Bbiribbom Bberibbom; onho



The first time Minho saw Jinki he knew that he was different from others. Minho wanted to get closer to him, to get to know him more. He wanted to be able to walk next to Jinki and speak with him casually about any and everything. He wanted to be able to tell others to back off, that Jinki was his hyung. He wanted to take pictures with him and go out with him – maybe watch movies or play video games or anything. He wanted Jinki. When he finally got close enough to the other, Minho discovered exactly how caring and protective Jinki could be, but he also saw how naïve Jinki really was and Minho had gotten the urge to be even closer to him.


Minho never gave up and bit by bit, he slowly became the closest person to Jinki.


Jinki never understood Minho, but he liked him anyway. Minho was always kind to him and helped him out whenever he could. Jinki had always liked Minho but he never knew that the younger was so sweet. He had always assumed he was cold from how detached he always seemed.


Minho had finally gotten enough courage to ask Jinki out on a cool afternoon. Jinki had agreed with a smile and Minho swore his heart did somersaults. They had not done much, it was a school night, but it was pleasant all the same. They walked around, bought some drinks – what they were, Minho couldn't care to remember – and they were now standing at the fork in the road, the right half lead to where Jinki lived while the left lead to Minho's home. Minho hesitated for a moment, but when he saw Jinki nervously fiddling with the hem of his shirt and he looked like he would leave, Minho leaned down and gave Jinki a light peck on the lips. As quickly as he had claimed Jinki's lips he had released them and Minho looked at Jinki's shocked expression for a while – and it was utterly adorable – before he muttered a quick goodbye.


But Minho felt something preventing him from scurrying off, Jinki was gripping his sleeve and he was looking at Minho with the most gorgeous smile.


I like you too.”


Minho took the path on the right that evening, he didn't need to be home that night either way.


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just going to say i am sorely disappointed that joonew and/or jongyu aren't married yet. js.


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