time?”

“I’m just looking some files to help me working.”

“Really? Don’t lie to me. I’m not stupid, agent Choi Siwon.”

Siwon startled as his eyes grew wide to hear she calling him agent. “Y-you know me?”




Yuri and Jay were walking in her bedroom with his arm around her shoulders. She helped him lying down on her bed because he was getting drunk. She thought it would be better to let him sleep till he was sober.

“You are troublesome...” Yuri muttered. “But... If I think about it again, It’s all my fault you become like this.” She was about to leave Jay, but he grabbed her wrist, pulling her closer. She nearly fell on top of him if she could not support her weight with her other hand on the bed. She looked  at his face who made her blush for a moment. ‘Why do I feel like this? I can hear my own heartbeat.’ Then she looked away. ‘No! I can’t like him. He is just a college student.’ She thought.

“Don’t go...” He said with his half closed eyes.

She quickly got up from him. “Get off my hand, Jihoon.” She tried to remove Jay’s hand from her wrist.

“Where are you going? Stay with me, accompany me...” He said again.

“What? Are you crazy?!” She was surprised after heard what he just said. Then, she sighed in despairing. “Yes, you are crazy now.. No wonder, you are drunk..” She finally could release her hand from his grip and threw his hand on the bed.

Jay hold his stomach as he tried to sit, feeling queasy again. But, before he could sit, he threw up something from his mouth.

“Kyaaa! You threw up!” She shouted at him. “Oh My.. You are really troublesome!”




Siwon and Arashi were sitting on the round table in the research room.

“How did you know me?” Siwon asked.

“I was the person who reported to NII about our chip that had been stolen. I had a thought that NII would not easily believe that our corporation is not related with that drugs organization after I stated that I had suspicion. So, I watched every new employee here just to ensure that they are NII agents or another thief. As you know, my thought is right.. NII sends you to spy on us. I’m not afraid to have agent here because we are doing right.”

“So, you don’t have a relation with that gangster?”

She nodded. “Yes.. I’m Mashimoto Arashi, daughter of this Corporation President Director, who is also a branch manager will guarantee that we are not related at all. I have a suspicion because one of the gangster member is our ex-employee in this research and development department, his name is Yuzang. That’s why I suspicious him as the chip thief. I am sure, he know well our company in details.”

“About the chip, how important is it?”

“It is very important and our top secret. The chip contains the drug ingredients that is only allowed to use as medical and pharmareutical need. It can become dangerous if it is used in another purpose and without our license. You know what I mean right?” 

Siwon nodded. “Yes, I know.”

She placed a folder on the desk. "Here is the profile of Yuzang when he worked in this company. It's the proof that I'm not lying."

He took the folder and opened it. "Yeah.. I believe you. I'll bring this file.. I think it can be useful."

“Yes, you can take it. I hope you and other agents could find that chip on time.”

He frowned. “On time?”

“For now, the chip is still safe. They can’t open the data in the chip because it was set to be opened on 21 April. So, please get that chip before that date... before they could open it.”

“I understand now.. We’ll do our best to get the chip and stop that organization.”

She smiled. “Thank you so much, agent Siwon..”

“Don’t mention it, it is our job. Once more, just call me Siwon..”

"Okay.. Siwon." Arashi smiled and looked at the clock on the wall. It was 10.02 pm. Then, she looked at Siwon. “It’s getting late. We better go home now..”

“Yeah.. Do you want me to take you home?” Siwon asked.

“No.. Thanks.. I bring my car..”

He smiled. “Okay..”

Siwon and Arashi got up from their seat and walked out the room together.



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brighterdaysahead #1
Chapter 9: I wish Yuri and Jay ended up together. Will you make a sequel? :D The story line is amazing, by the way. You're really creative. I love reading your fanfics <3
leemidah #2
Chapter 9: Waw OMG it's good story
But i want Yuri be nice couple with jay ^__^
Chapter 9: Omg.
Would mind making a sequel for Yuru and Jay? Keke

And this story is awesome
ururustar #4
Chapter 6: Gaaah... You made cliff hanger!! Dear author, please, don't kill anyone here.
Chapter 5: (O.O) lol at the first scene where Jay found himself in the girl bedroom :D
It's getting serious. What will happen the next??
Chapter 4: I'm so busy these days.. I had subscribed this fic from the foreword post, and now, it has reached the 4th chapter. I feel like missing this..
You write good story! I love it!
ururustar #7
Chapter 3: Trax's Jay and BigBang's Taeyang, this is a rare combination.
I love all the characters in this story :)
Waiting for the next update.
brighterdaysahead #8
Chapter 3: The third chapter is really good. It's so nice to read this chapter on Jay's birthday <3
ururustar #9
Chapter 2: I just found this story and read it.. and I like it!