Tequila and Lemons

Catch Me If You Can


“Come on Tao! Just drink it!” Baekhyun urged. He was yelling so I could hear him over the loud music. He held out a plastic cup to me. “What’s in it?” I yelled back, but I guess I wasn’t loud enough. He pointed to his ear with his free hand and pulled a confused look. Before I could repeat my question, he shoved the cup in my hand. “Just take it, I'm going to dance” He said then disappeared into the crowd of students.

We were at a house party. Baekhyun loved that sort of scene, but I wasn’t so comfortable. He was much more social than I. I was cursing at him in my mind for leaving me alone at such a place. I glanced over at the cup in my hand. I knew there was alcohol in it. I didn’t like alcohol. I had sipped some beer once before but the taste was so revolting; I never tried that again, and that was about the height of my experience with drinking. I hadn’t told anyone that before though. If I had, I would get made fun of. After all, I was in the tenth grade. People were expecting me to drink and party like any other high school student, but in total truth I didn’t like doing that sort of thing at all. Not because I was innocent and goody-goody, but because I simply didn’t find it enjoyable in any way.

I sniffed the contents of the cup. Smells like Cola. I dipped the very tip of my tongue in it. Tastes like Cola. Maybe it wasn’t alcohol after all? I took a sip. This is definitely just Cola. Once I was sure, I drank the rest of it. Suddenly a vile taste hit my taste buds. I immediately grabbed a random cup I saw on a table and drank whatever was in it to wash it down. Sprite. It probably had alcohol in it too, but I guess sprite masked the foulness in it better.

After getting that horrible taste out of my mouth, I stepped outside through the back. That whole place was making me sick and dizzy, what with the lowlights, the sweaty bodies and the combination smell of alcohol, various perfumes and vomit. I needed some fresh air. There was a big pool and another table filled with cups and bottles of drinks, just like the one inside. There were quite a few people splashing around in the pool, some in swimsuits and others in their clothes, probably drunken. I didn’t mind though since there was no blasting music and heavy smoke around.

The warm night air was welcoming. You could only hear a subtle thump of the base from the music inside the house, and every once in a while when someone would jump in the pool, a light sprinkle of water would hit my face and it was nice. I was already feeling slightly hazy because of those cups and whatever was inside them.

A curvaceous girl in a bikini -probably from the girls’ high school- walked up to me and pointed to the chair next to mine. “Mind if I sit?” She asked, making eye contact. The sudden social situation made me slightly nervous, so I instinctively grabbed a full cup and chugged the drink down, well aware that it was alcohol. I cringed at the taste. “Sure” I coughed after I was done. The taste wasn’t as bad as the first drink I had. She sat and flipped her long, thick hair to the side, letting it rest on one of her shoulders.

“So what’s your name?” She asked, resting her hand on mine. She was drop-dead gorgeous. I swallowed hard, almost choking on my name “Zitao” Is she flirting with me? I was a little confused.

“You're friends with Baekhyun aren’t you?” She asked and her question made everything clear. Of course. How stupid of me to think she was actually flirting with me. Like everyone else, she just wanted to use me to get to my best friend. I could throw myself a pity-party, but I was already used to that feeling of rejection. It had happened quite frequently; I just learned not to care anymore. I didn’t answer her question. I simply grabbed another cup and downed whatever was in it, it dry. The taste was getting easier to handle every drink.

I wanted to yank my hand from under hers and tell her to go away, but I couldn’t bring myself to do something so rude. “Ahem.” Someone loudly cleared their throat, catching our attention. I looked over and saw someone standing right beside me, staring at the girl. I couldn’t see him correctly because my vision was somewhat blurred from the sudden shift of my head, probably from the drinks. Plus, he was   too close for me to see his face clearly when I looked up at him. He was practically standing over me.

“What do you want?” She asked him with an attitude. He glanced at her hand, the one placed over mine. “You wouldn’t want your boyfriend to hear about this would you? You know, your boyfriend, the one that is just inside the house.” He retorted, as if a threat, making her pull her hand away from mine. “I didn’t think so. Why don’t you run along? I think he's looking for you.” He said and used the tiniest of effort to flick one hand at her, shooing her off.

She scowled and shot him one last dirty look before heading back inside the house. Thank god. He walked to where she was previously sitting and for the first time, I got a good look at him. I had to manually regulate my breaths at the sight of him. He was the epitome of beauty. He seemed stern, somewhat mean, but he was looking at me with soft eyes. He was wearing white jeans and a white blazer.  His body figure was like a picture-perfect anime boy come to life. His flawless skin complemented his attractive facial features and his pierced ears added on to the ‘cool’ look he had going on, along with his dyed strawberry-blonde hair. Oh, and he was tall. He was very tall.

The beautiful man sat down. “Sorry about her, I could tell she was making you uncomfortable so I thought I should step in.” He said. The sound of his voice made my palms sweat. I was feeling dizzy. I didn’t know if it was because of the stunning man sitting next to me, or the alcohol I had consumed. “Yeah… Umm, thank you.” It was all I could think of saying. I suddenly felt nervous, but it was a different kind of nervousness. I didn’t know how to explain it. Like, I was panicking, but I was also comfortable. “Don’t mention it.” He smirked. My stomach tightened at the sight of his tiny half-smile.

He scanned the table and took hold of two cups. He poured a small bit of a clear drink into them and then dumped Cola over it, filling the cups.

“So that’s why…” I said, thinking out loud. “That’s why what?” He handed me one cup and kept the other. “Well I drank Cola, but after I finished the cup, a really bad taste hit my mouth. So I guess it’s because it had that stuff at the bottom.” I explained. He chuckled. ““That stuff” is called vodka. People mix it with everything, including orange juice.” His words made me pull a repulsed face. “What a way to ruin orange juice.” I was surprised at how effortlessly I was speaking with him. He gave another laugh and nodded in agreement. Every time he laughed my pulse would quicken.

I quickly drank down the mixture in my cup, finishing it in one go. “Why are you drinking it so fast?” I smashed my cup down on the table and in air. “Because it’s disgusting.” I said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. He laughed again. I was on a roll with making him laugh, although I was speaking the full truth. Maybe he thought I was joking? “Well in that case, let’s use these” He took hold of two very small glasses. “How do you fit any Cola in those?” I asked, genuinely confused, staring at the cute glasses in awe. “You don’t.”

He grabbed hold of a bottle that had goldish-brown colored liquid in it. “This is tequila.” He poured it into the tiny glasses. “These are called shot-glasses. You hold your breath, drink it quick and swallow it up.” He instructed. I knew I shouldn’t drink anymore, but I couldn’t turn down anything that breathtaking boy handed me. I took hold of the shot-glass and prepared myself.


“Yup” I said, taking a deep breath.

“Bottoms up” He said, and both of us tipped the glasses back.

He put his empty glass down and looked at me. I still had the drink filling my cheeks. I was extremely tempted to spit it out but I forced in down. I felt it burn my throat and sizzle in my stomach. “UGH! It tastes like cigarette ash in liquid form!” I whined, rubbing my jacket sleeve against my tongue. He smiled at my reaction. “That’s definitely the most accurate description of tequila I’ve ever heard.”

I was feeling awfully lightheaded. It was hard to focus on anything for longer than a minute. “There’s a way to get the taste out.” He said.

“What is it? I’d do anything right about now.”

 He took hold of something on the table, and it caught me by surprise. It was a lemon slice. He suddenly looked over at the pool and I followed his gaze. There were only a few people left in it, and they were all couples who were too self-involved to notice anything around them.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw him the lemon. I quickly turned my face towards him “Hey! I wanted some of…” He abruptly stood up making me trail off. He put both his hands on the arms of my chair and leaned down. He pressed his lips against mine before I even had time to register what was happening. He had been holding the lemon juice in his mouth, once it was connected with mine; he shifted the juice into my mouth. I didn’t even panic, which was completely unlike me. The sudden burst of flavor relieved my taste-buds of the horridness of the former drink. I then obediently swallowed the lemon juice and let him kiss me.

I felt so vulnerable, but my body wasn’t allowing me to pull away from him. It was like I had forgotten all my morals and let my feelings take control. I wanted him and for some odd reason, I wasn’t afraid to take him. I guess it’s true what they say about alcohol, it makes you brave. He pulled away and mumbled something to me. Thinking back, I couldn’t quite recall what it was. I nodded my head in agreement and took his hand as he helped me up. The second I took a step, I stumbled and almost fell. “How much did you have to drink?” That’s a good question. How much did I have to drink? I couldn’t remember. “I’m not sure.” He slung my arm over his shoulder and encircled his around my waist to support me.

He took me inside the house and led me somewhere. Did we go out front? Did he take me home? That small part was a little blurry. I soon found myself on a bed. It was a comfortable bed. The beautiful boy kissed me again on my lips and I kissed back. My head was foggy so I was probably being sloppy about the kisses, but I didn’t care. He pushed my shoulders down on the bed, laying me flat on my back. He got on top of me and moved his lips to my neck. Every kiss sent electricity through my body. I felt him on my neck and I couldn’t help but let out subtle moans. He guided his lips back to my mouth and continued kissing me. He ped my pants and………




And... that was it. That was all I could remember. Everything after that was gone, like someone had just cut the tape to a movie.



I opened my eyes but immediately shut them tight again because of the massive pulsing headache that had formed. I gave it a couple of seconds, then slowly opened my eyes again, hoping for better results the second time around.

Oh god.

Every blink sent a new jolt of pain through my skull. I rubbed my eyes hoping to soothe the pain a little.

Why the hell does my head hurt so much?!

I sat up and felt cold air as the duvet fell off me. I looked down at my own body and saw bare skin. I was in nothing but my boxers.


I looked around and saw completely unfamiliar surroundings.

What the hell is going on?!


Wait, just calm down, try and remember the last thing you did. I concentrated on the night before. Party… I was at a party. I was at a house party with… Baekhyun. I tried to remember details, any little detail. I didn’t know why I had so much everything. Then it hit me. Vodka!! That was the clear drink under the Cola. Vodka and something… what was it? I wanted to punch myself in the head. My stupid brain wasn’t working like it should. It was something with the letter T. I scanned the room around me. It was definitely a bedroom, but nothing rang a bell.

For some reason I was thinking of guns. Why am I thinking of guns? I was so very confused. Guns, Guns… Oh, Shots! That’s it, in the little shot-cups! Not cups but glasses, shot-glasses! But I still couldn’t remember what was in those small glasses. It was at the tip of my tongue but I just couldn’t get it. It definitely has the letter T in it. I grabbed the corner of the blanket and threw it off me, when something caught my eye. I could not believe I hadn’t noticed it earlier. There was a figure on the bed beside me, a person lying next to me.

 Did I sleep with a girl last night?! Then am I in her house now…? I saw strawberry-blonde hair on the pillow, poking out of the blanket that covered everything but the top of their head. The person was facing the other way. I was trying to recall more of the night before, when I noticed something strange. I stared at the body next to me, and began paying attention to it. Whoever it was laying next to me, they were tall. They were very tall and they took up a large amount of space.

That is not a girl.

I stared at the figure for a good five minutes, trying to figure out what was going on.

I was knocked out of my thoughts when the person suddenly moved. I instantly fell into a silent panic; I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t even know who the hell it was. The person took their arm from under the blanket and lifted it off. My eyes widened in complete and utter shock when the figure sat up and I got a good look at them. That’s it… tequila. That’s what was in those shot-glasses.



Did… Did I sleep with… a man last night…?

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Baekhyun like Tao, right?
Update soon authornim
I love your story~
Rosasaur #2
Chapter 4: *or just doesn't like Kris?
Rosasaur #3
Chapter 4: Does Baekhyun like Tao or does he n
Chapter 2: Interesting! I remember you now xD and this fic is good so far please keep writing, you're awesome! ;)))
Rosasaur #5
Chapter 2: Ahhhhh poor kris haha
please please please do continue writing this...
Chapter 2: omo i love love love the story...

just admit it tao...you love what kris did to you...

you two are so cute...

nice going baekhyun...your such a >.<
Like it already. I can't wait to see what kris' next move will be.