Chapter 2: The Three Bears

Living with B1A4: I'm the One, All for One!


@Lee Residence
The Lee family started to pack their bags, but of course, Lee Eomma did the packing for her daughter first.
@Jung Hye's Room
"I think you don't need to wear these clothes when you live there" Jung Hye's shorts flew over the room while her Eomma is packing her clothes, throwing all her shorts and sleeveless.
"But that's my favorite shorts, you brought that from China"
"Jung Hye-ya, you need to dress properly, you will live with 5 guys for God's sake!" then she tapped her own forehead."You must wear clothes that are not revealing, I don't want you to be harmed."
Jung Hye just smiled when her mother said that.
While her mother is packing all of her clothes, she put all the other things she might need in a separate bag.
"Done packing all of your clothes!" her mother suddenly announced which made Jung Hye suprised.
"Why there are so many bags there? What do all of these contain?" then her mother ransacked all the things she put in the bags. Lee Eomma saw CDs, her laptop, her Ipod, her books and all her other things.
"You're not going to stay there forever, why there are so many useless things here? It is as if you're going to transfer to someone's house" She stopped ransacking the bag when she saw a photo album filled with photos of her and her Eomma and Appa in China and in other countries they visited.
Jung Hye's Eomma did not say anything, she just hugged her daughter and whispered to her ear,
"Be good and safe ok? Don't let anyone harm or touch you, don't talk to stangers especially guys"
"Eomma, i'm going to stay with 5 guys"
"But still don't let them touch you or sit beside you! Except your Oppa of course, but other than him, don't let them ok? Do what you learn in Taekwondo if they try to do something bad to you"
"Ne Eomma" then they both laughed after that.
Suddenly, the door flew open showing Appa carrying his bags bags, "Are you already done packing your things Jung Hye-ya?"
"Ne Appa. Eomma did it"
"What? You still don't pack your things?" Appa asked Eomma in a high tone.
"Kurae kurae i'm going to pack now! Aiissh!" Then Eomma went to their room quickly.
(A/N: Kurae- Fine!; Approval (informal))




@WM Entertainment
"So you're saying, your younger sister will live with B1A4 in the dorm?" Manager asked Sandeul.
"Ne sajangnim. But its only for a year, my Appa and Eomma have to go to another country for their business, and they told me to take care of her while they are away."
(A/N/: Sajangnim- Manager)
"Can you take care of her? You will have many schedules lined up for this year, most especially your bandmates are guys."
"I will do all I can to protect her sajangnim" Sandeul firmly said.
"Kurae, I will let her, you have my permission but still I don't have all the power, I'm only your manager. We still need to say this to the CEO. If he agrees, she can live there, but if he doesn't, we have nothing to do but let her live in a separate dorm."
"Ne sajangnim. Gomapseumnida. I just hope that the CEO will agree" Sandeul said, worried about his sister and his career if the CEO disagree.
(A/N:Gomapseumnida- Thank You (formal))
@CEO's office
Manager and Sandeul went inside the office of the CEO. They bowed to him.
"Oh sajangnim what makes you visit here? Are there any problems with your talents?" The CEO cheerfully greeted them with his genuine smile.
"I'm sorry to disturb you Sir, there are no problems by this time with my talents, but one of my talent here have something to ask for your permission" Manager said to the CEO, then showed Sandeul to him.
"Oh, one of the B1A4 guys, our future million-bringer in this Entertainment. What can I do for you? You are?"
"Sandeul-imnida Sir."
"Sandeul-sshi, what can I do for you?"
"Sir, I know this is an infomal proposal but I want to ask for your permission if my sibling can live with us B1A4 in the dorm."
"Your sibling? Why?"
"My parents need to go to a far away place because of a business matter, and they need to leave my sister in my hands."
"Sister? You will let your sister live with guys in the dorm? Isn't that a bit unproper for a girl to live with guys?"
"I know Sir, but if I let her live in a separate dorm with me, it might cause me a lot of problem because of our busy schedules. I won't have time to monitor what she does, and my Appa told me this is a a task for me, I can't disagree to my Appa. I'm really sorry Sir if I suddenly bring this up to you."
"What about the fans? You know that if the fans know about her living in the dorm it would also cause a lot of problems in the agency."
"I will try my best to keep this in full confidentiality, Sir."
"Can you contact your Appa now? I would want to personally ask him about your proposal."
Manager and Sandeul looked at each other. Manager immediately dialed his Appa's Number then gave it to the CEO.
"Yoboseyo? May I speak to Lee Sandeul's Abeoji, please?"
"Lee ______ Speaking."
(A/N: Sandeul's parent's name were not yet publicized so I didn't put any names for his parents)
"Lee ______? You are Lee ______?
"Yes, this is?
"Lee Won Mi, CEO of WM Entertainment."
"Oh, Lee Won Mi! WM Entertainment? That is where my son work, my son is a talent"
"Yes, he is here to consult to me about your daughter living in their dorm. Since I know you, I would let her. But may I personally ask to you the reason why she needs to?"
Manager and Sandeul looked at each other again then Manager whispered to him, "They know each other! Maybe they were friends"
"Mollaseoyo sajangnim, I'm also surprised that they know each other" Sandeul whispered to Manager.
"Ah kurae. I hope that troubles in your company will be resoved immediately. Yes, yes, I would. Have a safe trip Mr.Lee. I hope that I can meet your family in the future, since your son is a talent here in my company. Yes, kurae."
Manager and Sandeul sit up properly after he hang up the phone and handed it to the Manager.
"Sajangnim, Lee Sandeul, it is settled then. Your sister can live with B1A4 in the dorm. But you must promise me that this would be a top secret to protect the image of each of you and the agency, and you must monitor your sister very well. And also you Sajangnim, I'm also counting on you."
"Ne I promise, Kamsahamnida Sir. I really thank you Sir for your consideration." Then Sandeul bowed to him.
"We will be going now then, Sir.I will also help our Sandeul here. Kamsahamnida" Then both of them made a 90 degree bow to the CEO.
@Outside CEO's Office
"You are lucky Sandeul-ah, CEO and your father know each other. I thought he wouldn't but he immediately agree."
"I'm really thankful he agreed, and also i'm thankful to my father's social circle." they both laughed on what Sandeul said.
"Ah Sajangnim, I need to go to the dorm now to prepare the guest room for my sister. I'll be going now Sajangnim."
"Oh i remember, I'll go with you. The others will get back today in the dorm, I need to inform them about this " Manager said then they went off.
@B1A4's Dormitory
When Manager and Sandeul arrived at the dorm, Sandeul went upstairs to fix the guest room. He cleaned it and do some adjustments because he know his sister's preference in a room.
After cleaning, he went to the sofa where Manager is sitting.
"Sajangnim, I'm done cleaning the guest room."
Manager just nod.
"Ah sajangnim, Can I borrow your car later? I need to fetch Jung Hye and I will also drop off my parents in the airport."
"Ya ya, your family seems well-off, why don't you ask your parents for a car?" Manager ask to Sandeul.
"My father wants me to use the money I gain from my career to buy my own car, not from their own money." Sandeul answered.
"Your father must be really strict in raising you. I think I won't have any problems when it comes to your sister too."
"You think so Sajangnim?"
"Wae? Is she a troublemaker?"
"Aniyo, she's just, uhmm.. How can i say this.. She's a bit... Ah... Different."
"She has a mental disorder? Omo why didn't you tell us earlier?" Manager said, almost jumping from his seat.
"She doesn't have any mental disorder! She's foreign, she's not used to Korean culture. She grew up travelling, year by year my parents would take her to where they go, mostly on business trips. She's used to other culture. Uhmm.. She's matured despite her age, but there are some things she doesn't fully know about our culture here in Korea."
"You mean, she's liberated?"
"Of course not! She's just, too innocent. Too innocent about some things."
"I don't really get it, but she will be use living here immediately, you know those four boys, they're easy to get along with."
Sandeul didn't answer. *I hope that everything will go well* he thought.
Sandeul was in deep thoughts when Manager's phone suddenly rang wildly.
"Gom se mari ga hanjibe isseo! Appa Gom! Eomma Gom! Aegi Gom!"
 (play this song if you want to hear Sajangnim's ringtone ^^ just click the play button when you get to the site.
"Ya sajangnim! Your ringtone is irritating! It doesn't suit you!" Sandeul said to his manager while covering his ears. 
Manager opened his eyes wide to Sandeul, "Shinwoo is calling. Did you get it now why its my ringtone?" then he answered the phone after saying it.
"Oh?! Shinwoo-ya. Kurae, go here now I'm here in your dorm. Sandeul is already here, Ne, Ne  Baro don't shout, its a phone not a hearing aid! Ne! Just go back here the four of you, I have something to tell all of you ppalli!!" Manager was shouting in the receiver when he said that, then he hang up the phone.
"Those four almost broke my eardrums. Aissh!"
Sandeul laughed at the reaction of his manager.
"They're coming, why did I get a feeling that those four are, more foreign than your sister? They're slowly having mental disorders, jinjja!"
^Be the 1 all 4 One^



Webtoon (English sub)
(cr. gurupop)
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jennifer1801 #1
Chapter 5: Omg.lupdate more!!daebak!!
yureigne #2
nice story.....!!!!!!!!!!
onjongkey2min #3
Chapter 1: Seems like a cute fic, subbing! ^^