Kiss ♥

I might hate you

"Where's Jonghyun ?"
"He didn't feel well."
"Again ?"
Krystal was getting a bit annoyed about Jonghyun skipping lunch these past days.
He was never in the canteen, he always said that he didn't feel well or that he had to catch up with homework.
It was like she was the only one who found it suspicious that Jonghyun was totally off-word and spacey these days.

And she didn't like it. She didn't like it a single bit.
Yes, she was over Jonghyun. But that didn't mean that the butterflies were fully gone, right ?
She still wanted attention of the boy, she still wanted him to care for her and such.
This was already the third day he skipped lunch, and Krystal was getting impatient.
"Don't you guys think it's a bit weird that Jonghyun always skips lunch ?" She asked the others.
"He doesn't feel well, what's the big deal ?" Jinki said, caring less.
"I don't know, he always gets 'sick' at lunch."
"That new guy who pushed me off the stairs hasn't been in the canteen too lately." Sulli remarked.
Krystal cocked an eyebrow.
Heechul, not bothering to look up from his lunch, "Who cares about that ."
Sulli scoffed, "Don't judge people by their looks"
Heechul shrugged, looking into the girl's eyes "Oh so you think that maybe there is a hardcore-guy beneath all that glitter and make up?"
He had a point there.
"I don't care about the Sophomore, neither do I care about the Sophomore being a , I am talking about Jonghyun being really weird lately, guys. Haven't you noticed ? He's so ... spacey and ... I don't know I can't put my finger on it. I think he's in love."
Sulli burst into a laughter, spluttering the water she was drinking into Jinki's direction who jumped up, trying to avoid it but failing since the water was already all over him.
Sulli clasped her hand over , clutching her stomach with the other one.
"Sulli !! Eww you're so disgusting !" The eldest shrieked.
Sulli, still laughing, brought out something as in "I'm so sorry oppa," and continued hitting her fist on the table.
Krystal raised her eyebrow as Heechul was snickering at Jinki going all mad at the younger girl.
"Jonghyun ?!! In love ?!! Are you kidding me Krystal !! Jonghyun will never ever have feelings for a girl. The emotion called love is replaced bya huge ego, just so you know !" Sulli stated, before bursting out into another laughter.
"I'm with Sulli." Heechul said matter of factly, raising his hand above his head while his eyes were still fixed on his vegetables.
Kyrstal sighed, "You guys are so childish, it's not like Jonghyun is a heartless beast."
The 3 other's locked eyes before turning their heads in the girl's direction, all 3 of them raising an eyebrow.
"Which part of 'He s every single girl senselessly' don't you understand ?" Jinki asked her, frowning.
The girl sighed, getting up from her chair, "There is something wrong, and I'm going to find out what it is." She ventured away from the table, leaving her friends confused behind.
"You know, you never told me what you like,... what are your hobbies ?" Kibum asked innocently, sitting beside Jonghyun on the bench.
"Well ... I love to sing and dance ... and I also love sports ... what about you ?" I asked him, now face to face with his beautiful countenance.
"Hm ... I love dancing and drawing. Nothing special." He shrugged, trying to avoid my piercing eyes.
He was getting a bit uncomfortable. I just couldn't help it. I needed to take in his beautiful appearance, he just makes me feel so tingly. I wanted to give him a hug, I even wanted to kiss him. I wanted to give him everything, but I couldn't give it all in once, so I decided to wait.
Besides, it's not like I'm really falling in love... right ?"
This was the third time already we hung out during lunch break.
The first time was rather awkward, but it's not like we didn't enjoy it. I mean, I enjoyed it. I just hope he did too.
I was already happy knowing that he accepted me.
He complimented me all the time, and it made me feel so weird.
"I really like your hair, you know." He suddenly said, running his long slender fingers through my brown-blonde dyed locks.
I chuckled, "Thanks. I like yours too."
He smiled cutely, instantly fixing his hair.
I had the urge to hug him, to kiss him, to touch him. I wanted it so badly. But I had to restrain myself from doing so.
I banged lots of girls, and every time I felt the same.
But this was a different kind of feeling, ... and I couldn't put my finger on it.
"I don't know why I never asked this before, but ... do you have a girlfriend ?"
I frowned, shaking my head "Err, no."
"You sure ? You get pretty good along with that black haired girl ? What's her name again ..." He looked at the ground, "Krystal !" He exclaimed, remembering her.
I snickered, "Naah, she's not my girlfriend, just a good friend of mine."
He nodded, "And the one I accidentally pushed off the stairs, Sulli ? She's pretty cute."
"Noooo .. She's like my sister. We don't have a thingy." I made clear.
"Hm okay ... But, that Krystal-girl. She seems to like you." He stated, I didn't bother to notice the hint of dissapointment in his voice.
"Well, yeah. She has a crush on me, but she already knows that I don't love her in that kind of way, " I explained to him.
He just sat there, nodding.
"I bet you already banged heaps of girls ?" A grin spread across his face.
I chuckled, "Err ..."
"Just say yes, I know you did."
My cheeks became rosy, what should I answer him ?
I nodded slightly, "Well, let's not overreact. I already had , yeah. But it's not a big deal." I said, trying to mitigate the fact.
"Did ... you ?"
He shook his head, "Naa ... I'm still a ." He stated it like he didn't care. Normally, when guys talk about their ity, they become really shy and dont' like to talk about it all, and they always feel embarrassed. But I didn't notice any sign of shame or embarrassment as he said it so dryly, not giving a single .
"... It's Friday." I spoke, boringly, "I'm finally going home." I sighed in relief, letting all the stress go away for a while and placing my arms behind my head.
"Yeah ... You're so lucky."
"I feel so sorry for you, it's so stupid to be in school even on the weekends." I gave him a worried expression, showing him some sympathy.
He smiled, "I'll get used to it."
Then an idea popped into my mind, ... what if I asked him to stay at my house ?
But then again ... I've only known him for 3 days straight. It's too early.
I promise I'll ask him one day, just not now. I don't want to scare him off.
And in the first place, Heechul is coming over this weekend too, if he would see a Sophomore of our school in my house, he would totally lose it.
I smiled at the thought.
My friends still don't know I'm hanging out with him, that I'm having a pretty great time with my new friend, being a ing Sophomore. I bet they would kill me if they would discover it.
Anyways, my friends aren't really bothering me anymore. It's more the fact that I can't get him out of my head.
I can't concentrate on anything anymore. Not on my homework, not on my dancemoves, nothing.
It's always Kibum Kibum Kibum.

And I don't know why.


"No, I'm home and yes Minho is with me.
Because I forgot to bring my lunch, that's why.
Yeah yeah, I'll be right back, don't worry about me.
Yes, I'm going to be back at school before classes start again.
Don't worry ! I'll be there ! Chillax !
I'm going to hang up now, we're leaving.
Yeah yeah sure bye."

"Ugh, Jessica is so annoying, she was freaking out because I didn't answer her calls. She's helpless."
Taemin whined.
"Hm I know, let's go." Minho pulled the smaller boy by his arm, pulling him out of the door.
"It's warm, let's go on foot, and besides, my hurts because of that bike. Next time, you're on the bike racks."
Taemin complained, placing his hands on his . Minho just chuckled, stuffing his hands into his pockets.
They passed by the park, and decided to get some Starbucks.
"You know Minho, sometimes I wish that you weren't tall." The elder frowned, looking down on his bubbly friend.
"What are you talking about Taemin ?"
"Well, you're so loyal, you're like a dog." Taemin began explaining while Minho was listening amusedly, "so, sometimes I have the urge to put a leash on you and take you out for a walk."
Minho stopped his tracks, cocking an eyebrow, "That doesn't make any sense, Taemin."
The smaller boy shrugged, "I don't know. It's kind of funny. I wanna have a dog, a cute one. In this case, a frog-alien-puppy."
Minho rolled his eyes, catching up with the red-head.
Suddenly, Taemin stopped (and so did Minho, obviously) "Hey, ... isn't that Kibum ?"
They both looked at a bench where 2 blondes were sitting, facing them with their backs.
"It seems like it is ..." Minho kind-of whispered, approaching them.
"And isn't that Jonghyun ?"
Minho's eyes widened (if that was even possible for a frog) "Could it ? Noo ..."
"I think it is ..."
"Noo Taemin, that's just plain crazy. No way in hell that those 2 are Jonghyun and Kibum."
"Damn, we're going to be late for classes." I stated, looking on my wrist watch.
Kibum checked his cellphone, "My next classes are within 2 hours."
"Oh, I have Math in 25 minutes. I should go back."
"Hm okay, too bad. I'll come with you." He smiled, jumping up.
"Let's take the back entrance, so that nobody would notice we were together." I snickered.
"Smart." He responded, flicking his hair out of his eyes (which was pretty hot)
It took us about 10 minutes to arrive at school again, we made a little detour around the building so that we wouldn't be noted.
"You still have 15 minutes," Kibum remarked.
I nodded, pulling at the heavy door, but it didn't give a sign of movement.
I pushed and pulled, but it seemed that they locked it.
" ... I think they locked it." I said, running a hand through my hair.
Kibum bit his lip cutely, "Just go through the main entrance, I'll wait here for a while." He eventually got out.
"Ugh, you're the sweetest." I told him, flashing him a smile.
He looked at me hesitantly before leaning in and giving me a quick peck on the cheek,
and god ... that tingly feeling wasn't tingly anymore. It was like firecrackers exploding in my heart.
"Ohmygod wait those are Jonghyun and Kibum ..." Minho shrieked as the 2 blondes stood up from the bench and started heading away.
"See ?! Dog, you should listen to your boss more often."
The tallest just rolled his eyes and started 'stalking' the 2.
"They disappeared behind the building."
"Ooooh, are they going to have ?" Taemin, the naive boy he iis, shrieked.
"No Taemin. They're probably not going to have ." Minho rolled his eyes, but couldn't help but imagine the 2 doing nast stuff behind the school building. He threw the thoughts out of his mind and glared at the youngest for bringing up such an inappropriate subject.
They sneaked to the side of the building, where they could see them.
"They wanna go through the back entrance." Taemin whispered.
The tallest nodded, "Seems."
Suddenly Kibum gave Jonghyun a kiss on the cheek.
"OH MY GOD MINHO DID THEY JUST ..." Minho clasped his hand over Taemin's mouth, muting the sound of his shrill voice.
"Are you nuts ?!" He hissed.
Taemin pouted cutely, "I'm sorry ..."
After seeing Jonghyun run away, an evil smirk played on Minho's lips.

"Kibum kissed me, he ing kissed me. Okay, it was on the cheek but still, ... he kissed me."
I carefully placed my finger on the spot where his soft lips came in contact with my skin.
"I can't believe I'm being so exciting about one single kiss."
it's not just because he makes me feel funny, that I'm falling in love,
... right ?

A/N : dude, this chapter was so ing boring ide. I was so unmotivated while writing this chapter, I don't know. It's just so ugh ... anyways, hope you enjoyed and I appreciate comment and shizzle very much + I didn't re-read because it is 1:30 AM and I really wanna go to bed rn. sorry :B ♥ 
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this remains one of my best jongkey fics
Chapter 15: OMG!! This story was awesome!! I really love it! And the last line tho. Hahah.. :D
Chapter 15: " it, es, I'm in love with a sophmore."
Best. Line. EVER!!!!
Well done xD I love it <3
theeKPOPlover #4
shineeshipper #6
Chapter 15: Agh I love this fic :D, I'm going through all your stories right now and I have to say in loving them all >.<
KimKeyBummi #7
Chapter 15: Omg I love this sorry it was so cure and defiantly one of the best I have read!(:
this story is awesome :D loved so much ^^
TsuTsuMio #9
Chapter 15: This story made me smile like a mad woman thank you for that ^_^