A Job?

The Romeo VS Hitler Girl

I rounded my eyes and clenched my fist. Slowly, I pointed my finger at his face.

                                    " You! The annoying driver.. yesterday! ". I shouted at him. Angrily. But, sadly (for me) instead of getting annoyed, he chuckled. Non. Stop. I lowered my finger, kept my arm on my side.

                                    " No wonder. You' re insane, " I shook my head and sighed. I walked past him, headed to other table and sat on one of the chair there. I took out my planner, I actually carried it with me everywhere I go. The guy stopped laughing (luckily) but he walked towards me and sat on seat which was in front of mine (unluckily) . I decided to just ignore him and opened the last night's page. The wishlist. I stared at the list.

enroll to Shinhwa High School


Done. I sighed.


join the Chess team


No idea. But, I' ve got Dae Hyun.

I scrolled my sight down the list once again.


find a job


Ahhaa. This one is actually really important, cause I wanted to buy a guitar, since I had break mine years ago, when I find out about Dad' s terrible condition. Yes, I' m really in a worse depression at that time. I even needed a private psychologist. Wait, back to the topic. Job. According to my plan, I was supposed to find one right now, after school time. But now I' m stuck with this stupid detention thingy and an annoying guy who won' t stop staring at me.


                                    " I' ll find one tomorrow, I guess, ". I murmured.

                                    " Do you need a job? ". He asked. Wait, he can read minds?

                                    " For God sake. Leave me alone, romeo, "

                                    " I can' t, " he smiled before asked again, " Do you want a job? "

                                    " You' re on detention too? ". I tried to distract him. But, I thought  it' s not a genius question, though.

                                    " Always. Andd, " I rounded my eyes before he spoke, " Do. You. Are. Looking for a job? "


I sighed for the umpteenth time. I could' ve see that words coming. I watched him carefully. He didn' t even wear the school uniform! Must be a troublemaker or something. You better stay away from him, Jia.


                                     " How about a a job as a tutor? Is it okay for you? ". Seriously? Still in this topic?

                                     " Huh? " . Well, honestly, that is actually my first choice. He can read minds, doesn' t he?

                                     " My friend desperately need a tutor for he always got bad, bad marks for English. He has been searching one for years, cause he wished to have a chingu- tutor, you know what I mean? ". He explained every single things with a smile on his face. I wondered, doesn' t it hurts?


                                      Woah. Lucky me. I can speak and write English well. I quite like teaching too.

                                      " Sooo? " he asked once again with a H O P E written on his forehead. Well, literally of course.

                                      " H- how can I trust you? I don' t  even know you, ". A wise Jia is always a wise Jia. I tried to looked as if I wasn' t interested and all that. I' m an excellent actress, remember?


                                      " I don' t  really need to explain. You' ll trust me anyway, ". He grinned. Opps, is that a yay-I-can-help-my-friend-finally smile or an I-gotcha! grin? I really can' t tell. He slided a piece of paper across the table to me. Slowly, I took it and keep it in my beg in an instance without even take a glance at it. Yes, I' m desperate to find one, of course. And, to help my mom with her restaurant? Jia and cooking are never ever ever meant to be together, for your information. Secretly, I drew a tick at the JOB on my list and beamed.


                                      " I' ve texted him. He said that you can start tomorrow, dear, ". He raised his right eyebrow. My jaw dropped. Was he calling me 'dear' ? Yucks. I cringed.

                                      " Well, tomorrow' s weekend, remember? ". He explained, thinking that I felt weird about the 'tomorrow' thing. He continued, " You can call the number I gave you just now for further details though, ". I nodded- still trying hard to looked like I-don' t-care. I stared at him. Waee? When wilol he stopped smiling and staring at me flirtiously? ( Is that word even exist? idk) Flirt doesn' t effect a Yoon Ji Eun, romeo.


                                      " Typical playboy, " I hissed before the blonde teacher that attacked me before walked into the library and ordered us to write an 1000 words essay on ' What is the lessons that I learned from my wrongs' . My wrongs? Huh, I flinched. And started to feel sleepy to hear her babblings.


                                      " Submit to me on next Monday. You got the whole weekend to finish it yadda yadda yaddaa, " It sounded more like a lullaby to my ears. Arghh, my eyelids alost closed when I heard a loud sound. I opened my eyes quickly and found the guy was giggling sheepishly at me while the teacher's eyes were almost popped out, shocked. She sent me some death glares. ( I' m immune to it now) . She then stepped ou of the room and (sighed) that guy laughed even louder.


                                      " You should' ve see your sleepy face just now hahhaa, you' ve been nodding like an idiot hahaha, ".

                                      I sent him a you' re-dead stares combo.

                                      " It' s so cute I could die hahaaa, "

                                      My cheeks reddened. Why? No idea. I' ve never felt shy for a long time. I' m feelingless ice queen.

                                      " Seriously Jia, don' t you remember mee? "

                                      I shrugged and glanced at the window.

                                      " Seriously? " . I think he really like repetition. I ignored him and took out a test pad from my bag and started writing the stupid essay. I already have a bad relationship with the Nana' s blonde mom and I will do anything to avoid her picking up my mistakes once again.


                                      " Excuse meee, " he chanted and started to drum the table. I rolled my eyes in disbelief.

                                      " Start writing your essay, romeo and please, MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS, " I huffed. What' s wrong with this stubborn- headed guy?

                                      " Anni, someone will get it done for me, " He flicked his finger.


Silence. Well, it only lasted like, 2 minutes? After he spoke again.


                                      " You wanna something? "

                                      " Hmm, ". Well, I quite curious actually to know that something.

                                      " I wasn' t in the cafe during recess today. But, my friends told me that there was this girl, brave girl insulted The Star. And humiliated them. I' m like Wow. Now, she' s a hit y' know. The trending current news in Shinhwa. Seriously, she got some nerves. I gotta give her a standing ovation, " he explained with his funny expression and hand gestures.


                                       " Hmm, ". I tried hard not to laugh or even squeaked. Pabo guy. Haha!

                                       " The Star was freaking mad. They even got her a nickname. It' s The Hitler Girl. Hahahaa, " he laughed uncontrollably. Is he a laughing machine or what?

                                        " That faithful girl, " he hesitated before continued, " She' s you, right? ". He pointed at my face.

                                        Unconsciously I dropped my pen and stared at him.

                                        " Yes, I' m The Hitler Girl. Satisfied? "




Chorong' s POV


" Heyya, Min Ah. What' s wrong with ya? " . I asked my deskmate while tidying up my desk and shoved several books into my beg.

                                       " Waeee? " She asked me back with her puppy eyes.

                                        " Anni. In Mr Kim's class just now. You didn' t  even realized he has been calling your names like thrice, to answer the third question. I mean, he's your crush, and come on, it' s Mr Kim! You' ll never even blink in his class, " . I furrowed my eyebrows. Min Ah beamed with her eye- smile and held my hands.


                                        " I think, Chorong- ah. I had fall in loveee! ". She bounced happily. I stared at the ceiling. Bo?

                                        " You know, Chorong, " I blinked before she continued, " When we were at the cafe, running towards Jia. I think, I think, " she smiled shyly. " I think Woohyun sunbaenim winked at me. Not once, Chorong! Twice! I think he has kept his feelings towards me all this time. Aisshh, Chrorng- ahh! Ottokhae? My mind can' t stopped thinking about him! ". She cupped her face with her hands. And leaving me dumbfounded. God, help me.


                                        " Aishh, it' s time. I had to go to the cheerleaders' practice now or Raina sunbae will kill me. Em, I' ll go first, Min Ah! Byeee! ". I left with a smile. A weak smile. Min Ah waved as I raced out of the class. H- how come? How come she fell to Woohyun sunbae? I thought she like Myung Soo sunbae as she said she like every handsome guy with 'Kim' as his family' s name. I walked weakly towards my locker and my mind replayed the first moment, I saw him. A nd set my heart on him from that moment. Nam Woohyun.


A year ago - Sports' Day

Noone' s POV


                                          " Hahahaha! Pabo lil Chorong! "

                                          That was when Chorong realized that actually everyone was laughing at her. Eh, waee? Ever since she stepped into the school few minutes ago, she noticed how everyone was staring at her, along the hallways and now, in the classroom. Min Ah' s absent today, she was having a fever. Earlier, Chorong thought it was someone elseand kept saying to herself that they are not actually glancing and laughing at her. But now, Zico' s words really hit her. She IS the laughing stock. She checked her cheerleaders's outfit. No, nothing's wrong. Humiliated, she ran out of the class with red cheeks and teared eyes.


                                          Decided to hide at the ladies, she RAN there. Everyone who met here along the way kept smirking and threw smirks at her. But, waee? What' s my wrongs? The words kept floating in her mind. Until, she bumped into someone. Too embarassed and also afraid of been laughed, she didn' t even stopped to look who it was nor saying any sorry. She ran away but that someone caught her arm and took her away. It was the gym.  Noone was there.


                                          There, she finally realized that 'that someone' is a guy. It was Nam Woohyun. He then took off his jacket and tied it around her waist before whispered, " There is a red spot on your yellow skirt, ".


                                          Woah. Her blood immediately rushed to her red cheeks. Her cheeks were bright red right now. She bowed to him like ten times while kept muttering, " Gomawo, Woohyun- sunbaenim, ". Woohyun smiled sweetly.


                                          " No biggie, for a beautiful girl like you, Chorongie, ". Then. he left. He knows. Her. She was left dumbfounded. Chorong buried her face in her hands, too embarassed and too shocked. It was as if her pride fell onto the ground, and crashed. Same goes to her heart, but instead of the ground, her heart fell for that Nam Woohyun guy.



That night.

Jia' s POV.


Me. Alone. Home.

Mom. Meet. Clients.


                                             Aisshh. See? This stupid essay was killing me. My mind went blank. Totally. 1000 words? Who the hell can do thatt? And, I' m not even the ' wrong' ones. But, to avoid things getting any worse, I HAD to do it. I was listening to Linkin Park' s Numb when I suddenly remembered about the 'job offer' at the library hours ago. I searched throughout my bag for that piece of paper. Ahhaa, bingo!


Contact number : 0123456789

Address : 48, Hogwarts Drive, Busan

# I can' t think of anything, haha. Sorry.


Wait, wait a minute. This address seemed familiar... it' s similar to my address! Except for the house number. Mine is. Mine is. Mine is 49. 49! So, he' s the owner of that big big housey? I startled at that very moment. I treid to contact the number.



" He- hello ? " . Ughhh, I can' t even speak well.

" Yes, hello? ". It was  a voice of a woman.

" Is this .... #the address.....? "

" Yes. And who' s this? "

" I am Yoon Ji Eun. I wanted to apply for the totor job? Andd.. ". As soon as I mentioned the word 'tutor' , she said,

" Oh,, yes yes. You can come tomorrow, at 1.30 pm. Okay? "

" Aye, thanks, "

The call ended.

Pabo. I can' t even asked about the neighbour things, you know. I smacked my head.


" Jiaaa- ah, "

" Hmm, what? "

" Can I ask you somethingg? "

" Shoot, "

" Answer it honestly, okay. I warned you, "

" Okay, and stop tickling me, "

" Do you think I can be like the Troy Bolton in High School Musical when I grow up? "

" Youu? Ehmm haha, "

" Hey, don' t make fun of me, "

":Hey, don' t tickle me. Stop. I have an answer, "

" Whatt? "

" Hmm, well you must be a cool basketball player, a great singer, and dancer too, anddd, "

" And whatt? Palli, "

" Try to lose some weight, Howon. A slim you can be a better- looking guy than him actually, "

" Chinchaa? Seriously? "

" Hmm, yep. i gave you my word, '

" Yeayy! Yuhuuuuu! Yabedabeduu! "

" IF. IF. You lose weight, and getting slimmer. Okayyy, "

" Don' t insult me, yahh! "

" Yahh! Stop tickling me! "

' But all that I do from the start is only poking your neck! "



Hey hey hey, my fella readersss :D

Thankss, for even kill your time to read my story.

I hope this chapter satisfy you ~~!

And, sorry for my typos T.T

If you like this story, do subscribee~~! v^^v

Andd thanksss and lots of love for my subscriberss * throw hearts *



And please, please drop some commentss , I beg youuu T.T Pleaseeee ;P


Kayy, I' m so goona die.

Toodles ~!


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Good job!! I like it ((:
xoxoria #2
Chapter 7: Love your story! Hoya <3 Jia! More woorong too please keke, hwaiting author-nim :D
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