What a Weekend...

Catch Me If You Can


My throat was dry and my mouth was even dryer.


 Did I sleep with a man last night?!!!


 Even with the huge flood of emotions I was feeling at that moment, for some reason all I could think about was lemons. My stomach started to hurt, probably from extreme nervousness. He stretched his toned, strong arms then turned to me.

“Good morning.”

My eyes immediately went to his bare chest. He wasn’t wearing anything but his underwear as well.

Oh my god…

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!! What am I going to do?!! I slept with a man last night!

He leaned towards me and at first I didn’t know what he was doing, until his lips lightly touched mine and my eyes grew even wider. I quickly jerked backwards, but went a little too far and fell off the bed. Something under me broke my fall. It was my clothes.

He hastily got up and came to my aid, helping me get back on the bed. I wanted to run away, crawl in a hole and die there, but I had to speak up, had to ask him. “W-What happened last night?” My voice was shaky and uneven.

He was taken back a little.

“Wait… you don’t remember anything?” He seemed slightly disappointed. “I remember the shots of tequila, but that’s it.”

He sat down beside me on edge of the bed and it was hard for me to tear my eyes away from his gorgeous body. What the hell are all these feelings?

“Last night, at the party, you had a little too much alcohol. Since you’re new at drinking, you probably couldn’t handle it. You couldn’t walk straight so I just took you upstairs to my room.” He explained.

A wave of embarrassment hit me. “How did you know I was new at drinking?”

He gave a little smile, which made my stomach hurt even more. “I knew from the moment you started ranting about how bad “that stuff” tastes…” he vaguely answered, but it was pretty much self-explanatory.

After getting over the embarrassment, something else in his previous words caught me by surprise. He took me upstairs to his room? So… “Wait, so this is your house? You were the one hosting the party?”

He rubbed the back of his neck. “Not exactly. My older brother actually invited everyone from school. It’s more his party than mine. He's a senior.” I nodded in understanding, desperately trying to stay calm.

“S-so what else happened last night?” I asked, getting extremely shy. I knew I was approaching an awkward subject.

Since he was beside me, he leaned towards me and rested his forehead on my temple. “Do you remember what happened after we took the shots?” He muttered. His breath was hitting my neck, sending chills down my spine. I closed my eyes and nodded my head, getting lost in his voice. You kissed me.

I wanted him to speak more. It felt good. “You remember?” He asked again, in that same low mutter. I tilted my head to the side so more of his breath could reach my neck. It was right on the sensitive spot. “I remember…” I replied, completely mesmerized. Lemon flavor hinted in my mouth again, and I gave up trying to figure out why. He put a kiss on my neck, making my whole body shiver. “Do you want to do it again?” I had a feeling he wasn’t talking about the kiss anymore.

I didn’t reply. I was hypnotized by him. He laid his hand flat on my chest, getting ready to push me down on the bed, but he didn’t even have to do it. I was already laying down for him. I submitted to him and let him take over. My brain was screaming at me, telling me to come to my senses. But every inch of my body was aching for him, not allowing me to put a stop to it. He got on top of me and kissed my lips.

Tastes like… lemons.

I finally remembered why I tasted lemons in my mouth. The night before, when he kissed me, it tasted just like this. The first sober kiss I had shared with him. It made my whole body go numb.

All my sanity was slowly slipping away. What I was doing went against my whole moral code, but with his hands all over me like that, I couldn’t resist. He slowly ran them up and down my bare skin, treating me with care. He looked like the rough type, like someone who was mean and dominance-crazed, but when he touched me he was gentle and sweet. Just as the last piece of my mind fell into his hypnosis, it all ended as a huge noise shook the quietness of the room. BAM!

It was seconds later that I realized the door had been violently swung open by someone. The beautiful man on top of me looked over his shoulder to see who it was.

“WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!!!” The person screeched and I immediately recognized the voice.


“WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HIM?! GET OFF, NOW!!!” Baekhyun ordered the strawberry blonde boy, and he did get off me, looking confused. I was slowly gaining back control over my body.

When I finally realized what had happened, my brain threw a temper-tantrum. What the…? What the hell?


 Not only did he succeed once when I was drunk, but he was about to do it again when I was perfectly logical and sober.

What the hell? Why was I just like that? I don’t understand! Do I even like guys? Why is Baekhyun here? What’s happening? What in the world is going on?

“Tao!” Baekhyun cried then rushed to my side. “Are you OK?! Where did you go last night? Did he do anything to you?” All his questions were overwhelming me. There was too much happening, too much going on. He took hold of my hand and helped me off the bed.

“Listen man, I didn’t force him to do anything. He didn’t seem to mind.” The tall beauty said to Baekhyun. “What are you talking about?! He can’t say ‘No’ to anyone and you took advantage of that!” I didn’t have anything to say, I was too caught up in my own thoughts. “Well, I thought he liked it.” “Of course he didn’t like it! What the hell are you saying?!” Baekhyun defended, getting even angrier.

Baekhyun’s right. I didn’t like it. I didn’t like it…

Did I? No ...I did. I definitely did like it. But there was no way in hell I was going to admit that. I just stayed quiet.

“Why don’t you just back off?! Come on Tao, lets gets you out of here before this tries anything else.” Baekhyun said, grabbing my wrist.

I scooped my clothes up and let Baekhyun drag me away. At first I kind of felt bad for what I had just done. I made it seem like the gorgeous boy was the bad guy in the situation, when he wasn’t. He wasn’t at all. But I immediately pushed the sympathetic, guilty thoughts out of my head. He deserves it, I told myself.

I thought he was the absolute worst for making my body want him so bad. He deserves it because he seduced me. I wanted him to do the things he did to me, and I hated it.

Just before reaching the room door I stopped and turned to face him. Still tall, still perfectly sculpted, still blonde and still in nothing but boxers. “What’s your name?” I asked in a hurry with a rickety voice. “Kris. My name is Kris. Nice to meet you, Tao” He smirked. He probably knew my name because Baekhyun had just yelled it multiple times. My head spun and my stomach throbbed one more time just before Baekhyun yanked me out the door. He was going on a rant about how I shouldn’t let people take advantage of me, and how I should be more careful. I knew he was just worried so I didn’t retort.

There were passed-out teenagers and plastic cups scattered everywhere. There was even someone lying on the stairs. I was putting my clothes on piece by piece as we walked through the house and out the front door.

Tao, what the hell did you get yourself into?

I slept with a guy. I SLEPT WITH A GUY. And I almost did it a second time!

My stomach started to hurt again, an aching pain. It had been hurting ever since I got up and I thought it was because I was nervous, but now I was sure it was definitely something else. We walked out onto the lawn, heading to Baekhyuns house, I assumed.

I got my last shoe on, and just before reaching the pavement, I turned to the grass, bent over, and retched up the contents of my stomach out my mouth and onto the ground. Well, now I know why my stomach was hurting so bad.

Baekhyun’s eyes widened. “Why are you throwing up? Did you drink last night!?” He seemed surprised. He knew I didn’t like to drink. He probably assumed I just set the cup he handed me down somewhere.

His question went unanswered, so he just patted my back as I continued to vomit every last bit of everything I had consumed the night before.

Wow, I guess the only thing that tastes worse than tequila going down, is tequila coming back up. It was the most gruesome thing I had ever experienced. I wiped my mouth with my jacket sleeve.

Well… at least the lemony taste is gone, so I can go home and forget about this whole dreadful weekend.


*Please comment!  

-Light xx

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Baekhyun like Tao, right?
Update soon authornim
I love your story~
Rosasaur #2
Chapter 4: *or just doesn't like Kris?
Rosasaur #3
Chapter 4: Does Baekhyun like Tao or does he n
Chapter 2: Interesting! I remember you now xD and this fic is good so far please keep writing, you're awesome! ;)))
Rosasaur #5
Chapter 2: Ahhhhh poor kris haha
please please please do continue writing this...
Chapter 2: omo i love love love the story...

just admit it tao...you love what kris did to you...

you two are so cute...

nice going baekhyun...your such a >.<
Like it already. I can't wait to see what kris' next move will be.