Chapter 7

Beautiful Desires

Seunghyun's POV

‘What’s up with her’ Ji said to me.

‘That’s the first time a girl dared to challenge you Ji’ I chuckled.

‘What’s that suppose to mean?!’

‘Oh…nothing’ I smirked

Ji grabbed his shoes out of my hands and went to the cashier to pay for it.

‘YAH! That’s mine’

‘Too late! I paid for it. So its mine, Mwahahahahaha’

‘Pfft…We’ll see next time’

We left for my house, ordered pizza and played video games while waiting for it to arrive. Ji left near midnight, I sat outside thinking about the job Dongwook asked us to complete.

I can’t risk it, not with me having to take care of my younger brother, I mumbled to myself.

The door opened behind me, ‘Hyung, what are you doing out here’

I looked back ‘Daesung ah, what are you still doing awake?’

‘I came down for water and saw you out here. So…why are you out here?’

‘Ji just left, I was sending him out’ I couldn’t tell him about what I was thinking, it will worry him. I turned him around and pushed him into the house.

Tired out from the first day of school, I freshened up, changed and fell asleep instantly.

Nineteen years, all the fears,

Loneliness, Sadness, Death appears,

Forgetting, Losing or Dissappear,

Nineteen, the end is near.

I was in the forest clearing my thoughts, I had to have an answer, I can't runaway now. I stood there thinking and pondering. 'Why did this happen to me, right when I started to fall' I thought to myself. Suddenly I heard someone coming, I heard footsteps getting closer. I turned and I saw her coming nearer to the opening. Why is she here? I can't face her right now, not when she doesn't know what I've been hiding. I had to get away. Somewhere that I can't be seen.

*beep beep*

My alarm rang at 7am. I woke up confused. I had that dream every night, that song in my head, that girl that I always run from. But I never know who is that girl that I was trying to get away from.  

‘Arghhhh’ I got up and got ready for school. Taking a slice of bread, and headed to school on my bike.


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Chapter 12: ahhhhh.. why why you stop! please continue.
skydragon and springtempo in one fanfic? cmon unnie, you've got to update soon!!
Please updated soon i love your story updated pppllleeeaaassseee...............
It's seems like u haven't update for a long time, C'mon!! Plz don't abandom this fic, it's so good, i like it already, plzzzz update this story asap ^^
@kitchi: "Seriously.. These two need to get over the shoes and start loving already lol~" Hahahaha. I love this. Skydragon and the shoes =))
i see topbom and skydragon going on here:)<br />
can't wait for the next chapter!!<br />
please update soon:)
98 and 99? Man they're good. Why are they still in high school again..?? <br />
I like the progress of this story, now that they're already paired up.. Can't wait to see their err.. interactions~ :p SkyDragon is luv~ Seriously.. These two need to get over the shoes and start loving already lol~
gjie2cute #8
LMAO, cause I'm cool like that.. Hahahahahhaha EPIC.. I can't wait for the next chapter.. I know you already wrote it. Bring it on GURL :D kamsahamnida enny-ssi
eggroll #9
oh my this is it !! <3<br />