At The Theatre

Just My Size


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Just My Size – Ch. 7

Han Ji-Eun










I didn't even realize I was starting to hyperventilate until Hea-Jung softly touched my shoulder.


“Ji-Eun, are you OK?”


Her worried expression made me concentrate on my breathing for a minute. I took a slow breath in, and let it out slowly. I repeated this until I could do it steadily and consistently. Once my breathing was under control, I nodded and smiled at her.



While we're waiting for Jinki to arrive, here's what happened:
Once my best friends purchased the clothes they had tried on, all five of us wandered around the mall for a while. I had hoped we would wander past Hot Topic, but the others seemed to be keeping me away from there... Maybe to heighten the anticipation? Whatever their cockamamie reason, I didn't like it.


Minho eventually determined that there was nothing else to do in the mall, and we all headed out into the chilly evening air. It was nearing the beginning of summer, but the nights were still nippy. I hadn't intended on being out this late and left my jacket at home. Boy, did I regret that move.


As we made our way down the crowded street, Mi-Sun pointed out a little shop on our right side. “This place has the best coffee!” Grabbing Minho's hand, she lead us all over. I peered at the sign before I entered and discovered the shop was called “Hot Café.” Kind of a generic name, but I hoped they had what I wanted.


The tiny café was crowded, which was to be expected on a Saturday night. Even though I'm not too social myself, I enjoy being around people. Striking up a random conversation with a stranger isn't my forté (I leave that to Mi-Sun), but sitting in a busy place like this? Yeah, I could spend an afternoon relaxing – maybe writing, sketching, or just enjoying the noises and music around me – in a shop like this.


Minho, being the tall, towering guy he is, was able to spot a table near the back of the shop, and we made a mini-train towards it. We were lucky enough to find enough chairs as well. Once we were settled, we picked up the hand-made menus and perused them.


“Oooohhhh,” Mi-Sun cooed. “I don't know what I should get. I usually get the Caramel Latte, but the Choco-Mint Latte sounds good, too.” Making a humming noise, she continued to look between the two.


“I think I'm going to have the Café au Lait with a dash of almond flavoring,” Hea-Jung nodded.


“What are you having, Ji-Eun-sshi?” Jonghyun asked.


“Oh, Ji-Eun doesn't drink coffee,” Mi-Sun rolled her eyes, and Jonghyun raised an eyebrow.


“It is true,” my cheeks were glowing again, but not from the cold night. “I much prefer hot chocolate. In fact, I think I'll try the Mint hot chocolate.” It's one of my favorite flavor combinations; I'm such a er for it.


Jonghyun nodded and gave me an understanding look. Before he or Minho could relay to us what they were getting, a waiter came over and asked for our order. Minho ordered his Americano and Mi-Sun decided at the last second that she would get her usual Caramel Latte. Then Jonghyun ordered Hea-Jung's Café au Lait, his Espresso, and my hot chocolate.


“You really don't have to-” I started.


“Like we said before,” Jonghyun smirked, “Jinki's paying us back for this.” He winked.


“I- ...Thanks.” I certainly wasn't used to being treated like this, and I knew it would take a lot of getting used to.


“Not a problem,” Jonghyun grinned back and he took his girlfriend's hand gently.


Both couples were being all... couple-y at this point, so my eyes just wandered back down to my lap. I started to space out, feeling relaxed by the busy atmosphere around me. The mixture of noises around me lulled my mind into a state where my imagination took over. Then next thing I knew, my mind was filled with this busy coffee shop scene, but just Jinki and I at a table next to the window on a sunny afternoon. The table was made for just two guests, and we laced fingers as we sipped our drinks.


Just as I was about to create a conversation with Jinki in my mind, my drink was set on the real table in front of me and startled me. I jumped a little, then thanked the server quickly. Spotting the creamer on the other side of the table, I asked Minho for it. He slid it over with a skilled push, and I grabbed it easily.


As I stirred the cream in carefully, I grew impatient to taste it. Once the cup was almost ready to overflow, I stopped stirring and took a greedy sip. Oh, Heaven! The flavor was rich and smooth, with just the right proportions of mint and chocolate.


After I downed about half my cup, I looked at my phone's clock again. 7:51. I felt the anticipation build in my chest, and another inner monologue started in my head.


In just a few minutes, I'll be going on my first ever date! Wait, can this be considered a date? Mi-Sun did say that we're dating now...OHMIGOSH I'M DATING LEE JINKI?! This day has just been full of surprises! And now I'm on my way to a triple date with my best friends! Oh, this is going to be ah-maze-ing!”




I was too wrapped up in my mental rant to be fully aware that someone was trying to get my attention.


“Ji-Eun.” The soft voice came again. Kind of sounded like Hea-Jung.


“Ugh, she does this sometimes.” Definitely Mi-Sun that time. I then felt a hand on my shoulder, and was shaken harshly. “WAKE UP, GIRL!”


“Ahh!” I stared wide-eyed at everyone for a second. “Sorry!” I bowed my head.


Jonghyun and Minho blinked, turned to each other, and then to their girlfriends. They were so in-synch, you'd swear they were cartoon characters. The girls nodded, the guys shrugged and relaxed again. I guess they'll have to get used to my spacing out just like I'll have to get used to being treated to things.


“What do you think the movie will be like?” Jonghyun asked over the din of the café. I saw Mi-Sun mouth something out of the corner of my eye, and I guessed that Jonghyun had tried asking this before. I felt very embarrassed.


“I honestly have no idea,” I managed to get out. “But it does sound like it could be good. It'll definitely be odd, though.” I couldn't help but think that a zombie rom-com couldn't possibly be anything if not that.


To my relief, my assumption was met with positive reactions. There was head nodding and “yeah”s and “I think so, too”s. Too often my opinions are met with blank stares and subject changes, so I treasure moments like these.


Once I finished my hot chocolate, I checked the time again. 7:56. I internally squealed. Only four minutes until Jinki gets out of work!


Our server returned with the checks, and the boys gave him the required payment. “We should probably head out now,” Hea-Jung announced as she set her cup down gently. “The sooner we get over to the theatre and buy our tickets, the better.”


“Very true,” her boyfriend agreed, and we all stood up and shuffled out.


Why did I leave my coat at home? I shivered as the chilly air hit my skin. I was thankful for the short walk, though. Within a couple of minutes, we were at the theatre.


The boys kindly held the doors open for us, and my friends went straight to the seating area near the concession stand. The boys made their way over to the ticket counter's line. There were at least four people ahead of them.


For the first time since Quick Burger, I was left alone with my girls.


I clicked my phone on again to check the time.


7:59. I could hear Hea-Jung and Mi-Sun chattering next to me, but I couldn't make out their words.


7:59. I stared at the screen, willing it to click over to eight o'clock.


7:59. If a hole suddenly appeared in the screen from how hard I was glaring at it, I wouldn't have been surprised.


8:00! Finally!


I didn't even realize I was starting to hyperventilate until Hea-Jung softly touched my shoulder.


“Ji-Eun, are you OK?”


Her worried expression made me concentrate on my breathing for a minute. I took a slow breath in, and let it out slowly. I repeated this until I could do it steadily and consistently. Once my breathing was under control, I nodded and smiled at her. I certainly didn't need to have an asthma attack tonight.


“It's eight o'clock,” I blurted. A stupid smile crept across my face, and thoughts of seeing Jinki again filled my head.


“Yep! It sure is,” Mi-Sun winked at me. “Which means we need to keep you occupied till lover-boy gets here!”


Immediately I started to worry what Mi-Sun had in mind.


She pointed over to the other side of the theatre's lobby. I followed her hand and saw an arcade! My worries left my mind as I hopped up from my chair and practically skipped over to the machines. I could hear my girls giggling behind me.


I peered around, taking in the titles and play styles that were available to me. Did I want to play a fighting game? A racing game? A shooting game?


But before I could make a selection, I felt two pairs of hands grab my upper arms tightly, and drag me off.


“What-” I turned my head back and forth and saw that it was my girls. “Where-”


“Oh, you know what machine we're dragging you to!” I heard – surprisingly – Hea-Jung almost cackle on my right. Mi-Sun joined in the laughter.


Seconds later, they stopped and turned me around. They had brought me over to the Pump It Up machine. My knees started shaking.


Don't get me wrong, I adore this game! I just much prefer to play it in the comfort of my home in my workout clothes. Not in public in a cute dress.


“Oh no, no, no.” I shook my head and crossed my arms in defiance.


“Oh yes, yes, yes!” Mi-Sun pushed me lightly towards the machine that was pumping out loud music.


“I- I'm not wearing the proper shoes,” which was true. These wedges were not made for a stomping game.


“I've seen you play these machines bare-foot,” Hea-Jung countered. OK, she had a point there.


I sighed as I saw Jonghyun and Minho come over.


“You girls gonna play Pump It Up?” Minho looked between us and the machine.


“We're trying to get Ji-Eun to play,” Hea-Jung started.


“Cuz she's awesome at it!” Mi-Sun finished.


I blushed and looked down at the floor. I wanted to play, yes, but I wasn't nearly as good as the girls made it sound. I was afraid that I'd make a fool of myself.


“I'll play if you do,” Minho looked at me with kind eyes, but I could see the competitive fire burning behind them. “C'mon, let's go.”


My mouth fell open a little as he stepped up to the machine's screen. As he fished in his pocket for change, I took a breath and stepped up, too. Sitting on the edge of the platform, I took my wedges and thigh-highs off carefully, feeling dreadfully exposed. At least I had thought to wear shorts under my dress. I took my coin purse out of my bag, and slipped the proper change into the Player 2 slot just after Minho deposited his change in the Player 1 slot. He then stepped back onto the platform. “You take first pick,” he offered.


“Thanks,” I responded as I skillfully set up our parameters. I then scrolled through the song list, searching for any of my favorites.


“Don't think you have to go easy on me,” he chided.


“You asked for it!” Mi-Sun taunted.


I smiled to myself and picked “Wanna” by Kara. They were one of the few idol groups I could tolerate, mainly because of this song being in this game. “Do you wanna play on the same difficultly as me? I could set you up on an easier mode if you want.”


“The same as you is fine,” Minho chuckled. My friends started laughing.


As I took my spot on my side of the platform, I looked around quickly. No sign of Jinki yet. I internally sighed and turned my full attention to the screen. I knew I only had one measure before the steps started.


The music kicked in, and I counted out the beats in my head. Then my feet did the rest.


I heard the girls and Jonghyun burst out laughing once the first verse kicked in. I'd played this song so many times that I was comfortable enough to steal a glance to my left. Minho was floundering, complete with arms flailing. “Grab the bar behind you!” I offered as I giggled. When I turned my attention back to the screen, I saw that I had broke my combo. I cursed myself and concentrated on my steps.


At the oh yeh, oh yah, nan! Oh yeh, oh yeh, nan!” part, even I had to grab the back bar to stabilize myself. Even though this was one of my favorites, this part always got me. Luckily I made it through with only missing a couple of jumps.


The chorus came up, and my muscle memory kicked in so well I was hardly aware of what I was doing. That's my favorite part! I felt myself slide in the “zone,” and just flowed with the music. Before I knew it, I was singing along.


After the brief instrumental interlude, I heard my girls start singing, too! I grinned broadly at the sound. Another voice joined theirs – Jonghyun's, perhaps? It was definitely male. I giggled at him singing up so high.


At the “everybody, c'mon!” part, we all – even Minho, who was struggling – shouted it out! I laughed and ended up missing a couple of steps. This time I didn't care though, I was having fun!


The song ended all too soon for my liking, but Minho was glad. He rested his hands on his knees as the scores were tallied up. He got a C, but I got an A! I my hands up into the air in celebration, and turned around to face my girls and Jonghyun.


My mouth was pulled back in a full grin as I saw Hea-Jung and Mi-Sun jumping up and down, and Jonghyun pointing and laughing at Minho. Minho made a swatting motion at Jonghyun, then straightened up.


He pointed his chin in my direction, and asked, “What did you think?”


What did I think? Think of what-


That was awesome!” Exclaimed a voice from behind me. I turned and had to grab the bar for support – it was Jinki! He was standing there, beaming at me. As I took a breath in, I beamed back.


Jinki-sshi!” Was all I could manage. I giggled in joy.


Just 'Jinki,' OK?” He sounded a bit nervous as he took a step towards me. I giggled again when I saw that I was just barely taller than him when I stood on the Pump It Up platform.


OK,” I bit my lip and felt the red glow return to my cheeks. I honestly can't remember a day where I blushed nearly as much as I did today.


He took another step closer and leaned in. “Say it,” he whispered to me only.


J-Jinki,” I whispered back. He let out a low, pleased sound that sent the best of chills down my spine.


Kick his again, Ji-Eun,” he said louder as he stepped back a bit. I grinned devilishly and turned around to face Minho.


Minho's competitive streak showed its true colors after that. He picked the next song, and it was one I didn't know so well. Our scores were a lot closer this time – both of us receiving Bs.


Ha!” He shouted triumphantly even though he barely lost points-wise. Everyone gave him thumbs down and blew raspberries at him. “Aw, c'mon!” He let his arms fall down to his sides and shook his head.


You wanna pick the next one, too?” I asked curiously.


He looked a little taken aback, but responded, “Uh, sure.” He stepped up to the screen and pressed a few buttons. “Do you know this one?”


Not well,” I shook my head.


OK, let's do this one then. I knew the last one pretty well, but this one I don't know at all.” So he wanted to choose a neutral playing ground. I nodded in agreement.


As the music started up, I suddenly became highly aware of Jinki watching me. Some time during the previous song, the shock of his arrival had worn off, but I was concentrating so hard on the steps that I hadn't been aware of his presence. But now, I felt nervous again. What if I fell? What if I got off-beat and couldn't get it back? What if-


The steps started and my feet took over again. There was no muscle memory for the sequence of steps for this song, but it was like my body just knew what to do when those arrows appeared in front of my eyes.


This song was super tricky – it had slow downs and speed-ups, and even a pause or two. Eventually I found my “zone” again, but those pauses broke it each time. I had to work hard for my points this time.


When the song was over, both Minho and I plopped right down on the platform. After making sure I wasn't hitting any of the buttons, I looked up at the screen. I earned myself another B, but Minho had fallen down to a D! My arms went straight up in the air again as everyone cheered.


I felt those tiny hands on my upper arms again, and I let the girls pull me up. I smiled at everyone, and heard Minho curse under his breath. But he joined our small crowd and patted my shoulder.


Good job, Ji-Eun-sshi.” He sounded like he was out of breath. Then it really hit me – I just beat the school's athletic idol at something physical.


After being stunned for a second, I replied, “Thank you! You're a great opponent!” We shared a handshake; not a weak one that would be reserved for polite meetings, but the hardy handshake of good-natured rivals. I was glad to have a proper adversary – Mi-Sun and Hea-Jung were useless at the game.


The girls dissolved into chatter with the guys, and I sat down to put my stockings and shoes back on. Once my thigh-highs were once again thigh-high, I found one of my shoes in front of my face.


Here ya go!” Jinki proudly displayed my own wedge to me.


I took it gingerly and expressed my thanks. As I buckled it, Jinki slid the other shoe on my free foot. I took a breath in and held it. I didn't dare ruin this moment. As he buckled it for me, I resisted the urge to pet his head. Then he turned his face to me and smiled.


There, all set!” He stood up and offered his hand to me. I gladly took it, and he pulled me up easily. He then bent down and snatched up my purse. “Let's go, the movie's going to start soon!” I took my bag from him and smiled at him.


Jinki and I lead the way towards the person who checked the tickets. When we were within earshot of the attendant, the bored employee said, “Tickets, please.”


We turned around, and Jonghyun handed us two, then turned and handed Minho two more, then handed one to Hea-Jung. We all filed through and presented our tickets.


We're in,” I glanced down at the slip of paper in my hand, “Theatre 3.” We all looked up to see where to go.


Second-to-last one on your left,” the attendant grumbled. We said a quick thanks and hurried off.


When we entered the theatre, we were met with a wall of chatter. It was pretty full, so I got nervous about finding seats together. Jonghyun and Hea-Jung swept past us and the rest of us followed.


As we made our way past the rows of people, I felt Jinki's hand brushed mine. My heart fluttered. I almost had a heart attack when he actually grasped my hand. “We're falling behind, c'mon!” He chirped as he sped up, pulling me gently along.


We found ourselves at the completely empty front row. “Ugh,” I moaned. I could already feel the stiff neck I'd have by the end of the movie start to sink in...


This isn't going to be a problem, trust me!” Hea-Jung winked back at me as she took her seat. They certainly looked comfy. They weren't your standard movie theatre chairs; they were plush and... leather? Expensive.


Jonghyun and Hea-Jung took two seats just off-center, and Mi-Sun and Minho took the seats next to them. That left Jinki and I to take the next two seats just the this side off center. Once seated, I peered down the row at my friends, and saw their chairs slowly recline. I raised my eyebrows and found the button on my own chair. Once it was fully reclined, I found that Hea-Jung was right! No sore necks here! I could see the screen easily with my head cradled in the plush chair. I snuggled in and felt Jinki squeeze my hand.


We have a minute before the movie starts,” he said. “Would you like something from the snack bar?”


I, uh... Sure.” After having the sweet drink earlier, I was craving something salty. “Can I have a bag of Kkokkalcorn? And maybe... a bottle of water?”


Certainly! I'll be right back!” And with that, Jinki hurried off. I watched him until he reached the theatre door, admiring that lovely behind again.


When I returned my head to the front, my girls were walking over. Hea-Jung sat on the edge of Jinki's seat, and Mi-Sun perched herself on the arm rest in between the seats. I smiled at them, and they burst out laughing.


What?” I demanded, the smile fading.


We've just-” Mi-Sun got out between laughs, “Never quite- seen you like th-this!”


Hea-Jung calmed down first. “We were right though.”


Right about what?” I raised an eyebrow.


That this would be fun,” Mi-Sun chimed in.


Yeah, I'll give you that,” I admitted as I smoothed out my dress. “But you also said it would be just us three...”


Oh, should we tell the guys to leave, then?” Mi-Sun teased, but I fell for it.


NO!” I held my hands up in front of me and shook my head quickly. This spawned more laughter from the girls.


Mi-Sun patted my head as if I were a puppy, and I glared jokingly at her. But before I could figure out a retort, the lights started dimming. The girls waved and rushed back to their seats, and I looked around for Jinki. The crowd quieted down, and I saw no sign of my date.


My date. My date. My date. It felt so weird, but so cool.


I sat back and watched the first trailer come up on the screen.


And the second. And the third.


I started getting anxious. Where was Jinki? Did he get lost? The movie was starting and he wasn't back yet!


Then a string of sounds met my ears: THUMP! “Ow...” “SHUSH!” “Down in front!” “Sorry.”

Someone had bumped into my extended chair. I wasn't hurt, but I did jump a bit in surprise. The person then flopped down in Jinki's chair and leaned towards me.


Sorry that took to so long,” Jinki whispered into my ear, and sent shivers up my spine again.


It's OK,” I replied softly. “Thank you for getting these for me!” Jinki handed me my snack bag and set my drink in the cup holder between us.


You guys really need to shut up!” Someone yelled from behind us, and a couple people laughed. I didn't think we were being loud, so I pouted.


I was about to open my Kkokkalcorn bag when Jinki poked my shoulder. He was holding up his cell phone and pointing to it with his free hand.


He wants to text instead of talk! OK,” I thought to myself as I double-checked that my phone was on silent.


Within seconds, a text popped up.



[Do you have a KakaoTalk account? I like that better than texting. :)]


[Yes, I do!]


I then gave him my screen name and opened the chat program. I had to agree – KakaoTalk was super cute, and made the chatting experience more enjoyable than just regular texting. Once the program was finished loading, it alerted me that I had a new friend request, and I accepted.


Hello from alllll the way over here! XD

Oh my! How ever did you talk to me from so far away? ;P


I had to stifle my laughter. I knew Jinki liked to crack jokes, but I wasn't expecting to be greeted with one!


Did you know that I actually don't like going to the movies?

I heard, yes. Why not?

Because I move around a lot. I like to get snacks. I like to be able to pause what I'm watching.

That makes sense. So why come tonight?

So I could spend some time with you. :)


At that statement, I turned to look at Jinki with my mouth agape. He met my eyes shyly and nodded to confirm that he meant what he said. My eyes wondered down towards the arm rest in between us as I bit my lip and smiled.


I'm a very insecure person. What I wanted to type next was, “You know you don't have to 'date' me out of pity. If you don't want to do this, you don't have to.” I just couldn't believe that I could be this lucky. A large part of my brain was thinking that this was some huge prank they were all playing on me. But as movie rolled on, I found myself slowly believing that this was real.


Thank you so much! I'm glad you came.

Me too. I wish we could be whispering back and forth instead of typing, but that party pooper is pretty vocal.

Too true! That was pretty rude of him. I think that guy was louder than us!

I think you're right. Why didn't HE get in trouble?! XD

People, right? *rolls eyes *

Not all people are bad. ;)

Very true. :)


After that, we paid attention to the movie for a bit. The main zombie, who went by “R,” was a pretty snarky character. I found him pretty funny, as did Jinki, but not too many people laughed out loud at his narrations. Once he and the main girl, Julie, were together in his airplane hideout, other people laughed a lot as well at their awkwardness and body-gag-like jokes. I find it interesting what kinds of humor are more widely accepted in different places. In America, sarcasm is a huge hit, and here in South Korea, body gags and awkwardness seem to be more prevalent.


I finally opened my snack bag and popped the little horn-shaped pieces onto my fingertips. I ate them one at time off my fingers. As I was digging in the bag to refill my hand, my phone buzzed in my lap. It was another message from Jinki.


Did I get you the right kind?

Yes, thank you. :) They're so yummy!
Did you want some?


I offered him the bag. He shook his head and held up a slim box.


I'm more in the mood for something sweet than salty.
But thanks. :)

What do you have there? I can't read it in this light...


He poked my shoulder then, and I saw he had a thin, chocolate-covered stick held between his lips. He was facing me, and pointed to the stick.


A... Pepero* stick?” I cocked my head to the side to show my unspoken question. He nodded, pointed at the stick again,and leaned on the arm rest. He smiled around the stick.


I still wasn't quite sure what he was getting at (or, perhaps, I didn't want to get my hopes up...), so I opened my mouth a little and pointed inwards. “You want to share it with me... mouth-to-mouth?”


He nodded “yes” vehemently and leaned far over the armrest and into my seat. I only had to move my head a little bit to grab the end of the stick with my lips. Nervously, we crunched along the stick towards each other.


What I going to get my first kiss?


Get a room you two, geeze!” It was that same obnoxious person from before. I wanted to ignore him – desperately so – but the moment was gone. In our surprise from the sudden outburst, the stick broke, and Jinki slinked back into his chair.


I finished my part of the Pepero stick with my arms crossed and a frown on my face. It was yummy, yes, but I was really hoping we could have finished the Pepero game. Just thinking of what could have happened a few seconds ago brought me out of my pouty fit and the blush back to my cheeks, though. I mentally shook my head and told myself, “I must make the most of this night! Who knows if another opportunity like this will come along?”


My phone buzzed again.


Sorry about that.

What's there to be sorry about? You did nothing wrong.

But that guy yelled at us again... Then I kinda... retreated. So, sorry. ><;

Really, it's OK!


I put my hand gently on his upper arm to reassure him. He smiled at me weakly, then nodded to the movie screen. I looked up and saw that R's zombies friends were starting to come back to life like R himself. It was a really cool sight.


Then the terrifying “Bonies” came out of nowhere and frightened me so badly, I yipped. I heard Hea-Jung out-right scream, and I was glad I wasn't the only scared by that scene. I reached for my water bottle as I heard Mi-Sun cackle at Hea-Jung, and I rolled my eyes as I opened the drink.


I took a few sips, then replaced the cap. As I was setting the bottle back in the cup holder, I brushed against something warm – Jinki's hand. I took a sharp breath in as I dropped the bottle into the holder, and held that breath as the back of Jinki's hand rubbed mine.


It's OK,” he mouthed at me. I nodded anxiously, and he stopped his hand movement. After an awkward second, I pulled my hand back into my lap, where it instinctively went to my phone.


Just as I was sinking back into the movie, my phone vibrated.


What are you doing tomorrow?


Well, I certainly wasn't expecting that.


I still have my homework to do. Why?

I was wondering if you wanted to hang out, actually.


Be still, my heart!


But I still have homework, too. Want to have a little study session? :)

Yes please, Mr. Number-2-in-the-class! ;D


I'm not a dunce, but I'm no straight-A student, either.


Oh, so is THAT why you like me? Because I'm book-smart? ;D


I admire your intelligence.


I thought about what to say next. How do I tell him what I like about him without sounding like a creeper?


But I know there's more to you than that.
I've seen how kind you are to others.
And your constant positivity is infectious.
I look forward to getting to know you. :)

Aw, you're too sweet! ^///^


It was his turn to pause this time. What was going through his mind? He suddenly started to type furiously. I found myself entranced, watching his fingers fly across his phone screen. After... gosh, I don't even know how long, my phone buzzed in my hand and awoke me from my trance.


You should know that I've admired you for a long time now. I don't know how long you've liked me, but I took notice of you at the beginning of high school. I've really come to love how you DON'T strive to fit in. I also love that we have similar music tastes. I heard you singing one of my favorite songs to yourself one time, and decided then that I wanted to get to know you. But... I was too shy. I regret that shyness now; I really wish I had the courage to talk to you before.


I didn't even realize I was crying till I felt a tear drop roll off my chin and hit my shaking hand. I turned to Jinki with wide eyes and a large grin.


At that moment I didn't care if my make-up was running, if my hair was messed up, or if I had food in my teeth. I didn't care about the other people around us. All I cared about was that the guy I had been pining for - for so long - was sitting here next to me, smiling back at me.


I didn't know what to do next. We were both completely ignoring the movie at this point; we were too absorbed in each other to care about it anymore. Then Jinki opened his arms, and I snuggled up to him as best I could with the armrest in between us. Luckily it was plush enough that it didn't dig into my side.


I wrapped my arms around his waist, and his wound around my shoulders. I breathed in deeply – wow, his scent was addicting! - then let out a happy sob. Jinki petted my head softly and chuckled under his breath.


I felt my phone start going crazy in my lap. I giggled a bit, but didn't check it. I knew what was going on – my girls were blowing my phone up with texts again.


But I was finally with Jinki, so they would have to wait.


The moment was perfect, but once again, it was ruined by that jerk from a few rows back.


C'mon guys, knock it off and go get a hotel room! Some of us are trying to watch the damn movie!”


Jinki and I broke apart a bit, but his arm was still around my shoulder. Then Minho stood up next to Jinki. We both stared wide-eyed at him.


Oi!” He called in the general direction of the obnoxious voice. “Just because you're not getting laid tonight doesn't mean you can spoil other peoples' special moments!”


What the- Who says I'm not?!” The other guy stood up and we finally got a view of him. He looked like a wannabe thug. “Shut up, or get out!”


You're the one who started yelling,” Minho replied evenly, but loud enough. I could practically feel the simmering heat of massive annoyance radiating from him.


The next thing we knew, staff members with flashlights were surrounding us and the jerk. They made us grab our things and stand up. We were escorted to a different exit than the jerk and told we were not to re-enter the building, and we would not be getting our tickets refunded.


Cht!” Jonghyun made an annoyed noise as he kicked a pebble in the alley we had found ourselves in. “That other dude started it, why do we have to get punished, too?!”


I'm sorry I got us kicked out,” Minho hung his head, but we all could still see his red face. Either he was embarrassed or that guy really riled him up. Maybe both.


Hey man, it's OK,” Jinki patted Minho's shoulder with his free hand. He still had one arm wrapped around me. “Thanks for standing up for us.”


No problem,” Minho smiled a bit at us. I nodded my thanks.


That burn was pretty awesome,” Mi-sun approved, and Hea-Jung giggled. “Just sayin'.”


It did take him completely off-guard!” I joined my friends in giggling over the memory. Jinki hugged me closer, and I laughed louder. It didn't matter that we had just been kicked out of the theatre, I was still as happy as I'd ever been. I was with my best friends, my new friends, and my Jinki. Life was good.


* = Korean Pocky, pretty much.


Sorry for a much longer wait for this chapter than I thought. ^^; Hopefully its length and content make up for that, though! ;D


As always, please let me know what you think, good or bad! Thanks for reading! <3

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Thank you all so much for reading my stories. I appreciate it more than you will ever know. <3


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Chapter 16: Omg please update. This story literally gives me life. I have been so hooked to it the pass few days.
joonmonjagi #2
Chapter 16: Come on! I was looking for the next button and there wasn't one. Pleaseee. I need this in my life. Jinki do SOMETHING! Please update soon!
Jimmae #3
Chapter 16: OMG! Ji Eun and Jin Ki are really cute! Be waiting for the next update!
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: I think i just love your story! especially this story!!! *^^*
maybe cause I'm a girl with same problem of the "height" too~ ahahhahahahaha LOL!
i love it!! i love it!!
Chapter 13: AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! He said the L-word. O.O
Chapter 12: Hot! Possessive Jinki is just hot. And hot makeout sessions! :))
Chapter 11: Great chapter! I wish I could even understand Korean, let alone speak it. And poor Tae, he was only trying to help. :(
Chapter 10: Aw, they're so cute together. >.<

And oo, Taeminnie...
AhSongyi #9
Chapter 7: It's soooooo long~~!
but I still love it~ <3
AhSongyi #10
Chapter 6: Did you watched Warm bodies?It's cool~ :D