And so it ends...

I Need a Girl

This chapter makes me very emotional. I'm just warning you before-hand. xD

Time went by so fast. First we knew who the culprit was, and soon enough Bae and I were in the car, speeding back home. I could tell Bae was really angry, and so was I. I’d never seen him like this before, but it felt good to know he felt the same way I did.

            We practically ran to the apartment and the elevator couldn’t have gone fast enough. Once we got to the flat we burst the door open, and saw Miyah and Chloe sitting on the couch, watching TV.

            “What the hell is wrong with you?” Bae yelled, showing Chloe the screen of her iPhone. He was so angry that his accent was starting to get stronger and the veins in his arms practically throbbed.

            “Nothing. Why, what’s wrong with you?” Chloe asked, smirking at him.

            “This is what’s ing wrong with me!” He yelled, throwing her phone across the room and into the wall. I watched as it practically shattered to pieces. Those Otter phone cases aren’t as protective as you think.

            “I hope you realize that you’re going to pay for that,” Chloe said, looking at her phone, solemnly.

            “And you’re going to pay for what you did to Jacklyne. Why did you think it was ok to photo-shop a picture like that? Do you realize all the risks you just put me and Jacklyne at? People aren’t going to shut up about this!” Youngbae fumed. I’d never seen him this furious before, I didn’t think it was possible.

            “But Bae, I thought CL was your friend?” Chloe said, sticking out her bottom lip. I’m ready to slap her right now.

            “Don’t call him Bae,” I murmured. That was my nickname for him. I was trying my hardest to not murder her right now. But I couldn’t control my violent thoughts.

            “I’ll call him whatever I want to call him,” she sassed.

            “Leave,” Bae and through clenched teeth.

            “I’m sorry? Are you the boss around here? Last time I checked, Jiyong was the one in charge,” Chloe said, smirking evilly. Why was she so evil? What did I do to her that caused her to be like this?

            “No, but Jiyong knows that if not everyone in this house is comfortable, we have to change things. Since you are main reason, pack your things and leave,” Bae said. He was not taking any from anyone. His claws were out and he was going to fight for what was right. I loved him so much. I mean... that was random.

            “I guess we’ll have to see what Jiyong says when he gets home because I’m not leaving until he gets here,” Chloe said, getting up and going to her room, slamming the door behind her.

            “Why do you hate me so much?” Miyah asked, pouting on the couch.

            “Are you really that egotistical?” Bae asked, grabbing my arm and pulling me into his room, slamming his door behind him.

            “Bae, it’s ok. It’s not Miyah’s fault,” I said, holding onto his arm. He had really big muscles, but I think we’ve already established that. And it was kind of Miyah’s fault for Chloe, but we’re not going to say that out loud.

            He put his arms around my waist and hugged me tightly. “I’m sorry for bringing you here and starting all of this,” he whispered.

            I laughed. “You seriously think this is your fault?” I asked, laughing again at his confused expression.

            “Well, I’m sure if I didn’t bring you here, this all wouldn’t have happened,” he said. His face was so cute when he was confused.

            “Oh, something was bound to happen sometime. Don’t blame it on yourself,” I said, giving him a gentle kiss.

            We were standing there... kissing, until we heard the front door burst open. That was always a good sign.

            “YOUNGBAE! GET YOUR OUT HERE!” Jiyong yelled. Well, he seemed to be in a good mood.

            “Hyung, cool down,” Daesung said.

            Youngbae and I came out of his room and met an angry Jiyong in the living room. This should be interesting.

            “What makes you think you can just leave while we’re in the middle of recording? We have a debut to plan and you’re just sitting around letting girls overrule your life!” Jiyong yelled.

            “Hyung, I want Chloe to move out,” Bae said, sounding un-phased by Jiyong’s loud yelling. That kid has pretty strong lungs so he could probably yell for a really long time.

            “She’s been here for a day, she still has jet lag for God’s sake. Take it easy on her, Youngbae,” Jiyong said, definitely not cooling down at all. Maybe Bae telling him that right when he walked in the door was a bad idea.

            “She was the one who edited the picture of me and CL. So technically, she was putting BigBang’s career at risk. Another scandal wouldn’t be good for our debut,” Bae said, getting all his facts in.

            “Chloe, get out here,” Jiyong said, as Chloe came around the corner and stood beside Jiyong with her hands behind her back. “Did you edit the photo?” Ji asked, looking disappointed.

            She nodded. “Yes, oppa, I-”

            “Don’t call me oppa,” Jiyong muttered through clenched teeth. “Pack your things. I’ll pay for a flight for you to go back to Canada tonight,” he said, walking away into his room.

            Well, that went well. Even though I knew Jiyong would be mad at me for some reason, at least Chloe wouldn’t have to be in the house anymore. Oh god... why am I feeling guilty all of the sudden?

            “What’s wrong?” Bae asked me, looking concerned.

            “I’m just going to talk to Jiyong. To... thank him,” I said, backing into the hallway and quickly opening Jiyong’s door without knocking.

            “There’s a thing called knocking, you should try it sometime,” Jiyong said, not turning away from his laptop.

            “Ji, I’m sorry, but something had to be done. She was ruining everything...” I said, slightly regretting it the second after it came out of my mouth.

            “Ruining everything, was she? From what I could see, she was just ruining you, until you made her take it too far,” he said, finally turning to me.

            “I made her take it too far?” I laughed, hoarsely. “Yeah, it’s all my fault for making Chloe want to ruin my life. Sorry for being such a threat to your precious band,” I said, putting my hands up in surrender.

            He stood up and in a split second he was holding my wrists to the wall with a tight grip. “Why do you annoy me so much?” He asked, his eyes turning a darker shade of brown so they looked almost black.

            “I don’t know...” I stammered, getting slightly terrified by his sudden change of actions.

            “I do,” he said, moving his face closer to mine. “It’s because I...” before he could finish, he immediately crashed his lips onto mine.

            I put my hands on his shoulders in attempt to push him away, but he wouldn’t budge.

            Then the worst thing that could possibly ever happen, happened. The door swung open, and Jiyong quickly pulled away from me.

            Before I looked at who was at the door, I slapped Jiyong in the face. “You’re such a ing bastard!” I yelled, crossing my arms over my chest. Then I turned and saw Youngbae standing at the door with a sad expression on his face.

            He looked from me to Jiyong, and slowly backed away.

            “Bae, it’s not-”

            “Youngbae, I don’t know what came over her. She just came in and kissed me,” Jiyong interrupted me. I... what? No.

            “What are you saying?” I asked quietly, looking at Jiyong.

            “Youngbae, do you want me to buy a ticket for Jacklyne too?” Jiyong asked, ignoring my petrifying gaze.

            All Bae did was slowly nod, and walk away.

DX Oh nooooooooo!!!!! What's going to happen? :(
Any predictions?

And tbh, this is making me sad, so hopefully you're sad as well. XD

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Chapter 17: wow love this fanfic :)
Chapter 17: Love it love it love it! Perfect mix of humor fluff and angst! And it didn't hurt that some of the one liners had me in stitches XD Hope to see more fics like this! PS I love the subtle use of the main character's name, Jacklyne I wonder........... ;D
Chapter 17: Heeeey, what about a sequel? :)
Carmelnap #4
Chapter 17: Awww, im glad Youngbae realized he was wrong. i would enjoy a Jiyong or Top fanfic.
lovis89 #5
Chapter 16: why is jiyong such a ____... uggghhh!! i was happy they kick chloe and the other girl i forgot her name lol
Chapter 15: .......... )":
Chapter 13: Yah! Jacklyne, update right now!!! I wanna see what happens to that ____!!! xD
Chapter 12: Foood!=p more=3 ♥